Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 236: It’s too crystalline, so Luton! (4k)

Chapter 236 Be too crystallized, so Luton! (4k)

There are not many types of food in the institute. It can be seen that this group of researchers do not have a very strong appetite for food.

 Under the leadership of Dr. Olin, Zhi Shu and Gu Ledun came to the dining area of ​​the institute.

It was dinner time, and many researchers, both male and female, with dinner plates had gathered in this place. When they saw Dr. Olin, they all nodded and said hello to her.

 Zhi Shu looked at the group of researchers and saw the admiration in some people's eyes.

"It seems that Dr. Olin and Dr. Futu have high prestige here! But they do have this strength." Naoki thought to himself.

Dr. Olin was walking on the road bravely. While responding to the group of researcher subordinates, she said to Naoki:

“Due to limited ingredients, the dishes here may not be as good as those outside. You will have to work hard in the next few days.”

Zhi Shu didn’t care. He looked at Gu Ledun and said with a smile: “It’s okay, we are not picky eaters.”

 Dr. Olin raised the corners of his lips and smiled slightly, "After finishing the meal, I will have someone take you to your accommodation. We will take you to visit the institute early tomorrow morning."

 Zhi Shu was very polite: "Then I will trouble you a lot next!"

“You don’t need to be so polite. Calculating our ages, Futu and I are only eight years older than you, so the gap is not that big.”

 Dr. Olin thought Naoki was quite interesting. She continued:

"And if it weren't for you, we probably wouldn't have been able to master the method of communicating with paradoxical Pokémon so quickly."

Zhishu smiled and said nothing. He thought that even without him, the two doctors could make the Milton adapt to them.

Dr. Olin took him to the food pick-up area, introduced him to the chef at the window, and said: "You can come here to eat by yourself in the next few days, if you are hungry."

The bearded chef in the window waved his spoon and showed a welcoming smile to Zhishu and Gu Ledun: "Don't worry, doctor, I will take good care of our guests!"

"Thank you for your hard work." Dr. Olin nodded at him, then called a younger researcher and said to him: "After the meal, take this guest to his accommodation."

 “Yes!” The researcher immediately nodded respectfully in agreement.

 After saying that, Dr. Olin said goodbye to Naoki, turned around and left here.

The young man smiled brightly at Naoki: "Hello, I am the doctor's assistant Butch, and I will be responsible for showing you around here!"

 As he said that, he looked at Gulton again: "Is this Gulton No. 1?"

Zhi Shu was a little confused: "No. 1?"

Butch explained: "It is the first Gulton summoned by the doctor. In addition to No. 1, there is also a No. 2 Gulton and a No. 1 Milerton in our research institute, but those two The two guys have different personalities, so the doctor deliberately separated them."

 Hearing this, Naoki was slightly startled.

 This means that there are currently two Gulltons and one Milton in this Zero Zone Research Institute?

its not right! Why is it different from what he knows?

Logically speaking, if this is a fused world, then there should be four in total, two Gulltons and two Miltons.

If the plot in the game is followed, these four Pokémon will have a fierce conflict over their territory, causing No. 1 to escape from the pit and be picked up by the protagonist of the game.

“Is it possible that some places have automatically changed because of the Zhuzi version’s integration of the world?”

 Zhi Shu was confused, but he didn't show it.

  He released Kuailong and Baboo from the Poké Ball, then got some Pokémon food for them, and randomly chose a place to sit down.

Not to mention, although the food eaten by humans in the research institute is not very good, the variety of Pokémon food is much richer.

Such as after-dinner dessert poffins, magical energy cubes, delicious Pokémon cookies and fresh tree fruits, everything is available here.

Naoki guessed that this was specially prepared by the doctor to tame the paradoxical Pokémon.

Butch is a young man with a cheerful personality. He is about the same age as Naoki. While Naoki was having a meal, he sat across from him and told Naoki a lot about Dr. Olin and Dr. Futu.

For example, they are very powerful people, invented telomorphism, risked their lives to come into contact with paradoxical Pokémon, etc.

While listening, Naoki recalled what happened after he met the two doctors.

