Although Tom Williams suddenly went crazy, he did not give up and transfer the case to the CIA. Instead, he followed the procedure and took Fairlan Alphonse’s body back to the detective bureau for further autopsy.

CIA inspector Will Lewis watched Fairlan Alphonse, uh, no, Hard Thomas’ body being taken away.

He asked the FBI to intercept the body, but the FBI ignored him.

The FBI people are not stupid, they will not conflict with the LAPD for the CIA!

Besides, the FBI and the CIA were originally on bad terms, but the CIA had no law enforcement power in the United States, and they did not want to give the CIA law enforcement power, so they had to clean up the CIA’s ass.

So Will Lewis went to the side with a sullen face and called for help, hoping to make the LAPD compromise through the high-level route.

Locke also quietly walked to Anna Davis and told her the true identity of Hard Thomas.

Anna Davis’s face darkened after hearing this, and she glanced coldly at Will Lewis who was on the phone, “These bastards always do these disgusting things in the name of national interests…” However, Anna Davis, who knew the dark side of the American judicial system, knew that there were many such things in the United States, and she had no way to deal with it. She knew even more clearly that this case would eventually be handed over to the CIA. However, knowing the identity of Ferlan Alphonse, the CIA wanted to take the case easily this time, and it was impossible not to bleed. After all, if this matter was exposed, it would be a big scandal for the CIA, and the director might have to be replaced. “Well Done, I will give you another credit…” Anna Davis patted Locke on the shoulder, turned around and started to make a phone call to inform the senior management of this information. Locke returned to David and others, feeling a little gloomy. In his previous life, he was a cold-blooded and numb tool man who didn’t know right from wrong. The only extravagant hope in his heart was to leave the organization and return to China one day. Even if his memory of China was already very vague, he would always remember that it was his root. But now, he is in the sunshine, with family, colleagues, and friends, and he seems to have become a human being again.

As a human being, there must be good and evil.

Locke sighed and thought of what Tom Williams just said.

Justice is a pile of shit, because it was given by those bastards.

He naturally understood what Tom Williams meant by this sentence.

Justice has been manipulated by people. The justice that the public sees is what they want you to see. If they don’t want you to see it, you can’t see it.

“What’s wrong?”

David looked at him with concern, “Did you have a conflict with them again?”

Locke shook his head and whispered, “The Detective Bureau has found out the true identity of Hard Thomas. This guy is indeed a secret witness of the CIA…”

“Don’t, don’t tell me…”

David looked alert and warned Locke, “Don’t talk about this kind of information casually!”

Seeing that Superintendent Mona and Wei Lun were looking at them, he reminded them, “Don’t touch CIA matters if you can, otherwise, you might not be able to get up that morning…”

Locke was speechless when he saw David’s cautious look, but he finally knew why he had been safe and sound in his 20-year patrol career.

This old guy is too cowardly!

Locke asked David why he didn’t apply for the qualification to use a rifle before, and David told him that without the qualification to use a rifle, he wouldn’t need to rush to the front to attack.

This guy deserves to be a patrolman for life!

Soon Will Lewis from the CIA finished his call. He did not look for Anna Davis again, but waved to Jamie Howard to drive. He said something to the FBI and left in a hurry.

Soon the FBI convoy also left.

At this time Anna Davis also came to inform everyone to finish work. Except for the police officers who needed to re-arrange the cordon for the house, the patrol cars of the Wilshire Police Department also left one by one.

Those who patrol continued to patrol, and those who returned to the police station returned to the police station.

Locke and his two cars drove to the Mexican restaurant one after another. It was almost two o’clock, and they had not eaten lunch yet.

In the car, Locke asked David: “I want to take the detective exam. What preparations should I make?”

David seemed to have recalled bad memories, and his mood suddenly became gloomy. He pondered for a while and replied: “You should ask Edmund and Theresa. I have forgotten it a long time ago…”

Edmund and Theresa of the detective team Locke is also familiar with.

Seeing David’s situation, Locke didn’t ask any more questions and nodded and replied: “Okay!”

