Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 215: Birthday gift (2-in-1)

Chapter 215 Birthday Gift (Two in One)

Lei Guanwang... Nothing can leave Lei Guanwang.

Planting the World Tree requires King Lei Guan, and developing the reverse world also requires King Lei Guan. Although the horse racing competition does not require the help of King Lei Guan, his horses are needed.

Zhi Shu stood on the floating island, looking thoughtfully at Giratina, who was sleeping soundly not far away.

 Suddenly, Giratina opened his eyes sleepily.

 It immediately noticed Naoki standing opposite.

  Giratina seemed to still be in a state of drunkenness, and his words turned into a big tongue, and he began to stutter: "You... you finally remembered and came here!"

 Naoki: “…”

 He glanced at Giratina suspiciously, how could this tone be the same as that?

 He also has business to do. Things on the Reversal World side are over, and he can’t stay here all day long.

And the feeling of weakness caused by drinking poisonous mushroom soup is not fake.

Looking at the resentful Giratina, Naoki said speechlessly: "Did you drink all that barrel of beer?"

"" Giratina narrowed his eyes and managed to use his drunken brain to figure out what it was.

It suddenly stood up and shouted: "Delicious!"

 Naoki: “…”

Giratina glanced at him and threatened in a domineering tone: "Send me a few more barrels, otherwise I will drag you here and lock you up!"

 Naoki: “…”

Giratina suddenly came closer and said drunkenly: "Stupid person...human being, why don't you...speak? brave! How dare you ignore me!"

After finishing speaking, Giratina released a huge amount of anger, as if he was going to use terrifying power to crush the humans in front of him in the next second.

 But at the last second, it gave up.

 Giratina lay back on the ground again, resting his big head on his two thick forelimbs:

"Forget it...forget it, I'll beat death and no one will talk to me."

Naoki was speechless for a moment. Thinking of the legend of Giratina, he couldn't help but feel touched. He was about to say something, but he heard the dragon muttering:

“Although you are a small and insignificant human being, you don’t have such lofty aspirations as those previous humans… and you are also timid…zZZ!”

Looking at Giratina who was sleeping again, Naoki had a sentence in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not.

He was said to be cowardly, but when he turned around he took Guluton and the perfect horse-riding King Leiguan to attack the reverse world, and let this evil dragon work as a cow and horse in the pasture!

Naoki raised his fist at Giratina, cursed and called for his brother to feed him the detoxifying peach juice.

 After sending Chaomeng and his party away, life in the ranch returned to peace again.

 At five o'clock in the afternoon, Zach was preparing to drive a large truck to the ranch to collect the goods.

 After loading several buckets of moo fresh milk and goat milk into the truck, Zhishu was ready to take him to his home to inspect the beer in the cellar.

Standing in front of this brand new house, Zach couldn't help but stop and look up.

He looked at the new house, and then at the old log cabin not far away, and couldn't help but sigh:

“Hohoho, you have made this ranch more and more prosperous!”

Zhi Shu looked at the group of Pokémon around him and smiled knowingly: "This is not my fault alone."

Hearing this, Zach also looked at the group of Pokémon raised in the pasture:

"You're all good! To be honest, when I first saw you, you were so thin. Mayor Thomas and I couldn't help but worry about whether you could do the work on the ranch."

 Hearing his words, Naoki also remembered what he was like when he first came here.

 He couldn't help but said happily: "What now?"

Zach: "It turns out that our worries were unnecessary. Now you are as strong as Kentero!"

Zhi Shu thought of the group of black Kenteros in the Padia area and couldn't help but defend himself: "It's not that exaggerated."

"Hahahahaha!" Zach laughed suddenly. He looked at the stubble on the outside of Naoki's mouth and said, "You have to shave your beard well, otherwise you will look like a For an old man in his thirties, if you look back on the street, there will be girls about your age calling you uncle."

  Naoki: " be honest, I have already encountered this kind of thing."

It was in the summer. He often worked outside in the farm, which caused his skin to be tanned and his beard to grow out. When he went to Zhiqin market to buy vegetables, he forgot to shave, so a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl called him uncle.

Zach had an expression that said, "I'll just say it." The amused Motorized Lizard and Gulton who were standing beside him couldn't help but laugh.

After the chat ended, the two went to the cellar, where Zach, a professional, checked the quality of the beer.

Naoki stood aside and waited patiently, waiting for Zach to price the beer.

