Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 948: Sword intent is shocking

Latest website: This is what makes Wang Daoyuan overjoyed. The ancestors of the ten thousand magic demons are probably the demons with infinite sense of God back then.

These ten thousand magic demons are only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and should not be regarded as a talented generation.

Unexpectedly, he could still have such a powerful ancestor.

"It is said that your ancestors have infinite power of divine consciousness. Is this bloodline talent, or is it the function of some kind of secret technique or treasure?"

The ten thousand magic demon replied: "I only heard about this matter from the elders. The ancestors had the bloodline of ten thousand magic demon, soul eater and blood demon, and there was an abnormal change.

Spiritual power can slowly transform part of spiritual consciousness and qi and blood through blood.

This matter attracted the attention of the high-level saints and focused on training him.

He also arranged many wives and concubines for him and gave birth to many heirs.

Unfortunately, none of these heirs have this talent.

My lineage is also a descendant of one of the heirs. Not only does it have no ancestor's ability, but because of the mixed blood line, the talent is very poor.

The ancestor's talent is not very effective in actual combat, but it can play a big role in cultivation.

The ancestors were also about four thousand years old, and they became powerful through cultivation.

The cultivation speed of the saint race is much slower than that of the human race, and it takes thousands of years to cultivate to the realm of Nascent Soul.

It takes seven to eight thousand years to cultivate to the realm of power. "

"Since there is no actual combat effect, then why did he inexhaustible the power of divine consciousness?"

Wan Fa Mo replied: "This matter has been spread widely among the saints, but there are also many opinions.

It is said that the high-level saints created a secret technique specifically for the ancestors, and with the bloodline talent, it can continuously transform spiritual power into the power of divine consciousness.

It is also said that using the blood of the ancestors, refining a special magic weapon can speed up the transformation of spiritual power into divine consciousness.

There are many other claims, but most of them are unfounded nonsense.

These two statements are already the most credible.

The ancestors of my line don't know what kind of situation it is. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The blood demon line is good at refining natal instruments with its own essence and blood. Your ancestors have the blood of the blood demon clan.

With the help of the power of essence and blood, it is not surprising that any special magical artifacts can be refined. "

When the chaos in the Heavenly Demon Valley was put down, Wang Daoyuan was injured by the bloodthirsty heartbreaking blade of the Yuan Ying Blood Demon.

That magic weapon is made of blood demon's essence and blood, and its lethality is extremely powerful.

Of course, the secret technique that matches the bloodline talent is not uncommon.

There are many exercises and spells supporting the human battle body, and there are even more semi-demonic secret skills.

Even the Secret Art of Nirvana of the Zhou Family is a kind of Secret Art of Blood Vessels.

The two situations mentioned by these ten thousand magic demons are both possible.

At least it is certain that there was indeed something special about the blood of the Ten Thousand Magic Demon back then.

Later, infinite power of divine consciousness can be born, which has a lot to do with blood.

After learning the news, Wang Daoyuan was still a little disappointed.

After the demons are transformed, they can be mixed with the human races.

But I have never heard of the mixed race of human races and demons. Although some demons and human races look alike, they are not creatures in the same world.

The Human Race was once one of the Monster Races, with a lot of Monster Race bloodline mixed.

Wang Daoyuan has a small amount of blood of the beast in his own body, and it is not a problem to practice the secret technique related to the beast.

But if you want to practice the bloodline secret technique of the demon race, or control a special bloodline magic weapon, there is no way.

However, he still decided to look for it.

Even if it can't be used directly, it can be used as a reference.

If you can prove that such a method does exist, that means there is hope.

The same is a very intelligent race, what the Demon Race can do, the Human Race will definitely be able to do it.

"Where was your ancestor buried after he died?"

Wan Fa Mo replied: "At the beginning, my ancestor was besieged by the three earth immortals of the human race. Even though his strength is comparable to that of the earth immortals, he is only powerful after all.

Under the siege of the three earth immortals, they failed to escape, and eventually the gods were destroyed.

The senior saints buried some of his relics and other saints who died in battle in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Demons.

I have said everything I know, can you let me go now? "

Since the place where the Demon Race was buried is called Ten Thousand Demon Tombs, it is estimated that there are quite a few Demon Races buried there.

