The lunch at noon was quite rich, with barbecue, smoked fish, steak, stewed pig’s trotters, sausage, cheese baked lobster, vegetable salad, fruit salad…

Most of the dishes came from the Locke family’s own ecological farm, which is open to the public and provides various leisure activities such as picking strawberries, fostering cattle and sheep, and pumpkin picking competitions, with an annual turnover of more than 3 million US dollars.

Even the red wine served with the meal was made from grapes from their own vineyard, but the taste was very ordinary, so it was not the case that things made by themselves were good.

In fact, the grapes produced by the Locke family’s vineyard are not suitable for making wine. The vineyard mainly grows Red Globe, which is sold all over the world. The revenue of the vineyard has even exceeded that of the ranch.

On the long dining table, Jester Locke sat in the middle, Locke and Marian Li Bo sat on his right, and his two uncles and aunt sat opposite them.

The Locke family does not talk about table manners, and chatting while eating is their table manners.

First, his father Li Bo talked about the situation on Wall Street and analyzed the recent economic situation, such as the increasing inflation and the possibility of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates.

Henry talked about the situation of the farm this year, such as coyotes breeding too fast and illegal immigrants invading the farm.

Lucy added some revenue data of the farm in the first half of the year.

The farm is a family property, and everyone has dividends.

Sophia mentioned that she has recently contacted some Chinese customers, including those who import fruits. The next time the customer comes to Los Angeles, she plans to bring the customer to visit the family’s vineyard to see if she can expand exports to the Chinese market.

Neither Locke nor Glenn talked much. Both of them are disciplined forces. There is not much to talk about, and it is not suitable to talk about it at the dinner table.

Although his mother did not say anything, she has always controlled the rhythm of the dinner table. Her dominance is a habit formed from childhood to adulthood.

After talking about business, they started chatting, talking about recent interesting things, commenting on the food on the table, and complaining about the policies of the Democratic Party.

Because Jester is a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association of the United States), the Locke family are all Republican supporters, and complaining about the Democratic Party is a daily routine.

Jester Locke was old and had a limited appetite, so he finished early, drank red wine, chatted with everyone from time to time, and had a smile on his face.

Henry Locke looked at Locke who had been listening to everyone’s chat, and asked Marian and Li Bo: “What’s the situation? Why is Locke so quiet today? Did you scold him again?”

Marian said unhappily: “Do you think he will be like you and never grow up in his life?”

Marian has absolute blood suppression on her two younger brothers.

Even though Henry Locke looks like a bandit, he can only admit defeat in front of Marian. He looked embarrassed and retorted: “How can I not grow up? I have two children, and Rand can get married!”

In the Locke family, Henry has the best relationship with Locke except Jester Locke, because the two had very similar personalities before, both of them were very reckless and hot-tempered.

Even though he had his own son Rand later, he still loved Locke very much. He felt that Rand was too weak and not like a cowboy.

Marian shook her red wine glass and said proudly, “You can ask Locke to cook a dish tonight. He has recently learned a Chinese dish, which is very good!”

Jester looked at Locke in disbelief, “Jesus, is this still my grandson?”

Lucy said expectantly, “Locke, what ingredients do you need? Tell me later…”

Although it was agreed long ago, Locke was still a little embarrassed and replied, “Pork ribs are enough, they need to be marinated first…”

Marian did not stop her baby-showing behavior, and then said, “He not only knows how to cook, but also decided to say goodbye to his previous chaotic life. He has a stable girlfriend, who is a Harvard medical student. A top student of the college, working at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center…” Everyone exclaimed again, Sophia Locke put down her knife and fork and asked, “What department does Locke’s girlfriend work in?” Marian glanced at Locke and replied, “It seems to be surgery?” Locke also nodded and said, “Yes, surgery!” Sophia Locke’s expression tightened, and said, “Locke, ask your girlfriend if she knows Professor Harold Caldwell of cardiac surgery. I have been trying to contact him recently and want to invite him to dinner…” She explained, “I have a Chinese client who has made an appointment for Professor Harold Caldwell’s heart surgery, but it has been scheduled for 3 years. According to the patient’s condition, I am afraid he can’t wait that long!” Locke didn’t even know who this Professor Harold Caldwell was. In addition to physical communication, he and Jennifer Glenn rarely talked about work. It was typical that they only talked about the body and not the heart. However, this matter was not a big problem. He replied:I’ll ask her later…”

Marianne looked relaxed and revealed another piece of information, “It shouldn’t be a big problem. Jennifer’s mother is Lauren Anderson, the director of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center…”

The atmosphere at the table suddenly became serious. Everyone realized the weight of the director of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. This is definitely a big shot.

American families also pay attention to the improvement of class. Although the Locke family also belongs to the wealthy class, they are at a relatively low level.

Sophia Locke said seriously: “Marianne, I think you should pay attention to Locke’s relationship…”

Marianne nodded and replied: “I pay attention to it. I have given him my G55 for dating! ”

Locke couldn’t help but roll his eyes. You just want to change the car yourself.

He really wanted to say that he and Jennifer were just friends with benefits.

Forget it, I can’t ruin the atmosphere.

Because he was underage and couldn’t drink, Jet was assigned to sit at the end of the table with Hannah and Olivia. He also took on a very important task, taking care of his younger sister and brother.

Looking at Locke who became the focus of the table next to him, he felt a little depressed. Obviously, he was better.

Hannah ate a vegetable salad and whispered, “You are so childish!”

Jet turned his head and looked over with a bad face. Hannah looked like she had seen through it a long time ago. “When he was a jerk, everyone liked him, let alone now!”

After dinner, Li Bo and Marian were called into the study by Jester. Seeing that they both looked nervous, Locke guessed that it was related to the separation of the two some time ago.

Henry Locke came over and put his arm around Locke’s shoulders. “Come on, let me see if your shooting skills have improved? ”

“Henry, give Locke to me, I have something to talk to him about…”

Henry glanced at his brother, saw that he was serious, shrugged and said, “Okay, business is more important…”

Locke followed Glenn Locke out of the villa in confusion. Glenn walked to a water trough. There was no one around. The breeze blew, mixed with the smell of fresh cow dung.

He leaned against the fence, turned his head and asked Locke, “Do you know why I heard about you at the IRS?”

Locke shook his head, and Glenn said, “The IRS is currently checking the accounts of the LAPD…”

“Ah! ”

Locke was shocked. This is the notorious IRS, an existence that Americans cannot get rid of from birth to death.

Glenn was a little dissatisfied with Locke’s surprise. Marian even said that this boy has matured. “I know Marian is very familiar with Captain Davis, but you will reveal this information to her later…”

Seeing Locke staring at him in astonishment, he became more unhappy. “You don’t really think that the IRS is an iron bucket. The senior executives of the LAPD probably know everything they should know. They should also want to check how many black police officers there are through the IRS. As for the level of police inspectors, no one should know yet…”

Locke was naturally pretending. He nodded hurriedly and said, “I know, Glenn!”

Ask again: “How many black police officers are there in our Wilshire Police Department?”

Glenn frowned and said dissatisfiedly: “Hey, kid, I asked you to tip off so that you can buy a good reputation with your boss. Don’t push your luck. Besides, I’m not in charge of the Wilshire Police Department…” Locke smiled awkwardly, and then said, “Glenn, you must investigate the West Canyon Police Department. I suspect that some police officers are colluding with interest groups…” Glenn frowned, “What’s going on? Tell me…”

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