Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 222: The field of green grass that covers the entire mountain forest (

Chapter 222 The field of green grass that covers the entire mountain forest (5k)

 Zhi Shu was startled by the young blacksmith who suddenly fainted.

 He quickly squatted down and helped the little blacksmith check his body.

“There are traces of burns on the body, and they are quite serious. It should be due to the loss of a lot of physical strength caused by the burns.”

Zhishu noticed that the body of the unconscious little blacksmith was still shaking slightly. He touched it with his hand and found that his whole body was cold as expected.

 “I’m a little hypothermic!”

 This is a very dangerous situation for Pokémon.

The heat loss from their bodies is greater than the heat replenishment. Once in this state for a long time, Pokémon may even face life-threatening danger.

 It must be kept warm as soon as possible!

Not only the little blacksmith, Naoki noticed that the chinchillas were also shivering, probably because they had been soaked in the river for a long time.

Thinking of this, Naoki was extremely glad that he had read a few Pokémon medicine books when he had nothing to do before.

He originally planned to treat the Pokémon in his ranch, but he didn't expect that his Pokémon would not be used, but would come in handy here instead.

Thinking of this, Zhi Shu picked up the little blacksmith and said to the Painter, a pair of rats, a Tibetan chinchilla and an electric belly frog in front of him: "Come with me!"

Seeing some hesitation among some Pokémon, the sister on the side said in a gentle and considerate tone: "Oh~"

The few Pokémon who were still in a frightened state carefully glanced at the humans in front of them, hesitated for a few seconds before raising their feet and followed them.

Zhi Shu returned to the living room, took out a warm blanket and wrapped the little blacksmith in it, and then put compressed wood into the fireplace to light a fire.

 After a while, the temperature in the room slowly rose.

 Zhi Shu pointed to the fireplace: "You guys warm up there first."

This time, several Pokémon did not resist. They all came to the fireplace burning with warm flames, and the temperature there slowly warmed their bodies.

The chinchilla even made a sound of comfort.

 After spraying the little blacksmith with burn medicine and healing spray, Naoki also placed it in front of the fireplace.

 In this warm environment, several Pokémon gradually relaxed.

 But there was still a hint of fear on their faces.

 The experience last night was really terrible. The fire burned everything they were familiar with.

 Everyone in the forest gathered together and ran for their lives in front of the flames.

Even the Pokémon that were usually hostile to each other gave up fighting at that time and fled together.

 Some water-type Pokémon tried to put out the fire with water guns, but their power was too weak to prevent the disaster.

There were originally many Pokémon fleeing with them, but many Pokémon were forced to disperse due to fallen trees along the way.

In the end, only a few of them were left. When the fire was about to burn everything, they jumped into the river and were washed here along the river.

Zhi Shu stood aside and watched this scene. Although he didn't know what these Pokémon experienced last night, looking at the expressions on their faces, it must not be a good thing.

Guluton and the group of Pokémon looked at this group of Pokémon with expressions of sympathy on their faces.

At this moment, a cry of "Gumo~Gumo~" suddenly came to mind.

Hearing this sound, the surrounding Pokémon all turned their attention to Electric Belly Frog.

The Electric Belly Frog is holding its belly with its little hands, looking very flustered.

 Zhi Shu was the first to react.

That sound is actually not the cry of the electric belly frog, but the sound coming from its belly. It is the electric belly frog announcing that its stomach is empty.

It is said that in the habitat of the electric-bellied frog, every time the sun sets, you can hear the sound of "Gumo~Gumo~" one after another.

 Naoki then remembered that they hadn’t had breakfast yet.

 After making sure that the little blacksmith was okay, he and his sister Aiguanshi started to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Brother's steward stood by the fireplace, guarding this group of wild Pokémon that had experienced disaster.

For some reason, this group of Pokémon reminded him of the Meowth that had been abandoned by humans in the manor.

  What happened last night, the other Pokémon were not in a good mood either.

 When they see this tragic scene, everyone will worry about the situation in the mountains behind.

Huluton stood in the living room, glanced at everyone, and then comforted: "Ah gah!" (With Naoki here, everything will be fine!)

 It always trusts Naoki so unconditionally.

Even though Gulton is a very powerful Pokémon now, in its heart, Naoki is still an omnipotent being.

Hearing this, the Pokémon such as Bingeebu, Babutubo and others looked at Guluton.

Seeing its reliable appearance, they were all infected and turned their attention to Naoki who was cooking.

Zhi Shu didn’t notice this scene. He hurriedly took out fruit, sandwiches, eggs, steaks and milk from the refrigerator.

 Put the pot on the fire, fry the eggs and cutlets, then add them to the sandwich, then squeeze the juice from the tree fruit, mix it with milk, and heat it in the microwave.

In this way, a nutritious and delicious breakfast is ready.

My sister is very helpful in serving breakfast to everyone.

The Tibetan Chinchilla, a pair of rats, the Tubiaoke, and the Electric Belly Frog also received a thick sandwich and fragrant hot milk.

 Smell the aroma of food, this group of already hungry Pokémon were deeply moved, and they looked at the human gratefully.