After a while, the four of them came to the Mexican restaurant and found that Randy, Elsa, Mark, and Thaddeus were still there.

Locke asked in surprise: “What’s going on? Why are you still eating?”

Mark said: “BecauseBecause there were five patrol cars at the scene, there was not enough patrol force, so we worked overtime at noon!”

Randy looked gossipy and clapped his hands and said, “Guys, come on, I heard it was a big scene, and the position we were patrolling at that time was a little far away, so we didn’t have time to go over to support…”

Elsa and Teddy also looked at the four people curiously, waiting for them to share the situation of the case.

Soon, Locke’s order was delivered, so they prepared to eat and talk. Locke wanted to speak, after all, he was the youngest and had the least experience.

But Superintendent Mona stopped her and said she would speak.

Locke reacted instantly, he knew that Too many, Mona was afraid that he would get into trouble if he said something wrong.

After get off work, Locke came to Shushan Bookstore near the police station. He had consulted Edmund and Theresa from the detective team and followed their advice to buy books related to the detective exam.

After buying the list of books, he thought that he still had three study cards that he hadn’t used, so he looked for books on diving and Arabic learning.

However, Locke couldn’t find any books on training after searching around. In the end, he only found a few books on Japanese bondage art. He was not sure if it counted as training, so he planned to Go home and check Amazon Bookstore.

In the evening, Locke talked to Marian on the phone. He received a call from the FBI in the afternoon. The reward procedure for Harry Bellein had been completed. The FBI notified him to go and collect it.

Thinking that the money would be given to Marian for investment, he asked Marian to handle it.

He casually asked about the lawsuit of Mendes Repair Shop and was told that the indictment was being prepared and would not be formally submitted to the court until next Monday.

After hanging up the phone, Locke was about to buy books on Amazon when Sarah Mendes called.

Sarah notified The customized back seat of his F150 Raptor arrived, and he was asked to change it when he was free.

After agreeing on a time, Locke told Sarah what he had just learned from Marian, and then ended the call.

Opening Amazon, searching, damn, there are so many books on training.

Locke didn’t understand, so he bought the best-selling one according to the reviews.

After finishing it, he picked up the unopened Arabic Beginner Quick Course and Diving Introduction and came to the sofa. After flipping through these two books, the panel changed instantly.

Host: Locke. Li /Rock Lee

Level: 2

Strength: 11 (Human Peak 20)

Speed: 11 (Human Peak 20)

Endurance: 11 (Human Peak 20)

Spirit: 12 (Human Peak 20)

Skills Mastered: Pistol (L3 Master ↑ 5 years of experience), Rifle (L3 Master ↑ ), Mixed Martial Arts (L3 Master ↑ 5 years of experience), Car Driving (L4 Mastery), Rugby (L2 Mastery), Mating (L3 Master ↑ 5 years of experience), Swimming (L3 Master), Housekeeping (L3 Master), Traceology (L3 Master), Makeup (L3 Master ↑), Forensics (L3 Master), Sketching (L3 Master), Micro-expression Analysis (L2 Mastery), Chemistry (L2 Mastery), Biology (L2 Mastery), Toxicology (L2 Mastery), Art Appreciation (L2 Mastery), Computer (L2 =Proficient), Cooking (L2 Proficient), Lock Picking (L2 Proficient), Lip Reading (L2 Proficient ↑), Psychological Profiling (L1 Proficient), Diving (L1 Proficient)

Talented Skill: Language Master (L1 Awakening ↑)

Equipment: Storage Box (1 cubic meter)

Justice Value: 1350 (+800)

Attribute Points:

Card Holding

Experience Card:

Function Card: Bullet Avoidance Card

Learning Card: Training (five years of experience)

Knowledge about Arabic and diving appeared in his mind out of thin air, and he can travel freely in the Middle East in the future.

It turns out that diving and swimming are really not the same thing.

As Locke guessed before, Arabic did not form a new skill, but was directly integrated into the language talent skill.

However, the talent skill Language Master was not upgraded, and the previous skill L1 upgrade only required 5 years of experience.

It seems that five years is not enough to upgrade the talent skill, and this needs further exploration.

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