Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 902: Take refuge in

   Watching Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan laugh, the two little guys couldn't understand anything, and they followed silly music on the side.

   Zhou Luan asked: "Next, what should we do?

  Should I use the means to hit Zhangjia again, or let it go first? "

   Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, now I have the advantage.

   What we have to do is to make progress gradually.

   Everything is done in accordance with the rules of the blood shadow, and try to make the neutral elders satisfied.

   The more things done, the higher your prestige in the hearts of those elders.

   When your prestige surpasses Zhang Dingming, most of the neutral elders will take refuge in us.

   At that time, you can find a way to lift Zhang Dingming.

   Today's thing is over, and soon other elders will follow Xu's family and want to establish branches in Yan Kingdom.

   The family's recommendation of talents to the headquarters can also be temporarily put aside.

   After the two branches of Linhai and Luoxing are established, it will not be too late to recommend them. "

   Zhou Luan nodded: "I'm afraid that Zhang Dingming will have any conspiracy and tricks to disrupt our arrangement."

   Wang Daoyuan didn't take it seriously: "What else can he do?

   With me here, if he dares to use force, then I can smile with a crooked mouth.

   can take the opportunity to kill Zhang Dingming, and justifiably suppress the Zhang family.

   want to use power to suppress others, his power has you, the movie master, plus the second elder and third elder boss?

  On resources, the Xu family and some of the elders support us, and you are also the movie owner.

   Most of the resources of Blood Shadow are in your hands.

   Even if we can't use these resources casually, we can guarantee that Zhang's family will not be moved.

   Zhang Dingming wants to do things, so he can only use his own private resources.

   The Xu family doesn't have much private resources, and even if the Zhang family is stronger, it won't be too much.

   The resources he can mobilize are not comparable to our Wang family.

   Force, power, resources, he can't do it, what kind of money can he play? "

   Zhou Luan nodded: "Listening to what you said, it seems that the Zhang family really doesn't have much resources available.

   I can't tell, your playful tricks are quite clever. "

   Wang Daoyuan looked arrogantly: "That is, how can I say I have been with the master of the movie for hundreds of years.

   The master of the movie is brilliant, and no matter how stupid he is, he can learn something.

   Be invincible first, and wait for the enemy to win.

   We are already in the invincible. As long as we don't make big mistakes and fight steadily, we can completely crush the Zhang family.

   Zhang Dingming can still stir the wind and the rain now, because he has been a great elder for hundreds of years and has accumulated extremely high prestige.

  Wait for your prestige to surpass him, just wait for it to be emptied.

   I'm not in a hurry to go to Qixinghai.

   Anyway, I'm less than 400 years old, and I'm still far from the 2,000-year limit.

   For the sixth-order Yin-Yang spirit thing, the last time I went to Qixinghai, I already had some eyebrows, and I had already found the way forward.

   It won't take long to get the yin and yang spiritual objects over there, and then break through the gods.

  Waiting for one or two hundred years in Beiyuan is nothing. "

   "With you here, I am also relieved.

  Before you came here, Zhang Dingming was very arrogant, and always put an old qualification in front of me.

   Had it not been for the two clones you left me, he might have seized power clearly. "

As soon as   's voice fell, there were two people outside asking for a meeting.

   Zhou Luan opened the formation and let the people come into the yard.

  Neither are these two strangers, one of them is the second elder Zhang Yue.

   The other person is an old man named Cao Jing.

   Cao Jing's appearance can be regarded as dignified. He wears a white robe with wide sleeves, a white jade crown, and a long beard fluttering. He looks like a fairy style.

   Everyone who cultivates immortality likes this dress when he is old.

   When Zhou Luan was elected as the movie host, he did not do much.

   Cao Jing and Zhou Luan’s father have little contact.

   But he and Zhang Yue's master have been friends for many years, and they have always been on Zhang Yue's side, and they are also Zhou Luan's supporters.

   After the two entered the courtyard, they hurriedly saluted: "See the master of the movie, see the Supreme Emperor."

   Zhou Luan smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang and Elder Cao, you are all my elders, you don't have to be so polite.

   What's the matter with the younger generation, just say it. "

   Zhang Yue replied: "It's not that I have something wrong, but that Elder Cao has something to ask the shadow lord and the emperor for help."

