In the morning, Locke suddenly woke up, hurriedly touched the bedside, picked up the watch to check the time, and found that it was already 8:20. He was anxious. He forgot to set the alarm last night, and he had to take the oath of office this morning.

But then he found that he was in Gran Apartment, and he relaxed instantly. It only took ten minutes from Gran Apartment to Wilshire, and there was plenty of time.

Feeling the smoothness on his arm, Locke turned his head and saw a bright and pretty face, with scattered golden hair, long eyelashes, a straight nose, rosy and sexy lips, and dazzling white skin.

After drinking at the Sky Bar last night, Randy and the others wanted to continue drinking, so they went to a nearby club.

As soon as they arrived at the nightclub, the beauties in the nightclub came to Locke in an endless stream. There was no way, his appearance and bodybuilding made him a walking hormone.

Randy, Nathan, and Teddy felt very inferior. At Elsa’s instigation, several people started to make a fuss and asked Locke to get the bar queen to prove his charm. In fact, they wanted to see him lose face.

Yes, just like the endless stream of women chatting up Locke, there was also a cold and beautiful rose on the other side of the nightclub, which made the men in the nightclub fly over like bees to get horny from time to time.

Locke recalled the beauty of last night, a wonderful night, and couldn’t help but start to get excited again, but when he thought of the induction ceremony in the morning, he calmed down instantly.

The people of Los Angeles need him more!

He pushed away the arms and thighs wrapped around him, turned over and got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

After a while, Locke finished washing and came out naked to put on his clothes.

The woman on the bed had woken up. She opened her blue eyes and stared at Locke’s body with appreciation. After being discovered by Locke, she was not flustered or shy at all, and greeted him calmly.



Locke was a little confused. From last night’s performance, this beautiful woman was not Aquaman, because he was the one who dominated the whole process, but the woman’s calm expression was full of Aquaman style.

He felt a little uncomfortable with the woman’s hot eyes, and hurriedly found a pair of underwear to put on.

The woman praised: “You have a great figure, just like the statue of David, with well-proportioned muscles, unlike the muscular man who simply pursues strength…”

Locke put on another T-shirt, and immediately felt relieved. He also praised: “You have a great figure, too, with a protruding front and a curved back, and smooth and delicate skin, just like Venus…”

The woman stood up from the bed and stretched out her slender jade hand to Locke. Her hand was cold and white, but fortunately you could see the green blood vessels.

“Jennifer Gray, last night was a wonderful night…”

“Locke Lee, uh, I have something urgent to do, so I will leave first. When you leave, please lock the door, thank you!”

Locke shook hands with the woman. He had been holding it in for two weeks, and he had the skill of L2, so it would be strange if it wasn’t wonderful.

His eyes could not help but linger on the woman, and he was not complimenting her just now.

This woman was as pretty as a Hollywood actress, and her figure was also impeccable, tall and slender, with full curves and a well-proportioned body, fair skin, dotted with golden hair, and a holy sexiness all over her body.

Jennifer Gray saw Locke raising the flag and saluted, subconsciously took a step back, and said with an awkward expression: “Sorry, I’ve had enough…”

Locke hurriedly put on jeans to cover his respect, and apologized: “Sorry, your figure is too attractive!”

Jennifer Gray smiled, showing her body generously, and said with a smile: “It was my first time yesterday, and I didn’t expect it to feel so wonderful…”

Seeing Locke’s expression of “Are you serious?”, he also looked at the bed sheet.

She immediately realized the ambiguity in her words and explained, “Last night was the first time I went to a nightclub to find a partner…”

Locke had already put on his socks and shoes and looked up at the woman, “So, what do you want to say?”

He was experienced in this kind of thing and knew that the woman should have something to say, and he didn’t have time to waste with her, so he asked directly.

Wilshire Police Department.

Locke hurried to the police station, changed his uniform, and finally caught up with his swearing-in ceremony.

Women really affect speed.

The ceremony was held by Captain Anna Davis. The police officers of the Wilshire Police Department stood on the stage. The atmosphere was solemn and dignified, and full of ritual.

Under the Stars and Stripes and the Los Angeles Police Department badge, Locke, wearing a dark blue uniform, solemnly read the police oath.

Anna personally presented Locke with the police badge and certificate, and personally put the badge on his chest, “Locke, welcome to join the LAPD, welcome to officially become a member of Wilshire…”

LAPD badge

Locke raised his hand and saluted Anna in a standard hand-raising salute, saying loudly: “Thank you, captain, it’s an honor to join Wilshire.Hill, accept your leadership…” Seeing that the former bad boy has become responsible, Anna was also happy for her good friend. She hugged Locke and encouraged him: “Come on!!!” Soon she smelled the peculiar smell on Locke and let go of him with disgust. Locke was very guilty and didn’t dare to look at Anna. He was obviously dressed and ready to go, but he didn’t expect Jennifer Grey to make a request that he couldn’t refuse, which made him excited and couldn’t help but come again. In the end, because of the time rush, he didn’t have time to take a shower. Among the women he had experienced, Jennifer Grey was definitely the best. Her appearance, figure, taste, knowledge, and status were all better than the women he had met before. This woman turned out to be a thoracic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is one of the top comprehensive hospitals in the United States and the largest on the West Coast. Hospital.

Jennifer Grey is so young that she can become the chief thoracic surgeon of this hospital. She is definitely a genius at the top of the pyramid.

According to her, she is too busy to fall in love, but she is under a lot of pressure and has physical needs that need to be released.

After a one-night stand last night, she was very satisfied with Locke inside and out, so she invited Locke to be her long-term partner.

After the induction ceremony, Locke found David and showed the police badge on his chest with a proud face, “David, don’t call me a rookie in the future, please call me Officer…”

David didn’t have a good face and snorted, “I reminded you not to be late last night, and you almost messed up your induction ceremony just now! ”

Locke said guiltily: “There was a little accident…”

At this time, Randy led Nathan and Thaddeus over. The three of them congratulated Locke first, especially Nathan and Thaddeus, who stared at the police badge on Locke’s chest with envy.

Randy asked directly: “Locke, last night, you and that lady…”

Last night, Locke, at their instigation, went to chat with Jennifer Gray. After getting in touch, the two naturally left the nightclub early.

Seeing that the three of them were staring at him with burning eyes, Locke spread his hands and replied in a showy way: “Don’t ask, it’s just what you imagined, otherwise, how could I almost be late just now…”


“Damn it …”


Randy excitedly reached out to Nathan and Mathis, and they each took out $10 and put it in his hand, looking frustrated.

Randy took the money and waved to Officer Mona and Elsa not far away. Obviously, the two of them also participated in the bet.

He put his arm around Locke’s shoulder and said arrogantly: “Locke and I are the same kind of people. We are charming and have no problems in nightclubs…”

“Fuck, Nathan, Mathis, you actually bet on me to lose, you really should go to the ophthalmologist, I just met a doctor at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center…”

“Randy, you actually bet on me, this is too disrespectful to me…”

“I think the bet should be divided into half…”

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