  Putting aside the behavior of the two doctors who summoned ancient future Pokémon to the modern age for their dreams, they are indeed very good people.

Butch looked full of admiration: "Everyone in the institute admires the doctor! It is precisely because of this that I applied to become the doctor's assistant. I also want to be a great researcher like them in the future!"

 Naoki: “…”

He was about to say something when he suddenly heard a complaining murmur from behind.

"Really, those paradoxical Pokémon are so scary. Dr. Orin and Dr. Futu plan to study them and let them live outside the giant pit. I heard that many researchers have been attacked by them and lost their lives. I I’m scared, I can’t die, my wife and daughter are still waiting for me at home.”

 Another researcher asked: “You want to quit?”

“What can we do? Alas, I don’t know what happened above, why did they suddenly restart the frozen Taile Project and move the entire base to the Zero Zone Research Institute..."

The men wanted to say something else, but Butch stepped forward and interrupted them:

"Hey! Now is not the time to say this! The research on Paradox Pokémon is at a critical stage. Even if we lose our lives for them, it is worth it! At least we have contributed to the entire Pokémon science community. !”

The two men quickly closed their mouths and stopped talking.

Butch started over again and grinned at Naoki: "It's okay, humans have never stopped exploring, and sacrifices are inevitable. It is precisely because of the sacrifices of our predecessors that we are what we are today, so We also want to leave something for future generations as much as possible!”

 Zhi Shu nodded, expressing understanding on the surface, but actually thinking secretly in his heart:

 “No wonder there isn’t a single researcher in such a big research institute in the game.”

 Due to the lack of manpower and the fact that the two doctors did not trust the newly recruited researchers in the later stages, they created their own AI to help them work.

 It turns out that there are already signs of this happening now.

Zhi Shu finished his meal in silence, and was led by Butch to his own residence—a silver, very simple room.

The room is not big, with a bed, a desk and a wardrobe inside. There is a bathroom and toilet near the door.

The overall decoration style of the room tends to be a cold-toned technological metal style, which looks cold and does not feel like home at all.

 After arriving here, whether it was Kuailong, Babu Tubo or Guledun, the expressions on their faces all looked a little wilted. They all disliked this place.

Seeing this, Naoki said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be like this, but I promise you that after the business is done, we will go home and never come here again."

 His inner curiosity about this place has been satisfied.

Furthermore, the atmosphere of the Zero Zone Research Institute was strange, and coupled with the overwhelming crystal buds and crystal flowers outside, Zhi Shu felt that this place was very strange and he didn't like it very much.

Seeing Naoki's expression, several Pokémon made cute noises and nodded in agreement.

Zhi Shu smiled and touched them one by one, and then said, "Okay, it's time to rest!" *

Early the next morning, Butch came over and knocked on Naoki’s door.

Zhi Shu had already finished washing and finished breakfast. He opened the door and walked out when he heard a knock on the door.

 “Good morning!” Butch showed an energetic smile: “The doctor asked me to take you to see her!”


Zhi Shu nodded and followed Butch out of the room with Gu Ledun.

After walking through a corridor and turning a corner, they came to a laboratory filled with various research instruments.

 Dr. Olin and Dr. Fotu in white coats are debugging a machine there.

Seeing Naoki coming over, Dr. Olin walked up to him, first said hello to Naoki, and then said:

 “Next we want to do a physical check-up on Guluton.”

  "Ah geez..." So Luden tilted his head in confusion.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Olin said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we are just checking your body to see your health. We will never hurt you."

 Huluton looked at Zhishu.

 Zhi Shu nodded at it: "Go!"

So Luton stepped forward and stood on the machine.

 Dr. Olin stayed in front of Gulton, scanning it, while Dr. Fortu turned and walked to a large computer.

Following Dr. Olin's scan, the body data of Gullerton appeared on the computer screen.

Looking at the content above, Dr. Futu was very surprised: "The energy response of this Oldton individual is very strong! Its strength is definitely far superior to the No. 2 Oldton and Milton!"

 “Huh?” Dr. Olin was also very surprised.

