Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 245: The Forgotten King (4k)

 Chapter 245 The Forgotten King (4k)

It began to snow in the sky, and the white snowflakes covered the sky, making the distant scene blurry.

The wind and snow were thick, and the visibility was less than ten meters. Zhi Shu and Gu Ledun were possessed by Dan Emperor before they had walked far, and they were lost in the wind and snow.

 “Where is east, where is west…”

Zhi Shu kept rubbing his hands, trying to identify the direction by observing the position of the sun.

However, in this weather, the entire sky is gray, let alone the sun, and even the road ahead cannot be seen clearly.

Zhi Shu suddenly felt a big headache, and the surrounding temperature was still so low.

He, who has always lived in a warm and humid environment, couldn't bear it not long after he arrived. How did King Lei Guan live here?

 “Ah gah…?”

Huluton shook the snow that fell on his head vigorously, and then looked at Naoki worriedly, as if asking him what to do next.

The cold whining swept through the valley. Zhi Shu glanced at the road ahead that was covered in heavy snow, and said to Gu Ledun:

 “We may now have deviated from the original path.”

 “Ah gah?”

"We can't go on like this." Naoki shook his head. If he continued walking, Gullton would be fine. He would probably get into trouble because he couldn't stand the environment here.

After a brief thought, Naoki turned his attention to the continuous steep cliff not far away.

“Go there, walk close to the mountain, see if you can find a cave first, and wait until the snow stops before setting off!”

 “Ah gah!”

The two of them immediately ran to the foot of the cliff and began to explore forward against the cold cliff.

Maybe it was because they ate a few lucky puddings when they came here. Not long after, Luton found a cave in front of him with a cave entrance filled with snow.

Guluton's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly ran over and stood at the entrance of the cave, waiting for Zhi Shu to come over.

Zhi Shu also quickly followed. He carefully looked inside and found no trace of other Pokémon, and then walked in with Gullton.

The cave is not deep, and there is nothing inside. It does not look like a Pokémon's lair, but more like a natural cave.

 It was snowing heavily outside the cave, and occasionally there was a burst of coldness.

Zhi Shu breathed a sigh of relief. He shook off the snow on his body, then quickly took out a simple campfire stand and pot from his travel backpack to set up, and poured a small bag of charcoal underneath to light it.

 Then, Naoki took out two bottles of drinking water and a bag of noodles from the bag with his frozen fingers.

 Huluton sat outside and used his huge body to shield the tree from the wind and snow.

Zhi Shu waited for the water to boil and lit a fire to keep warm. He said to Gu Ledun: "Just wait a little longer."

 “Ah gahis~”

 Soon, the water boiled.

Zhi Shu put the noodles into it, and then put in the seasonings he brought with him. After waiting for a few minutes, a fragrance spread from it.


 Zhi Shu took out two bowls, poured the noodles evenly, poured in the soup, and a simple hot soup noodle was completed.

Zhi Shu looked down, and the effect of this hot noodle soup emerged in his mind.

[Hot noodle soup (B-): A simple dish, but a good choice to warm the spleen and stomach on cold winter days.

 Cooking effect: Cold resistance protection level 2. It has the cold resistance effect to withstand severe cold. After drinking it, the body will become warmer and last for 2 hours.

 Evaluation: Omitted. ]

"2 hours…"

Although the effect of hot noodle soup is somewhat reduced due to simple ingredients and rough cooking techniques, two hours is already pretty good.

Zhi Shu looked up, so Luton had already raised his big head and drank.

 He also quickly drank the small bowl of noodle soup. Feeling his body gradually getting warmer, Naoki couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

 “It’s not so cold after all.”

 The wind and snow outside have no impact on them now.

Zhi Shu wanted to take this opportunity to explore outside, maybe he could find the location of Dong Ning Village.

 But he thought about it carefully, he didn't know how long the snow would last, and the hot noodle soup could only protect him from the cold for 2 hours.

 It would be bad if the effect disappears halfway and they haven't found the Freezing Village.

After careful consideration, Zhi Shu decided to stay here and wait for the snow to stop.

He and Guluton sat by the fire and warmed themselves up.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the sky outside was always gray, making it impossible for Naoki to tell whether it was noon or evening.

 He can only tell how much time has passed by the duration of the hot noodle soup.

When the effect of the first round of hot noodle soup was over, Naoki cooked two more bowls of noodles.

