The Mendes repair shop is located in a remote area and surrounded by a mountain of abandoned cars. It is a good place to practice shooting.

Since there is no better solution for the time being, let’s improve their combat capabilities first.

After Locke fired a few shots with a pistol and a rifle, he instantly conquered Victor and Reid, turning them into good students who were humble and pleasing to the eye.

Sarah Mendes’ eyes were full of stars, and her admiration for Locke went a step further.

Both the pistol and the rifle were at the L3 master level, and he was a perfect sharpshooter, not to mention shooting fixed targets, which was simply child’s play.

Then Locke stayed for an hour, teaching Victor and Reid how to use rifles and shotguns respectively, and also taught Sarah how to shoot a pistol.

After explaining the basic shooting posture and precautions of the rifle, Locke demonstrated it several times and said, “You two have good talents, but you still need to practice more and develop a sense of the gun, so that you won’t be in a hurry in an encounter…”

After that, he glanced at Sarah Mendes, whose cheeks were flushed next to him, and shook his head.

This girl is really too stupid. I just stood behind her and taught her step by step, but she was getting more and more crooked.

Seeing that the three were very excited about the shooting, Locke didn’t let them send him off. He waved and said hello, then got in the car and left in a hurry.

After Reid emptied the magazine, he turned his head and said to Victor who was loading the Remington M870: “This kid seemed to be taking advantage of Sarah just now, and Sarah didn’t resist…”

Victor’s eyes twitched, his face was gloomy, and he fired a shot. He pulled the front handguard back and ejected a shell, “If he dares to play with Sarah, I will shoot him!”

Reid changed a magazine and said frustratedly: “But we can’t beat him!”

Beside him, after the redness of Sarah Mendes’ ears slowly dissipated, the bullets she fired were getting closer and closer to the target.

The whole person was immersed in another adrenaline rush besides racing.

Soon after leaving the Mendes repair shop, Locke called David with a stern look. He didn’t expect that his last move would implicate the Mendes brothers and sisters and put them in danger.

David started to scold as soon as he answered the phone, “Where have you been, Gary just called me to ask if you were going or not, he was about to close the shop…”

Locke made an evasive move and replied, “I’m on the way, but something happened and delayed me.”

David asked tactfully, “What’s the matter?”

Locke said, “Do you remember the last time I was attacked while repairing a car? In the end, it was the West Canyon Police Department that handled this case…”

When he was teaching the gun just now, he easily got Martin’s background information. This guy is from a gang called the Smith Family in Fullerton City. It is active on the outskirts of Los Angeles and is a very small gang organization.

The construction company that wants to occupy the land of the Mendes repair shop is from Fullerton City. The relationship between the two is clear at a glance.

He asked, “Do you know anyone to say hello to?”

David hesitated for a moment and replied, “I want to ask, I don’t know anyone in Fullerton…”

“Ok, thank you!”

Thinking of asking David for help, Locke guiltily told him about the phone call from Catherine Murphy.

Locke thought David would warn him to stay away from Catherine as before, but he didn’t expect him to be silent this time, “David, are you okay?”

David said in a low voice, “Catherine has always felt that her mother’s soul has not left, and has been living with us at home…”

Locke was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder Catherine wants to see ghosts!

No wonder David said that Catherine couldn’t accept other women appearing at home!

After ending the call with David, Locke hesitated for a while, and finally made a call.

“Hello, Chief Tom, I’m Locke Lee. We met at Mendes’ repair shop last time…” Tom Bolton obviously remembered Locke and asked directly, “Are you here for the last case?” Five minutes later, Locke thanked Tom Bolton and hung up the phone. According to Tom Bolton’s explanation, in the last case, one of Martin’s brothers took all the blame, including contraband, so the others were allowed to be released on bail. As for Victor Mendes’ suspicion that someone in the West Canyon Police Department was colluding with the owner of the construction company, Locke would naturally not be stupid enough to ask about it. In addition to wanting to know why Martin and his team came out, he also wanted to know if there were any violations in the process of his coming out. Now it seems that everything is legal and compliant. However, Locke had just experienced a legal and compliant violation himself, and he knew whether other police stations had such a shameless operation. Locke looked gloomy, and the simplest and most direct way was to kill the one who wanted to occupy the repair shop.The owner of the construction company on this land.

However, this thought only flashed through his mind. He had already realized how difficult it was to kill a person alone without leaving any trouble.

There were too many coincidences in the last incident in Awadiya, and it was for the sake of his family, so the risk was worth it.

Sarah Mendes was not worth the risk.

After picking up the Remington M700P from Bearded Gary, Locke immediately put the gun into the tail box of the Raptor after completing all the formalities. After fixing it, it fit very well.

This gun comes with an M3 telescopic scope and a Harris S-type detachable bipod. He directly returned the bipod to Gary and exchanged it for two boxes of 7.62 × 51 mm bullets.

Bearded Gary stood aside and watched, and couldn’t help but say: “Boy, I think it’s more cool to put an M1 Garand in this position!”

Locke shook his fingers, “Do you know how precious my fingers are?”

Gary understood immediately and laughed and scolded: “No wonder David said you are a complete bastard! It seems that you have to use your fingers because that thing doesn’t work…”

Locke gave a middle finger back, not wanting to continue this topic with the old man, waved to Gary, got in the car and left.

When he was about to get home, Locke felt inexplicably nervous because Li Bo had returned from New York.

Although he had met once during the last administrative leave, he played the PTSD (post-traumatic stress response) state at that time and didn’t communicate much with Li Bo.

But during this period, the relationship between father and son has improved a lot, and Locke didn’t know how to deal with Li Bo.

But obviously, his worries were unnecessary.

“Hi, Todd! Welcome home…”

“Hi, Locke, your mother told me everything about you during this period, I am proud of you…”

After a hug, there was no need to say a lot.

But it was obvious that Li Bo didn’t know how to get along with his eldest son, whose relationship had improved. He was even more reserved than Locke. After all, they had been estranged for more than ten years.

Fortunately, Jet and Hannah were there, otherwise the father and son might have remained silent.

After Locke chatted with Li Bo for a few words, he got up and went to the kitchen, “Marianne, do you need my help?”

Marianne flatly refused, “You do have a talent for cooking, but I don’t want my kitchen to become Ukraine again. Cleaning the kitchen takes more time than cooking…”

She looked at Locke meaningfully, “How is it?”

Locke naturally knew what Marianne was asking, and he shrugged, “The atmosphere is very harmonious, but Todd looks more nervous than me!”

Marianne smiled, “When you were born, he was also very nervous. He was very nervous at every stage of your growth. He has always been very nervous about you. After all, you are the first one, and we have no experience…”

It was very plain, but Locke was moved and nodded, “I know…”

Marianne said again: “It is a great progress that your relationship can be improved. Locke, I know you have made some efforts for me and your father during this period, thank you!”

“Marianne, we are a family!”

Locke didn’t want to immerse himself in this emotion, so he changed the subject, “Marianne, we have to go back to Gran Apartment after dinner.”

Marianne’s face sank instantly, “Why ? ”

Locke knew she had misunderstood and thought he didn’t want to see his dad, so he explained: “I can’t date Jennifer this weekend, so…”

Marianne’s face suddenly turned from gloomy to bright, and she smiled: “I see, kid, be careful!”

Locke breathed a sigh of relief and joked: “You and Todd should also be careful, I don’t want to have another brother or sister…”

Marianne’s smile froze instantly, pointed outside, and said angrily: “Now, immediately, get out of my kitchen!”

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