Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 266: Dyeing Fruit World Tree (5k)

Chapter 266: Dyed Fruit World Tree (5k)

 The next morning, with the arrival of dawn, the ranch ushered in a new day.

The first thing Naoki did when he got up was to look for King Lei Guan and see where he slept last night.

 Living room…No.

 Second floor…No.

 There is no kitchen... either.

 Zhi Shu searched for a long time but couldn't find it, so he returned to the living room.

On the coffee table, the Peisi Pot and Lai Bei Tea, which had a tea party last night, were dozing on them. The Motorized Lizard was also dozing in front of the fireplace.

Even the elder brother who cares about the waiter looks listless.

Seeing this, Naoki said helplessly: "If you feel sleepy, go and take a nap. Leave all the work in the ranch to me today!"

Brother's caring servant shook his head vigorously to wake himself up, and said quickly: "Oh!"

 It can still persist!

Fine! Naoki nodded and turned around to take a look in the wine cellar below. There was still no sign of King Lei Guan here.

 It seems that King Lei Guan spent the night outside last night.

After thinking for a moment, Zhishu was ready to go outside and take a look.

 But when he returned to the living room, he saw his brother, the steward, dozing there again.

My younger sister likes to cover her mouth and snicker.

 Naoki: “…”

By chance, Bada Huo landed in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window next to the living room.

 Zhi Shu commanded: "Ba Dahu, use hypnotic powder on my brother's carefree servant!"

 “What’s wrong?!”

Bada Butterfly was suddenly startled. After confirming that Naoki was not joking, he flew to his sleepy brother Ai Guanshi and fanned it with powder that could make people sleep.

Soon, my elder brother, Guanshi, fell into sleep.

"Okay, sister, send your brother upstairs to rest!" Naoki let out a long sigh of relief.


My sister loves to take care of her. She readily agreed and used her superpowers to control her brother and send him back to his room.

  Babu Groundhog, Frost Milk Fairy, and Ice Eevee are also sleeping.

Zhi Shu did not bother them, but turned around and took Gu Ledun outside the pasture.

Although it hasn’t snowed yet this season, the temperature has dropped below ten degrees. In this environment, some Pokémon that are afraid of the cold rarely leave their nests and play outside.

As soon as Zhi Shu and Gu Ledun went out, they saw King Lei Guan petting his beloved horse on a spacious grassland.

Hearing the noise, King Leiguan turned around and looked at his little disciple gently: "Mooguanjijiji!"

 Naoki: “…”

Almost forgot, he finished the translator's melon seed cake, and now he can no longer understand King Lei Guan's speech.

"I still have sunflowers harvested in the autumn at home, and I have to make another batch of translation melon seed cakes later." Naoki felt a little troubled in his heart: "It's a pity that I can't make a dish that can directly communicate with Pokémon."

 The power that allows humans to communicate with Pokémon is very rare in this world.

 The power of waveguide, the power of Changpan, the power of transcendence...

 The cuisine with this kind of effect must be of very high grade and quality, and he might not be able to make it yet.

 After thinking for a moment, Naoki greeted King Lei Guan: "Good morning! Did you have a good rest last night?"

Lei Guan Wang nodded slightly: "Guanjiji!"

The group of bad-tempered snowstorm horses around him scratched the soil on the ground with their hooves in dissatisfaction and snorted twice.

At this time, even without the need for translation, Zhi Shu could understand what Xue Baima meant.

 It is hungry and wants to eat the ice radish growing on the crown snowfield.

The Lingyou Horse on the side did not react at all. It stood silently and had a quiet look in its eyes.

Seeing this, Zhishu brought some fruits and placed them in front of the two horses.

I saw them lowering their heads and sniffing at first, and then a little absent-mindedly, but maybe they were hungry, so they finally lowered their heads and started eating.

“It seems that Ghost Horse and Snowstorm Horse don’t like to eat ordinary tree fruits...” Naoki thought to himself.

 In this case, the plan to create special farmland will have to be mentioned.

"Wait for me for a moment. I'm going to milk the goats and feed them. After I'm done, I'll come over and plant radishes for you." Naoki said to the two horses.

This time, the snowstorm horse finally calmed down, lowered his head and ate the fruit without knowing the taste.

Zhi Shu nodded at King Lei Guan, then took Gu Ledun to pick up the milk pail and went to the sheep pen where the goat was mounted.

 In the sheepfold, the three mount goats were already waiting there energetically.

They obediently leaned down to let Naoki milk them, and then went to eat their favorite grass dumplings.

 Wang Leiguan, who was not far away, looked at this scene.

He had a lot to say about the three sheep Pokémon and the mysterious tree.

 But now His little believers seem unable to understand His words…

 Wang Leiguan’s eyes showed confusion.

 Before coming here, he thought this was just an ordinary pasture, but now it seems that it is not what he thought.

 Everything here is full of secrets.

After milking the three sheep, Zhishu went to the chicken hut to pick up the eggs laid by the hens last night.

