Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 956: Demon messenger

Latest website: Now Wang Daoyuan is inconvenient to reveal his identity, and he pretends not to know Han Jiao.

With Han Jiao's cultivation base, he couldn't break his disguise.

He, Wang Demao and Yin Jiao all bowed to Han Jiao in salute.

Afterwards, the Jindan monks of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce sent the Han Jiao out, and the two followed Wang Demao to a spacious secret room on the second floor.

Wang Demao handed his hands and said, "The two Taoists have any good things, just take them out."

Yin Jiao took out six spirit beast bags: "This is our harvest this time. Fellow Daoist Wang, take a look."

Wang Demao used his spiritual sense to check the six spirit beast bags one by one. When he checked the corpses of the beasts, his face was very calm.

After all, there are a lot of people hunting monsters in the extremely cold ice field, and the most purchased by the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce stores are the corpses of monsters.

When he saw two little wolf pups, his face showed joy.

"Fellow Daoist Yinjiao really gained a lot, five corpses of Tier 3 Howling Wolf, and two little wolf cubs alive."

Wang Daoyuan shook his head secretly, Wang Demao couldn't be happy and angry, and it would take some time to experience.

Yin Jiao smiled and said: "It's only a small gain, you have seen things too, give me a price.

I'm also a regular customer of your store, and this price can be discounted. "

"It's easy to say, my Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce always pays attention to going to the countryside and following the customs.

In Xuelong City, all monsters and half monsters with dragon and basalt bloodlines will have discounts.

If both Taoists meet this condition, I will naturally give a real price.

Two Tier 3 high-grade howling moon wolf corpses, a total of one million spirit stones.

Three Tier 3 middle-grade howling wolf corpses, a total of 1.2 million spiritual stones.

As for the two wolf pups, they are worth 400,000 spiritual stones.

According to the identities of the two, the price will be increased by 10%, totaling 2.86 million spiritual stones.

At this price, only I Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in the entire Xuelong City can give it.

For other shops, it would be nice to give two million. "

Yin Jiao already had a satisfied look on his face, but he still asked for a price increase: "Wang Daoyou, please give me more. We have been in business for several years.

I have also heard that Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has been buying monster beast cubs, hoping to cultivate them into spirit beasts.

These two little wolf pups only have a first-order high-grade cultivation base, and they must have not been long since they were born.

With a little adjustment, you can become a powerful beast. "

Wang Demao didn't wrangle anymore: "The price is not low anymore, but for the sake of these two spirit beast cubs, the total price is raised to three million spirit stones.

You have seen my sincerity. If the price is raised, there will be a black account on my record.

Even if I do not do business, I will not affect my future future. "

The royal family now has a large number of people, and it can no longer be managed as extensively as before, and all aspects of the rules must be established.

In the arrangement of positions for people of various ethnic groups, they have also begun to learn from the experience of those big forces.

Except for a few children with excellent talents, the treatment of other people and job changes depend on their daily performance.

Wang Demao has a good talent, but he is only a three-spirited root, with the main spiritual root being more than seven inches.

There are more than one hundred of such talented clansmen in the Wang family.

Although he has Wang Daoxing as a backer, Wang Daoxing's status is not too high.

If you want to get ahead, you can only rely on your own ability.

Yin Jiao nodded in satisfaction: "It's at the price of Fellow Wang Daoist."

After all, he handed over all the six spirit beast bags.

Wang Demao took the spirit beast bag and took out a storage bag: "This is 30,000 middle-grade spirit stones, please count it."

Yin Jiao smiled and said, "I can still trust the credibility of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce."

The hunting of the howling wolf was so easy, none of the four were injured, and the magical instruments, magical charms, healing pills, etc. were not consumed.

Yin Jiao didn't rush to buy these things, but just bought two bottles of pills to increase physical strength.

Afterwards, the two returned to the small courtyard.

Yin Jiao took out the storage bag containing the spirit stones: "This time I sold three million spirit stones. According to the previous rules, the monster beast that was killed alone belongs to the killer.

The caught cubs are divided equally among the four of us. "

Wang Daoyuan killed two Tier 3 middle grade howling wolves alone, and he should get 800,000 spirit stones, plus even the cubs, for a total of more than 900,000 yuan.

