In a rage, Zhang Dingming slapped Zhang Mengchen again.

"It's really rotten wood that can't be carved. The Wang family back then, a foundation-building family, was surprised that there was a big Wang Daoyuan.

According to our Zhang family, it is a big family with tens of thousands of years of roots. How come you are such a frog in the bottom of the well.

Except for belongings, there is nothing else in his eyes.

Leave the affairs in your hands to Meng Jue to take care of it, and you will honestly think about it in the future.

When do you want to understand, come out to manage family affairs. "

Wang Daoyuan's pattern is mainly influenced by his previous life.

After all, in an information-developed world, you can see all kinds of things.

There are so many things to see, and no matter how good at thinking and summarizing, the pattern will gradually grow bigger, no matter how small.

Zhang Mengchen still wanted to argue, was glared by Zhang Dingming, and immediately closed his mouth.

Afterwards, he left Zhangjia Lingshan and headed for the Blood Shadow City.

When he arrived at the Zhou family courtyard, he arched his hands at the door and said, "The movie lord, the Supreme Emperor, Zhang Jia Zhang Dingming, please see me."

Zhang Dingming had been working against Zhou Luan, and had always been in a state of being old and dead.

Suddenly visiting the house now, the etiquette was quite thoughtful, which made the two of them feel a little bit astonished.

You can't be too rude here if you don't hit the smiley people.

Wang Daoyuan opened the door and welcomed Zhang Dingming in.

"I wonder if the elder Taishang has anything important here?"

Zhang Dingming clung his hands and said: "The old can't help themselves, and are enemies of the movie master and the Supreme Emperor.

Now the Zhang family is exhausted, and is willing to serve the shadow lord and the supreme emperor as the lord.

As long as the film owner and the Supreme Emperor are willing to accept the Zhang family, it doesn't matter if the old man decides himself. "

Wang Daoyuan secretly said in his heart: This old guy is really treacherous, saying that he wants to judge himself. If he really dies, Blood Shadow will be in trouble.

Although Zhang Family has no chance to turn defeat into victory, they still have a lot of power in each branch, and they are still far away from the poor.

If he died, the branches controlled by the Zhang family would cut off contact with the headquarters in fear.

Hidden again, Blood Shadow's intelligence system would have to be destroyed by a fraction.

He is very accurate at this time, and now with this momentum, if he dares to say this in a few years, he really dare to let him die.

But now it is still a rat avoidance device, which can only be used to comfort him.

"The elder too joked, neither Zhou Luan nor my Wang family has any hatred with the Zhang family.

In the previous conflict, the two sides were fighting for power.

Since the Zhang family wants to reconcile, we don't have to rush to exterminate them. "

Zhang Dingming arched his hands and said, "So, I would like to thank the Supreme Emperor for not killing.

Although the Zhang family has a foundation of tens of thousands of years, the blood shadow is an underground force after all.

This headquarters is deep underground and there is not enough space.

Outside is the southern barren land, and ordinary people cannot survive.

There have not been too many members of the Zhang family, and development has been greatly restricted.

The minister wanted to move most of the Zhang family members to the territory of Yan. "

He has professed to be a minister, and his meaning is very obvious.

The Zhang family wants to give up the power and position in the blood shadow, and the focus of future management will be in the territory of Yan.

This Wang Daoyuan is naturally very welcome, and can move most of the Zhang Family and Xu Family's forces to other places, so that the Wang Family can completely control the blood shadow.

It just so happens that Shanbei needs people to develop it, and moving the Zhang family to it can also play a big role.

Of course, Zhang Dingming, the Nascent Soul cultivator, naturally could not be placed in the Blood Shadow headquarters, it would be better to move to Shanbei.

The position is also very easy to arrange, Zhong Zhenyang is the prefect of Hades.

Yan Kingdom occupies a quarter of the northern part of the mountain, and now only three counties, Guiyan, Pluto, and Luoxing have been established.

Adding one of these three counties would not make up one-tenth of the entire northern site of Yanguo Mountain.

Find a place to set up a county, and let Zhang Dingming be the prefect.

"Yan State occupies a quarter of the northern part of the mountain, and now a lot of land is empty.

There are often casual cultivators and Shannan forces who go to Shanbei to occupy those spiritual veins and industries.

I have the intention to establish a few more counties, but all counties in the northern mountains are guarded by the Yuan Ying monks.