This time he put in enough ingredients and cooked very seriously. The cooking effect was increased from lv2 to lv3, and the duration was also increased from two hours to six hours.

 The snow outside has not stopped yet.

"It seems we can only spend the night here tonight!" Naoki sighed helplessly.

 “Ah, geez~” So Luton didn’t have any objections.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of rustling footsteps in the heavy snow outside.

Zhishu turned his head and saw an old man who was wrapped tightly and looked like a big bear walking quickly from outside to the entrance of the cave with a lantern.

 The old man's lantern illuminated the dim cave, and he could see the humans and Pokémon inside at a glance.

 He hurriedly walked into the cave, and with Naoki's confused expression, he put the down coat he brought with him on his body.

 “Are you coming from other places?” the old man asked.

Huluton tilted his head in confusion.

Zhi Shu was also a little confused. He nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

“You can tell from the first glance that they are from out of town. It is very dangerous to wear so little here. Even hiding in a cave is unreliable. You will probably freeze to death!”

The old man first said something solemnly, and then explained his identity:

"I am a villager from Dongning Village. A few hours ago, my Zhizhi found you lost in the snow in the mountains. I went back to the village to call for help."

As he spoke, the old man turned his head and looked over his shoulder.

At this moment, Naoki noticed that there was a petite bird Pokémon with a sky-blue body and fluffy feathers like cotton standing there.

Hearing the owner's words, the green cotton bird named Zhizhi flapped its wings happily twice.

Seeing this scene, Naoki finally understood what happened.

This old man and the green sheep bird came here specifically to rescue them who were lost in the wind and snow!

Although they did not need help, at least Naoki was grateful: "Thank you very much, Qingmianniao."


 The green sheepbird jumped twice lively.

 Old man: "Follow me back to the village first! When the snow stops, the temperature here will become even colder, and it will be very dangerous then!"

 “Thank you very much!”

They happened to be going to Dong Ning Village, so Zhi Shu agreed.

 He packed up the things in the cave, and then followed the old man with Gu Ledun.

Led by the blue sheep flying in mid-air, they finally did not get lost this time. After passing through the heavy snow, Zhi Shu saw a small village built in the ice and snow in a quiet valley.

“This is Dong Ning Village!” The old man on the side grinned: “Although I don’t know where you are going, you can rest here first before continuing.”

 Zhi Shu nodded: "Thank you very much. What should I call you?"

The old man: "Just call me Ryan. Let's go, take your Pokémon, and go to my place to have a good rest first!"    Lane brought Zhi Shu and Gu Ledun back to his home and let them sit in the fireplace Warm yourself by the fire in front.

 Zhishu was slightly moved in his heart. Not to mention, the people here were quite nice.

At this time, an old woman with silver hair came over carrying two cups of steaming tea.

 Her smile was kind: "Let's drink some hot tea to warm up first!"


Zhi Shu reached out to take it. It happened that the duration of the hot noodle soup had come to an end at this time, but because of the fireplace in front of him and the cup of hot tea, he did not feel cold, but rather warm.

The old woman said kindly: "My husband is a very enthusiastic old man. He often rescues lost travelers like you in the mountains."

 Zhi Shu nodded slightly: "Mr. Lane is a very good person."

At this time, the blue cotton bird landed on the window sill nearby and looked at this side with curious eyes.

Naoki noticed this scene.

The old woman followed his gaze and said with a smile: "This green sheep bird was also rescued by the old man from the mountains. At that time, its wings were injured and it fell in the heavy snow. The poor little guy was very sick. Frozen.”

“The old man rescued it. We originally planned to release it after it recovered, but it turned out that this little guy didn’t want to leave.”

“Since then, it has started living with us, helping the old man rescue lost travelers from the mountains.”

The green sheep bird seemed to have heard the old woman talking about itself. It immediately flew up happily and landed in the old woman's arms. It made a light and sweet "chirp" sound in its mouth.

 At this time, Ryan changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

 After changing his clothes, he immediately transformed from a big bear into a lean, capable and energetic little old man.

It was still snowing heavily outside, and Zhi Shu could not go out, so the few of them sat in the house and chatted.

When he learned that he came from the Padia region, Ryan showed a very surprised expression: "Padia region? That is a very far away place!"

“Fortunately, it only takes three days to get there by ship. When it comes to distance, I think the Kanto area is far away.” Naoki said with a smile.

Lian nodded, and he looked at Gulton next to Naoki. Although he was old and somewhat unable to keep up with the current times, he still understood the profession of a trainer.