After dividing the spirit stones, Xiong Shan asked, "Shall we go eat and drink again?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "My practice is flawed, and I will change it in the future.

Now I have some spiritual stones, so I should save them first and buy new exercises later. "

Seeing that he was not interested, Xiong Shan did not force it, and went to the restaurant to eat and drink with Yin Jiao and Golden Horn.

After they left, Wang Daoyuan took out the letter jade talisman and sent a letter to Wang Mingchen, asking the Yaozu what to talk about with the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

After half a day, news came from Wang Mingchen.

Qingli City also just received a report from the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce that the Great Demon King of Ice Dragon in the Extreme Frost Icefield dispatched Han Jiao to contact Yan Guo, wanting to do a big business.

Han Jiao didn't say exactly what business he was going to talk about, but just hoped to meet Emperor Yan.

The Ice Flood Demon King didn't dare to show up easily. With Wang Daoyuan's current strength, if he wanted to kill him, he had no hope of escape.

Wang Mingchen did not dare to make a decision lightly on the relationship between the human race and the monster race.

After receiving the letter, Wang Daoyuan immediately responded.

Wang Mingchen received Wang Daoyuan's reply, and after checking it out, he smiled and said: "Father's guess is similar to ours. The Icefield Demon Race wants to join forces with our Yan Nation to deal with the Tianzhan Mountain Demon Race.

The father's meaning is that they can be allowed to send someone over to talk.

As long as the important secrets of the country of Yan are not involved, business can be discussed.

As for joining hands against the enemy, that is wishful thinking. "

Wang Shouye also looked at the jade talisman: "This method is really good. Our human race is not suitable for arbitrarily mixing with the monster race.

Otherwise, the manpower we send out will be easily trapped.

Now that Daoyuan has agreed, let's reply to them as soon as possible and allow the Icefield Demon Race to send an envoy to come here to negotiate with us. "

Wang Mingchen nodded and sent a letter to Xuelong City.

One month later, two Tier 4 high-rank monster races took the flying boat of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in Snow Dragon City and flew south.

Zhengqing Wang Mingshan of Hongshe Temple of Yanguo took people personally to meet him at the north of the mountain and returned to Yancheng.

Afterwards, led these two Tier 4 high-grade monster races to Qingli City.

Wang Mingchen received them at the Huangji Hall, which is regarded as the highest standard for receiving envoys.

It can be said that the Arctic Icefield Demon Race is placed on the same status as the Human Race nations.

The human race and the monster race have always looked down on each other, and it is not easy to be able to do this step.

The two Tier 4 high-grade monster races also knew better etiquette, and came to the palace of Huangji and bowed to Wang Mingchen to salute.

"Shanbei Demon Clan Hanjiao and Xuanyu, see Emperor Yan."

Han Jiao was the demon clan that contacted Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in Snow Dragon City. He was appreciated by the Ice Jiao Demon King, and his status was good.

Xuan Yu is a rather sturdy young man, he is an envoy sent by the Xuanwu line of the Icefield Demon Race.

Wang Mingchen waved his hand and said: "The two envoys don't have to be polite. The Great Demon King of the Extreme Frost Icefield wants to do a big business with my country, Yan, I don't know what kind of business it is?"

Han Jiao arched his hands and said: "After the demon race and the human race peace talks, UU reading, I have nothing to do with the cold ice field demon race and the human race Qiu.

The two parties have been in peace for decades, and business exchanges have been very frequent, and both groups have benefited greatly.

However, the Demon Race of the Tianzhan Mountain Range was dissatisfied with the peace talks that year, but they were afraid of the Emperor Yan Kingdom and did not dare to face the human race.

Just want to win over my Icefield Demon Race and deal with the Human Race together.

Naturally, my Icefield Demon Race did not want to be an enemy of the Human Race, so I categorically rejected the proposal of the Heaven Slash Mountain Range Demon Race.

With a grudge in his heart, the Fire Phoenix Great Demon King wanted to forcibly annex the Icefield Demon Race, and then deal with the Human Race together.

My Icefield Demon Race is distributed on the vast and extremely cold icefields, even the Ice Flood Demon King can hardly gather enough manpower.

Therefore, the Icefield Monster Race has always been at a disadvantage.

The Great Demon King sent me to ask the Yan Kingdom for help, and asked the Yan Emperor to help the Icefield Demon Race. "

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