Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 207: Golden Tree Fruit Bear Baby Ice Fire Thunder God Rocky

Chapter 207 Golden Fruit Bear Baby Ice, Fire and Thunder God Lugia (4kk)

 In the year 198 of the Alliance Calendar, it was early August, autumn.

 This morning, a big thing happened in the pasture.

That is, the tree they planted together before has matured in the orchard.

Zhi Shu stood in the orchard, looking at the huge and heavy fruits on the branches, feeling very happy.

 “What a great harvest!”

This feeling of watching what you have planted grow with your own hands is unparalleled!

Since he had nothing to do, he took his sister Guanshi and wandered around in the orchard.

 The sister who followed behind was also very happy.

 But thinking about Naoki's previous itinerary, he still couldn't help but ask: "Aihe?" (Aren't you going to visit Mr. Giratina today?)

“Forget it for today.” Zhi Shu shook his head and planned to stay at the ranch and visit the orchard. In addition, he also had to decorate the glass greenhouse.

The glass greenhouse has been built for a while, because he has been busy with Giratina and the Water of the Reverse World some time ago, so he hasn't been there much.

To be honest, since he last left the reverse world of Giratina, he hasn't been there much, at most once a week.

 Because Giratina is not easy to get along with, and the dishes in the Reversal of the World series currently do not have much effect on the Pokémon in the ranch.

The three buckets of water have not been used up yet, and they have all been stored in Bingyibu's ice cellar by Naoki.


My younger sister, Guanshi, nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, Zhishu suddenly saw something strange on a fruit tree.

  A round and plump golden tree fruit is hanging among the rustling green leaves!

That is…

Zhishu subconsciously focused his eyes on the fruit.

 Suddenly, the information about the tree fruit emerged from his mind.

[Golden Cranberry: A rare ingredient, a variant of cranberry. Its aroma and nutrition are better than ordinary cranberries. It is very popular with Pokémon. After giving it to a wild Pokémon , wild Pokémon will become very easy to catch, and the taste and quality of energy cubes made with them will be greatly improved. ]


 Obviously, this rare variant of tree fruit cannot grow on ordinary fruit trees. It was obviously cultivated by the mount goat using grass energy!

 Zhishu picked it off decisively.

Now that the fruit is ripe, let him and the Pokémon in the pasture try out how the taste is different from ordinary cranberries!

Seeing this scene, my sister Ai Guanshi smiled and turned around and walked away.

 After a while, it used its mind to control a rattan basket and arrived at the orchard.

 Due to hiring two wild dragons, Zhishu has to provide them with poffins every day, and the stock of tree fruits at home is running low.

 In the past, their solution was to go to the town to buy them, but now it is different. There is a bumper harvest of fruits in the pasture, and they only need to come here to pick them in the future.

Zhi Shu put the golden cranberries into the basket, and then continued walking in the orchard.

 While picking off the fully ripe fruit, he searched the branches with his eyes to see if there were any other mutated fruits.

As expected, within a short time, he found the second, third, and fourth mutated fruit.

 [Golden Phoenix Pear Fruit], [Silver Banana Fruit], [Silver Cranberry Fruit]

When the basket was full, there were again a few more golden tree fruits.

Carrying the basket back to the lawn outside, Zhishu poured the fruits inside onto the ground and piled them into a small mountain. Then he used his hands to dig out the golden and silver fruits.

“One, two, three…six, seven, huh? So many?”

Three golden berries and four less rare silver berries.

 Looking at this scene, Naoki was very surprised.

The probability of mutation of this tree fruit is much higher than that of the crops grown in his field!

 After the surprise, a burst of regret followed.

Tree fruits of this level are most suitable for making energy cubes.

As the top snack in the Pokémon world, energy cubes can be said to be a very perfect and all-round food.

 It can not only provide Pokémon with rich nutrition and energy, but also make Pokémon's fur shiny and smooth, improve their maturity and sexiness, and also fill Pokémon's stomach.

 Generally speaking, energy cubes are a food that is more popular and loved by Pokémon than poffins.

 But unfortunately, he has not yet mastered the method of making energy cubes from tree fruits.

 Last time Ivan said that he would help him find a breeder who is good at making energy cubes, but it seems that he has not found one yet.

After packing these fruits and putting them in the fruit storage cabinet at home, Zhishu took out a dozen flower pots from the utility room and carried them to the flower field with his brother Ai Guanshi.

Time flies so fast, it is already August, and in the blink of an eye the entire autumn will pass, followed closely by the cold winter.

  Although it is not that season yet, the whole world has been affected by a sudden cold wave in the past few days.

A weather-related TV program said that the sea surface on the distant Orange Islands was frozen, and wild Pokémon from all over the country rioted, leaving their habitats and rushing there across the frozen sea surface.

