Locke was instantly attracted by the extra storage box in the function card. He didn’t expect that Steve Chen could actually have a storage box.

He immediately used the storage box. After the storage space was superimposed, the space immediately became 125 square meters, which doubled.

Finally, a car can be put in!

Locke thought about it and gave up the idea of ​​storing a sports car in it. This car must be low-key and not so noticeable.

It must also be a performance car that can bring out his Los Angeles car god skills.

In the end, he chose a BMW 3 Series.

He immediately decided to let Victor Mendes modify a ghost car. The engine must be replaced and bulletproof modification must be made.

He needs both speed and protection.

Locke then set his sights on the four extra experience cards. Through these four cards, it can be seen that the CIA’s use of Steve Chen, in addition to China, also includes Japan and South Korea.

Locke’s heart moved, and the four experience cards lit up and disappeared instantly.

The experience of computer skill L3 has increased to 10 years, and there are still 5 years to upgrade.

Korean and Japanese experience cards are automatically added to the language talent, and the experience cards written by the psychological test are added to the spiritual mentor.

Locke is not sure how much experience is needed to upgrade the talent skill.

Computer (L3 Master ↑ 5 years of experience) → Computer (L3 Master ↑ 10 years of experience)

Language Master (L3 Transformation) → Language Master (L3 Transformation ↑ 10 years of experience)

Spiritual Mentor (L3 Transformation) → Spiritual Mentor (L3 Transformation ↑ 5 years of experience)

Now there is only the Japanese food learning card left. I can light up this card by watching a video tomorrow.

The Japanese food learning card can be revealed, which shows that Steve Chen has worked hard on this skill. Is this guy planning to disguise himself as a Japanese and go to China to open a Japanese food restaurant?

Locke looked at the storage space that became empty again, and couldn’t help but feel a little excited. Steve Chen did not kill the wrong person!

If he continues to brush the storage box card later, I don’t know how big the storage space can be expanded.

He was looking forward to the storage space being able to accommodate a helicopter one day.

Locke immediately took inventory of the items in the space and planned to add some new items.

However, when he saw the 2 tons of flour in the storage space, he felt a headache. This thing has really become a chicken rib for him now.

It’s a pity to throw it away, and it takes up space in the space.

Even if it is worth 70 million US dollars, it is useless to Locke.

In fact, he has Floyd Ross’s flour sales network, and he can still deal with this flour.

However, his bottom line does not allow him to resell flour.

Daisy Greenberg felt Locke’s excitement, hesitated for a moment, slowly opened her eyes, supported his chest and sat up, and then sat down again.

Locke came back to his senses instantly. This was the first time Miss Greenberg was so proactive. He looked at her clumsy movements in surprise and almost couldn’t help laughing.

Was this also taught by Jennifer Green?

In the morning, Locke accompanied Daisy Greenberg for dinner, and Juliet came to report some of their next itineraries.

Juliet held a tablet in her hand, “Miss, on Friday, people from Fidelity Investments will come to report on the investment income of the fund in the first half of the year…” Daisy Greenberg seemed not to hear and continued to eat her breakfast. Locke asked curiously, “Are you still investing?” He always thought that Daisy Greenberg’s wealth was mainly inherited from her parents. Daisy Greenberg looked up at Juliet, and Juliet immediately replied, “Miss, your investment income has been very good over the years, and you can ensure more than 35% income every year. In addition to Fidelity Investments, Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is also helping you manage your assets…” Daisy Greenberg put down her knife and fork, wiped her lips, and said, “Berkshire Hathaway’s investment income in Japan has always been very good. If you have funds, you can also invest some, but this time I only increased the quota by 20 million…” Locke was a little unaccustomed to the serious Daisy Greenberg, he nodded “Okay, I’ll let Skye contact Juliet later…”

Juliet then said to Locke, “Jacob Spielberg will hold a banquet in two weeks, and Butler Buffy hopes you can attend…”

Locke glanced at Daisy Greenberg and replied, “Okay, no problem!”

He also asked, “How are the preparations for the banquet at Lebeck going?”

Juliet replied, “We have introduced a professional service company to contact Miss Spiers. They have a professional service team that will be stationed in Hubble Manor first to inspect and maintain the rooms in the villa. The wine and food will be delivered from Los Angeles.Go…” Locke nodded, “good…” He knew that Skye Spears had been very busy recently, and had hired two assistants for himself, and sent one assistant to Lebec. After breakfast, Locke went to feed the bald eagle again. Seeing that Daisy Greenberg also stretched the dried meat to the mouth of the bald eagle without fear, he knew that she did this often. He couldn’t help but be a little stunned, realizing that he didn’t know as much about Daisy Greenberg as he imagined. In his subconscious, he always regarded her as a patient, and always felt that she isolated her true self in the room, and then used the split performance personality to deal with everything. On the way to the police station, Locke was a little silent and introspective. He didn’t seem to take the initiative to understand Daisy Greenberg. It seemed that the communication was not deep enough. But he could see that the woman herself became proactive. … In the morning, the second team was busy finishing up the USC Chinese student fraud case. The murder case of Steve Wells and the self-surrendered Daven Matt had been handed over to the Anti-gang and Anti-narcotics Division.

There were too many victims in the fraud case, and the masterminds were all dead. They also had to report to the Chinese Consulate, and there was a lot of paperwork to prepare. Fortunately, a new civilian Amanda Lewis was added.

The new member failed on the first day of joining the second team to go out on field duty, and was hit hard.

So today he worked extra hard, rushed to do a lot of things, and took the initiative to make coffee for everyone.

Locke drank coffee and whispered to Thaddeus Martin: “So not all black people are lazy…”

Thaddeus Martin replied: “Of course, laziness should not be a label for black people…”

His expression froze and he cursed: “Fuck, Locke, you are discriminating against black people! Bro, you are finished! I’ll give you ten seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7…”

Locke smiled bitterly, “Damn, I always subconsciously ignore that you are also black!”

Teddy Martin immediately stopped counting down and said speechlessly, “I don’t know if this sentence is a compliment or a derogatory term for me, uh, how many did I count just now?”

Locke hurriedly said, “I’ll treat you to Chinese food at noon, OK?”

Teddy Martin subconsciously shrank his anus and hesitated, “You can’t order the red dishes that time…”

Locke smiled and said, “You order the dishes, I pay the bill!”


Teddy Martin immediately shouted excitedly, “Guys, the generous Master Locke will treat everyone to Chinese food at noon today, and next we need to talk about which takeout to eat…”

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