Blake Doflamingo stared at the empty door of the church, his eyes full of horror. He seemed to understand why Locke didn’t take him seriously.

Regardless of his identity and background, this guy has the strength to despise him.

Blake Doflamingo raised his hand, and two bodyguards immediately came out from the side door behind him, “Call an ambulance, send Huck to the hospital, arrange a car, I want to go home!”

After a while, Blake Doflamingo got into a black BMW 760 behind the church, and soon three black BMW 760s drove away from the church.

Blake Doflamingo sat in the back seat, his expression was uncertain, he took out tequila from the car refrigerator and poured himself a glass.

After drinking, his expression returned to calm, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, “Father, what can I do for you?”

Blake Doflamingo said: “I want to know the information of a person…”

In the F150 Raptor, Madeline Hill became silent after getting in the car, looking out the window with a gloomy expression.

Locke saw her like this, a little helpless, so he deliberately asked: “What is your relationship with Tony Gerard, a couple?”

Madeline Hill turned her head suddenly, stared at him coldly, and said with disgust: “Do you think everyone is like you, with only that thing in mind!”

Locke shrugged, he reached out to open the makeup mirror in front of the co-pilot seat, “Then why do you look like a dead man all the time today? Look at your current appearance, do you still look like the cold-blooded “Black Widow” of the Detective Bureau?”

“Look at what stupid things you have done today?”

“If I’m not mistaken, Tony Gerard called you this morning and told you the specific time they will be back, right!”

Madeline Hill looked ahead and said in a deep voice: “Do you know Tom Wei Why does Williams always look down on me? Because the position of captain of the second team should belong to Tony, but Tony gave it to me. Tom Williams thinks I don’t deserve it! ”

“Yes, I admit that even compared with Rip Sheldon and Samuel Cliff, I am still not qualified to be the captain in terms of qualifications and ability…”

“The reason why the second team has not failed in these years is because of Tony. This is an open secret of the Detective Bureau…”

“I know Tony has been suffering in these years, but when he really leaves, I don’t know if I can still carry the second team alone…”

“What I can’t accept is that Tony seems to have become a different person, and I don’t recognize him…”


Listening to Madeline Hill’s almost venting confession, Locke’s face was suddenly enlightened.

No wonder this woman reacted so strongly to Blake Doflamingo arranging people to surrender. She felt humiliated and looked down upon.

At this time, the F150 Raptor drove into the road where the police station was located. Madeline Hill suddenly turned her head and said, “Lunch break is coming soon. I don’t want to go back to the police station. Shouldn’t we go back after lunch?”

Locke turned his head to look at her and smiled, “No problem, I’ll treat you to Chinese food!”

Locke immediately drove past the police station and drove to East Hollywood. He remembered that there was a good Chinese restaurant there.

After lunch, the two naturally walked into a hotel for a lunch break. After a busy afternoon, it was reasonable to take a break.

As soon as she entered the room, all the reserve and aloofness of Madeline Hill disappeared. This woman became particularly active and wild. After biting for a while, she wanted to tear Locke’s clothes.

Locke hurriedly stopped her, “Don’t, we have to go back to the police station in the afternoon…”

After the clouds and rain dissipated, Madeline Hill lay in Locke’s arms in a daze, her body shaking uncontrollably, obviously still not recovered from the storm just now.

Locke was refreshed. He hadn’t felt so clear for a long time.

Madeline Hill really didn’t disappoint him. Whether it was physical fitness or body flexibility, she was far superior to Jennifer Grey.

However, because of long-term fitness, her muscles were very hard and felt bad, but firm.

Her lines and curves were beautiful, and there was no fat on her body.

Her skin was obviously weak and pale, but when you touch it, you can clearly feel the elasticity and strength of the texture.

At first, this woman was reckless and wanted to be on top. After a few strokes, she was overturned by Locke without a chance to resist.

Madeline Hill turned her head, stretched out her fingers to touch Locke’s abdominal muscles, and said in a hoarse voice: “I don’t want to lose this job, so our relationship cannot be made public. This should be what you want!”

Locke twisted something with his fingers. This woman was quite obedient, which made him get what he wanted and finally saw what he had been thinking about.

He replied: “No problem!”

Madeline Hill was just a sex buddy for him.He really didn’t want people to know about their relationship.

Also, this woman was a semi-finished product, and he could just try out a certain ability of a spiritual mentor.

Seeing Locke having a lot of fun, Madeline Hill frowned her eyebrows and asked, “Aren’t you afraid that I will bring you bad luck?”

Locke combed his hair with his hands and smiled, “There is an old Chinese saying that a man who knows the times is a hero, uh, no, even if you die under the peony flowers, you are still romantic!”

Madeline Hill poked Locke’s chest muscles with her fingers and asked curiously, “You don’t seem to have trained your muscles, why do you burst out with such strength?”

Her expression froze, she turned over and stared at Locke, “Are you Superman? Uh, Batman?”


Locke couldn’t help laughing, but he was stunned in his heart, it seemed that this was not wrong!

He pulled it, “If I am Batman, then what are you? Scarlet Witch!”

Locke hugged Madeline Hill’s waist, turned over and pressed her under him, and said, “I have always been curious about what your relationship with Tony Gerard is?”

At this moment, the two of them were frank and close combat, which was the opportunity to break the imprint of Tony Gerard in her heart.

Madeline Hill didn’t seem to want to talk about this at this time, but after feeling Locke’s toughness, she frowned and said, “Tony is not only a life mentor and a life partner for me, but also a friend who can entrust my family…” “Once, I thought I fell in love with him, but Tony relieved me, helped me to sort out our relationship, and made me know myself better…” “I respect him very much and rely on him very much. He is both a friend and a family member…” “But, but, I just found out recently that I don’t seem to understand him at all…” “He doesn’t seem to want me to understand him either, and actually believes in you more…” “I still don’t want to believe that Tony really did what happened to Connie…” “I’m very troubled, I don’t know how to face Tony…” “…” Under the dual interference of Locke’s physiology and psychology, Madeline Hill revealed her and Tony Gerard without reservation, and her expression was very relaxed. She told about her doubts and resistance to Tony Gerard, but this made her confused, as if she had lost her anchor in life. Locke seemed to want to penetrate Madeline Hill’s heart directly.

He asked: “Madeline, do you believe me?”

Madeline Hill stared at Locke, and her heart suddenly felt peaceful, as if something was stuffed into her heart.

She took the initiative to hook Locke’s neck, “Of course, otherwise, although you are a bastard, you are very reliable…”

Locke stared into her eyes and said tenderly: “Then what are you afraid of, what are you worried about, without Tony Gerard, there is still me. I will always be here…”

“Or, behind you…”

After saying that, he changed his posture.

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