Daisy Greenberg didn’t know whether she was stimulated by Locke or his question was too sensitive. She stiffened and turned her head to ask, “Do you really want to know?”

Locke hissed and stared at the woman’s beautiful eyes, “Of course!”

Daisy Greenberg looked at the night view of Beverly Hills in front of her and said calmly, “I don’t know who they are, but they should also be the murderers of Steve and Susan, because I was investigating the death of Steve and Susan when I had the accident…”


Locke’s heart skipped a beat. Although he had guessed that the plane crash of Steve Greenberg and Susan Goetzman might not be an accident, he was still shocked.

Steve Greenberg is the eldest son of the Greenberg family in California!

Susan Goetzman is from a Russian-Jewish family and is not an ordinary person!

Who dared to kill them?

Why didn’t Henry Greenberg take revenge when his son and daughter-in-law were killed?

Instead, he let the murderer go unpunished and continue to kill his granddaughter.

Daisy Greenberg continued, “Henry should know who the murderer is, but he never told me!” She turned her head again and looked at Locke, “In fact, I have guessed it a long time ago. Last time, I just started an investigation to confirm my guess. I hired the Pinkerton Detective Agency…” “…” Locke’s back suddenly felt a little cold, and he naturally guessed it. No wonder the California Greenberg family became low-key after the death of Steve Greenberg and his wife, and also covered up the cause of death of Steve Greenberg and his wife. No wonder the Greenberg family did not react at all when Daisy Greenberg was attacked last time, and let the case become an unsolved case! The only thing that can scare Jews, except for the mustache, is the Jews themselves. So is the murderer the country that now represents Jewish orthodoxy, or a Jewish organization? It should be the latter! Juliet and Solomon, as well as the security of the manor, are mostly retired Mossad agents, which is enough to prove that the Greenberg family has a close relationship with Israel. Locke doesn’t know much about Jews, but he also knows that there are many different factions and branches within the Jews. Not all Jews in the United States support Israel.

Not all Jews support the Zionist movement.

Locke asked, “Who is Steve? What did he do?”

What did Steve Greenberg do to get himself killed? Henry Greenberg didn’t even dare to avenge him!

Daisy Greenberg replied in a low voice, “I want to know, but Henry and Love warned me not to try to understand what happened!”

She turned around and faced Locke, saying seriously, “I didn’t lie to you!”


Locke thought of Daisy Greenberg’s reaction to this question before, and his expression was a little embarrassed. It turned out that she really didn’t know!

I didn’t expect that the result of his previous reasoning would infinitely advance the truth, but this time, talking about this matter openly and honestly was a great progress.

He made up his mind to talk to Henry Greenberg when the time was right.

OK, since this matter is over, it’s his turn next.

Locke put his arm around Daisy Greenberg’s waist and said calmly, “You mentioned buying Berkshire Hathaway’s investment fund today. I do have some idle funds here, which are my spoils of war, but they are all in cash. You know what I mean, right? How should I operate?”

The stock god Buffett has been committed to investing in Japan in recent years and is also one of Japan’s largest overseas bond underwriters.

Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has always had high returns in the Japanese market, so Berkshire Hathaway’s investment fund shares have always been in short supply, after all, it is a sure win.

In fact, Berkshire Hathaway is one of the representatives of Wall Street capital harvesting Japan.

It’s not that Locke had never thought about using the Greenberg family’s relationship to launder money before. For such an old money family, there are too many channels for money laundering.

It’s just that there was always a gap before, and the trust was not enough, so he didn’t dare to expose these ill-gotten gains.

Daisy Greenberg looked up at him, her face calm, and asked, “How much?”

Locke replied, “About 200 million US dollars…”

He didn’t tell the whole story. He still has about 300 million in cash. When he goes to Mexico in a while, this number may double.

Daisy Greenberg’s expression finally fluctuated a little, her ice-blue eyes flashed, and she replied, “If you don’t want to pay too much for 200 million, the cycle may be longer, but we can operate 50 million first. You actually have a good project…”

Locke asked curiously, “What project?”

