Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1012: Kui Jiao

Zhou Luan nodded: "Don't worry, I know the severity, and I won't cause you trouble at critical times."

"Master Shadow Master, you have a very high consumption of tool spirit carriers, how about I help you restore your spiritual power?"

Zhou Luan nodded lightly, and Wang Daoyuan immediately started.

This year, the inscriptions on the enlightenment laws were the main focus, and cultivation was delayed, so we still have to hurry up in this regard.

One month passed quickly, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were also ready.

Li Chen and Chen Yin brought four Yuan Ying early monks to the front of the courtyard.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan walked out of the house and started the formation.

"Brother Li, Daoyou Chen, my wife and I are going together, what do you think of them?"

Li Chen smiled and said: "The younger brothers and sisters are also in the later stage of Yuanying. Even the fire cultivators are not good at fighting in the sea, but they are better than us.

With the help of two cultivators in the later stage of Yuan Ying, he was more confident. "

Chen Yin also laughed aside: "What Li Daoyou said is that with the help of two masters, this trip is more confident.

Without further ado, let's go over together. "

Wang Daoyuan couldn't wait a long time ago, so naturally he didn't have any opinions.

Li Chen took out a Tier 4 high-grade flying boat and carried everyone to the north.

Flew thousands of miles to the north of Huolian Island, then turned to the west, made a big circle, and came to more than 10,000 miles to the south of the island.

As the flying boat stopped over a darker sea area, Li Chen said: "The bottom of this sea area is a huge canyon with extremely deep water.

Moreover, there are often undercurrents in the canyon.

Tier 5 monsters are even more commonplace, and Tier 6 monsters can sometimes be encountered.

Therefore, no one dares to hunt monsters in this place.

The last time we came here was also because the price paid for catching that monster beast was too great.

Let it escape, and we will lose everything.

The place where I entered the sea last time is here.

There is no reference to the sea, and we are not sure to find the undercurrent directly. We can only enter the sea from here and look for it along the mark left last time. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Let's go down here."

Li Chen and Chen Yin led the way, and everyone followed closely behind.

After diving into the sea for more than five thousand feet, he came to a canyon.

This canyon runs east-west, with flat seabeds on both sides, and a huge rift has been forcibly pulled out.

After entering the canyon, the pressure suddenly increased and it became much dim.

Fortunately, there are many shimmering corals and water plants here, but you can see things clearly.

Li Chen and Chen Yin took the lead and swam to the east.

In order to prevent a sneak attack by the monsters, Wang Daoyuan has also opened the chasing compass.

There are many fork roads in this gorge. After traveling east for more than a thousand miles, a small fork road appeared in front of it.

Li Chen swam over and fumbled among a few stone studs at the fork.

"It's this side road. I found the mark left at that time. Come with me."

After all, swim towards the fork.

After that, he walked a few more diversion roads. Wang Daoyuan's spiritual consciousness had already detected that there was a lot of spiritual energy and very fast-flowing sea water more than ten miles away.

Li Chen and Chen Yin also felt it, and Li Chen also transmitted to Wang Daoyuan: "The undercurrent is just ahead. As long as you go upstream, you can find the source of the undercurrent.

There should be no danger here, the last time there was no small movement, and it did not attract other monsters. "

Before he finished his words, Wang Daoyuan's soul chasing compass found a cyan light spot.

This monster should have discovered a few of them, and swam right here from the direction of the east.

"Last time you were lucky, but this time you were not so lucky.

A Tier 5 monster came over from the east, and it was more than two hundred miles away from here. "

Chen Yin and others were a little surprised, after all, the divine consciousness in the deep sea could not be explored too far.

They can only detect a distance of more than 20 miles. Wang Daoyuan is stronger than them, but it is impossible to see a situation a hundred miles away.

Although Chen Yin didn't dare to question clearly, he also said: "This place is in a submarine canyon, which seriously affects the exploration of the spiritual sense. It is unlikely that you will find movement two hundred miles away?"

On the contrary, Li Chen believed in Wang Daoyuan, immediately sacrificed the magic weapon, ready to do it at any time.

Wang Daoyuan didn't take it seriously, "Is there any monster beast? I'll know after a while.

Brother Li doesn't have to worry, if you are prepared, this evil animal might not dare to come.

A Tier 5 monster is worth three or four thousand high-grade spirit stones.

Pretend to be nonchalant and continue to swim forward. "

After more than a hundred breaths, a strange snake swam over.

This guy has a head like an ox but no horns, a body like a snake, covered with hard scales, and a three-fingered claw under his body.

As soon as he saw this thing, Chen Yin's expression changed: "This is Kui Jiao, or the fifth-order top grade, we are in trouble."

Upon hearing this, Li Chen and the five others were ready to escape.

Wang Daoyuan had never heard of such a monster, and it was not the time for questioning.

A Tier 5 high-grade monster beast, even a purebred Primordial Alien Beast, is just a piece of cake.

In order to keep things quiet, Wang Daoyuan's supernatural power domain unfolded, and then five Guishui Divine Thunder appeared out of thin air and struck towards Kuai Jiao.

In order to hide his strength, he also did not use the power of the God of Transformation Realm.

The Guishui Divine Thunder he only deduced to the fifth-order level, and coupled with the suppression power, the power he displayed was equivalent to that of the Yuan Ying Peak monk.

This Kui Jiao is also quite extraordinary, with a layer of water-attribute protective mask appearing on his body, and there is electric light flashing in it.

