On the way back, Locke saw Jester closing his eyes to rest, so he didn’t say anything. It was indeed inconvenient to talk on the helicopter.

He knew very well that Jester was now being held by Ronald Horton, and it was difficult to get off the tiger.

Ronald Horton used an open conspiracy this time. If he guessed correctly, the news that their brother and sister would marry with Leeds Farm and Locke Farm at the same time would spread throughout Lebeck tonight.

Back at the farm, Jester immediately organized a family meeting. Except for Henry who went out to work as a livestock police officer, everyone else quickly gathered in the cigar room.

When Jester said that Ronald and Horton wanted to marry into the Leeds Farm, Marian cried out, “I don’t agree!”

Jester was stunned and said, “What do you disagree with?”

He glanced at Locke and asked in confusion, “I shouldn’t have told you about Lily Horton and Rand yet!”

Maryan knew that she had lost her composure. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she said, “Ronald’s thoughts couldn’t be more obvious. Grace would never agree…”

“Whether she agrees or not is Grace’s business!”

Jester frowned. He hadn’t found out Grace’s thoughts just now. Grace’s reaction was very strange.

Little did she know that the reason why Grace Liz didn’t express her opinion was because she was not sure about Locke’s thoughts. After all, Ronald Horton directly used the Horton Farm as a dowry.

Maryan immediately said, “Grace told me this morning… uh…”

Jester asked, “What did you say?”

Maryan changed her words and said, “She told me this morning that she wanted Lilith to marry Locke!”

Locke was speechless. Why did he bring it up again?

The nervous reaction of Lilith Liz when he was instructing her on the position of the butt of her gun immediately came to his mind. What a pity that such a beautiful woman is a lesbian! At this time, Uncle Glenn asked, “Dad, what did you just say about Lily Horton and Rand?”

“Don’t interrupt!”

Jester glared at his eldest daughter, and then he put forward Ronald Horton’s idea, “Grace didn’t refuse or agree, she said she had to think about it, after all, Ronald still needs to face the revenge of the Daley family…”

Glenn sighed, “I didn’t expect Ronald to be so decisive, but is it necessary? As long as he and Tim Reno reconcile with John Brown and deal with the revenge of the Daley family, he can develop the farm with peace of mind…”

“He is taking advantage of the situation!”

Li Bo’s face was solemn. He looked at Jester and said solemnly, “Dad, we were all deceived by him. Ronald Horton is definitely a man with deep scheming, decisive and ruthless mind. This person must not be kept. He will definitely become our biggest worry in the future!”

Locke gave his father a thumbs up at the first time. It must be said that his father is also a decisive person.

Li Bo continued: “What Ronald Horton wanted to do most was naturally revenge, so he killed Susan Hubble and her four daughters. He knew very well what he would face after killing them! The first to bear the brunt was the revenge of the Daley family, and then Tim Reynolds and John Brown, because they would worry that Ronald would seek revenge on them, and naturally became enemies…”

“In such a situation, how can Ronald Horton and a Marine Corps deal with it? Although he appears to be strong, I am afraid he is not sure, so he wants to use marriage to bind us and the Leeds family!”

“As for the Horton Farm, if all the brothers and sisters die, the farm will naturally be gone. This is something outside of life, so it is better to use it as a bargaining chip, uh, as bait to hang us…”

“I guess the news of the marriage between Horton Farm and Locke Farm and Leeds Farm will spread tonight…”

“The Daley family will think about his revenge again, will it be because The relationship between the Locke family and the Greenberg family is worrying. At least, they shouldn’t touch Lily Horton! ”

“Tim Reno and John Brown will be cautious when they want to touch Horton Farm again!”

“This dead chess game has been revived by Ronald Horton!”

“This is an open conspiracy!”

Jester’s face was gloomy, and he smiled: “Now I envy Chester for having a good grandson. Since Ronald has already written the script, I will follow his script first. However, Tim and others should also have their own scripts. It depends on whose script is more exciting!”

“I still stick to my idea. Let’s not do anything now. After the actors go on stage, we will see how the script should be changed…”

He said to Marian: “Call Grace later and tell her that Rand has not graduated yet. I will not consider his marriage situation for the time being…”

This is a direct expression of the Locke family’s thoughts.

Marian immediately stood up and said: “I’ll call now…”

She couldn’t wait to know what the bitch Grace Liz was thinking.

Just said in the morningWhat about Locke? Why did you waver when you heard someone volunteer to be a live-in son-in-law this afternoon?

Jester watched Marian leave, and said to Li Bo and Glenn, “Okay, you guys go and get busy, Locke stay!”

Soon Locke was the only one left in the cigar room. Jester didn’t talk to him, but called Ronald Horton.

After the call was connected, he turned on the hands-free and said, “Ronald, I just came back from Leeds Farm. Grace didn’t agree or refuse. She needs time to think about it. She should want to wait until you get through this difficult time before talking about this matter…”

“Grandpa Jester, thank you. I can understand Aunt Grace’s idea…”

Ronald Horton’s voice came from the phone, and he smiled, “Then let’s wait until I solve the Daley family’s affairs first! What about Lily and Rand?”

Jester frowned and said in a deep voice, “Ronald, I know what you are worried about, but with my friendship with your grandfather, are you sure you want to do this? Don’t talk about Rand and Lily in advance, If you are really worried about Lily, you can send Lily to Locke Farm…” Ronald Horton said gratefully: “Grandpa Jester, thank you, I will send Lily here later!” “Okay…” Jester asked again: “What do you think about John Brown and Tim Reynolds?” Ronald Horton replied: “I will listen to you!” Jester said in a deep voice: “I got a message from Grace that Tim Reynolds’ farm sales contract has a repurchase agreement, so this old guy is not really withdrawing from Lebeck, he has been guarding against you for a long time, You’d better take this opportunity to reconcile with them, and then slowly work on it later. As the saying goes, a gentleman’s revenge is never too late. The most important thing for you now is to deal with the Daley family with all your strength…” Ronald Horton said gratefully: “Grandpa Jester, I will never forget your kindness!” After hanging up the phone, Jester’s expression returned to calm, and he asked directly: “Locke, how do you think our script should be changed? Can you break through the defensive fortifications of Horton Farm?” Locke smiled and said: “Haven’t you already changed it?” Jester has already wanted to kill Ronald Horton!

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