Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1106: Underworld civil strife


  Wang Delin was a little reluctant to seal Xuanming True Water, after all, Lingshui could increase the speed of cultivation.


   Although the effect is a bit worse than that of Spirit Fire, Tianfu Island is surrounded by water, and the water is very aura, and Spirit Water will also be very helpful to cultivation.


  Wang Daoyuan didn't know much about Wang Delin's grand-nephew, and now it seems that he still has a bit of arrogance.


   In the past few decades, the tribe’s cultivation has made great breakthroughs.


  He is a Tianlinggen monk, but he is not conspicuous among the people.


   Now Wang Mingxian's cultivation speed is very fast, and it won't take long before he will be able to form a pill.


   At that time, his cultivation is likely to be overtaken by Wang Mingxian.


   As a cultivation genius, it is inevitable to have some arrogance.


   was overtaken by a latecomer, and was a little bit frustrated.


  As an elder, naturally he can't watch him go astray, he still has to beat him.


   "You are now about a hundred years old, and you have cultivated to the middle of the golden core.


   When I was your age, I was still worried about opening up the Purple Mansion.


   Do not always think fast about cultivation.


   First have enough accumulation, and then think about breakthrough.


   Especially breaking through the realm of Nasal Infant, the foundation of the broken pill before the formation of infants directly determines the potential of Nasal Infant.


   If the foundation is vain, the Nasal Infant’s potential will be affected, and there will be great obstacles to future cultivation.


   You are the root of Tianling, and you are blessed in the practice before Yuan Ying.


   But after reaching the realm of Yuan Ying, it will affect the growth of Yuan Ying because of its single attribute.


   Although you absorb spiritual energy and transform spiritual power, the speed at which you condense the true essence from spiritual power is very fast.


   But because the five elements are not complete, your true essence is not very helpful to the growth of Yuan Ying.


   If the Nascent Soul's foundation is poor, it will be very difficult to break through the realm of God Transformation in the future.


   Even after the breakthrough, the Nascent Soul becomes the Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul's potential will be limited, and it is impossible to break through the Mahayana.


   If you just want to be a strong Nascent Soul monk in this life, or an extremely weak God Transforming monk, then you can make a breakthrough in a hurry.


   If you want to go further, calm down and lay a solid foundation.


   When the accumulation is too small to improve, then break the pill and knot the infant.


  In this way, your Nascent Soul has great potential, and it will be even stronger after breaking through the transformation of God in the future.


   Breaking through the Mahayana realm is not impossible.


  Mingchen and Dezhao are following the latter path. They are clearly able to make a breakthrough, and they have to spend several decades to lay a solid foundation.


   Although they are not as talented as you, their future achievements may not be worse than you.


   In this path of cultivation, walking fast is not the ability, but walking far is the real ability. "


   Tian Linggen monk had the fastest cultivation speed before Yuan Ying.


   But in the realm of Yuan Ying, if you want Yuan Ying to grow quickly, you need the five elements.


   Heavenly Spiritual Roots practice fast and can easily cultivate a large amount of true essence.


  True essence, divine consciousness, and qi and blood are like tonics for Yuanying. If you want Yuanying to be strong, you must let Yuanying take more supplements.


   The power of divine consciousness has little to do with spiritual roots, they are all the same.


   But Qi and Blood and True Essence are affected by Spirit Roots, and Tian Ling Root Monks have a single attribute, and their True Essence and Qi and Blood are not very nourishing effects on the Nascent Infant.


   Tian Linggen monk reached the Nascent Soul Realm, the Nascent Soul progressed relatively slowly and needed to be polished slowly.


   At this time, the importance of the foundation is reflected.


   Thinking of the future path, Wang Delin nodded: "Uncle Qi, don't worry, I will lay the foundation, and I won't be in a hurry to break through."


   Wang Daoyuan was very satisfied: "That's right, although the spiritual root monk has a slow growth rate, he is not as good as the five spirit roots.


   But the speed of condensing True Essence is fast, which still has a lot of advantages over Erlinggen and Sanlinggen.


   In the future, it is still very possible to eat more non-attribute spiritual objects to strengthen the Nascent Soul, and to cultivate to the Mahayana realm.


   After reaching the Mahayana realm, the rapid condensing of the true essence means that you have more energy to face the trifling catastrophe.


