Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 926: Otomu psychic body

The flying boat flew over the big river, and Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian had seen many big rivers along the way.

But seeing Wanchuanhe was still very surprised.

Wang Mingyan asked: "Father, is the river below?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Of course it is the river.

The large river in the north that flows into the Wanchuan River is called the Qingli River, and the source of the Qingli River is the Yuquan Peak of our royal family. "

The two little guys were shocked by Wan Chuanhe and couldn't speak, but just nodded blankly.

Fly away and landed in Wanchuanfang City, put down Zhang Mengguang's family, and asked Jaki to arrange for someone to send them to the Linhai branch.

After that, the flying boat continued to go due north.

Two hours later, he came to Qingli City.

Wang Mingxian looked at the city below and asked, "Father, is this our house? It's so beautiful!"

"This is Qingli City, and naturally it is also our home.

Your eldest brother lives here, and you two want to live here. "

After all, Feizhou landed outside the palace.

Walked into Miyagi and came to the Imperial Study Room where Wang Mingchen usually handles official duties. Wang Shouye and Wang Daochang are also here.

Wang Mingchen's cultivation speed is indeed fast enough, and it is now in the middle of the golden core.

But it was normal. Wang Daoyuan spent more than 20 years in his cultivation from the early stage to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Later, it only took twenty years to cultivate from the middle Jindan to the late Jindan.

His cultivation speed is based on the spirit fire to save the time of refining spiritual energy, making the cultivation speed comparable to the average Tianlinggen monk.

Wang Mingchen itself is the root of heavenly spirit, and the speed of condensing True Essence is much faster than that of Wang Dao.

In addition, Nanming Lihuo increases the speed of refining spiritual energy, and the golden core state does not need to consider the balance of the five elements, and it is reasonable that the speed of cultivation is much faster than that of the king.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan bringing two little guys in, Wang Mingchen saluted: "See Emperor Father, are these Ming Blade and Ming Xian?"

After all, they squeezed their little faces.

Wang Mingxian just looked at Wang Mingchen with some curiosity, but Wang Mingbian was not afraid of the sky.

"If you dare to bully me and my sister, I will beat you."

Wang Mingchen smiled and said: "How could I bully you, I'm your brother, don't you think I look familiar?"

Wang Mingxian replied: "You look like a mother queen, but why is your hair red?"

"I used to have black hair, but after the Suzaku's bloodline awakened, it turned into fiery red hair.

Don’t you see that the emperor father also has a strand of red hair on his head?

Now you know who I am, and I'm not called brother yet. "

The Wang family now has many members of the same generation, except for those who are in the top of the ranking, when calling other people, they do not say the ranking.

Wang Mingchen is also very young in the Ming Dynasty, and ranks three hundred away.

Wang Mingxian cleverly said, "Brother."

Wang Mingyan was no longer tough, so he called his brother.

Wang Mingchen took out a little spiritual fruit: "Hey, take it and eat it."

"Emperor Father, Ming Blade and Ming Xian are not ordinary physiques, how about the spiritual root talent?"

"Mingblade is the nine-inch nine-cent golden spiritual root, and Mingxian is the nine-inch seven-cent wood spiritual root.

However, their physique is very special, and I can't tell.

The ancestor of Wanling is very knowledgeable and should be able to see some clues. "

Wang Mingchen was a little surprised: "Mingblade's spiritual roots are strong enough, coupled with special physique, this is also a rare genius in thousands of years."

After all, the Wan Ling Pagoda was recruited, and the figure of the Wan Ling Patriarch appeared.

This shocked the two little guys. Wang Mingxian was less timid and hid directly behind Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Ming was brave, so he took out his short sword and magic weapon, and he had to do it.

Wang Daoyuan touched their heads and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, this is the spirit.

It listens to your elder brother and will not hurt you. "

The ancestor of Wan Ling gave out golden light in his eyes, and carefully examined the bodies of the two of them.

After a while, a look of shock appeared on his face.

After a long time, it turned into a look of nostalgia and sorrow. After several changes, his face turned into joy.

Wang Daoyuan asked, "My ancestor, don't sell it.

