Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 249: A snowstorm horse that can bend and stretch (4k)

Chapter 249: The Snowstorm Horse Can Flex and Stretch (4k)

 The old village chief subconsciously denied his conjecture.

 After all, it’s just a legend. Legends don’t exist!

 He looked at the tourist in front of him who begged him, and thought that he came to Dong Ning Village because of King Lei Guan.

 Regardless of whether the King of Plenty really exists, it is precisely because of the arrival of these tourists that Dongning Village becomes more and more prosperous.

Therefore, a smile appeared on the old village chief's face: "Since you have come all the way to the village for this matter, let me help you try making it!"

 Zhishu was overjoyed and handed him the flower of glory and the mane of the snowstorm horse: "Thank you very much!"

Looking at these materials, the old village chief hesitated and then said:

“Although I don’t know if I can make decent reins like my great-grandfather and the others, it’s time to bring the village’s tradition back to the world!”

 In this case, Dongning Village will be more attractive to the outside world! It will attract more tourists!

Thinking of this, the old village chief showed full fighting spirit.

I saw him quickly running to the inner room, taking out the needle and thread for sewing the reins, then sitting on the sofa, concentrating and holding his breath, and started sewing at lightning speed.

Zhi Shu stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Isn’t this too exaggerated?

I don’t know how long it took, but with a loud shout from the old village chief, a very rough rein was sewn into shape.

Zhi Shu glanced at the reins, feeling a little strange, and asked tentatively: "Is it done?"

The old village chief shook his head solemnly: "No, my old eyesight is dim, and I can't sew some details well. If I want to complete this rein, I need someone with more delicate skills."

"Knew it…"

 Zhi Shu remembered that the last step in the game was completed by Uncle Pioni.

Zhi Shu went up to check it, looked at the unfinished rein, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Do you want me to try it?"

The old village chief was very surprised: " can also sew clothes?"

“I know a little bit,” Zhi Shu said. When he was doing farm work in the pasture, his clothes would get scratched for some random reasons from time to time. At that time, he would sew them all by himself.

Hearing this, the old village chief immediately gave up his position and let him take over the reins.

Zhi Shu looked at the reins and quickly thought about how to sew in his mind: "First like this, then like this, and finally like that, it should be done."

 He began to sew.

The old village chief on the side recalled the legends his grandfather told him when he was a child, and then murmured: "It seems that when sewing, you have to sing with gratitude... Only in this way can you completely complete the reins."

Naoki was stunned for a moment: "What singing?"

"I remember the lyrics are..." the old village chief began to hum: "The flowers are rolled up roundly, and they pick up their manes and present them to my king. This seems to be the tune."

Naoki: "...Isn't it okay if I don't sing?"

"No." The old village chief shook his head, his eyes full of encouragement: "Come on, let's sing!"

Naoki felt that the old man did it on purpose, but after thinking about it, Uncle Pioni did sing a song while sewing the reins in the game...

 Damn it, this level of embarrassment is comparable to the awkward dance when using the Z move!

 But after getting to this point, he can't give up halfway.

 At any rate, it was not in public, and no one else saw it.

  Zhi Shu gritted his teeth, braced himself and started singing stiffly.

 “The flowers…roll up roundly~”

 “Pick up your mane…and offer it to my king~”

 “Yes, that’s right!” The old village chief nodded repeatedly: “That’s it, come again!”

Zhi Shu’s face was numb, but this time it was much smoother.

"The flowers are rolled up roundly, and the manes are picked up and presented to my king~"

With the last stitch falling, a snow-white rein was sewn, shining brightly under the light and giving off a faint chill.

Seeing this vision, the old village chief was very shocked: "It's done! This is the reins, it's glowing, no! Are all the stories my great-grandfather told me when I was a kid true?!"

 The old village chief was confused.

 He looked at the tourist in front of him holding the reins, and tried to ask: "You...are you looking for King Lei Guan?"

Zhi Shu looked at him, nodded and said, "Yes."

The old village chief couldn't help but feel excited: "Then have you found it?"

Zhi Shu didn’t know what King Lei Guan meant. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, “Not yet.”

The old village chief was a little disappointed. He hesitated and said, "If...I mean if you really find the King of Plenty, can you tell me about it? I want to know if those legends are true." real."

 Zhi Shu nodded: "If I can see Him."

 He thought in his heart: If King Lei Guan is willing.


  After leaving the old village chief's home, Zhi Shu saw that there was a B&B in the village, so he didn't bother the Lane family anymore. He turned around and took Gu Ledun and Xue Baima to stay at that B&B.

 The snowstorm horse was tied to the fence in the courtyard of the B&B.

I don’t know if it was because Guluton conquered it. After returning to the village, the horse always looked down upon them.

 The B&B will provide food for the tourists staying there.