"Well, the fermentation is in place, and the smell is very mellow, with a natural oak flavor." Zach took a glass, took a sip and tasted it carefully: "The rich malt aroma is mixed with the bitter substances in the hops... It tastes mellow and has a clean aftertaste, which is great!”

As he spoke, Zach couldn't help but look regretful: "It's a pity that the fermentation time is too short. It would be better if it were longer. The price of the aged beer would be higher and the taste would be more mellow."

Zhi Shu humbly asked for advice: "Aging? How long does it take?"

Zach explained: "This depends on you. Take wine as an example. Under normal circumstances, it takes about 20 days for natural fermentation of wine."

“Depending on the winemaker’s ideas and the style of wine being produced, if aged, it can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.”

“However, this does not mean that wine must be aged. It depends more on the preference of the drinker. Some people like wine that has been aged for several years, while others like fresh wine.”

“Of course, the market price of wine that has been aged for several years is much higher than that of wine that has been fermented normally.”

 Zach said a lot, and Naoki only heard one sentence from it—old wine sells for more!

"There happens to be a lot of fruit in the tree orchard. After selling this batch of beer, we can use them to make some fruit wine." Zhi Shu thought secretly.

At this time, Zach's check has already produced the result: "3,000 alliance coins per liter. This season is not the season for drinking beer. The market price fluctuates slightly. If it is summer, the price will be higher."

 3,000 alliance coins per liter... Naoki calculated it in his mind.

The size of an oak barrel is three liters, and there are a total of thirty oak barrels in the cellar. This means that this batch of beer can be sold for about 270,000 yuan.

 Compared to the selling price of milk in large milk cans, the money earned from brewing can be considered a very considerable income.

Zhishu nodded and agreed to the price.

He saved a large amount of hops in the previous summer. After this batch of brewed beer is sold, the hops he stored can be put to use.

 As long as you save some money, you can build a greenhouse.

Seeing him nod, Zach thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll come over to pick up this batch of goods tomorrow! It's a bit late today, and the car is already full of goods."


 In this regard, Naoki said it was no problem.

 After setting a time to come tomorrow, Zach drove off in the truck.

 It was evening, and the colorful clouds filled the lake.

 The Kuailong and the mini dragons happily flew to Dragon Island with one day's wages.

 After sending them away, Naoki also started the finishing work for today’s day.

Together with Babu, he drove the hens back to the chicken house and closed the doors and windows.

  Fill the trough of the large milk jug with fresh grass and tree fruits.

 Fill Ice Eevee's water bowl with water.

  Then he picked a big pumpkin from the ground. The weather was getting colder and colder. Tonight, Zhi Shu was going to cook a pot of rock sugar pumpkin porridge to warm himself and the Motorized Lizards.

 Speaking of motorcycle lizards.

 Zhishu suddenly remembered something.

He returned to the bedroom and looked at this month's calendar, and sure enough he saw a mark in the column for August 20th. “Sure enough, I remembered correctly, it will be Motor Lizard’s birthday in a few days!”

Zhi Shu returned to the kitchen, looking at the yawning Motor Lizard in the living room while handling the pumpkin.

Motor Lizard’s birthday is very important, but at the same time, there is another important thing.

That was a dessert he had made before, a special dish that only took effect on the Pokémon's birthday.

If he remembered correctly, the effect of the cake seemed to be called "birthday gift"?

 The specific effect is that if you feed a Pokémon on its birthday, you will receive a blessing that can permanently increase one of HP, physical attack, special attack, speed, physical defense, and special defense.


Zhi Shu was very curious about the performance of this description.

 But there is still some time before Motorized Lizard’s birthday, and before then, he has to wait patiently.

 A pot of sweet and soft pumpkin porridge was eaten completely by a group of Pokémon.

After dinner, my sister Ai Gui helped wash the dishes, and Naoki took a few Pokémon to watch TV on the sofa.

 Today is the weekend and the pub is closed. There is no need for them to go there and stay there, so they all stay at home.

 The living room is lit with warm lights, and tomorrow's weather forecast is being broadcast on the TV.

The female host in formal attire was reading a script in front of the screen: "...Affected by the cold air, it is expected that some areas in northwest Padia will experience rainfall at midnight today. Citizens are also asked to prepare in advance and close the doors and windows. .”

Hearing this notice, the brother who cares about the house turned around silently and went to check whether the doors and windows at home were closed properly.

