Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1050: Blood Shadow Secret Realm

After listening to Wang Mingkang's post treatment, all the elders in real power became excited at that time. The post treatment was much better than the title treatment.

As long as there is a job, no one will die from starvation.

Wang Mingkang continued: "Do not worry, fellow Taoists, there are special contributions in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

For example, if you find high-value artifacts or discover important information, contribution points will be rewarded, and these contribution points can be exchanged for spiritual artifacts in the general meeting.

Ji Dan, Yin Yang Ziyu, and Jin Jin Dan are available, but the number is limited.

There are unlimited exchanges of artifacts below the fifth level, and there are restrictions on the exchange of fifth-order artifacts.

Moreover, magical items below rank 5 can also be purchased directly with spirit stones. "

At this time, everyone's hearts were heated up, even in the blood shadow headquarters, many things were restricted.

Just like the fourth-order magic weapon, the blood shadow can't be exchanged casually.

The exchange of yin and yang purple jade is very restricted, and there are very few gold cores.

Seeing that everyone did not ask any more questions, Wang Shouye smiled and said: "I, Yan Nation, will never treat heroes badly. If you make meritorious services in the future, you will still get knighthoods and fiefdoms.

This time the remnant monster clan was defeated, the northern territory of the mountain doubled, even in the extremely cold ice field, the monster clan did not dare to show up.

I heard that Blood Shadow holds a huge man-made secret realm, and I have always wanted to see it.

I wonder if the first elder and the second elder can take me to have a long experience? "

Naturally, they would not refuse this little thing.

Zhang Yue smiled and said, "Please also ask the prime minister to come with me."

Wang Shouye instructed the accompanying children of the Wang family: "Go and take over the affairs of the temples."

Afterwards, he followed Zhang Yue and Cao Jing to leave the conference hall and head to the secret realm.

The real power elders began to hand over the affairs of the temples with the children of the Wang family.

Wang Shouye and others came to a huge light curtain and walked in to take a look.

I saw a plain with a radius of nearly two thousand miles in front of me, which is also the basic feature of man-made secrets.

Without undulating mountains, all land can be used to open up spiritual fields.

In the sky at the edge of the secret realm, there are two spheres with a diameter of more than one foot, namely Pure Sun Pearl and Moon Flower Pearl.

The two sprinkle pure yin and pure yang air, nourishing a large purple cloud wood forest below.

There is a spiritual vein in the secret realm, which is now a fifth-tier low-grade.

Because there are only entrances and exits in the secret realm that communicate with the outside world and the spiritual hub that communicates with the inside and outside, the aura seldom escapes.

Therefore, the aura of the entire secret realm is very rich.

With enough spiritual energy, all kinds of spiritual plants are naturally indispensable.

One third of the spiritual fields in the entire secret realm are planted with Tier 4 spiritual plants, and the rest are mostly Tier 3 spiritual plants.

There are very few second-order spiritual plants, and first-order spiritual plants are completely absent.

Many spirit bees flew between the flowers to pollinate the flowers of these spirit plants.

Wang Shouye said with emotion: "The blood shadow is worthy of being the foundation for tens of thousands of years, and the background is indeed extraordinary."

Zhang Yue sighed: "Unfortunately, this blood shadow secret realm is hard to last. After all, it is an artificial secret realm.

When the ancestor master just established this secret realm, the spiritual veins in it were the sixth-rank top grade.

Later, the aura of the entire Beiyuan Cultivation Realm gradually declined, and this secret realm could not stand up alone.

The original balance in the Secret Realm is broken, and there is a risk of collapse at any time.

For tens of thousands of years, we can only continue to invest in Kong Mingshi, barely maintaining the stability of the secret realm.

Fortunately, there is a Kongming Mountain in the southeast. In the mountain, there is the largest Kongming Stone Mine in the entire Beiyuan Cultivation Realm. A large number of Kongming Stones are transported from there every month.

Otherwise, this secret realm would have already collapsed.

After the Chamber of Commerce takes over this place, it will also regularly invest in the Kong Ming Stone to maintain the stability of the secret realm.

In addition, Kongming Mountain will also send Jindan masters to garrison.

