Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 930: Make a choice

A few people stayed in Yuquan Peak for a few days, and Master Lei Yan and Wang Daoyin also demolished each other for a few days.

"I've been eating Daoyin's food before, Monk Yuanying, Tangtang, I'm almost eating up my stomach, and I've finally managed my stomach and intestines these days.

In these years, I first guarded the Xihai, and then practiced in retreat. I haven't seen Mingchen for many years. Let's go to Qingli City to see him.

I have never been to Qingli City since its establishment. "

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan had no objection, so he sacrificed the flying boat, took the real Lei Yan and Wang Daoyin, and flew south.

When he came to the imperial study room, Wang Mingchen hurriedly saluted: "See the master, see the father, see the third uncle."

Real Lei Yan nodded: "You don't need to be polite, it is really a cultivation genius, and now it is the golden core mid-term cultivation base.

Dao Yin sees that, your nephew's cultivation is almost catching up with you. "

The two of them quarreled all day long, Master Lei Yan had to taunt Wang Daoyin when he found an opportunity.

Of course, Wang Daoyin was not to be outdone, and always fought back without hesitation.

Before Wang Mingchen could reply, Wan Ling Pao took the initiative to come out: "I feel that Linglong's little baby is here, come out and see my brother.

I slept for tens of thousands of years, and finally I can meet people I know. "

The real Lei Yan sacrificed Linglong Tower, and Linglong flew out of the tower.

Seeing the ancestor of Wanling, he looked surprised: "Brother Wanling, we have not seen each other for tens of thousands of years since the Ten Thousand Beast Valley fell. I thought you were gone."

"The dog can't spit out ivory. The old man is forged by the gods of the beasts and the earth fairy. Who has the ability to kill the old man?"

Real Lei Yan also handed his hand: "Lei Yan, a descendant of Baoding, has seen the ancestor of Wanling."

The ancestor Wanling had purple-gold ray in his eyes, and he took a closer look at the real person Lei Yan.

"Sure enough, he is a descendant of the Purple Thunder God, it is not easy for this physical energy to spread to this day.

Speaking of which, I still have some friendship with your ancestor, the Purple Thunder God. "

Real person Lei Yan was stunned, and Wang Daoyuan explained: "The ancestor of Wan Ling took a look at my luck and said that I have the blood of the Purple Thunder God Venerable.

This supernatural power of the Purple Thunder God is the Purple Thunder God Flame.

Master who can awaken with such supernatural powers must also be a descendant of God of Purple Thunder. "

Only then did Real Person Lei Yan suddenly realize, and asked: "The Wan Ling Pagoda is the magic weapon of the sect master of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley in the past, how did it get into Ming Chen's hands?"

The ancestor of Wanling said: "Now Wang Mingchen is my Sect Master of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. Although his cultivation base is a little short, his talent is enough, and even I recognize him as the master."

Real Lei Yan was a little dazed: "So, the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is not yet destroyed?

That's not right, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has always been extremely harsh in selecting descendants.

Even though Ming Chen is extremely strong, he did not grow up in Ten Thousand Beast Valley after all. "

The ancestor Wanling smiled and said: "The ancient secrets of your four sects are almost destroyed. I don't know that these are normal.

But Linglong has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, so she should know these things.

Otherwise, he would not yell one by one.

how? He didn't tell you? "

Real Lei Yan was still very puzzled, and Linglong replied, "Although I don't know as much as you, I still know some.

The Dragon of Destiny is not only the ancestor of the five-element beasts, but also the strongest among the spirit races. We are a little old, who doesn't know about him?

It's just that Daoyuan's foundation is still too weak, and the Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm has been ruined so far, it is almost impossible to support a huge force.

If you want to fight with the great forces of Qianyuan Realm, there is very little hope of victory.

It is better to live on Beiyuan than to die. "

The ancestor Wan Ling chuckled: "You are too naive. He wants to stay out of the matter without participating in this kind of thing?"

For those big forces, he is fat.

Either climb the dragon and attach the phoenix to him, and then you can get some luck in the future.

