After dinner, in the cigar room on the second floor, there were still only four sofas in the room, and Locke still didn’t have a sofa.

But this time there were two more high stools.

Henry gave his sofa to his younger brother Glenn, and he and Locke sat on the high stools. In Henry’s words, they had long legs and it was more comfortable to sit on the high stools.

Compared with last time, Jester’s cigar cabinet had a lot more cigars. He asked Locke to take out a box of Cohiba, personally handed one to Li Bo, and then handed the box to Glenn.

Glenn directly handed the cigar box to Henry, and Henry took one and looked at Locke.

Locke shook his head hurriedly, he could no longer look directly at the cigar.

Jester skillfully cut the cap of the cigar, handed the cigar cutter to Li Bo, pointed to the cigars in the cabinet, and said proudly: “These cigars were sent by Locke, I don’t have to buy cigars myself in the future!” Locke smiled and said: “Of course, Grandpa, I will take care of all your cigars in the future!” When the Malibu villa was replenished with wine, cigars and other supplies, Locke also asked Skye Spears to buy some high-end cigars and send them to Lebec. Jester lit a cigar and sighed: “It’s a pity that Chester will never have the opportunity to sit here and taste cigars with me again!” Several people knew the deep friendship between Jester and Chester Horton, and couldn’t help but sigh that things have changed. Jester sighed again: “So being alive is the most important thing!” Soon the room was filled with smoke, and Marian took the lead in breaking the silence and asked: “Dad , what should we do next? ”

Chester looked calm and asked, “What should we do next?”

Marianne glanced at Henry who was smoking, “Henry said that there were more than a dozen strangers at Horton Farm. Locke asked the FBI to get Ronald’s information in the First Fleet. Ronald was a lieutenant in the Marine Corps before. Those people might be his comrades in the Marine Corps…”

Jester frowned, “Today’s family meeting seems to be about Todd introducing the current situation of the family and the establishment of a charitable fund by the family…”

Marianne was stunned and frowned, “Then Ronald will not be taken care of?”

Li Bo reached out and grabbed his wife’s hand, and said slowly: “Mary, I have discussed it with Jester, and I also know Locke and your concerns. Ronald Horton and Horton Farm may be hostile to Locke Farm one day, but not now. Ronald Horton has more urgent enemies to face…”

“Even Locke Farm should support Ronald Horton now. After all, the relationship between Jester and Chester is very important to everyone. Everyone knows it!”

“Jester has just been elected as the chairman of the Livestock Association. It is hard to say whether other farms in Lebeck really support him. Ronald Horton is needed to muddy the water…”

“It can be predicted that Ronald Horton will confront Tim Reynolds and John Brown next…”

“Although Jonathan Hubble’s previous attack on Locke and William Horton was instigated by these two people, unlike Jonathan Hubble’s family, there is no blood feud between them, but Ronald can’t do nothing…”

“Of course, Ronald Horton wants to continue the Horton family in Lebeck, so he dare not do things to the extreme, so it is highly likely that he will not repeat what happened to Susan Hubble and her four daughters in Lebeck…”

“Once a conflict occurs between the three farms, Lebeck will be in turmoil again. Other farms don’t want to see such a situation. In the end, Jester will need to come out to arbitrate…”

“This will help improve Jester’s reputation…”


Locke looked at his father in surprise. He had figured it out when he was in the car.

As long as the fact that he killed Jonathan Hubble is not exposed, there will be no conflict between the Locke family and the Horton family in the short term.

However, he did not think as much as his father did, and thought so deeply.

He did not expect that Jester had already discussed this issue with his father.

Locke looked at Jester again. In the smoke, his grandfather’s expression was cold and deep.

After serving as the chairman of the Animal Husbandry Association, Jester was more majestic and more difficult to see through than before.

Jester knew that he killed Jonathan Hubble, and he knew what would happen once Ronald Horton knew about it.

Therefore, his grandfather should be on guard against Ronald Horton like him.

However, in front of people and behind people, his grandfather always showed that he wanted to protect Ronald Horton.

It must be said that Jester’s true thoughts are hidden so deeply!

Locke was even more curious about his father’s reaction. In the past, at such family meetings, his father would only speak in the professional field. Today, this posture directly dominated the meeting.

It seems that during this time in Lebeck, he has participated more in the family affairs, which has made him more confident.

Seeing that Henry and Glenn looked thoughtful after his father’s words, Locke couldn’t help but think of a word.

Military Advisor?

After Li Bo finished speaking, he whispered to his wife: “Didn’t we discuss this matter? Why are you so impatient again?”

Marianne looked a little embarrassed and annoyed. She glared at Locke and Henry, “Didn’t Henry suddenly say that there were more than a dozen people in Horton Manor, and Locke said that they were all from the Marine Corps and could attack any farm!”

She looked serious, “Our whole family is here this time. With such an armed force in Lebec, how can I feel at ease!”

Locke looked at Marian and laughed. It seems that his character is more inherited from his mother!

If there is danger, it must be nipped in the bud!

He admitted that what his father said was right, but logical reasoning is always logical reasoning!

People’s hearts are unpredictable!

What if Ronald Horton suddenly went crazy!

Why should they take this risk!

Seeing that Li Bo wanted to continue explaining, Jester said, “Okay, you guys can discuss this topic in private. Let’s talk about business first. Todd, you can start now!” Li Bo took out a tablet from behind him, opened it, and introduced, “Meridian Farm and Alvin Farm have been officially taken over by us. The total area of ​​Locke Farm is now 9,620 acres, which is 3,890 hectares…” He glanced at Locke, “If Hubble Farm is added, the total area will reach 13,570 acres. Uh, there is also the 40 acres newly purchased by Besquefield for the construction of the manor, a total of 13,610 acres, the area of ​​Locke Farm is Basquefield will rank third…”

“Among the 13,570 acres of land, the largest area is cultivated land, reaching 8,700 acres, of which Meridian has 5,500 acres of cultivated land, Hubble Farm also has 2,200 acres of cultivated land in Meridian, and Alvin Farm has only 3,200 acres of cultivated land…”

“The pasture area is 2,800 acres, the garden area is 1,500 acres, and the farmhouse area remains unchanged, still only 170 acres…”


Marian saw that it was inconvenient for Li Bo to hold the cigar in his hand, so she took it, took a puff, and blew out smoke rings skillfully, with a somewhat excited look.

When Locke saw this scene, he inexplicably thought of Grace Liz.

If his mother stayed in Lebec, she would probably become like Aunt Grace.

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