DaisyWest Greenberg said: “The variable compression ratio turbocharger you put in the Mendes repair shop…” Locke suddenly said: “I understand!” He also wanted to use this turbocharger to make a big move before, such as finding a modified team to challenge from the West Coast to the East Coast, hype up the popularity of the turbocharger, and then find an overseas shell company to buy it at a high price. However, various things have happened during this period, and this matter has not been promoted. Daisy Greenberg should have learned about the turbocharger from Sarah Mendes. Alas, Sarah is not at the same level in front of Miss Greenberg. Daisy Greenberg continued: “We need to set up a charity fund. You donate the patent of the turbocharger to the charity fund, and then let the Wall Street investment bank evaluate the patent with a high valuation, and then sell the turbocharger to those who need it. It’s very simple!” Locke’s mouth twitched. It sounds very simple, but this kind of high-end game is not something that ordinary people can play. He now has no way to get Wall Street investment banks to endorse him. Even if he can spend money to get this done, many links will be beyond his control and the risk factor will be very high.

The idea of ​​setting up a charity fund is the same as his father’s idea before. Donating the album to the charity fund can avoid high transaction income tax.

He poked the woman’s belly, “Well, it’s really simple. What about the rest?”

Daisy Greenberg replied: “For the rest, we can go to the stock market to operate. We just need to hype up a junk stock. Wall Street is very good at this operation…”

Locke hesitated for a while, but still said: “Maybe you can invest in a company. Have you heard of Derek Used Car Company?”

He spent a lot of energy on this company, just thinking about whitewashing this company.

So he had already thought about how to take over this company. Acquiring this company is also a good way to launder money.

Daisy Greenberg shook her head. She obviously wouldn’t pay attention to a used car company, even if this company was ranked in the top three in Los Angeles. .

Locke said, “I have always intended to buy this company. My biggest problem now is that I can’t legalize the money in my hand to acquire this company…” He briefly introduced the situation of Derek Used Car Company and said frankly that most of the company’s shares were in the hands of three overseas offshore companies, and he could acquire the shares of these three companies. The three offshore companies registered in the British Virgin Islands were also under his control, so this transaction was actually a transfer from left hand to right hand. He asked Jimmy Collyat to return to Los Angeles to cooperate with Sean Pierce to transfer the shares held by Peter Turner to the other two offshore companies. Some documents needed to be sent to Sean Pierce. The Locke family did not have enough foundation in Los Angeles, and Marian’s law firm had just been established and was limited in scale. If they had a main company with assets of hundreds of millions, their family’s status in Los Angeles would be taken to a higher level and would no longer rely on the influence of the Greenberg family. There were further ideas for Derek Used Car Company. If the company was listed and the plate was expanded, then perhaps he could use this company to establish a deeper interest relationship. Only by forming a community of interests can the relationship of interests become more solid.

For example, Harry Thomas, Enrique Gonzalez, Hunter Morris, Andrew O’Hara, Jeff Davis, Benjamin Morris and others.

Isn’t this how Paul Perozzi got his title of stock god?

The stock market has always been the best channel for transferring benefits!

Daisy Greenberg pondered for a moment, “If so, then acquire a trust fund, and use the trust fund to acquire the shares held by the three offshore companies. As for the funds, I can inject the funds first, and then we can deposit the cash in the designated bank…”

Locke was stunned and said, “So simple?”

For money laundering, the biggest problem is that the money cannot come out of thin air.

If it is cash, it will be more difficult, because large-scale storage has always been the biggest problem, which is why drug dealers can only watch the cash mold in the safe.

Daisy Greenberg paused and smiled, “It’s very simple, but this matter needs to be reported to Henry. The Greenberg family owns 1.2% of Wells Fargo’s shares…”


Locke suddenly realized that it was no wonder that such a large amount of cash could be deposited directly.

