Marian followed Grace Liz to the terrace on the right side of the villa. Standing on the terrace, she could see the scenery of Liz Farm.

As the second-ranked farm in Lebeck, the Liz family naturally chose a prime place to build a ranch.

Liz Farm was built at the foot of the mountain, with the forest behind it. There was a stream winding down the mountain, bypassing the right side of the villa, extending to the ranch farther away, and finally going straight down to join the Casstark Lake.

Marian looked along the stream to the end, turned her head and asked curiously: “What’s going on between you and Depp now?”

She knew very well how much Grace hated Depp Howard.

Grace Liz showed a disgusted look and said self-deprecatingly: “This bastard actually said he wanted to pursue me again. If Lilith hadn’t stopped me, I would have shot him…”

Marian was stunned for a moment and asked: “So has he changed his gender? Has he become heterosexual again?”

Grace Liz said coldly: “Lilith said this might be called double plugs!”


Marian immediately covered her mouth with a distorted expression.

Grace Liz stared at her coldly, “Laugh if you want to, you jealous bitch!”


Marian couldn’t help it anymore, and laughed wantonly on Grace Liz’s shoulder without caring about her cold face.

After laughing, Marian wiped her tears and said hesitantly: “Grace, maybe you can try to start over. I can feel that Lilith is very happy recently. I thought she came to Los Angeles, but now I realize that it is because Depp is pursuing you. Your family can be reunited again…”

“It has been so many years, hasn’t the hatred in your heart dissipated yet?”


Grace Liz’s face trembled, and she said coldly: “If it weren’t for Lilith, do you think I would let this disgusting guy step into the farm?”

“Mary, I will never forget that day. I watched my beloved husband being anally raped by a strange man, and everything was shattered…”

“I will never forget the harm this bastard brought to us mother and daughter!”

“If he wasn’t Lilith’s father, I would have buried him in the ranch long ago!”

“I know I am very selfish and cruel, and I have never allowed them to meet…”

“After all, Lilith was only 5 years old at that time, and I know she has always lacked fatherly love…”


Marianne heard the determination in Grace’s words, and hurriedly hugged her to comfort her, apologetically saying: “Okay, my fault, I won’t say such things again!”

Grace Liz said coldly: “Being able to let him appear on the farm is already my biggest concession!”

Marianne saw that Grace was very calm, so she said again: “But with Depp’s current status and charm, what kind of him is, uh, you should understand what I mean, so if he pursues you again, will it really be because of love!”

“Love is bullshit!”

Grace Liz sneered: “I couldn’t keep him when I was young, do you think we will fall in love now that I am like this?”

Her face suddenly froze, and her expression began to change, as if she had discovered something.

Marianne saw her bestie’s face, was stunned for a moment, and also reacted.

She stared at Grace Liz’s face full of flesh. Her feminine charm had almost disappeared. Her expression was fierce and resolute. She looked like she was not easy to mess with.

Grace Liz had already reacted and was full of anger. “I’m going to kill him!!!”

“Don’t be impulsive!!!”

Marianne hugged her tightly and shouted, “Think about Lilith. What will happen to Lilith if something happens to you?”

Grace Liz was so angry that she trembled all over. “Mary, is this my fate? It’s not enough that he humiliated me once, but he humiliated me a second time…”

Marianne suddenly didn’t know what to say, because the truth was really ridiculous and bloody.

She comforted Grace for a long time, and Grace slowly calmed down.

Marian asked suddenly: “Grace, do you really still hate him now?”


Grace Liz froze, and after a few seconds of silence, she said: “Mary, although so many years have passed, I am sure that I still hate him, so it is impossible for us to get back together. I will drive this disgusting thing away later!”

“But I won’t stop Lilith from seeing him anymore. After all, they are father and daughter. However, this bastard will never step into the farm again!”

Grace Liz broke away from Marian and prepared to go back to the villa to drive Depp Howard away.

The reason why her gay ex-husband came back was that he was attracted by her male characteristics, which was absolutely a humiliation for her.

MaryAnn held her hand again, “Grace…” Grace Liz said solemnly: “Mary, don’t persuade me anymore…” “No, I don’t want to persuade you, but I just came up with an idea!” Marian stared at Grace Liz, her expression became a little strange, she moved closer, and tempted like a devil: “Grace, I know you have always wanted to take revenge on Depp, but because of Lilith, you can only suppress all the hatred in your heart. I think there is a chance now…” Grace Liz was puzzled: “What do you mean?” Marian hesitated when the words came to her lips, but finally said: “Grace, I know how you have been through these years. I remember you said that Depp is P. Maybe you can take this opportunity to vent the hatred that has accumulated in your heart over the years…” She knew too well how Grace had been through the past twenty years. Depp Howard hurt her too much, causing her to hate all men. She has been solving her physiological problems by herself over the years. Marian gave her the latest toys as gifts on Christmas. Grace Liz looked like she had seen a ghost, “Fuck, what kind of a bastard idea is this…” “Yes, fuck!!! Then dump this bastard!!! Let him kneel on the ground and beg you…” “…” Grace Liz stared at Marian blankly, and said unhappily: “Why do you have such a disgusting idea?” Marian said viciously: “I am helping you to get revenge! Don’t you want to fuck Depp hard? Imagine him screaming under you…” “Stop!!!” Grace Liz naturally saw Marian’s bad taste, and immediately had a cold face, but the picture appeared in her mind involuntarily, and she said unhappily: “You bitch are still as vicious as before! When William Horton wanted to pursue you, you actually made a cake for him with cow dung…” A gleam of light flashed in her eyes, “You like to play, right! There is something I have never known how to say, and I think it is the right time to say it. I want Locke and Lilith to have a child…”


Marian was stunned and said, “Locke already has a girlfriend, you know!”

Grace Liz shrugged and said, “Of course I know, it’s a Jewish old money family in San Francisco! I mean to let Lilith borrow Locke’s sperm. Lilith is destined not to take over the farm. I have completely despaired of her, so I want her to have a child as soon as possible. Locke’s genes are the best I have seen so far…”

“Are you crazy?”

“I am serious!!!”

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