Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 991: Obsidian Mountain

Latest website: Get rid of the inferior energy that does not melt the bones, leaving only the purer Yin Qi.

Even if it is not pure Yin Qi, there is no obvious harm when it is used to temper the Nascent Soul.

The black energy lingering on the bones has also disappeared, and the whole unicorn brilliance is restrained.

It looks like the horns of ordinary beasts, without any magic.

Only when the divine sense enters can you feel the majestic Yin Qi inside.

Wang Daoyuan placed it next to Guishui Mingyan, even if it could not purify the yin qi in it, at least it could ensure that the yin qi would not be lost.

Half a year has passed in the Lingzhu space, and less than two days have passed by the outside world.

Zhou Luan was still adjusting, and Wang Daoyuan was also meditating in the cave mansion.

After half a month, both of them have adjusted their status.

I went to the refining room to buy some crazy blood powder and glowing fire beads before leaving Lone Star Island and preparing to enter Sunset Abyss again.

The place where there is a spiritual object of the Yang attribute is at the center of the sunset.

But there are many monster beast groups in the sea, and these monster beasts are still distributed in the sea water of different depths.

The entire Sunset Abyss sea area is like being covered by a large net made up of countless monsters.

And the center of the sunset is also the center of these countless large nets.

If you want to pass, you have to go through the big nets.

The last time I went to Baigugou, apart from Qinglongliang, he could completely avoid all monsters.

There were more than ten places where one had to encounter monster beasts this time, and there were even more places that might encounter monster beast groups.

Even if there is no place where monsters and beasts haunt, it is inevitable that you will encounter lone rangers like dragon scale sharks.

A place as safe as Black Shark Valley is extremely rare.

Even in the center of Sunset Abyss, there are still many unstable secret realms, and spatial cracks distributed everywhere.

Especially with these spatial cracks, the god-transforming cultivator would not be guaranteed to be foolproof.

If you want to bypass most monster groups as much as possible, you must carefully select the place and route to enter the sea.

The map obtained from the Xingming Pavilion marked the location of a larger group of monsters, which was much more convenient when choosing a route.

The entire sunset over the sea area is more than 200,000 miles, and if you want to enter the most central point, there is only one suitable place to enter the sea.

The two took a flying boat and flew to the southeast.

After a short while, I can already see a large island in the southeast.

This is the northernmost point of the Seven Star Alliance's sphere of influence-Fallen Sun Island.

This island is at the southernmost tip of the Falling Sun Abyss, entering the sea at the center of the Falling Sun Abyss, only a thousand miles away from Falling Sun Island.

Wang Daoyuan didn't take the monks of the Seven Star Alliance seriously either.

In the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, the cultivator of the gods is a deterrent force, and cannot be easily dispatched at all. The Nascent Soul Peak and the late cultivators are already the pillars.

There is absolutely no possibility of cultivating gods in this place on Fallen Sun Island.

There is a monk in the late Yuan Ying who sits in town, even if it is very good.

With this little strength, what can we do if we come out?

Came to a place more than a thousand miles north of Falling Sun Island, and took off the boat into the sea.

The Nascent Soul monk on Fallen Sun Island used his spiritual sense to probe this side, but he didn't dare to come out.

After the two entered the sea, they tried their best to hide their figure and breath so as not to be discovered by the monster.

Soon the two reached the bottom of the sea, and a group of submarine volcanoes was not far in front.

Many volcanic craters are still gushing fiery red magma. As soon as the magma comes out of the volcano and comes into contact with seawater, it quickly turns black.

There is magma lighting, and the nearby seas are all dark red.

Wang Daoyuan judged the location of this place according to the treasure map and recognized it as Obsidian Mountain.

There are many kinds of high-value refining materials produced here, and there are even a lot of sixth-order refining materials.

To say that the most common material here is obsidian, and Obsidian Mountain is named after it.

It's just that this thing is very hard to forge, and the value is not too high.

Unfortunately, this Obsidian Mountain is also a dangerous place in the sunset abyss, and not many people dare to come here to hunt for treasure.

The lava contains a lot of fire spiritual power and earth spiritual power, and a place with a volcano is equivalent to a large spiritual vein.