After all, this is the Southern Wilderness, and there are many desperadoes. "

Wang Shouye nodded: "This is not without a solution. My king's family also has an artificial secret realm, which was created by the Aoki God Venerable in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

He uses special spiritual plants as the core of the secret realm to maintain the stability of the secret realm.

In the future, I can let Daoyuan try to see if he can cultivate a spiritual plant to stabilize this secret realm. "

"That's okay, although the value of this secret realm is extremely high, the value of Kong Mingshi is not low.

After so many years, the value of the Kong Ming Stone invested, I am afraid it has exceeded this mysterious realm.

But this mystery has already become the lifeblood of Blood Shadow, we dare not give up, we can only barely maintain it like this.

The disciples who take care of the secret realm are under the management of Lingzhi Hall.

Now it's handed over to the Chamber of Commerce, so we don't have to worry about it anymore.

If you can really use Lingzhi to stabilize the secret realm, you can also save a lot of money. "

Wang Daoyuan was in the Zhou family courtyard at this time, the Twelve Uncles came to receive the Blood Shadow headquarters, and the annexation of Blood Shadow was a foregone conclusion.

"The blood shadow is gone, you can't call the Lord Shadow Lord in the future."

Zhou Luan glanced at him: "Even if I'm not the movie master, would you still dare to rebel?"

"How can you? Are you still Princess Zhou? I will call you Princess Princess from now on.

The dust has settled on the blood shadow headquarters, and I should also go to Juetianyuan. "

"Why don't I go take a look? You have worshipped Guiyuan Jianxian as a teacher, and I should also go and see the master."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It's okay, let's stay at the Blood Shadow headquarters for a few days, and then leave after the handover is complete."

The two sides are handing over, and it is indispensable for someone to ask for various matters, and it is not suitable for double repairs.

Wang Daoyuan could only take out an animal skin book to study the prohibition of magical instruments.

After half a month, Molong in the Lingzhu space let out a dragon chant.

He saw that his body's breath was extremely unstable, and then his spiritual power began to skyrocket.

After a few hours, Molong's cultivation reached the fourth-order inferior grade.

This was a successful breakthrough, but the Spirit Orb space interfered with the Heavenly Tribulation, and after the breakthrough, no Heavenly Tribulation came.

The blood of the true dragon in Molong is extremely pure, and the blood of the **** beast can trigger the blood tribulation and increase the blood concentration.

If he is not allowed to survive the catastrophe, it would be a big loss.

The Deep Sea Moyulong is very powerful in protecting water, so it is better for him to go to the sea to survive the catastrophe.

"Molong has already broken through Tier 4, after going to Juetianyuan, I will go to the East China Sea to let him cross the calamity."

At this moment, Wang Shouye came to the gate of the small courtyard.

Wang Daoyuan welcomed him in: "Uncle Twelve, how is the handover?"

"The handover is complete, and the people I brought are extremely capable.

The hall master and elders on Blood Shadow's side are also very cooperative. If it weren't for Blood Shadow's system to be too complicated, it would have been completed long ago.

By the way, the space in the Blood Shadow Secret Realm is unstable and requires a large amount of Kong Mingshi to maintain it.

But the value of Kong Mingshi is very high, if you keep investing in this way, the price will be too high.

The value of the spiritual plant in the Blood Shadow Secret Realm is not low, and the price is even higher if it is not invested.

I think the Green Willow Secret Realm can be stabilized by hollow willows. Can this Secret Realm be stabilized?

If it is feasible, a willow branch is broken from the hollow willow, cultivated alive, and planted in the secret realm. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The value of the Kongming Stone is extremely high, and it can completely replace the Xuanyuan Gourd, and refine the spatial artifacts that can cultivate spiritual plants.

If it has been used to maintain the secret realm, the price is too great.

I went to the Secret Realm to take a look, if it could be maintained with a hollow willow, it would naturally be excellent.

Whatever you should do, I'll just go and see. "

Wang Shouye left the small courtyard, preparing to leave here with most of the elders of Blood Shadow.

After the handover, the Blood Shadow Headquarters will become the Bibohai Branch.

Wang Daojian serves as the president of the Bibohai branch as the vice president of the association.

A branch naturally does not need to leave too many Jindan cultivators.