Therefore, he asked: "That's right, are you traveling to the Galar region?"

 Speaking of this, Ryan couldn't help showing a look of doubt on his face.

When traveling to the Galar region, shouldn't you go to the big cities in the north? How did you come to this remote place like Dong Ning Village?

Zhi Shu saw his doubts and explained: "Actually, I didn't come here for a trip. The reason why I came to the Crown Snowfield is because I was looking for the legendary Pokémon, the King of Plenty."

"What? What happened to the King of Plenty?" Ryan looked thoughtful and couldn't remember clearly: "I remember it was called Lei Guanyang? Or is it called Lei Gantang?"

Naoki: "...It's King Lei Guan, right?"

 Lian rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment: "So it's called King Lei Guan?"

 The old woman on the side, Ryan's wife, looked helpless at her husband.

She recalled it carefully and said: "The King of Fertility... I used to believe that it was true. It was in the stories my grandma told me when I was a child. It said that if you were naughty in the fields, your body would be taken away by the king. , but now that I think about it, are these just words to scare children?"

Knew it…

Although some people in Dong Ning Village have heard of King Lei Guan, the King of Plenty, they do not believe that he is real and only think that it is a legend.

 Let alone faith.

 This is undoubtedly fatal to King Lei Guan, who relies on faith as his source of strength.

Without faith, King Lei Guan’s power became weak, and even the Snowstorm Horse and Ghost Horse abandoned him...

And the initiator of all this is the Galar royal family who takes the credit for Cang Xiang and Zangmarant's defeat of Dark Night?

Zhi Shu fell into deep thought.

 About this, there is no detailed explanation in the game.

But judging from the actions of the Galar royal family, it is very likely that in order to maintain their rule and maintain their image in people's hearts, they also took away King Lei Guan's achievements.

 As the years changed and the kingdoms changed, King Lei Guan also disappeared in people's hearts and the river of history.

 The King of Galar has been forgotten by his people.

 The lost faith made King Lei Guan's power gradually weaken, and the ghost horse and snowstorm horse also abandoned him.

 Zhi Shu’s heart is very complicated.

 At this time, the snow outside the house stopped.

 Lian and his wife were surprised: "It finally stopped!"

  Then, Ryan looked at Naoki and said to him: "If you are not in a hurry to leave, you can stay in the village for a while. The snow scenery in Dongning Village is also very worth watching."

The old woman on the side also said: "In the meantime, you can stay here with us! Usually there are only two people living here, me and the old man. It will be more lively with one more guest!"

“Thank you very much.” Naoki thanked him.

The green sheep bird chirped happily and landed on his shoulder.

Lian said with a smile: "Let Zhizhi show you around the village!"

 Zhi Shu looked at the blue cotton bird, smiled and said to it: "Thank you too."


The green sheep bird made a happy cry.

Zhi Shu took Gu Ledun out and wandered around in this small village standing on the snowy field.

 Overall, the village is not big, with only about 20 households.

 Several pieces of farmland have been opened up in the center of the village, and some cold-resistant crops are grown in the farmland.

 The roads extending in all directions are covered with snow, connecting the houses to each other.

Perhaps because the snow stopped, people walked out of their houses one after another. In the blink of an eye, the village, which had been silent for a long time, became lively.

  A farmer who uses ivory pigs to pull a cart loaded with goods.

The blue sheep bird landed on the farm fence, and the geometric snowflakes swayed in mid-air.

 It is hard to imagine that there is such a vibrant scene in this cold place.

At this time, the green sheep suddenly left his shoulder, flew to the farmland, and landed on a high bulging snow bag.

 The green sheep bird jumped.

Zhi Shu was a little surprised. He suddenly thought of something in the game, so he stepped forward and brushed off the snow on it. Then, he saw an incomplete stone statue below.

 “Sure enough…”

Zhi Shu was about to say something, but Gu Ledun on the side cast his gaze into the distance.

 “Ah gah hiss.”

Zhi Shu raised his head and looked through the top of the statue. He saw a petite, elegant and majestic mysterious Pokémon under a snow-covered pine tree not far away.

Zhi Shu was stunned for a moment, and the two of them looked at each other across a vast white field of snow.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped.

 That's... King Lei Guan!

However, looking at King Lei Guan like this, an inappropriate thought suddenly came to Naoki's mind.

 “What a big head!”

 (End of this chapter)

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