The landlady enthusiastically brought the steaming food to the table.

 The lights inside the house are dim and very warm.

Zhi Shu released the Motorized Lizard from the Poké Ball, took it and Gu Ledun to sit down on the wooden tatami, and ate a meal while watching the beautiful snow falling under the eaves.

"King Lei Guan hasn't come back yet..." Naoki murmured in his heart: "It seems that he hasn't found any trace of the ghost horse yet."

 According to the plot in the game, in fact, both the Snowstorm Horse and the Ghost Horse have always lived in the Crown Temple.

 Wang Lei Guanwang has been running away for some reasons, so he doesn’t know the specific location of the two horses.

However, Naoki was not worried.

That is the great King Lei Guan, he will always find the location of the ghost horse.

 What he needs to do is wait patiently here.

 After dinner, the snow outside became much lighter.

Looking at the white snow all over the courtyard, the proprietress of the bed and breakfast suggested with a smile: "The temperature is not very cold at this time. You can take your Pokémon to build snowmen in the snow and throw snowballs to play!"

Naoki wanted to say that this was too childish, a game only played by children, but he was already an adult in his twenties.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Gulton and Motorized Lizard eager to try.

 Naoki: “…”


 He stood up and prepared to take the two Pokémon to play in the snow for a while.

 “Ah gah!”

Huluton shouted excitedly and rushed out.

The Motorized Lizard first tentatively stepped on the snow with one foot, and then immediately shrank back in fear, looking pitiful.


  The effect of translating the melon seeds cake has been exhausted by Leiguan Wang Guluton and Snowstorm Horse. Zhi Shu cannot understand what the Motorized Lizard is saying.

 But judging from its tone and expression, it should be afraid of the cold.

Pokémon like Biker is hairless and has only one layer of skin on its body. It is indeed very afraid of the cold.

Zhi Shu thought for a while, first appeased the motorcycle lizard and asked Gu Ledun to wait for a while, then found the proprietress of the B&B and asked her to borrow the kitchen here.

 The landlady readily agreed.

So, Naoki used the kitchen to make a few bowls of clear soup noodles with cold-resistant protective effects, and distributed them to several Pokémon.

 Snowstorm Horse also had a portion, but from the looks of it, he didn't seem to be very interested in this kind of food. He snorted and turned his head aside.

 Zhi Shu didn’t care either.

After a bowl of soup, the Motorized Lizard's body gradually warmed up, and now it could finally play in the snow. The Motorized Lizard happily rushed into the snow, leaving a series of clear paw prints on the ground.

So Luton had already rolled snowballs on the ground with his big paws, and used them to build two rough snowmen. He didn't know who he learned from.

Seeing Naoki coming out, Leton immediately turned around and shouted: "Ah!"

 “What’s wrong?” Naoki stepped forward.

Huluton pointed to the small snowman, and then pointed to himself: "Ah, hiss!"

 Then, it pointed at the big snowman, and then at Naoki.

Zhi Shu understood. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "This is you, and this is me?"

 “Ah gah!” So ​​Leden nodded his big head happily, they will always live together!

Motor Lizard was attracted by this scene and looked at the two snowmen with a cute look on his face.

 After a while, it also rolled the snowball with its paws and wanted to build a snowman.

But Motor Lizard has never made a snowman before, and he tried for a while but failed to roll out a decent snowball.

 “Gah…” Motorized Lizard looked disappointed.

Seeing this, Naoki stepped forward helplessly and said with a smile: "That's not how it was done. Just watch—"

As he spoke, he pinched a small snowball on the snow, then rolled it on the ground. Gradually, the snowball became bigger and bigger.

Motor Lizard looked at this scene with admiration.

When it was almost done, Naoki stopped and asked, "You want to give it a try too?"

Motor Lizard started to try.

It pinched a round snowball with its paws, then placed it on the ground and kept rolling it.

Soon, a big snowball condensed and formed on the snow.

Zhi Shu stepped forward, rolled the two snowballs to the two snowmen piled by Gulton, and then picked up the smaller one and placed it on top of the big snowball.

 In this way, the third snowman is completed.

Zhi Shu pointed at the snowman and said to the Motorized Lizard: "This is you."


The Motorized Lizard is very happy, now it can also stay with Naoki like Guluton!

Gulton on the side looked at this scene with moving eyes.

This time, it was rare that he didn’t feel jealous.

 Because the scene in front of him was something he had personally experienced a long, long time ago.

At that time, Naoki taught it how to make a snowman with his own hands just like now...

 “Okay, let’s continue playing!”

Zhi Shu stood up from the snow, then walked up to the Snowstorm Horse with the reins in his hand, but he never thought that Gu Lerton would follow him.

 Looking at the snowstorm horse in front of him, Zhi Shu thought in his heart.

