Victor looked through the information and cursed immediately: “This bastard, Edmund trusted him so much when he was alive, but he actually lied to us like this…”

Sarah also leaned over to look at the information in Victor’s hand, her expression became very gloomy, “I didn’t expect it was really Uncle Louis…”

Although the brothers and sisters had long suspected Louis Carmen, they always had a little fantasy in their hearts. After all, Louis Carmen was Edmund’s good friend when he was alive, and now the evidence is conclusive.

Victor scolded: “You still call him uncle!”

He sighed angrily and asked Marian: “Ms. Marian, we are friends with Locke, you are Locke’s mother, we trust you very much, just take out the contract and let us sign it!”

Marian was stunned. She had been a lawyer for 20 years, and this was the first time she met such a client who signed a contract without asking anything.

She couldn’t help but glance at Locke, and somewhat understood why Locke was willing to help them.

She smiled and said: “Thank you very much for your trust in me, but this is not in line with our normal process…”

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Vivian pushed open the door, and a shrewd and capable middle-aged man walked in.

Marian introduced: “This is lawyer Anthony Ferdinand. He will be in charge of your case, but please rest assured that I will follow the whole process…”

The Mendes siblings looked at each other and realized that their case was not handled by Marian.

Anthony Ferdinand is a very professional commercial contract lawyer. He explained his strategy to the Mendes siblings very professionally.

He will complain to the Bar Association and apply to cancel the lawyer Luis Ramon’s lawyer qualification. With substantial evidence, Luis Ramon will definitely be disqualified.

Then he will sue Luis Ramon for violating professional ethics and damaging the interests of his employer, and claim compensation from him.

At the same time, he will also sue the court for fraud in the parking lot lease contract and ask the other party to compensate for the loss.

Sarah Mendes asked with concern: “What is the probability of winning?”

Anthony Ferdinand smiled confidently, “Although there is nothing wrong with this contract, the Smith Company that signed the contract with you filed for bankruptcy less than three months after signing the contract, and then resold the contract to Cavill Construction Company and bribed your lawyer. This series of actions, as long as the judge is not a fool, will most likely be judged as fraud. We have at least an 80% chance of winning…”

Victor Mendes is more concerned about another question, “Um, how much is the attorney fee?”

Marianne raised her hand to signal Anthony Ferdinand to answer this question for her, “Commercial contract For the same dispute, our attorney fee is usually 30% of the compensation amount, but you are Locke’s friend, so this time we will only charge 25%…”

Victor Mendes was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief: “So we don’t need to pay attorney fees?”

Marianne nodded, and Victor asked again: “How much do you plan to claim?”

Anthony Ferdinand took over the conversation and said: “Based on the current land price of Mendes Repair Shop, we plan to claim 3 million US dollars, but in the end it should not reach this amount…”

Victor was directly frightened, turned his head to look at his sister, and then looked at Locke, is this okay?

Locke was also a little shocked in his heart, the lawyer is too black, uh, too profitable!

However, if Marian did not have such earning ability, his family would not be able to buy a house in Beverly Hills.

He shrugged and replied: “Professional matters should be left to professionals!”

Victor sighed and nodded: “I have no problem, I can sign the contract!”

Half an hour later, Locke and the Mendes brothers and sisters left the Ham Law Firm together. As soon as he entered the elevator, Victor took off his suit jacket and sighed, “It’s finally over!”

Sarah Victor also felt much more relaxed in an instant. She looked at Locke with gratitude and said solemnly, “Thank you, Locke!”

Locke smiled and said, “We are friends, aren’t we? Besides, as the Chinese say, this is called keeping the wealth within the family!”

Victor took the initiative to pat Locke on the shoulder and said seriously, “This is different. We can’t trust other lawyers anymore!”

After leaving the building, Locke saw Victor’s Chevrolet Silverado and asked, “Can you give me a ride? I’m not driving!”

Victor gave Locke a middle finger and blamed him for being too polite, “Of course, tell me an address…”

After getting in the car, Locke reported the address of the Wilshire Police Station at 4861 Venice Avenue, turned his head and smiled at Sarah in the back seat, “Sarah, you look beautiful today!”

Sarah Mendes smiled shyly, “Thank you!”

Victor glared at Locke in dissatisfaction, “Hey, that’s too much! In front of me…Pick up my sister…” Then he laughed again: “She spent half an hour choosing this dress this morning!” “Pa” Sarah Mendes slapped Victor’s seat heavily and shouted in shame: “Victor, shut up and drive your car properly!” Locke also subconsciously shrank his head and turned his head to look back. The brother and sister are really the same! Sarah Mendes has realized that she has lost her composure. Her pretty face is full of shame and she dare not look at him. Locke didn’t want to embarrass her, so he quickly retracted his gaze and took the initiative to change the subject, saying: “Once the law firm takes action, Cavill Construction Company will soon know, and they will most likely take risks, so you must pay attention to safety in the next few days!” Victor said confidently: “We have been practicing shooting every day these days, just waiting for them to come! ”

Locke hesitated for a moment. In fact, he was a little unsure about the three people. A real gunfight is completely different from practicing guns. Thinking of sending Buddha to the west, he asked: “Can you keep an eye on the Smith family? If they intend to move, you can call me…”

In fact, the most reliable thing is of course for him to keep an eye on them, but he doesn’t have the time or the mind to do so. After all, the relationship has not reached that point yet.

Victor refused: “Locke, you have helped us enough…”

Locke said seriously: “If there is a real gunfight, the enemy will not stand still and wait for you to shoot. Bullets have no eyes. What if Sarah or Reid has an accident? What should we do? Moreover, I have another idea. Don’t you want to take this opportunity to wipe out the Smith family in one fell swoop to prevent future troubles? I am a cop! “Even if the lawsuit is won, the track land is taken back, and compensation is received, Cavill Construction Company will definitely not be willing to accept it. So it is best to destroy the gang organization that colluded with him, so as to eliminate future troubles. I don’t know if Uncle Glen has made any progress! If necessary, it is not impossible to let Cavill of Cavill Construction Company to log in and cause an accident. Victor has seen Locke’s shooting skills and knows that if Locke is there, it will be absolutely foolproof. He also wants to completely get rid of the days of being harassed by the gang, so he nodded and said, “Thank you, I will call you then!” Locke asked, “Is the person who is following you reliable?” Victor hesitated for a moment, and finally said, “Ryder has a brother who has followed Martin recently. If Martin has any big moves, he will notify us as soon as possible…” “…” Locke was stunned. Wow, he really underestimated people. Victor actually knew how to plant spies!

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