   Elder Cao said: "The old man is nearly nine hundred years old, and his talent is not enough to give birth to babies.

   Although my family is not a direct descendant, there have been four or five generations of people involved in the blood shadow.

   There are many people in the tribe, and even the old have more than a dozen children.

   has been suppressed by the Zhang family and the Xu family all these years, and it is always difficult to go further.

   Now there is only one eldest son with a fair talent, and he has successfully formed a pill.

   But his talent is not as old as that of old, and it will be difficult to become an elder with real power in the future.

  The talents of grandchildren are even worse, and they don't even have Erlinggen.

   continue to stay in the blood shadow, the younger generation will gradually decline.

   The old man wanted to ask the Supreme Emperor to let his young son go to work in the country of Yan, and also leave a way for the Cao family. "

   After hearing these words, Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed. This is here to surrender.

   The influence of Cao Jing is naturally incomparable to that of the Zhang family and the Xu family.

   But after all, there are several generations of accumulation, and among the non-primary elders, they are still very influential.

  The only elder who is not a direct elder is better than him, and only Wu Xiang, the chief of the blood wolf.

   Wu Xiang's situation is similar to that of Cao Jing, and it has been accumulated over several generations.

   It's just that he is more talented, he is a Tianlinggen monk.

   Although Tian Linggen cultivator is rare, but the big power like Blood Shadow can still receive a few.

   There has never been a cultivator of Heavenly Spiritual Root among the blood wolves. Naturally, it is the Heavenly Spiritual Root to be able to hold it down when the director is in charge.

   Now Wu Xiang is only more than 400 years old, and he is already a Golden Core Peak monk.

   With his talent, broken pills and infants are just a piece of cake.

   Even if the Cao family is inferior to the Wu family, their status is not too low.

   In addition, Wu Xiang has already accepted the Wang family's children as disciples, which can be regarded as partial to the Wang family's side.

   The Cao family stated that there will be many elders who come to take refuge.

   Wang Daoyuan hurriedly said: "Elder Cao has made a serious statement. The country of Yan was founded. My royal family is seriously inadequate and is in need of talents.

   Mr. Cao must be very talented. Since he intends to work in the country of Yan, he will naturally not treat him badly.

   Shanbei Guiyan County has a lot of remaining spiritual veins, and it’s not a big deal to give a spiritual vein.

   As long as Young Master Cao makes meritorious service, he won’t be able to give him a knight and reward him in the future. "

  Wang Daoyuan’s promise was received, and Cao Jing smiled all over his face: "Thank you, the Emperor, for his kindness."

   Wang Daoyuan took out the letter-passing jade talisman and sent a letter to Yan Guo, asking Wang Mingchen to arrange a spiritual vein for the Cao family in Guiyan County.

   "I have instructed Mingchen to find a fourth-order spiritual vein in Guiyan County and place Young Master Cao. Elder Cao can send people there at any time."

   After Cao Jinghao thanked him, UU read and left.

   Zhang Yue is in a different situation from Cao Jing. He is a talent nominated from the branch and has no foundation in Blood Shadow.

   Like this kind of unfounded monk, the Zhang Family and Xu Family's consistent attitude is to suppress.

   Without Zhou Luan's relationship, Zhang Yue would have only been an idle elder all his life.

   There is no family behind him, but now he has only one Taoist companion and three children with spiritual roots.

   This small householder, relying solely on the treatment of his own elders, can live very well, but there is no need to move to the country of Yan.

   After the two left, Zhou Luan smiled and said, "It seems that your arrogance is really useful. This talent is one thing, and Elder Cao will come to take refuge.

   After waiting for a few more things, I am afraid that even Wu Xiang will send his tribe to the country of Yan to do things. "

  "This will all happen sooner or later. Our Wang family takes the Xu family and a group of non-consecutive elders to fight the Zhang family.

   As long as the Zhang family can be defeated, the Zhang family can vomit a lot of benefits.

  Blood Shadow has been the Zhang family and the Xu family for tens of thousands of years. The family of non-primary elders cannot be maintained for a few generations and will be squeezed out.

   Now that I finally have the opportunity to stand up, there are naturally many people who want to blend in. "



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