"I remember that King Lei Guan transferred the power into the body of the Snowstorm Horse by tying the reins, and then merged with it."

So the question is, if other Pokémon do this, can they also fuse with Snowstorm like King Raid?

Thinking of this, Naoki curiously put the reins around the snowstorm horse's neck.

  Perceiving this human being's malicious gaze, Snowstorm Horse's heart suddenly thumped.

Before it could react, the next second, it heard the human say: "So Luton, you ride on it and give it a try!"

 “Ah ga?”

Although Ludun was a little confused, he still tried to jump on the back of the snowstorm horse.

 The snowstorm horse's waist was almost crushed. It used all its strength to hold up its body and not fall down.

Snowstorm Horse wanted to kick people with its hooves, but because the Pokémon on it was too fierce, it was no match. It could only endure the humiliation and bear the weight with difficulty, neighing from the hard work.

"Be good, just bear with it and it will be fine." Naoki couldn't bear to touch the snowstorm horse's head: "I'm just trying."

The snowstorm horse breathed out gloomily, with an expression of constipation.

Zhi Shu was afraid that the horse would be crushed by the snowstorm, so he quickly said to Gu Ledun: "Hold the reins and try to inject your strength into its body!"

 “Ah gah?!”

Huluton opened his eyes wide, with a look of disbelief on his face.

 Its power...what power does it have?

 So Leden hesitated, and then tried to release the dragon attribute energy in his body.

 But nothing happened.

"Isn't it possible?" Naoki frowned slightly: "It seems that other Pokémon cannot combine with Snowstorm by transmitting energy..."

Seeing that the horse was about to lose its strength due to the snowstorm, Zhi Shu quickly asked Gu Le to stop.

 Snowstorm Male was panting heavily from exhaustion.

Zhi Shu looked at the horse with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, when King Lei Guan comes back tomorrow, I will ask him to grow your favorite radishes for you."

Snowstorm, which had a very rough and arrogant temperament, was about to faint from anger when this human allowed a Pokémon to ride it.

 But after hearing this, its attention couldn't help but be attracted to the carrot.

 Zhi Shu keenly noticed the change in Snowstorm Horse's expression, so he stretched out five fingers: "Plant five hundred radishes! Let you eat enough!"

 “Ice…neigh!” Snowstorm Horse raised its neck and neighed.

 Hmph, that’s pretty much it!

Since it can't defeat the Pokémon next to it named Gullton, it might as well succumb to the human who offered it carrots, just like it did with King Lei Guan many years ago.

 Naoki: “…”

This snowstorm horse is really capable of bending and stretching.

 When the opponent's strength far exceeds it, it will succumb to the opponent and be willing to become the opponent's mount.

 And if the opponent's strength weakens, it may simply abandon its master and flee, just like they once left King Lei Guan.

This really made him not know what to say for a while.

never mind!

It was getting late, and since he had been busy running around all day today, Zhi Shu felt a little tired, so he returned to his room at the B&B to rest early.

 Early the next morning, the sky was bright.

They had just finished breakfast when Naoki saw the figure of King Lei Guan appearing in a corner where no one noticed.

 Wang Lei Guan glanced at him for a few times, then turned around and floated away.

 Zhi Shu understood what King Lei Guan meant. He was asking him to talk outside again!

 “Let’s go!”

Zhishu put the Motorized Lizard back into the Poké Ball, then took the bridle and led Gulton and Snowstorm Horse to the cliff where he could see the entire village.

Lei Guanwang was already waiting here, and Naoki took out the translator melon seed cake that he had prepared in advance and ate it.

 Then, he heard King Lei Guan say seriously: "I finally figured out where my beloved horse is!"

“It turns out that Lingyouma used the Crown Temple as its base!”

“That is the place where Gu Zeng and I spent time together. Because I was afraid of remembering the good past, I had been deliberately avoiding that place. I didn’t expect that Lingyouma’s power to bully Gu was not as strong as before, so he actually took this place as his own..."

Zhi Shu listened silently, and when he saw King Lei Guan frowning, he said: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I sewed the bridle last night, do you want to try it now?"

 “I am not angry...”

Seeing the reins that exuded a faint brilliance, King Lei Guan said gratefully:

"Yes, this is the reins! I want to express my gratitude to you again! You have done enough for me, now just leave everything to me!"

After the words fell, King Lei Guan took over the reins with his telekinesis.

The reins fell into the hands of King Lei Guan, and with just a flash of light, he came to the top of the Snowstorm Horse.

  King Lei Guan waved the reins and wrapped them around the Snowstorm Horse's neck.

 The next second, the reins automatically connected with the Snowstorm Horse, and a dazzling light bloomed from the bodies of King Lei Guan and the Snowstorm Horse.

 (End of this chapter)

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