The next morning, Locke woke up early. He didn’t set an alarm, but woke up naturally.

Because he knew that if he was late this morning, Marian would be really angry, so his biological clock woke up automatically.

Looking at Jennifer Gray who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Locke didn’t wake her up.

How arrogant this woman was at the beginning, how weak she became later. After all, she had been in surgery for a day and had consumed too much physical energy.

In the fourth round, she actually fell asleep.

Locke was shocked. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. He was angry and funny.

But he was still in high spirits, so he had to continue.

That feeling was a bit perverted.

Fortunately, I don’t know if it was too stimulating, but it was released quickly.

Locke now has a better understanding of his physique. With his current physique, if he returns to the football team, he can definitely beat those teammates who are as strong as chimpanzees and get his quarterback back.

Maybe his single attribute is still not as good as theirs, but he wins because his four attributes are balanced enough.

The standard human attribute peak in the system is 20, but Locke knows that under the constraints of various innate factors and acquired environment, it is impossible for anyone to reach such a value under normal circumstances.

The four attributes of normal and healthy ordinary people are usually below 8.

If one of the attributes of strength, speed, and endurance exceeds 10, they can become top athletes.

And if the mental attribute exceeds 10, they will be what people call academic masters or geniuses.

Even the best athletes or geniuses in the human race, the highest single attribute may only reach a level of 12-15, which can be proud of all mankind.

Locke roughly estimated that for someone like Jennifer Gray, at full health, he should be able to fight three.

There is no such saying as there is no plowed land, only tired cows, this saying does not exist here.

After washing up, Locke packed a few clothes casually, left a note for Jennifer Gray, and went out.

When he returned to Beverly Hills, Marian, Li Bo, Jeter, Hannah and others were all up and eating breakfast.

Marian gave him an appreciative look, praising him for not being late, and asked him to wash his hands and go to the table to eat breakfast.

“Morning, Marian!”

“Morning, Todd!”

As for Jet and Hannah, neither of them raised their heads, so Locke ignored them as usual. He would not spoil these two guys!

Li Bo glanced at Jet and Hannah with dissatisfaction, frowned and scolded: “How did I educate you? I always told you that the elders should be in order, brothers should be friendly and younger brothers should be respectful. This is our traditional virtue in China…”

Jet looked up and said coolly: “Morning…”

Hannah also put down the knife and fork in her hand and smiled sweetly, “Morning, Locke…”


Locke responded with a smile and looked at Li Bo in surprise. He would not scold Jet and Hannah before.

But thinking of Locke Li’s bastard look, he was relieved.

Yes, how can a brother ask his younger brothers and sisters to respect him if he doesn’t act like a brother!

After breakfast, the Locke family prepared to set off.

This time, he drove two cars, one of which was his F150 Raptor and the other was his Mercedes-Benz G55.

Marian had told him about this long ago, so Locke filled up the G55 and sent it back yesterday afternoon.

When getting in the car, Jet and Hannah took Marian’s car, while Li Bo got in Locke’s car, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Li Bo couldn’t help yawning after getting in the car, and the father and son looked at each other in a bit of embarrassment.

After all, they both knew what the other had done last night, but one was full of energy and the other was exhausted, this…

In a slightly awkward atmosphere, Locke took the lead in starting the car and led the way, and soon Marian followed in the G55.

Lebec is just north of Los Angeles, and the transportation is very convenient. The entire journey is the California Highway (Golden State Fwy), passing through San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Castaic, and it takes about 2 hours to drive.

Jester Locke, Locke’s grandfather, moved from Texas to California in the 1960s. Because he was used to farm life, he did not settle in Los Angeles, but chose Lebec.

Because Lebec is a well-known agricultural city in California, with a large number of livestock and ranches.

After years of development, Jester Locke owns a 500-hectare livestock farm, a 180-hectare grape plantation, and a 70-hectare leisure farm in Lebec.

The total area held by the Locke family has reached 750 hectares (1,855 acres), becoming one of the largest farmers in Lebec.

Although the farm area in California cannot be compared with agricultural states such as Montana, Nevada, and Illinois, it is also a well-known agricultural state in the United States, and its output value is far higher than these states.

So don’t look at MaryAn and Li Bo both did well in Los Angeles and became rich, but they were far inferior to Jester Locke in terms of wealth and status.

Jester Locke was not only a member of the California Livestock Association, but also a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association of America), and a billionaire with assets of over 100 million.

The car sped along the California highway and soon passed San Fernando. After driving for more than half an hour, the car was still very quiet, and the father and son didn’t know what to talk about.

More than ten years of estrangement cannot be dissolved by a few phone calls, and telephone communication is completely different from face-to-face communication.

Finally, it was Li Bo who broke the silence. He said, “Locke, I have reflected a lot during this period, on your mother, on you, and on Jet and Hannah. Well, I want to apologize to you. I shouldn’t wait for you to bow to me. I should take the initiative to communicate with you and understand your thoughts…”

Uh, should I start with an apology?

After Li Bo finished speaking, Locke also said tactfully: “Todd, I’m sorry, I was too immature and ignorant before, and made you and mum worry!”

Li Bo said with relief: “No, we ignored your psychological problems during adolescence and neglected to communicate with you…”

Locke felt a little sad, even if he communicated, it would not help.

Locke Lee’s sudden rebellion was not a simple adolescent rebellion, but because of the discrimination he suffered due to his mixed-race Chinese identity, which led to the rejection of Chinese ancestry and the disagreement with his identity, which caused a gap with his father.

If they really communicated and knew the truth, how would Li Bo, who has a deep Chinese complex, feel.

The topic was opened, and there were more topics to talk about. Li Bo was very interested in some of Locke’s recent experiences. Although Marian had recounted it once, it was different from what the person said after all.

So one asked and one answered, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

As he was talking, Li Bo hesitated for a moment and asked, “Locke, what do you think of Jet going back to China to study in college?”

Locke was stunned for a moment and replied, “Todd, why don’t you organize a family trip to China first? It’s just right to visit the university you want Jet to go to, so that Marian and Jet’s understanding of China will not just stay on TV and newspapers…”

Li Bo’s eyes lit up and clapped his hands and said, “Yes, why didn’t I think of it!”

Locke couldn’t help rolling his eyes. He finally knew who Locke Lee inherited his IQ from.

Uh, no, Li Bo is a top student who was admitted to Yale!

Two hours later, Locke’s car drove off the highway and turned into a beautiful road. After driving for another ten minutes, he saw a large wooden archway in the distance.

“Rock Farm”

After driving closer, you can recognize the name of the Locke family from a very old wooden sign.

The view in front of you suddenly opened up, and towering white stables appeared on the rolling grassland, majestic and magnificent.

A sense of the grandeur of the West came to you.

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