As long as there is plenty of spiritual power in the seabed, there must be a lot of spiritual plants and corals growing.

These things will attract small low-level monsters, and then large high-level monsters.

Although Obsidian Mountain is a dangerous place, its range is not too large, only two to three thousand miles in radius.

There are no other dangerous places on both sides, and it is not difficult to get around.

The two changed directions and detoured from the west side of Obsidian Mountain.

In order to prevent the monsters from sneaking attacks, the soul chasing compass has already been activated.

The journey was fairly smooth, and no monsters were attacked.

But they came at the wrong time. When they went to the west of Obsidian Mountain, a volcano suddenly erupted violently.

The huge roar spread out, and the entire bottom of the sea was shaking violently.

Obviously, this kind of dramatic change is rare on the seabed.

A large number of monsters fell into panic and fled from Obsidian Mountain one after another.

A large number of green and cyan light spots have appeared on the compass, and, to say nothing, hundreds of Tier 5 monsters have appeared.

With Wang Daoyuan's strength, winning twenty or thirty Tier 5 monsters is not a difficult task.

But these hundreds of heads came together, and the cultivator couldn't hold it.

Zhou Luan was so scared that his face changed: "What should we do? Do you want to hide in your secret realm together."

Wang Daoyuan comforted: "Don't be afraid, I have other ways."

After that, his whole body was shining bright yellow light, and he soon became a bright yellow real dragon about two feet away.

"Hurry up and ride on my back. I transform into a dragon and move faster in the water.

It's just that the dragon spirit is not easy to cover, and it is easy to attract the sixth-order dragon species.

Now I can't care about so much, I must escape as quickly as possible. "

His dragon spirit is extremely pure, and he is extremely attractive to all dragon species.

The fifth-order dragon kind does not have the guts to come over, the sixth-order dragon kind will not let go of this excellent delicacy.

Zhou Luan also moved very swiftly, clutching two dragon horns and riding on Wang Daoyuan's neck.

"Let you ride on my back, but didn't let you ride on my neck."

"The rider can hold the dragon's horns on his neck and sit securely.

Leave it alone and run for your life. "

Wang Daoyuan was also helpless: "I swim fast, you sit still."

After all, the dragon flicked its tail and swam forward quickly.

It was not bad to be able to swim five or six thousand miles in one hour on the bottom of the sea before, but now the speed is not much slower than flying in the air.

Even a Tier 5 shark would have difficulty catching up with him, and the monster beast that had escaped from Obsidian Mountain was quickly left far behind.

The movement of the volcanic eruption was much greater than Wang Daoyuan had imagined, and it wasn't just the monster beasts in Obsidian Mountain that was alarmed.

Along the way, Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to stay too long when he encountered a lot of monsters scurrying around.

When encountering monsters that are not in a hurry to dodge, they can only cast spells to quickly kill them.

It was too late to clean up the corpse of the monster, let alone remove the smell of blood.

The eruption of Obsidian Mountain volcano still has some benefits.

The monster beasts in several dangerous places were all engulfed by the fleeing beasts of Obsidian Mountain, and Wang Daoyuan broke through five or six dangerous places in one breath.

After swimming out for nearly two miles, no other monster dared to come and die.

Since the Five Spirits Huaxian Jue can cultivate qi and blood, UU reading doesn't have to worry about the power of Hualong consuming qi and blood.

It is not a problem to persist for a few days in the state of the dragon body, but the pressure on the body will be very heavy.

In order to avoid attracting Tier 6 dragon species, it is still not possible to keep advancing with the dragon body.

He was about to recover, when a blue light spot suddenly appeared on the soul-chasing compass in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This fifth-order top-grade soul-chasing compass can only detect the traces of the god-transforming monks and the sixth-order monster beasts at most.

The light spots displayed by the cultivator of God and the sixth-order monster beast were exactly blue, which was stared at by the sixth-order monster.

Voice transmission to Zhou Luan: "We were spotted by the sixth-order monster. This monster is not very powerful, and it should be a low-rank sixth-level monster.

In the situation of transforming a dragon into a dragon, the strength of my physical body has greatly increased.

Be prepared, if you can't escape, you will immediately enter the Mystery Realm. "

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