Zhi Shu continued to lie lazily on the sofa, leaning against the furry Babu woodchuck and squeezing its fleshy cushions.

 This is his favorite time of the day.

  The day's work in the ranch has been completed. The outside world is shrouded in darkness, and there may be gusts of cold wind, but the house is brightly lit and extremely warm.

 The Pokémon also gathered together, nestling on the sofa with him like cats cuddling together for warmth in winter.

On the wooden coffee table in front of you are the snacks and milk that every Pokémon loves, and a cup of steaming black tea.

The old-fashioned TV opposite plays news programs from the Padea region.

They will watch tomorrow's weather forecast together, and after hearing about tomorrow's weather, they will switch to the news program.

 This program can help them understand the outside world.

For example, the Padia Academy held another academy competition, a certain trainer reversed the situation in the battle due to unexpected Taijing properties, and a large-scale event was held in a certain place.

Aerials in the Padya region occasionally receive news programs from other regions.

Like the Pokémon lecture given by Dr. Oak in the Johto area.

 So even though Luton and the others couldn't understand human programs, they were still here to watch them with him.

 Whenever this time comes, Naoki will feel that maybe the Pokémon also like this atmosphere and feeling like him, right?

Zhi Shu turned his head and looked at his group of Pokémon.

The Motorized Lizard lay on the soft carpet and rested with his eyes closed.

The Cream Fairy stood on the coffee table, among a pile of puddings and buns, swaying leisurely there.

   The Babu woodchuck was used as a pillow by him.

   After my sister finished washing the dishes, she came to the sofa and sat down to watch TV together.

His brother is standing by, like a loyal old housekeeper, always waiting for the master's call.

 As for Guluton…

 So Luton was looking at him.

Seeing that he was discovered, Luton not only did not look away and felt embarrassed, but his eyes lit up and he looked very happy.

 Zhi Shu looked at Guluton.

 At this moment, he felt that if Gulton were a big dog, his tail might have been wagging.

Thinking of that scene, Naoki suddenly felt like laughing.

 Hurton, this Pokémon is really cute!

“I don’t know what Milton would be like in this situation.” Naoki imagined Milton’s character in the game.

 Perhaps he turned his head away coldly and pretended not to care?

However, to him, compared to this arrogant Pokémon, the enthusiastic big dog like Luton who comes up to lick you when you disagree with him is more lovable.

Zhishu felt that if he continued to look at Guluton, he would pounce on him and lick him.

He quickly withdrew his gaze and continued to watch TV. He also glanced at Gulton's reaction from the corner of his eye.

After seeing him look away, Guluton immediately lowered his head and his whole body became sluggish.

 Naoki: “…”

He thought for a while and simply lay down on the sofa, leaning his head on Babu's woodchuck and putting his legs on Gulton's body.

As expected, Luton instantly became happy.

 He is also a big dog who likes to interact with people.

 In the early morning, it really started raining outside.

The autumn rain was continuous, mixed with a hint of chill, falling on the roof, and finally dripping along the bricks and tiles into the soil.

Zhi Shu was awakened by the rain. Hearing the sound of rain, he yawned, turned around and continued sleeping while hugging Babu, who was sleeping soundly.

 The next morning, the rain had not stopped and the sky was gray.

Standing under the eaves, Naoki looked at the rain dripping from above and realized that he might not be able to go out today.

Even the goats stopped moving and lay down in the shack eating grass dumplings.

At this time, Kuailong and Hackron who were working in the ranch rushed to the ranch despite the rain as usual.

Seeing them, Naoki didn't know what to say for a moment.

As a kind-hearted farmer, he thought for a while and said: "If the weather is bad in the future, you can rest on the island for a day and wait until the rain stops before coming back."

 However, Kuailong and Hackron immediately opened their eyes and said no.


How can this be done? That way they won't be able to eat the delicious poffin!

 Naoki: “…”

 Look! This is definitely not him deliberately exploiting his employees! It's what they want to do!

But that’s right, for Kuailong and Hackron, rain of this magnitude has no impact at all.

Zhi Shu sighed and said helplessly: "As long as you don't feel tired."


  A group of Pokémon let out a cheer, then took the work satchels and fresh bottles of cow and goat milk prepared for them from Naoki, and flew towards the direction of Ziqin Town.

Looking at this scene, Naoki suddenly felt that maybe he could print the words "Kuailong Express, the mission will be fulfilled!" on Kuailong's package.

 (End of this chapter)

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