Locke’s pupils shrank, and the helicopter immediately became clearer. After seeing it clearly, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Why did Aunt Grace come here with John Brown?

He hurriedly looked at Lilith Liz standing next to Marian, and found that the woman was also looking at the helicopter getting closer and closer in confusion, and obviously recognized her own helicopter.

At this time, Rand said: “It’s Aunt Grace and John Brown who are coming. Just now on the plane, Mum received a call from Aunt Grace and told her that we came to Meridian Farm…”

Locke looked at Jester and Marian, and they also looked up at the helicopter that had already arrived at the farm, and their expressions were a little cold.

He walked over and asked: “What are Aunt Grace and John Brown doing here?”

Marian replied: “Grace said John Brown had something to do with Jester, and asked her to be a witness, and also invited Kevin Smith!”

Soon two helicopters also landed on the farm, and Jester led Marian and Locke to greet them.

John Brown extended his hand to Jester as soon as he got off the plane, and said gratefully: “Jester, Tim and I are very grateful for everything you have done for us, and thank you for your sacrifice for the peace and stability of Lebeck. You deserve to be the chairman of the Livestock Association!”

Jester’s face was calm, he extended his hand to shake his hand, and asked: “John, what is going on that has caused such a big fuss? Can’t you tell us over the phone?”

He glanced at Kevin Smith who got off the plane with Grace Liz, and frowned slightly.

In the Livestock Association, Kevin Smith has been very active recently, and has been very close to the other two elected committee members, Jackson White and Booker Anderson.

Kevin Smith met Jester’s gaze and said, “Jester, John said Tim wanted to talk to you in front of us, and asked Grace and me to be witnesses!”

John Brown said frankly, “Jester, we just want to prove our sincerity. Tim and I really want to reconcile with Ronald…”

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and called Tim Reynolds.

Locke stood aside and watched coldly, and he saw clearly the purpose of John Brown’s operation.

This old guy is acting according to his script.

The call was quickly connected, and John Brown turned on the speakerphone, “Hi, Tim, Jester is in front of me now, and Grace and Kevin, Marian and Locke are also here…”

“Hi, Jester, Grace, Kevin…”

“Mary Ann…”


Tim Reynolds’ voice came from the phone. He greeted everyone first, and then said sincerely: “Jester, thank you for everything you have done for us. I know you still don’t believe me, but I still have to say that Jonathan’s attack on Locke and William really has nothing to do with me and John. I will swear on the honor of the Reynolds family!”

“I’m glad that Ronald is willing to give me a chance to clarify in public. In order to express my sincerity, I will take my whole family back to Lebec…”

“Our whole family is in Australia. I have booked tickets. We can return to Lebec in three days at the earliest…”


Jester’s expression was a little moved. Tim Reynolds was willing to take his whole family back to Lebec. He was indeed sincere enough, which showed that he was not guilty.

He immediately promised: “Tim, I will guarantee the safety of you and your family!”

Tim Reynolds said with emotion: “Thank you, Jester!”

The purpose of John Brown and the other two coming here was to let Tim Reynolds call Jester in public to express his sincerity.

After the call, the three prepared to leave.

Before boarding the plane, Grace Liz pulled Marian aside, glanced at her daughter who was glancing at her, and asked impatiently: “You just said that Lilith took Locke’s helicopter, how was it? Did the two of them make any progress?”


Maryan was speechless. It was just a helicopter ride together, what progress could there be? She smiled and said, “Ronald will soon reconcile with John Brown and Tim Reynolds, don’t you consider him?”

“I still prefer Locke! It’s a pity that he is too good!”

Grace Liz shrugged, she stared at Marian, and did not hide her jealousy, “Why are you so lucky, bitch!”

Maryan said coldly: “Grace Liz, have you forgotten that your daughter is my assistant!”

Grace Liz looked indifferent, “If you are willing to help me train her, it would be great!”

When Grace Liz talked to Marian, Kevin Smith also found Jester.

Locke just realized that Jester looked at this guy with a strange look in his eyes, so he stayed with his grandfather.

Kevin Smith extended his hand to Jester and said seriously: “Jester, as a member of the Animal Husbandry AssociationMember, I am very grateful that you mediated this conflict, thank you for your contribution to Lebeck!”

Jester raised his eyebrows, “Kevin, don’t forget my identity, I just did what I should do!”

Kevin Smith smiled and said, “Of course, we all know your identity, Chairman Locke!”

He smiled and said, “I must be honest, as a member of the Livestock Association, I am a little dissatisfied with your work during this period. I know your friendship with Chester, but you are too partial to Ronald, so I have to remind you that you are now the chairman of the Livestock Association, and you represent the interests of all Lebeck farmers…”


Jester was stunned, “Of course, I have never forgotten my duties!”

Soon the two helicopters left, and Locke asked, “So the recent unfavorable news against Locke Farm was Kevin Smith’s trick behind it? ”

Jester’s face was a little grim, “Everyone has his own ideas…”

Locke reminded: “This guy seemed to be honest just now, but he was actually guilty, so he said it so high-soundingly…”

Jester smiled and did not continue the topic, and asked: “Do you think Tim Reynolds and John Brown really want to reconcile with Ronald?”

Locke looked at the helicopter that had gone far away, “It doesn’t matter anymore! ”

The news of the reconciliation between Ronald Horton, Tim Reynolds and John Brown has spread in Lebec. Since this morning, the whole of Lebec has returned to normal, and the previous tense and murderous atmosphere has disappeared.

Tim Reynolds and John Brown’s actions just now are nothing more than wanting everyone to see their sincerity in reconciliation.

Let the whole of Lebec know that they will reconcile with Ronald Horton soon.

Then the attack on Horton Manor tonight is naturally none of their business.

Tim Reynolds and John Brown have finished their play.

The prologue has also been opened.

A new character is about to appear!

And he will end everything!

What’s the saying, you finish singing and I will come on stage!

My Turn!

It’s finally his turn!

Skye Spears will bring Deborah here at noon, and tonight will be a preview of the trip to Mexico.

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