Five Kuaishui gods thunder smashed on the mask, and they were actually carried down.

If it were an ordinary opponent, most of the power of the Guishui Divine Thunder would pass directly through the protective mask and hit him.

And in front of this Kui Jiao, all the power of Guishui Divine Thunder was taken down by the body guard.

Of course, Kui Jiao is not easy either.

His body shield became extremely dim, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Wang Daoyuan didn't bother to waste time, thirty shots of Guishui Divine Thunder appeared instantly, and at the same time they smashed at Kui Jiao.

This method, without a strong opponent with supernatural powers, can't hold it at all.

However, Kui Jiao's methods were indeed not weak, and a huge vortex surrounded by thunder appeared.

Thirty rounds of Guishui God Thunder hit it, but it didn't even break this whirlpool.

Moreover, this vortex has a growing trend.

Li Chen and others were shocked. They wanted to make a fortune, but they met such a powerful enemy.

Wang Daoyuan looked indifferent, if he didn't want to reveal his strength, no matter how powerful the vortex was, it would be a matter of one sword.

He continued to condense the Divine Thunder of Guishui, and every three breaths time, there are 30 Divine Thunder of Guishui smashed on it.

This Kui Jiao is really unusual, this whirlpool seems to be able to transfer most of the power of the Guishui Divine Thunder into the sea.

The strength that the vortex itself bears is not much, and the Divine Thunder of Guishui can only suppress the expansion of the vortex, but cannot directly break it.

No matter what method is used, it is impossible not to pay the price.

The same must be true for the transfer of power. If it has been consumed all the time, it is definitely this Kui Jiao who can't bear it.

After thirty breaths, Wang Daoyuan shot a total of more than three hundred Guishui Divine Thunder.

The vortex finally couldn't hold it anymore, and it broke apart.

After Kui Jiao fully blocked the last wave of Guishui Divine Thunder, he turned around and fled eastward.

Before he could escape how far, a few Guishui divine thunder appeared in front of him.

This Kuijiao's spiritual power has been basically exhausted, and he has no ability to resist it anymore.

In addition, these few Guishui divine thunders almost appeared in front of him, and it was too late to hide.

After only a few muffled noises, Kui Jiao lost his vitality.

This is where the power of the space domain lies. With the help of domains to cast spells, this spell can appear anywhere out of thin air.

If there is no defense, it may be killed at any time.

Wang Daoyuan condensed a water dragon, rolled the corpse of Kui Jiao, and collected it into the Lingzhu space.

Zhou Luan looked calm and calm, and he even wanted to watch the coral next to him.

Li Chen, Chen Yin and others were shocked, and Kui Jiao died just like that.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "This Kui Jiao is quite powerful. It seems that there are two magical powers: Thunder and Yushui. What's the background?"

Chen Yin replied respectfully: "There is a legend in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm that in ancient times this place was ruled by a strange animal called'Kui'.

This thing can drive thunder and lightning, but it looks quite strange, some resemble cows, some resemble dragons, with only one claw or hoof.

The legendary Kui has not been seen now, but they still have a lot of blood.

Kui Jiao is the descendant of Kui and Jiaolong, and possesses the magical powers of both.

Up to now, Kuijiao is still one of the overlords of the Seven Star Sea, but the number is small, and human monks are rarely seen.

But as far as strength is concerned, it is definitely not lost to a demigod.

Especially this technique of guarding against thunder is too powerful in the sea. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Let's move on."

Li Chen and the six others had the courage in an instant, vying to lead the way, and everyone soon came to the undercurrent.

The water in this undercurrent does contain extremely rich spiritual power, and it is incompatible with the surrounding sea water.

Everyone went upstream along the undercurrent, and the further upstream, the smaller the scale of the undercurrent, and the more spiritual power contained in it.

This is also in line with the characteristics of Lingquan water absorbing ordinary water and diluting itself.

This spirit spring water is much denser than ordinary water, and it will not float up, but will only flow on the bottom of the sea.

On the road, no other monsters were encountered. Everyone quickly came to the foot of a tall seamount. This undercurrent flowed from a cave at the foot of the seamount.

"Brother Wu, this cave can lead to a basin with many monsters haunting it.

If you want to go in, you can only get through this cave.

But there are also many monsters in the basin. Last time we detected the aura of monsters, we didn't dare to go in. "

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan walked ahead and went straight into the cave.

The cave was relatively spacious, only more than ten miles long, and soon everyone came to the basin.

Here is a basin with a diameter of hundreds of is surrounded by mountains.

Many corals and spiritual plants grow in the basin, exuding a gloomy light, attracting many low-level monsters.

A large number of light spots appeared on Wang Daoyuan's soul-chasing compass.

Most of the light spots are crimson and orange, that is, Tier 1 and Tier 2 monsters.

But there are also three cyan light spots, and the brightness is not low, it should be a powerful fifth-order monster.

The place where the cave is located is the lowest point in the entire basin, so the spring water gushes out from here.

Everyone tried their best to restrain their breath and move forward along the undercurrent.

Soon I came to a rock wall, and the undercurrent flowed out from the cracks in the rock wall.

The real spiritual water should be in it, and it really takes a bit of work to get it.

Just as Wang Daoyuan wanted to do something, a powerful force fell from the top of the basin.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to kill my grandson, so he doesn't put my Kuijiao family in his eyes."

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