Because of John Brown’s sudden visit, Locke and his team lost interest in continuing to visit Hubble Manor. After John Brown left, they decided to go back.

Matthew was worried, so he called two pickup trucks from the farm below and personally led the team to send them back to Locke Farm.

On the way back, Locke’s F150 Raptor was sandwiched in the middle, feeling very safe.

Marian lowered the window to let in the wind for a while, and then closed it after she was far away from Hubble Farm. She frowned and said, “Although John Brown’s words are unreliable, he is right about one thing. Lebec has finally calmed down, and it can’t be chaotic again…” “If every time we go out, we have to mobilize so many people and guard against this and that, it will be too boring!” She tightened Li Bo’s hand and said seriously, “You should go back to Los Angeles with me first. Don’t go back to Lebec until this matter is completely resolved!” Li Bo felt the deep concern and held his wife’s hand in reverse, “I will listen to you. Next, I will focus on the charity foundation and find a suitable managed hotel for the resort. It doesn’t matter whether I am in Lebec or not…” Locke smelled the sour smell again, coughed, and asked, “Mum, do you think Ronald Horton will agree to John Brown’s proposal?” John Brown just said a lot, and finally opened his chips. He is willing to sell the Brown family’s ranch in Lebec to the Horton family, and their family will move to Besquefield. Brown Farm has 820 hectares of land, or 2,025 acres, ranking fifth in Lebec.

800 acres of it are pastures, and the remaining 1,200 acres are arable land, located in Lamont, Besquefield.

In the original incident, except for the three parties involved, no one knew what role John Brown and Tim Reynolds played in that incident.

However, it is certain that it was Jonathan Harper who initiated the plan and action.

If what John Brown said was true, he just promised Jonathan Harper and promised to support him afterwards.

Then he was willing to sell the Lebec ranch to the Horton family and withdraw from Lebec to settle the feud with the Horton family, which was also sincere.

Marian leaned on Li Bo’s shoulder and said casually: “I don’t know, let’s see what your grandfather says! Anyway, you don’t tell me a lot of things now, and I don’t know what your plan is…” Li Bo frowned and said: “I always feel that John Brown’s words are not credible, too high-sounding. There is an old saying in China that great loyalty seems to be treacherous. He looks compassionate and for the overall situation, but no one knows what he hides in his heart!” “Of course, it is not ruled out that he was frightened by Ronald Horton’s methods…” Locke twitched his mouth, glanced at the rearview mirror, and asked: “Dad, then what do you want to express?” Both the positive and negative words were said. So what is the real intention of these words! Is John Brown credible or not? Li Bo’s face froze, and he smiled awkwardly: “Isn’t this analysis!”


Marian laughed so hard that her body shook. After sitting up straight, she smiled and said: “This is what I am most dissatisfied with your father. In most cases, after he expressed his opinion, he would always add a reverse opinion.”

“I know this may be a unique caution of the Chinese, because no matter how the situation develops, you can be invincible!”

“But this will make you lose your position!”

She held Li Bo’s hand tightly and said seriously: “Honey, I need you stronger! Just like today you suggested to convert Hubble Manor into a resort hotel, Locke and I will support you, forget everything you have experienced in KPMG, each of us will listen to your voice!”

Locke also echoed: “Yes, Dad, we will all support you!”

At this time, Locke’s phone rang. He took a look and saw that it was Hei Lu Dan calling.

He hesitated for a moment, but still answered the phone. There was nothing sensitive that Marian and Li Bo could not know recently.

“Inspector Morris, is there any good news?”

Hunter Morris replied: “Sorry, it’s bad news. There is no Tim Reynolds in Texas, nor any information about Tim Reynolds’ family in Texas. I can be sure that he did not move to Texas…”

“I will expand the search range next, and there should be news soon!”

After hanging up the phone, Locke looked in the rearview mirror and found that Marian and Li Bo were also looking at him in surprise.

Tim Reynolds sold the farm and moved his family to Texas. This is well known in Lebec.

I didn’t expect this to be a smoke screen.Bullet.

Tim Reynolds is indeed an old fox!

After returning home, Marian called Jester to the study and repeated John Brown’s words.

She asked, “Dad, why didn’t you agree to help John Brown mediate this matter?”

Jester frowned and said, “He didn’t say he wanted to trade the ranch yesterday. Also, why did he ask you to convey it? Instead of coming to me directly!”

Marian hesitated and said, “Is it because he is afraid that you will continue to refuse?”

Jester was noncommittal, “How did he know that you went to Hubble Manor?”

Marian’s expression turned cold, “Henry is checking, there is a high probability that there is a traitor among the new cowboys!”

Jester walked to the window and said in a deep voice, “Although these people have been reviewed for their backgrounds, there are inevitably omissions. It is normal to have John Brown’s spies…”

At this time, his cell phone rang. The call was from Henry. He answered the phone, “What’s the matter?”

Henry said, “Dad, I already know that bastard. It’s Cook Harris!”

Jester was a little surprised, “How did you find out?”

Henry replied, “The bastard has already run away. Who else could it be but him! I was just about to take people to catch him back…”

Jester raised his eyebrows and said coldly, “Forget it, This matter ends here!” He has understood that John Brown took the initiative to expose Cook Harris, which should be to express his sincerity. Otherwise, he would not expose a spy who broke into Locke’s farm in such a simple matter. After hanging up the phone, Jester turned his head and said, “Go and call Locke in!” Marian frowned in dissatisfaction, but turned around and went out. As soon as she came out, she saw Locke leaning on the corridor on the second floor waiting for her to come out. She naturally guessed that there was something between Locke and Jester that was hidden from her. She glared at Locke, “Jester asked you to come in!” Locke was almost amused by his mother’s angry look, but he didn’t dare to laugh. He slipped into his grandfather’s study sideways! After Locke closed the door, Jester asked, “What do you think?” Locke replied, “John Brown is definitely problematic. I just received information from the FBI. They didn’t find Tim Reynolds and his family in Texas…” Jester nodded and made a call, “Ronald…”

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