  The ability of Tianlinggen to deal with the Tribulation of Three Decays is second only to the Five Linggens.


  The probability of practicing to become powerful is also second only to the five spirit roots. "


   After that, a small group of celestial power was condensed in his hands.


   The prototype of Xianli began to evolve and finally formed a complex pattern with an ancient Chinese character "Feng" in the middle.


  Wang Daoyuan used the sealing method of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, which is usually used to subdue ghost repairs, spirit tribes and the like, and can also be used to seal treasures.


After the    pattern is formed, go to the black water drop cover.


   Lingshui and Linghu are both hopeful to nurture the spirit race.


   Although it does not have spiritual intelligence, it also has the most basic spirituality.


   When they are threatened, they will try to protect themselves.


   The seal map passed, Xuan Ming Zhenshui wanted to escape.


   But its speed is too slow, and it gets wrapped up quickly.


   Xuan Ming Zhen Shui was not convinced yet, and collided left and right in the seal picture.


   It's a pity that a Tier 4 peak level spiritual water wants to escape in the hands of a cultivator in the middle stage of transforming a god. It can be said that it is a fantasy.


   The seal pattern shrank quickly, and it quickly blended into the water droplets.


   The Xuanming True Water at this time is no different from ordinary water droplets.


   There was not a trace of cold air leaking, and no spiritual power fluctuations were noticed.


   Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Okay, the small fourth-order peak spiritual water can't make any big waves.


   When your ability to control power is high enough to overcome the true water of Xuanming, the seal will naturally be broken.


   Don't think too much, go and practice well first. "


   After that, his consciousness moved.


   At this time, Wang Minglong and Molong, who were in the difficulty of Tianfu Island, flew over.


   They transformed into human forms and came to the cave.


   Wang Daoyuan commanded: "Delin's foundation is unstable, and someone needs to accompany him to lay a solid foundation.


   Minglong, you will spend more time with him in the future, and be careful not to hurt him.


  Molong, you are the strongest.


   If the two of them missed their hands, you should save the field by the side to prevent De Lin from hurting the foundation. "


  Wang Minglong and Molong are both Tier 5 inferior, and Wang Delin is only in the middle stage of the golden core, far behind them.


   Mo Long nodded repeatedly: "Father, don't worry, it won't be a problem to stop the two of them."


   Molong has more than 70% of the true dragon bloodline. When the cultivation base is the same, it can completely crush Wang Minglong.


   With him watching, Wang Daoyuan can rest assured.


   "De Lin, you should practice your hands now."


  Wang Delin said yes, and the two dragons walked out of the cave.


  Wang Daoyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. When Wang Delin encountered such a risk, his life almost got in.


   Fortunately, I have been staying on Tianfu Island, and I helped him resolve the crisis in time.


  Wang Delin was able to condense Xuanming true water so quickly, but Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed.


  Xuanming true water is in the spiritual water, although it is not top-notch, but it can also be ranked first, much stronger than immeasurable true water.


   With Lingshui, Wang Delin's cultivation speed will rise to a big level.


   After he breaks through the Nascent Soul Realm, his strength will soon surpass the Twelve Uncles.


   Just as he was about to return to the cave and continue his cultivation, news came from the Twelve Uncle.


   Xing Ming Pavilion treasurer Xuan Chen has a hundred thousand urgent affairs, and wants to see himself.


  Wang Shouye asked him many times about the reason, but he never said it.


   Xuan Chen is a very stable person, and he won't be so excited about a little thing.


   can make him so panic, it must be a huge change in the Dark Dragon organization.


  The Underworld Dragon organization is related to the Wang Family's control of the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, so there shouldn't be any problems.


   greeted Zhou Luan, Wang Daoyuan set up Lei Pengfeizhou and headed to Lone Star Island.


   Lei Peng Feizhou was urged to its limit, turned into a blue light and shadow, and quickly passed over the sea.


   The squally gusts on the two wings set off huge waves on the sea.


   At this time, Lei Peng Feizhou's speed has exceeded 50,000 miles.


   Twenty hours later, Feizhou came to the sky above Lone Star Island.


   Wang Dao collected the takeoff boat far away, but I landed in his own shop.


   Xuanchen had already noticed the arrival of Lei Peng Feizhou. As soon as Wang Daoyuan entered the shop, he took a man in a black robe and hat with a veil to leave Xingming Pavilion and came to the backyard of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.