He immediately thought of another thing. The last time Li Bo acquired two farms through Grace Liz’s ex-husband Depp Howard, that is, Besquefield, through the president of Wells Fargo, the accounts should have been mastered by the Greenberg family..

At that time, Li Bo obtained 60 million US dollars from Wells Fargo through a series of serial mortgages, mortgaging Locke Farm and gold, and then used the money to buy the 3,700-acre land of Meridian Farm.

Then he mortgaged Meridian Farm and borrowed 37 million US dollars from Wells Fargo to buy the 4,065-acre farm of Alvin Farm.

The amount of the loan of the Locke family is inconsistent with the actual money used to acquire the farm, which can only mean that their family has additional sources of funds.

Seeing that Locke did not speak, Daisy Greenberg said, “If you don’t want Henry to know, I can use my trust fund to operate this matter first. When you are ready, I will sell you the shares…”

Locke shrugged, “Do you think Henry won’t know if you don’t say it? You must know that this manor is full of his spies, just watch! When we come back from Lebec, I will bring the money to the manor first!”

He was relieved immediately. After seeing this, he didn’t need to worry about money laundering anymore.

The problem that had troubled him for a long time was finally solved. It was because of this problem that he had not purchased any goods for a long time.

He could not help but look forward to the upcoming trip to Mexico.

Solomon Guzman was a drug lord who had been in power in Mexico for more than 20 years. His vault would obviously not let him down.

That night, Locke slept with Daisy Greenberg in his arms.

But they talked a lot, and their relationship went a step further.

The next morning, Locke did not have breakfast at Greenberg Manor and left early.

He first went back to the police station to change his car to an F150 Raptor. He drove a Lincoln Continental back last night, and it would be safer to drive an F150 Raptor back to Lebec.

Sarah Mendes told him that the bulletproof modification of the newly purchased Mercedes-Benz G63 was also completed, but he had no time to go to pick up the car these days.

In the future, he will probably drive these three cars to work, and will no longer drive a supercar to the police station to show off.

Victor also told him that the Mercedes-Benz G55 converted into a mobile armored vehicle was completed, and asked him to go and inspect the car when he had time.

Back at home in Beverly Hills, Locke saw a light blue Maserati MC20 Cielo parked on the side of the road as soon as he got out of the car. This should be Alice Locke’s new car.

However, he did not see Rand Locke’s Mercedes-Benz AMG GTR Green Devil.

Locke walked into the villa and immediately saw Rand Locke and Alice Locke chatting and laughing with Jet and Hannah at the dining table, while Marian was still busy in the kitchen.

He smiled and greeted, “Hi Guys…”

“Wow, Who is this? Our Locke family’s detective is finally back!”

Rand Locke put down his knife and fork and rushed towards Locke, “Fuck, Locke, you have changed. You would rather accompany your girlfriend than me. You make me so sad…”

Although he complained about Locke, he gave him a big hug to express his excitement.

Locke was a little speechless. This was the first time he and Rand Locke met, but he had already felt the relationship between cousins.

He smiled and said, “That’s why you’re still single!”

Rand let go of Locke and asked in confusion, “What do you mean by single?”

At this time, Alice Locke also came over with a ladylike smile on her face. She also hugged Locke and said reservedly, “Thank you for your gift, Locke, I like it very much!”

“As long as you like it!”

Locke sent it to Alice, glanced at her towering chest, and said in surprise, “Alice, you seem to have grown up a little!”

The smile on Alice Locke’s face stagnated instantly, and she gave him a middle finger and turned back to the dining table.

Locke shrugged and smiled at Rand, “I’m still used to her like this…”


Rand Locke put his arm around Locke’s shoulder and laughed happily. They could bully their sister together again.

At this time, Marian came out with a bowl of seafood fried noodles and asked Locke, “Have you had breakfast?”

Locke pushed Rand Locke away and greeted him, “No, I came back specially to eat the breakfast you made…”

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