 About this matter, Naoki guessed that it should be the beginning of the theatrical version of "The Explosion of Lugia".

The perverted collector Gilruta wanted to collect Logia as a collection, so he captured the lightning bird, the **** of thunder. This action caused a fight between the three divine birds, which caused the weather in various places to be affected and the sea to freeze. .

 At first, Naoki was a little worried.

 But soon, the cold wave disappeared.

 Zhi Shu guessed that it was Xiaozhi and the others who calmed down the anger of the three divine birds and Lugia.

The Padia area is relatively far away from there, so the impact is not that serious, and it is only because the arrival of the cold wave has dropped the temperature a bit.

 But it’s fine for humans, but not so friendly to plants.

 The sudden drop in temperature has affected many flowers in the flower field, becoming wilted and lifeless, and looking like they are about to die.

 Zhi Shu digs them out of the flower field, transplants them into flower pots, and then transfers them to the glass greenhouse.

The newly built glass greenhouse is very clean and tidy inside. Bright sunlight shines into the greenhouse through the brand-new glass, making the inside look beautiful and bright.

Compared with the outside, the temperature inside the glass greenhouse is a bit higher because Keri installed floor heating underground in the greenhouse. Even in the cold winter, the place will be warm.

The energy for floor heating is electricity, and all the electricity currently used in the ranch comes from Babu.

There was originally a Kuailong, but since Butubo evolved into Babu Tubo, it took away Kuailong's job and took care of the power supply.

 That little cloth pick of the past has become more and more reliable!

Zhi Shu smiled with emotion, and then placed all the potted flowers on the wooden flower stand.

 The decoration in the glass greenhouse has long been completed, and the style chosen by Naoki is still pastoral.

 A light-colored wooden flower stand is placed on each side, with a small tea table and a soft sofa in the middle. Next to it is a bookshelf with an exquisite chandelier hanging on it.

 The bookshelves are filled with books that Naoki bought from the town.

 There is a story about a young trainer who receives his initial Pokémon and goes on a trip, and eventually becomes a world-famous Pokémon master;

 There are Pokémon fairy tales that describe wild Pokémon building nests in tree holes, rescuing other Pokémon, and then having fun together;

There are also darker ones, such as a green caterpillar that originally lived happily in the forest with other tribesmen, but suddenly one day, Bi Diao invaded here and killed all the green caterpillars, except for the protagonist.

The protagonist, the green caterpillar, was unwilling to give in. In order to avenge his tribe, he practiced **** his own and eventually evolved into the powerful Bada Butterfly. With the combination of silver whirlwind + hypnotic powder + air slash, he defeated all the eagles and successfully defeated all the eagles. The clansmen took their revenge.

 As for how Naoki knew...

That was of course because he had read a few books when he had nothing to do.

  After all, this world does not yet have smartphones and computers that can play AAA games. It’s okay if you don’t read it. Once you read it, you will find that the native books of this world are quite interesting.

 When all the flower pots are placed on the flower stands, the originally slightly empty space suddenly becomes fuller. The combination of nature and modern furniture gives people a unique sense of comfort.

Not to mention, when the snow falls, he can stay here with his Pokémon, lying on the soft sofa and reading the books on the bookshelf.

If any Pokémon are curious, he can also tell them the stories in the book.


Zhi Shu took out the Kodak Watering Can to replenish the water for these flowers, and then said to the Ai Guanshi brothers and sisters: "Can you help me call San Bee and Bad Butterfly over?"

 “I love you~” my sister, Ai Guanshi, happily agreed, turned around and left the flower room.

Zhishu looked at his serious brother who was staying here and said with a smile:

 “If you have nothing to do in the future, you can come here.”

"Oh." The expression on the brother's face was still like that of a little adult, and he nodded seriously and calmly.

  Naoki: "Just treat this place as your own home. If nothing else happens, we will live together for decades!"

"Aye." Brother Guanshi looked solemn and nodded.

 Naoki: “…” Forget it, people are born with this expression.

 After a while, my sister Ai Guanshi came here with three three bees and Bada Butterfly.

Zhi Shu looked at them and asked with a smile: "Take a look, do you still like them?"

Three Bees and Bada Butterfly opened their innocent eyes and looked at their surroundings curiously.

 Warm environment, beautiful flowers, comfortable house…

 They like it here!



 Seeing their appearance, Naoki became even more happy.

He calculated the time in his mind and said: "When winter comes, I will move the hives and wooden boxes here, and you can live here!"

At that time, there will also be flowers blooming in the glass greenhouse. Since there are flowers, Bada Butterfly and Three Bees no longer have to worry about food.