   Wang Daoyuan said directly: "Come in."


   The two walked into the cave, where Wang Daoyuan and Wang Shouye were both here.


   After opening the protective formation, Wang Daoyuan asked: "Treasurer Xuan, what is the urgent matter, eager to let me come over, who is this fellow Daoist?"


   Xuan Chen arched his hands and said: "Senior Wang, this junior is really forced.


   There is a big chaos inside the Underworld Dragon organization, and I can only come to ask seniors. "


   Wang Daoyuan was taken aback for a moment, the Dark Dragon organization was so virtuous, what could be the chaos?


   All positions in the entire organization have basically been divided up by Lord Dark Dragon and the elders.


   Although this system similar to the enfeoffment system is extremely corrupt, it is not strong to the outside world.


   However, the interior is extremely stable.


   Because, no one inside can threaten this group of rulers.


   The only possibility of internal chaos is the union of the elders.


   "What is the situation, you have made it clear."


   Xuanchen pointed to the black-robed man beside him: "This is the eldest son of Master Minglong, and my big brother Mingjiao is the heir of Master Minglong.


   He told me about the chaos at the Minglong headquarters. "


  The black-robed man took off his shaw hat, revealing a middle-aged face.


   is not handsome, but it can be considered upright.


   This person's Yuan Ying's later cultivation base, but at this time his face is full of panic.


  Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, just say anything."


   Mingjiao calmed down, and then said: "My father is going to break through the realm of transforming gods. The elders are afraid that after his father breaks through, he will clean up them, so he will be strong and besie my father.


   Although his father is strong, he can't stand up to the elders' sneak attack and siege..."


   He was very nervous, talking intermittently, talking for a long time, not very organized.


   However, Wang Daoyuan still got the general idea.


   Master Minglong has the means to break through and transform the gods, and he is ready to fight and try to break through before sitting down.


   This person is also considered foresight, and has already prepared a place to cross the catastrophe outside, and wants to hide it from the elders.


   It's a pity, now the Seven Star Alliance is fighting against the Blood Shark Thieves, and the elders are staying at the headquarters.


   Master Minglong left the headquarters, there is no reasonable explanation, it is difficult to hide from the elders.


   Moreover, it is very likely to be taken by the monks of the Seven Star Alliance.


   In desperation, he can only choose to break through the secret realm he has near the headquarters.


A traitor appeared among    Minglong's cronies, and revealed the news to the elders.


   All the elders attacked together, besieged the Dark Dragon, and beheaded it.


   This also explains some Wang Daoyuan's doubts.


   At the beginning, Xuan Chen said that Master Minglong would accept some talented low-level monks as disciples, and train them to replace those elders.


   At that time, Wang Daoyuan felt that it was unwise to do so. If those elders rallied and attacked, Master Minglong would be fatal.


   He guessed that this Lord Dark Dragon might have countermeasures.


   Now it seems that this countermeasure is to break through the realm of God Transformation.


   It's a pity, now that he is catching up with the battle between the two overlords, he can't go out quietly.


   And Master Minglong's life is almost exhausted, and he can't wait any longer, he can only take a risk.


  The other elders are not fools, and he knows what he means from the fact that he has cultivated a few personal disciples with all his strength.


   didn't do it before, mainly because Dark Dragon did not have the ability to force it.


   just tried to knock out his disciple, and after he sat down, everything was okay.


   It's just that they didn't expect Master Minglong to have the means to break through the gods. Once Master Minglong breaks through, he can completely crush all the elders.


   More than 90% of the Nascent Soul Peak cultivator, in the hands of the cultivator at the beginning of the transformation, can't go to a rendezvous.


   Once Master Dark Dragon breaks through, the other elders have no ability to resist.


   When he decided to take the plunge, he also made some preparations.


   handed the seal and the secret of breaking through the **** of transformation to the eldest son Ming Jiao, and asked him to come and take refuge in Xuan Chen.


   Lone Star Island is located at the junction of the three parties, and is also under the coverage of the royal family.


   Xuan Chen made good friends with the Wang family, and the elders did not dare to come over and kill people clearly.


   If it succeeds in breaking through the **** transformation, then take the Ming Jiao back.


   If the breakthrough fails, Ming Jiao will carry the seal, coupled with Xuan Chen's assistance, and there will be a chance to make a comeback.

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