It is still very difficult to find the tomb of the ten thousand magic demon in it.

"Help me find your ancestor's grave, and I will let you go."

"The deeds of the ancestors have been handed down from generation to generation. There are methods left by the ancient demon clan in the Ten Thousand Demon Tomb. Even the cultivator of God cannot enter.

Although the senior is strong, but it is only the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul, it is impossible to break the prohibition of the Ten Thousand Demon Tomb. "

"Don't talk a lot, just take me over.

Whether it can break the prohibition is my business. "

Ten thousand magic demons didn't dare to say more, they had to obey.

The place where the Ten Thousand Demon Tomb is located is not remote. There is a ground snake leading the way and soon came outside the Ten Thousand Demon Tomb.

Wang Daoyuan sacrificed the forging immortal cauldron and collected the ten thousand magic magic in it.

It is impossible to let him go, the human race and the demons are enemies of life and death, and there is no hope of coexistence at all.

Killing the demons is the righteousness of the human race. In the face of righteousness, personal integrity is not worth mentioning.

In the middle of Juetianyuan is a bottomless crack, but the entire Juetianyuan is not a neat crack, and even the width of the crack is different.

Back then, Guiyuan Jianxian smashed Juetianyuan with one sword, but it was not just a simple crack.

Many mountains and spiritual veins on both sides have also fallen into the Absolute Heaven Abyss.

The place where the Ten Thousand Demon Tomb is located is a small valley surrounded by more than ten small hills.

Don't look at the small hills, but there are sixth-order spiritual veins on every hill.

A large defensive formation was laid throughout the valley, but the formation was looming, and it was impossible to determine how powerful it was.

Wang Daoyuan took out the fifth-order high-grade sword puppet Xuanji and manipulated it to attack the formation, hiding himself far away.

With a wave of the sword puppet's long sword, thirty-six sword shadows appeared instantly.

Under the guidance of the long sword in the sword puppet's hand, the sword shadows gathered together and attacked the valley at the same time.

Suddenly, more than a dozen hills all emitted dazzling white light.

The sword shadow fell into the white light and disappeared instantly.

The power of this formation was much weaker than Wang Daoyuan had imagined, and there was no counterattack ability.

There are more than a dozen small sixth-tier high-grade spirit veins, and the power of this formation is only at the sixth-tier middle-grade level.

After all, it's just a cemetery. When the cemetery was built, it was the fiercest battle between the two sides.

The demons will not pay too much to build a cemetery.

Wang Daoyuan's five natal magic weapons flew out and quickly assembled into Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword.

The five spirits stayed in the magic weapon, Ying Long flew out from the center of Yuan Ying's eyebrows and merged into the sword.

He didn't use any sword repair spells, but controlled the Yinglong Slash Demon Sword to cut towards the formation.

A sword sound like a dragon's roar sounded, and the dazzling white light flashed again on the peaks around the Ten Thousand Demon Tomb.

Ying Long's Demon Sword was directly bounced back, and the white light was only slightly weaker.

Even at the peak of Nascent Soul, attacking with Yinglong Slashing Devil Sword still consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Wang Daoyuan extracted a large amount of spiritual power from the Lingzhu space to supplement his own consumption.

This formation is the inheritance of the demons, and it is very different from the human formation. Wang Dao could not find the weakness in it in a short time.

With my own strength, UU reads www. is impossible to break through the Tomb of Ten Thousand Demons.

When he came over, Guiyuan Sword Immortal said that he could use Guiyuan Sword Intent if he encountered a situation that could not be resolved.

Guiyuan Jianxian urged the sword intent to resonate, and Wang Daoyuan could use part of Guiyuan Jianxian's power.

The sword immortal's power, even if there is only a trace, is enough to break this formation.

Wang Daoyuan urged Guiyuan Jianyi with all his strength, and Guiyuan Jianxian, who was hundreds of thousands of miles away in the West, smiled and said, "My little apprentice can really toss."

After all, the figure merged into the sword.

The entire Guiyuan Sword trembled slightly, and it made waves of swords.

After a while, a killing intent rose to the sky.

To the south of Juetianyuan, the tall plum tree was trembling violently, and petals continued to fall from the tree, and the bottom of the tree was soon covered with petals.


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