After the decoration of the glass greenhouse was completed, Naoki stayed here for a while and experienced the feeling of reading a book, drinking tea and taking a nap in this environment before getting up and leaving.

 In the pasture, all the Pokémon were still playing there as usual.

 Huluton was lying on the grass basking in the sun, but his eyes were looking this way.

The Motorized Lizard carried the Frost Milk Fairy galloping across the lawn, with five Salt Stone Barriers chasing after them.

Two wild dragons didn't know what they had done. They were dejectedly accepting the scolding of the dragons on the grass.

  The mounted goats and Olinio sat around the World Tree, chewing grass dumplings leisurely.

Hing Eevee didn't know where he ran, but when he saw the rustling flowers not far away, Naoki thought it should take a walk in it.

 It’s so lively! Naoki felt very happy and his life was complete.

Just when he was going to make Baofen for the dragons, Alvin suddenly rushed to the pasture on a motorcycle lizard.

Zhi Shu looked at the letter in his hand and asked, "Oh? Is there another festival going to be held in the town?"

Ivan curled his lips: "Autumn horse racing..."

Zhi Shu casually opened the envelope and took a look, and sure enough, he saw an invitation to him, a rancher, to participate in the autumn horse racing.

 “This?” Naoki raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t have a horse yet and couldn’t go.

Ivan is still worried about the money he lost in the spring racing: "I will definitely not bet this time!"

Naoki: "..." I bet he still remembers that incident!

Ivan looked around. He had not been to Zhishu Ranch for a while. It seemed that not much had changed here.

He looked around and didn't see what he wanted to see, so he couldn't help but ask: "Have you not conquered the Horse Pokémon yet?"

  Naoki: "What about this? Don't be in a hurry. It's still a long time before the spring racing anyway."

Ivan covered his face in frustration: "Ah, it seems that I am going to completely lose those alliance coins, my money!"

 Naoki: “…”

Alvin let out a long sigh, obviously no longer having any hope in this matter: "That's right, the work in the ranch is so busy, there is no time to go out and capture the horse Pokémon... Forget it, if you can't win it back, you can't win it back. Bar!"

"Don't worry." Naoki comforted: "Believe me, I will find a way to help you win it back."

  After all, they had agreed before that Alvin would help him find the housekeeper Pokémon, and he would help Alvin win back the money he lost in the spring horse race.

Now that the housekeeper Pokémon has been found, it’s time for him to fulfill his promise.

Ivan thought to himself that there were no horse Pokémon at all in the winter, but he had given up hope and simply put the matter behind him and talked about another interesting thing.

 “Naoki, have you heard?”

Seeing that Alvin didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave, Naoki asked: “Sit down for a while?”

Ivan: "Hey, sorry for bothering you!"

 Zhi Shu welcomed people into the living room and sat down.

My sister, who is caring, served me two cups of tea thoughtfully.

Evan took a sip and then continued: "I heard a big news when I was delivering the letter! It's about the legendary Pokémon!"

 “Huh?” Naoki’s mind quickly flashed to the legendary Pokémon from the Padia region.

 Hulton, Milton, Talabagos…

However, Alvin's answer was beyond his expectation: "It's the legendary sea god, Lugia!"

 Hearing this name, Naoki was slightly startled.

Ivan continued with a beaming look: "Didn't a cold wave come to the Padia area some time ago? The origin of this cold wave is related to Lugia!"

“I heard from a tourist from the Orange Islands who traveled to the Padia region that there was a collector there who wanted to capture the legendary God of the Sea, which also aroused the wrath of the God of Fire, Ice and Thunder. !”

“The commotion they caused was huge. I heard that even the sea was frozen. It was like the end of the world. Many wild Pokémon came to the frozen sea to watch them fight!”

 As expected, Naoki was not too surprised when he heard these words. He had already expected them.

 However, what Ivan said next made him feel very surprised.

"What's more interesting is that the person said that when those legendary Pokémon were fighting, there were two flying baby bears mixed in. Not only that, they almost killed the God of Fire, the God of Thunder and the God of Ice. The treasure guarded by the **** was taken away!"

“The God of Fire, God of Thunder and God of Ice who were fighting immediately stopped and chased the two baby bears, but they couldn’t catch up. They were almost furious!”

“Finally, someone found the two baby bears and told them that taking the treasure away would cause a great crisis, so they returned the orb.”

“It’s strange, why can’t those legendary Pokémon called gods even catch up with two baby bears? They almost let them run away.”

“Could it be that Scuds have a trait? No, their trait must be to pick up! Only Pokémon with this trait will be interested in those weird gadgets!” Alvin said to himself.

 Naoki: “?”

 (End of this chapter)

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