If he is really unreliable, just grab him and hand it over to other lucky children, and you can also change your wealth.

Become a child of luck, either commit suicide or just go on.

My Ten Thousand Beast Valley inheritance is almost broken, and there is no choice but to fight this one.

Besides, there is no way to the sky.

Since Daoyuan had this opportunity, Tian Dao would not watch him die.

Otherwise, why would the aura of the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm recover? "

Linglong sighed, "If it's me, I will definitely have to fight.

If it succeeds, maybe it can be transformed into a spirit race.

Even if you lose, the winner will not destroy the magic weapon.

But I have a master, so I can't control myself. "

They sang together and confused Real Lei Yan.

"What the **** are you talking about? Can you make it clear, how do I feel like a burden?"

Linglong replied: "Most of the records in the Shenbing Pavilion before the appearance of Jue Tianyuan have been destroyed. You know too little.

Simply put, Qianyuan Realm is in trouble again.

The will of this world, that is, the way of heaven we speak of, has already foreseen the imminent catastrophe.

In order to protect himself, he will cultivate a group of monks who have good luck, known as the sons of good luck.

Their growth rate is extremely fast, far surpassing ordinary monks.

When it grows to the realm of power, the battle of luck will erupt.

The children of Qiyun conquer each other, defeat their opponents, and compete for luck.

In the end, a child of luck will win and become the leader of the human race to quell the catastrophe.

Daoyuan is one of those children of luck, otherwise he would not have today.

The last human leader was Guiyuan Jianxian, and he finally died to resist the demons.

I don't know when the next big catastrophe will be, but the son of luck has already appeared, and the big catastrophe should not be far away.

These children of Qi Luck want to conquer each other, and there needs to be a big force behind them.

Those who take refuge in the children of luck will also get some luck, and their strength will be greatly improved.

If the son of Qiyun finally wins, the forces that take refuge in can also grow into the top forces in the entire Qianyuan Realm.

Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is now under the command of Dao Yuan, how should Shenbing Pavilion decide in the future? "

Real Lei Yan was still a little stunned, but Wang Daoyin was already very excited: "So, can your second brother become a mighty man in the future?"

Our founder of the Baoding line is only a Mahayana monk. "

Seeing that Real Lei Yan hadn't reacted yet, Wang Daoyin persuaded: "Master, what else can you consider.

He is my second brother and your registered disciple. Can we tell the relationship between Baoding and his line?

If you want to hide, you can't hide, so you can only follow the second brother with all your heart.

The second brother won, the Shenbing Pavilion can get the greatest benefit and become the top force in the Qianyuan Realm.

If he fails, we will be implicated even if we don't turn to him. "

Real Lei Yan looked at Wang Daoyin with a little surprise: "When did the melon seeds of your head become so useful? Could it be that Daoyuan's luck was also affected?

But you are right, Daoyuan is my registered disciple, and we can't stay out of the matter at all.

The only hope for Baoding's line to continue is that Daoyuan will become the ultimate winner. "

He saluted Wang Dao far away: "Bao Ding's line is willing to serve you as the Lord."

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly supported him: "No matter to what extent I will practice in the future, you are my master. There is no reason why a master salutes a disciple?"

Real Lei Yan laughed and said, "I will sell this old life to you in the As for the choice of the pavilion master, I can't control it, so I can only try to persuade them to vote for you.

However, the Patriarch of the Pavilion Master's line is a powerful disciple.

After the battle of luck breaks out, how they stand in line depends on the meaning of the mighty man.

If that great power is not optimistic about you, I can only leave the Shenbing Pavilion with Baoding's line of inheritance and seek refuge in the Kingdom of Yan. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be so anxious, I am only at the peak of Yuan Ying's cultivation base, and I am far from the realm of great power.

It took thousands of years for Guiyuan Jianxian to cultivate to the realm of great power.

It's better to wait until I reach the realm of transforming gods, and then it won't be too late to subdue them.

It just so happens that the country of Yan can also have enough time to grow up, lest the country of Yan is too weak, and the situation of strong officials deceiving the Lord will occur. "


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