Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 190: Mindless and unhappy

Chapter 190 Mindless and unhappy

 “Please come with me!”

  Naoki began to wander around the ranch with old man Sato and his two caretakers.

 Old Sato, who was over fifty years old, briefly glanced at the ranch.

 He saw neat fields, fields of blooming flowers, and neatly trimmed lawns...

Beside the field, there were several Pokémon there to help, including a goat on a horse, a dragon, and a duck wearing a straw hat who was in a daze on the grass.

The mounted goat seems to be using grass energy to take care of the crops, while Kuailong stands on the edge of the field ridge, raising his arms and shouting.

 Suddenly, a dark cloud gathered, and light rain began to fall, nourishing the farmland below.

 When the rain stopped, under the sunshine, a beautiful rainbow even appeared over the fields.

 Looking at this scene, Old Man Sato kept nodding.

From these things, it can be seen that the owner of this ranch is a very hard-working man.

Zhi Shu looked at this orderly scene with him, organized the words in his mind, and said slowly:

“I moved to this pasture in the spring. Before that, this pasture had been in a state of neglect.”

 Old Sato was slightly surprised: "In spring?"

 Zhi Shu nodded and briefly introduced his situation: "Yes, my parents and I moved to the Fengyuan area more than ten years ago, and my grandfather has been taking care of this ranch."

“Later, the old man passed away, and the ranch gradually became deserted. Some time ago, I wanted to return to my hometown for a visit, and then I suddenly had a sudden idea and started to run the ranch again.”

Old man Sato showed admiration: "It's amazing that one person can manage the ranch like this!"

Zhi Shu smiled and looked at the Pokémon playing in the pasture:

“It’s not just me, but all of them helping us. We worked hard to make it what it is now.”

God knows how tiring it was at the beginning.

 It was a lot of fishing and selling fish, but it became easier until the mount goat and salt stone barrier were added.

Hearing this, Old Man Sato immediately cast his eyes on the grass not far away.

There, a Frost Milk Fairy was riding a Salt Stone Barrier, followed by four other Salt Stone Barriers that kept spinning in circles.

On the grass next to it, an Olinio was enjoying the warm autumn sun.

Looking further inside, you can see an Ice Eevee lying in front of a small yellow flower, leaning up to gently smell the fragrance of the flower.

Its face was full of leisure and lightness. Perhaps it accidentally inhaled pollen, and the Ice Eevee sneezed several times.

Just looking at the mental outlook of these Pokémon, you can see that they are well taken care of.

“The owner of this ranch is very good at taking care of Pokémon.” A second impression of this young man appeared in Sato’s mind.

 “Let’s go over there and have a look again!”

 The two of them continued to move forward, walking on the country road opened by Zhishu.

Naoki began to introduce various facilities in the ranch to Mr. Sato:

"This is a flower garden that I have opened up alone. I will plant seasonal flowers here every season. On weekdays, the big butterfly and the three bees like to visit here. The nectar collected by the three bees will be brewed into something sweet. For the Pokémon in the ranch to eat.”

Old man Sato looked in the direction of his finger, and as expected, he saw three three bees and a big butterfly flying around among the flowers.

 He nodded and said, "They seem to like it here."

 “Yes!” A smile appeared on Naoki’s face. There was nothing more gratifying than that the things he made were liked by Pokémon.

 He continued to introduce the remaining facilities:

"The buildings over there are the hut where the big milk tank lives, the chicken coop, and the place where the salt rocks live. Even though the house is small, there is actually a passage inside that leads directly to the ground. There is an underground cave there. Shi Lei usually lives there.”

“Cow and goat milk, eggs, and rock salt, these are the main sources of income in the ranch, and they are also the daily food of the Pokémon living here.”

Like juice, milk, and egg sandwiches. In addition, eggs, milk, and flour can also be made into desserts such as bread. “It’s just as I imagined, full of pastoral atmosphere!” Mr. Sato said with a hearty smile.

He looked at the garden behind these buildings and asked, "If I guess correctly, are all fruit trees planted there?"

"That's right." Zhi Shu nodded. In a few months, those fruit saplings had grown into a green and strong sapling: "Just wait for more than a month, and the fruit will be born on it."

The selling price of the tree fruits is too cheap, and Zhi Shu does not plan to sell them, but plans to keep them for making wine or as snacks for Pokémon.

Thinking of this, Naoki felt that his ranch was getting richer and richer, and he felt that he could afford to raise another hundred Pokémon.

However, he wanted to think about it, but he couldn't do so.

 Because taking care of Pokémon requires a lot of energy.

 After visiting the ranch, Mr. Sato felt very satisfied.

This young man is not only hard-working, but also good at taking care of Pokémon. From his interaction with Pokémon, it can be seen that the Pokémon in this ranch also like him.

Old Sato nodded repeatedly in his heart, but showed nothing on his face. Instead, he turned to look at the two carefree waiters who had been following behind them without saying a word.

Sister loves to take care of her and has bright eyes.

 Although he has not joined the ranch yet, he can already feel the lively atmosphere here.

 It likes it here very much and wants to be a part of it.

 But my brother’s attention was focused on the group of Pokémon in the pasture.

 When they passed by on the road just now, those Pokémon were also quietly observing them.

 It was keenly aware of the emotions contained in those eyes.

 Curious, surprised, happy, alert…

At this time, the elder brother noticed the expectant look on the face of the younger sister.

It pursed its lips, and its already unhappy little face looked even more unhappy.

Seeing this scene, Naoki was curious.

What does this little adult-like carefree waiter want to say? Don't you like it here?

 Brother likes to care about the waiter and the corners of his mouth droop: "Oh..." (Sister...)

Sister Ai Guan Shi blinked her eyes, as if she guessed what her brother was going to say: "Aye! Aye?" (Brother, I like it here! Don't you like it?)

 Brother Ai Guanshi said seriously: "I love it." (I like it too.)

 Naoki: “…”

Why do you still show that unhappy expression if you like it? He couldn't help but curse.

However, it seems that this kind of thing cannot be blamed on it, because the corners of the male's mouth are naturally droopy, so the expression on his face will appear unhappy.

"How is it?" Old Sato on the side saw the two Pokémon finishing their discussion and asked with a smile: "Do you want to stay here and live with Naoki?"

Hearing this, the two caretakers raised their heads and looked at Naoki in front of them.

Zhi Shu also looked at them and greeted them with a smile:

"Long time no see, Ai Guanshi, now let me introduce you formally! I am Naoki, the owner of this ranch. If you are willing, I welcome you to come."

Sister loves to take charge of the waiter and is very happy: "Oh~"

 Brother Ai Guanshi uses the horns on his head to release a little bit of spiritual power to read the other person's mood.

 There is no malice, no dislike, just pure welcome and joy.

  Naoki noticed his brother's behavior of being nosy, and he turned to look at him.

 The eyes of one person and the other caretakers met in mid-air.

 After a moment, my brother Ai Guanshi nodded slightly and said calmly: "Ai."

 It agreed.

 (End of this chapter)

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