"It can be seen that this Gulerton has been well cared for. Judging from its muscle density, it is a very strong Gulerton!" Dr. Futu looked at the person who was taking care of Gulerton with admiration. Tree.

It is indeed the champion -level trainer who even praised even the chief champion, and even the Pokémon such as Latton can be cultivated so much!

 Naoki: “?”

At this time, Dr. Fotu made a new discovery, and his tone sounded very excited: "Sure enough, Gullton is slowly adapting to the world! Its brain is very active, which means that it is thinking at a deeper level! Just like those smart modern Pokémon!”

 “Are you sure?” Dr. Olin quickly stepped forward to check it out together.

Dr. Futu nodded: "Compared with No. 2 Old Legends and Milton, this means that Paradox Pokémon can indeed slowly adapt to the world and the existence of humans!"

 “That’s great!” Dr. Olin was a little excited: “This is really great!”

Zhi Shu watched this scene silently.

 He began to think about whether his arrival had changed something.

“No, even without me, the two doctors would have discovered this situation sooner or later.”

  After all, in the game they never gave up on their dreams until the end of their lives.

Even Dr. Ai, who inherited the feelings of the two doctors, used the time machine to go to the place where the paradoxical Pokémon lived in the end.

At this time, Dr. Olin came forward and expressed his sincere thanks to him: "Thank you very much for helping us take care of Gulledon during this time."

 Naoki: “?”

what's the situation? It sounds like he wants to take back his old story?

 Zhi Shu's heart sank, he would never allow this to happen.

But Dr. Olin didn't mean that.

She looked at Gu Ledun, then at Naoki, and then said: "It seems that a deep bond has been established between you, so it's time."

Naoki was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Dr. Olin clapped his hands, and an assistant brought over a black bead about the same size as a Poke Ball.

Dr. Olin handed the bead to Naoki and introduced: "This is the Tai Jing Bead developed by Futu and I. From now on, it belongs to you. Through it, Pokémon can use Tai Jing Bead." Transform the battle, I believe you have heard of it when you were out there.”

"Huh?" Naoki reached out and took the Taijing Bead, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart: "Really give it to me?"

"Of course, you are a very good trainer and have this qualification." Dr. Olin smiled slightly.

 Naoki: “…”

 Although he is not, now he can be.

 Then, Dr. Olin waved to Gulton, motioning it to come here.

 “Ah gah?”

 Huluton walked directly to Naoki.

Looking at the one person and one Pokémon in front of him, Dr. Olin said expectantly: "Now, let Guluton undergo the crystallization! Futu and I want to witness this moment with our own eyes!"

Zhi Shu was completely confused. He looked at the Tai Jing Bead in his hand and was completely confused.

 While the two doctors looked at him expectantly for a long time, he raised his head hesitantly and asked: "How do you use this...?"

 Dr. Olin: “…”

 Dr. Fotu: “…”

They looked at each other and smiled, and then Dr. Futu said: "Just like you usually throw a Poke Ball, throw it at the Pokémon. When it gets close, the Taijing energy inside will automatically merge with the Pokémon. "

Hearing this, Zhi Shu looked at Gulton, and then tried to throw the black crystal bead.

 Huluton's golden eyes were locked tightly on the Tai Jing Bead in mid-air.

When the Taijing Bead came directly above it, a bright Taijing energy suddenly burst out from it. That energy instantly enveloped Guledun below, transforming into a huge crystal.

The next second, with a "pop!" sound, a sound like broken glass came from the crystal. In an instant, the huge crystal shattered and turned into starlight floating around.

In that light, Luton's body immediately emitted a bright light that shone like a gem, as if his body was covered with a layer of transparent crystals.

On Gulton's head, a crown-like Taijing gem appeared. Above the gem was a huge fist made of pure Taijing energy.

 The eyes of Dr. Olin and Dr. Fortu reflected the appearance of Gullton at this moment.

 “Successful! Therefore, Luton can also be crystallized!”

“This Gulton’s Taijing attribute is a fighting attribute! In this state, if Gulton uses fighting-type moves, the power of the moves will become more powerful, which is very suitable for Gulton!”

 (End of this chapter)

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