What's the matter with their special physique, you just say something. "

The ancestor Wan Ling sighed: "The physique of the two of them is indeed unusual, especially the physique of Mingxian, which reminds me of an old master.

Her physique can be regarded as a kind of spirit body, and the spirit body is not all the same. The most common spirit body is the water spirit body of Wang Delin.

Mingxian's physique is a relatively rare wood spirit body, named Yimu psychic body.

This kind of physique is rare, and there is only one in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts in history, that is, the Aoki God Venerable.

When he cultivates to the foundation building stage, he can directly communicate with Lingzhi and understand their meaning.

When he reached the realm of the Purple Mansion, he could directly control various spirit plants against the enemy.

Unlike ordinary wood-attribute monks, they also need to use their own techniques to generate suitable spiritual plants.

The Azure Wood God Venerable’s Vision of the Purple Mansion was a small green sapling that exuded a strong vitality. He also controlled Lingzhi through the Vision of the Purple Mansion.

Mingxian's physique is no different from him, and it is estimated that he will be able to do this in the future.

By the way, is this little girl particularly interested in Lingzhi? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Indeed, I opened up a small piece of spiritual field for her in the courtyard of the blood shadow headquarters.

Since he can walk, he spends most of his time taking care of the spiritual field. "

"That's right, this physique is naturally close to Lingzhi.

At that time, God Venerable Qingmu was the only eighth-order Lingzhifu in the entire Qianyuan Realm, and even those earth immortals were far inferior to him.

She is also practicing Yimu Changsheng Gong, right? That would be perfect.

Regardless of her current poor fighting skills, when she cultivates to the Zifu realm, her strength will not be worse than the sword repair genius of the same level.

If it is in a place where there are more high-level spiritual plants, it is truly invincible of the same level. "

Wang Daoyuan was also overjoyed, and the old father was naturally relieved that his daughter could have such a great future.

The ancestor of Wanling continued: "As for the physique of Mingblade, it is also a kind of combat body.

This kind of combat body is rare, and it is called ‘sword body’.

Anyone with this physique has a sharp aura in his body when he is born, and everyone is born with swordsmanship.

The sword body is more common than the Otsuki psychic body, but there are also many types.

This physique has something to do with blood inheritance. Looking at his physique, I didn't find that he has the blood of a master swordsman.

Then his sword body is 80% affected by your sword aura or sword spirit.

I think he was practicing Baihutang's Killing Sword Art, which was extremely appropriate.

It is naturally fine to practice Gui Yuan Jian Jue for him.

But the Guiyuan Sword Art is a non-attribute technique after all.

Gui Yuan, the eldest disciple of Jianxian Guiyuan back then, was a metallic heavenly root and also had a sword body.

This kind of genius was personally trained by Jianxian Guiyuan, but in the end he barely made it into the ranks of great power.

Although the killing sword tactic is not as good as the Guiyuan sword tactic, it is more suitable for the Jin Linggen monks.

After he has cultivated to a high enough level, he can deduce the exercises on his own. "

The appearance of the spirit body has nothing to do with blood, and basically depends on luck.

The appearance of the sword body has a lot to do with blood.

Since Wang Mingyan did not have the blood of an expert in sword repair, 80% of him was influenced by the sword spirit.

Before Zhou Luan became pregnant with the two of them, UU read www.uukanshu. King Com is far in Juetianyuan, helping Guiyuan Jianxian temper the Guiyuan sword.

It should have been affected by the sword spirit, plus the five weapon spirits he tempered, which is about to take shape, and it will be somewhat affected.

Wang Daoyuan recruited Ying Long, and the ancestor of Wan Ling quickly hid in the Pagoda of Wan Ling.

"I said the Emperor, I didn't do anything, what did you call this living ancestor out for?"

"You have lived for more than two hundred thousand years, are you so scared?

I used the inheritance of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal to raise a few prototype artifacts.

There are massive gifts of heaven and earth, and nourishment by the power of Yinglong.

But they have been stuck on the threshold that is about to take shape, and they have never been able to turn into real spirits.

As an old predecessor in the tool spirit, give them some pointers. "

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