Zhi Shu noticed their expressions and said with a smile: "You're welcome, we are all living beings living in this place, and we should help each other."

 The warm light of the fire restored some vitality to the chinchilla. It wiped its tears with its little paws, then lowered its head and ate the food.

The other Pokémon also lowered their heads to eat silently, thinking: When they get the chance, they must thank the human who saved them.

The little blacksmith hadn't woken up yet. Zhi Shu went over to check and found that it seemed to be tired and fell asleep.

He did not wake it up. After eating breakfast, Zhi Shu planned to go to the back mountain to check the situation and see if he could meet some other wild Pokémon that needed rescue.

But they never wanted to hide the chinchillas. After hearing Zhishu’s plan, they all expressed that they wanted to go too.

Seeing this, Naoki asked the two brothers and sisters to stay and look after the house and the little blacksmith, while he took a group of Pokémon to the back mountain.

It has just rained, the ground is not dry yet, and the road in the back mountain is very muddy.

 At first, the scenery on both sides of the road had not changed much. It was not until they officially entered the back mountain that they suddenly discovered that the place had completely changed.

The originally tall trees were burned into pitch-black charcoal and fell to the ground in scattered pieces. Bushes and grass were burned into black ash, and the air was filled with the moist smell of rainwater mixed with ashes.

The Tibetan Chinchilla and the Tubalker looked at the mess on the ground and silently shed tears.

The Tibetan Chinchilla cried sadly.

The hazelnuts and berries it had stored in the big tree hole for the winter were all burned by the fire. That was the fruit of its busy autumn!

Tu Biaoke wiped the tears from his face, feeling a little desperate. The place where it originally lived may have been turned into ruins.

The rat couple shed tears silently. If they hadn't run so fast yesterday, they would have returned to dust by now.

The reaction of the Electric Belly Frog was a little slower, but when it looked at the scene in front of it, its usually leisurely look only had a trace of depression at the moment.

 Guluton and Bingyibu felt uncomfortable when they saw this scene.

The Babu landhog couldn't help but wonder, if it lived in this forest, would it also be homeless at this moment?

 When he thought of this, Babu Tubo felt very sad.

 Zhi Shu’s mood was also very heavy.

He still remembered that not long ago, he rode a goat to pick mountain products in this mountain forest.

At that time, the trees here were still tall and lush. When the wind blew, there would be a roaring sound in the forest, spreading into the distance like waves.

 The yellowed fallen leaves fall from the tops of the tree crowns and spread layer upon layer on the ground. They will be turned into nutrients for the soil, making the earth more fertile in the coming year.

There are also many Pokémon living in the nearby bushes. He has seen bead spiders, bean crickets, electric petrels, and green caterpillars here.

 But at this moment, all these Pokémon have disappeared and their whereabouts are unknown.

Zhi Shu could only pray silently in his heart. Maybe they sensed the crisis in advance and fled to a safer place?

Looking at the crying Pokémon beside him, Naoki comforted him: "Don't cry. As long as you are still alive in this world, your family will be rebuilt one day. Me and everyone, and the people living in the town will We will also help you rebuild your home together."

A few Pokémon felt better, but they were still very sad.

Seeing this, Naoki could only say: "Search nearby to see if there are any Pokémon that need help!"


Babu was the first to react. It had the red cape Naoki prepared for it tied around its shoulders. The picture of it flying among the ruins looked like a superhero.

Naoki hopes that it can, like a real superhero, bring new hope to Pokémon that have suffered this disaster. Ice Eevee, Gulton, Motorized Lizard, Mount Goat, Olinio, Dragonite, Bada Butterfly, Three Bees, two wild Dragonites, five Hackrons, whether they are Pokémon living in the pasture All the Pokémon that were left to work were sent out by Naoki for search and rescue.

Seeing this scene, the sad Tibetan chinchilla was also infected.

It thought of the group of Pokémon that escaped together yesterday, and thought that they might still be in danger, so it took the initiative to join the search and rescue operation.

Tu Biaoke didn’t speak, but it also expressed its thoughts through actions.

It quickly shuttled through the forest, smearing its color-changing poisonous saliva on its fingers, and using it to draw on the ground and dead trees, trying to use this method to guide Pokémon in need of help.

Zhi Shu looked at this scene with emotion.

Even Pokémon who are usually enemies of each other will work together and help each other in the face of disaster.

 With the joint efforts of everyone, the first Pokémon in need of help was quickly discovered.

 It was an electric petrel whose wings were injured and unable to fly.

It was hiding in a narrow cave. When Babu led Zhi Shu to get there, the electric petrel had already passed out.

Zhi Shu quickly pulled it out of the cave, carefully inspected its injuries, and then sprayed it with burn spray and healing spray.

 Handing the injured Dian Haiyan to Zhi Shu, Babu Tubo flew away again.

 At this time, Dian Haiyan woke up.

Its expression was a little dazed, as if it hadn't recovered yet.

Zhi Shu touched its little head and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, it's fine."

 Dian Haiyan seemed to realize that the human in front of him had saved him, so he did not struggle, but just stared at the human with his eyes open.