The talents of Yan Guo have not yet grown up, and there is no suitable candidate for the county guard.

The cultivation base of the Supreme Elder is enough. If you want to, you can serve as the county guard in Shanbei.

The children of the Zhang family can naturally join in and move to Shanbei, where there are so many fourth-order spiritual veins.

The Huiyan Mountain Spirit Vessel is not far from the fifth rank now, and its potential is much stronger than that of the Southern Wasteland where the Blood Shadow Headquarters is located. "

It is an excellent condition to be the head of a county as soon as he has just surrendered.

The other two county guards, Zhong Zhenyang, have been in the Wang family for many years.

The other is a half-demon, who can be considered a prestigious one, let them autonomy, and then slowly assimilate.

Zhang Dingming was naturally also full of joy. He wanted to find a few fourth-order spiritual veins to settle the family, but he didn't expect to become the county guard directly.

"The minister sees the Supreme Emperor, and I would like to thank the Supreme Emperor for his generous gift.

Dare to ask the Supreme Emperor, what should be done with those branches under the control of the Zhang family now. "

"Since the Zhang family intends to invest in Yan State, they should keep it first, and then slowly move people to Yan State.

By the way, the hall master of the Sanhe branch of Zhao Guo is from your Zhang family, right? "

Zhang Dingming arched his hands and said: "All the branches of the Zhao Kingdom have always been under the jurisdiction of my Zhang family. I pulled up the Sanhe Hall Master Li Sheng with one hand, or is my Zhang family's in-laws.

Because I was too close to the country of Yan, I didn't plant the children of the Zhang family there.

However, he will listen to me.

Now that Zhang Family is already a minister of the State of Yan, it is only a matter of a sentence to let him cooperate with the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The sphere of influence of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will soon cover the entire State of Zhao. "

This old guy is really a personal spirit, and he saw the intention of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is still just a start-up, mainly in the territory of Yan State.

As long as the numerous branches in the country of Zhao can be eaten, the channel for expansion can be opened up.

Song State has reached an agreement to follow Wucheng Pass to Song State, and then develop the central and southern parts of Wanlong Mountain.

"Friend Zhang Dao is indeed a veteran of the country. With the cooperation of the Sanhe branch, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce can quickly expand.

The Chamber of Commerce was just in the process of employing people, and my Wang family was thin, and it was very difficult to develop important industries throughout the country.

At present, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce cannot send too many children from the family, and can only recruit a large number of casual repairs.

But these casual practitioners are homeless and unemployed, so they are not very reliable.

Therefore, I want to include part of the Zhang family's children into the Chamber of Commerce.

It is better to use subordinates who have a family and a career than those duckweed without roots. "

This time, Zhang Dingming was even more pleasantly surprised. Although the Wang family was cooking oil on a fierce fire, it had a strong momentum, but after all, it lacked a foundation.

Otherwise, there is no need to establish Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to develop various industries.

The importance of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is self-evident. Now the Chamber of Commerce has just been established, if it can squeeze in, it can be considered a veteran.

In the future, the chamber of commerce will become bigger and its status will be higher.

"Thank you for the great love, the disciples in various branches of the Zhang family, let the emperor send them."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "That's good, I will send a letter to Yan Guo and let them establish several counties in Shanbei.

When you are ready over there, you can go over to take up your post. "

After all, let Zhou Luan take out the token and send a letter to Wang Daojian.

Zhang Dingming arched his hands and said: "Thank you, the Supreme Emperor, if the Supreme Emperor and the film master have no instructions, the old minister will retire first."

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and Zhang Dingming withdrew from the yard.

After he left, Zhou Luan asked, "This guy is an old fox, do you really plan to use him?

Apart from you and me, there is no other Nascent Soul monk in the family.

When we travel to the Sea of ​​Seven Stars in the future, are you not afraid of the strong and the weak? "

"Don't worry about this. Mingchen awakened Nanming Lihuo, with the help of Linghuo, his cultivation speed will not be slow, and breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm is only a matter of a hundred years.

Coupled with the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda, the peak cultivator of Yuanying Peak can't touch him, and he is afraid of the early stage of Yuanying?

Before I leave, I will leave a few more Tier 5 sword repair puppets, killing the cultivators of Yuan Ying's early stage, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

Whoever dares to make trouble is to die. "


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