Most of the Jindan elders will leave with Wang Shouye to take up positions at the headquarters of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in Qingli City.

There are still many industries in Bibohai Branch, which need to be taken care of by special personnel.

But this place has been the blood shadow headquarters for tens of thousands of years, leaving behind a lot of mortals and unnecessary low-level monks.

These people will also be slowly moved out in the future, after all, there is still a large amount of open space waiting for them to enrich the Tianzhan Mountain Range and Shanbei.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan went to the blood shadow secret realm together to check the situation in this secret realm.

Wang Daoyuan hadn't been here before. He had lived in the Blood Shadow headquarters for many years before, and he had come here many times without any problems.

It's just that the cultivation base was low at the beginning, and there is no obvious trick.

Now that the cultivation base is on a higher level, what you see is naturally different.

Wang Daoyuan used the secret technique of peeping the sky to check the stone wall on the edge of the secret realm.

There is the power of law on these stone walls.

It's just that the power of this law is not stable, and it is slowly decreasing all the time.

The Aoki God of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley likes to create secret realms, and Wang Daoyuan has also seen his record of creating secret realms.

This method is to use the power of the way of space to forcefully hold out a secret realm.

Then use the formation method and other means to stabilize this secret realm.

The most troublesome thing is the secret realm core. The main difficulty of this thing is not the core itself, but the spiritual hub for communication between the secret realm and the outside.

Just like the Five Elements Secret Realm, it is a natural secret realm, and the spiritual hub that communicates inside and outside exists naturally.

A golden core monk can replace the core of the secret realm.

The Secret Realm of Oasis Liuzhou uses the natural space law of Hollow Willow to replace the Lingshu.

If you want to create a spiritual hub out of thin air, you need at least a powerful cultivation base and a mastery in the way of space.

The process is also extremely complicated, and even God Venerable Aoki is unwilling to do this.

Wang Daoyuan's domain supernatural powers were originally the embryonic form of a space, and when he reached the realm of great power, the way of the spiritual creature space would not be a problem.

But the cultivation base is still far away, and it is impossible for a cultivator to create this hub.

Obviously, the Blood Shadow Patriarch who created this secret realm at that time also didn't have this ability.

He can't create a hub, this secret realm is incomplete, and can only be barely maintained by external forces.

The spatial law controlled by Wang Daoyuan is not a problem for refining spatial spiritual weapons, but if you want to stabilize this secret realm, you think too much.

Fortunately, in the Lingzhu space, there is also a second-order low-grade hollow willow.

This hollow willow was cultivated from the branches that were broken off from the big willow tree in Oasis before he left Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie for the first time.

Absorbed many gifts from heaven and earth, coupled with the nourishment of vitality spirit fire.

After so many years, there are only second-order inferior products, and the trunk is no more than the thickness of adult thighs.

This willow tree bred once, but it left very few seeds.

Such a big willow tree only bears more than a dozen seeds.

Wang Daoyuan planted these seeds in the Lingzhu space, and now only three seedlings have grown.

However, the three seedlings have a good foundation, just over a foot high, they have already entered the stage.

Take out a plant and plant it in the Blood Shadow Secret Realm. UU Reading is the best if it can succeed, and unsuccessful is just the loss of a small sapling.

He flew over the secret realm, feeling the fluctuations of spiritual power throughout the secret realm.

Then it fell near the center of the secret realm. In the whole blood shadow secret realm, the spiritual power fluctuates the strongest here.

It just so happens that this place is on the spiritual vein.

Wang Dao Yuanjian pointed to the next finger, and a large pit more than ten feet deep appeared on the ground, and crystal-like spiritual veins were exposed in the pit.

He took out an emerald green bead from the spirit bead space. The bead was called the Jade Fire Bead, which was made by imitating the Pure Sun Bead and the Moon Flower Bead.

The innermost part of the bead is a small meteorite, and there is a green flame burning on the meteorite, which is the rootless fire of the spiritual fire of life.

Wang Daoyuan put the beads into the pit, clinging to the spiritual veins.

Then the pit was filled, and the clone transplanted a hollow willow seedling from the Lingzhu space.

The seedling was cut out with the soil on the root and transplanted directly above the green fire bead.

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