Zhishu smiled slightly, took out an apple from his bag and placed it in front of Dian Haiyan: "Eat it, take a nap after eating, and everything will be fine."

 Dian Haiyan did not move.

Upon seeing this, Naoki was about to say something, but Leton ran over holding an unconscious Lily Root doll.

Zhishu quickly handed the electric petrel to Gulton and began to treat the Lily Root doll.

But never thought that when Dian Haiyan came into contact with Guledun, he suddenly started struggling in fear.

 Naoki: “…”

Huluton tilted his head: "Ah?"

"It's not a bad Pokémon, it's my partner, Soloton." Naoki explained helplessly.

 Hearing this, Dian Haiyan gradually calmed down.

 Naoki then concentrated on treating the lily root doll.

 “Severely burned, extremely weak...condition is very bad.”

After thinking for a moment, Naoki took out a bottle of juice and milk instead of using the healing spray and fed it into the Lily Root Doll's mouth.

 Compared with the healing sprays sold on the market, the juice milk made by him will have a better and faster healing effect.

But this thing is not convenient to carry. This time, Zhi Shu only brought a dozen bottles with him, preparing to use them for those Pokémon who were in very critical situations.

As expected, after drinking the juice and milk, the lily root doll slowly woke up.

  Naoki then used burn spray on it.

 As Lilyroot's condition stabilized, Naoki breathed a sigh of relief, and stayed at the place with Lilyroot and Electric Petrel, waiting for the situation of other Pokémon.

He thought that the search and rescue operation would go smoothly, but he never thought that after that, there was no harvest for a long time.

 “No, we can’t go on like this.”

If it is delayed for too long, those Pokémon that are seriously injured are likely to lose their lives!

 The most important thing now is to find a way to stabilize their injuries.

After some careful thinking, Naoki asked other Pokémon to continue searching while he recalled the three mount goats.

He looked at the three tall and strong mount goats in front of him, with an unprecedented serious expression on his face, and told them his plan.

“I need you to go all out and use the green grass field, just like you used to do in the pasture, to cover as much area as possible.”

 Grass Field This move can not only increase the power of grass attribute moves.

 More importantly, it can restore the physical strength of Pokémon on the ground!

 “Can it be done?” Naoki asked.

 The three goats mounted on them were fighting in high spirits: “Hey!”

"Very good." Naoki said seriously: "Then I'll leave it to you. I'll make more delicious grass dishes for you later."


The mounted goats looked expectant, and then the three of them lined up in a row, their forelimbs tapping the ground heavily.

 The next second, an extremely powerful light burst out from their bodies.

The green light full of vitality sank into the earth. As the light flickered, illusory and crystal clear grass grew out of the scorched earth.

In an instant, the green ocean swept across the entire land, and continued to spread into the distance at an extremely fast speed, gradually covering the entire mountain forest.

 Looking at this scene, Naoki looked surprised.

During this period, when he didn't pay much attention, the goat seemed to be getting stronger again?

 The other side of the forest.

The rescue team composed of the fire brigade, Miss Junsha and Miss Joy are quickly traveling through the mountains and forests to rescue the injured Pokémon.

 The Cutie leaned down, its nose twitching, searching for the injured Pokémon through its scent.

Suddenly, as if it noticed something, it suddenly raised its head and looked into the distance.

 “Woof woof!”

Hearing the barking of Kati dog, Miss Junsha lowered her head and looked at it: "Did you find anything?"

 Before the dog could answer, a firefighter on the side let out an exclamation.

 “Look, what is that!”

 Everyone immediately raised their heads.

 The next second, they saw a green light spreading towards them in the distant direction.

Soon, the light came to their feet, and in an instant, everyone saw countless gently swaying grass growing out of the scorched land.

 “This is it?” Miss Junsha was stunned on the spot.

Joy on the side quickly came to her senses, and she shouted loudly: "The grass field! It is the grass field that can restore the physical strength of Pokémon! Someone is helping these Pokémon!"

As a Pokémon doctor, she was the first to react. That person wanted to use the grass field to keep these Pokémon alive!

The fire chief’s eyes widened: “Is this really the grassy field I know? It’s impossible…”

 Where can there be such an exaggerated grass field? !

Its coverage is also too large!

Ms. Junsha was also shocked: "What kind of Pokémon is it..."

This kind of coverage... king, or championship level?

But there are not that famous champion-level trainers who use grass-type Pokémon in the Padia region!

 Who is he?

Everyone present was shocked by this.

Miss Joy looked at this familiar scene. She seemed to have seen such a scene somewhere before.

Where will it be?

 Miss Joy tried hard to recall.

 Soon, a picture appeared in her mind.

It was a pasture, and there were three mount lambs in the pasture. The mount lambs would release the green grass and then jump and run on the grass, as if they were dancing.

 And the owner of that ranch...

"It's Mr. Naoki!" Miss Joy said in surprise: "It's the mount lamb raised by Mr. Naoki! I have seen them in the Naoki pasture!"

What? !

Everyone was stunned, and then their faces were full of shock.

How is this kind of thing possible? !

 Could it be that the farmer they were familiar with was actually a champion trainer living in seclusion in Ziqin Town? !

 (End of this chapter)

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