  Then, he and Gulton went to the Pokémon House to move the moo-moo fresh milk collected by the big milk cans using the automatic milking machine to the warehouse, and put it together with the goat milk, waiting for Zach to come to collect the goods in the afternoon.

 During the period, the two Kuailongs and the five Hackrons on Kuailong Island came to work.

 When they saw Naoki coming back, they all happily ran over to say hello to him.

Zhi Shu greeted them one by one, and then watched the two working dragons go to his sister, Ai Guanshi, to pick up the goat milk and fly to the town to deliver the milk.

The five Hackrons swarmed behind Zhi Shu.

 Wherever the tree goes, they follow.

 In this regard, Naoki Quan thought he had purchased five Hackron pendants.

 It is winter now, and the land in the pasture is temporarily idle and does not need watering.

Therefore, Naoki brought the steel armored crow feathers obtained from the Galar region to the tree orchard located in the south of the ranch.

 In one month, the little blacksmith has completed his first hammer.

 It's just that this hammer looks a little rough.

  When Naoki arrived, the little blacksmith was standing under a fruit tree inspecting his hammer.

The Tibetan chinchilla stands on an upper branch holding a fruit and munching on it.

In the forest not far away, a family of rat cubs that have grown up quite a bit are playing a hide-and-seek game with each other among the thick fallen leaves.

With the addition of this group of wild Pokémon, it has added a lot of vitality to this tree orchard.

The little blacksmith was frowning, looking very dissatisfied with his work.

 Zhi Shu walked forward and asked curiously: "Has it been completed?"

Hearing the sound, the little blacksmith and the chinchilla above him raised their heads and saw Zhishu approaching.

Their eyes lit up, and then the little blacksmith raised the rough hammer in his hand to show Naoki: "Wow..."

Zhi Shu looked up and down, and as expected he found that the quality of this hammer was very poor.

There are even rusty spots on it...

 There is no doubt that this is the reason why the materials used by the young blacksmiths are of poor quality.

The little blacksmith also knows this, if only there were better metals.

 However, this place has been turned over many times, and there is no metal suitable for making hammers.

 Without a hammer, the little blacksmith lived an insecure life all day long.

Thinking of this, it couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "Wow..."

At this time, Naoki smiled and took out a box of steel-armored crow feathers from behind: "Dang-dang-dang! See what this is?"

The little blacksmith was stunned for a moment. He looked down and saw a box full of metal feathers shining with jet black luster.

This, this, this? !

The little blacksmith opened his eyes wide, somewhat in disbelief.

Isn’t this a rare metal that can only be found by the most powerful blacksmiths in their tribe?

 There were several giant blacksmiths in the place where it lived before. They were extremely powerful and often swung their hammers to attack the steel-armored crows flying in the sky.

 When those steel-armored crows are hit, they will drop some steel-like metal feathers.

 I heard from those giant blacksmiths that a hammer made of this metal can break anything.

So much so that owning a steel-armored crow hammer has become the dream of every little blacksmith in the tribe.

 “Give it to you.” Naoki said.

 The little blacksmith was very shocked: "Wow?!"

"That's right." Naoki said patiently: "These feathers are the gifts I brought back to you during this trip. You can use them to create a hammer that is uniquely yours."

  “Wow…”    Hearing this, the little blacksmith’s eyes filled with water, and he was extremely moved.

This human named Naoki... is so good!

Not only did he rescue them and provide them with food and shelter, but now he also gave them a box of precious steel armored crow feathers!

The little blacksmith was so moved that he almost cried. He bit his lip and said with tears in his eyes: "Wow!"

 No one has ever been so kind to it!

Naoki was a little confused: "...Okay, okay, isn't it just a few feathers? I hope I can help you. Moreover, after you finish your hammer, I have one more thing to ask you, that is Help Bubba build a hammer that suits him."

Hearing this, the little blacksmith wiped his tears hard and nodded heavily.

 It must use these feathers and its own hammer to create the best hammer in the world and give it to Naoki!

With these steel-armored crow feathers, the little blacksmith said goodbye to Tibetan Chinchilla and Zhi Shu, and went to retreat to practice.

Naoki was infected by the serious mood of the little blacksmith. He smiled with emotion. Sure enough, there are still many hardworking Pokémon in the world!

However, when he raised his head, he saw the round and full chinchilla, which was obviously much fatter than before.

 Naoki: “…”

 Okay, he takes back what he said before, not all Pokémon work so hard.

 The Pokémon in the tree orchard are still the same as before.

Zhi Shu walked around here, saying hello to Pokémon such as Mouse, Yo-Yo, Shuttlecock, and Mushroom. He also checked the condition of their wooden huts to see if they were damaged.

  When it was the lazy otter's turn, the lazy otter was lazily lying on the thick fallen leaves and eating a leaf.

 At first, Zhi Shu didn’t feel anything was wrong, until Gu Ledun beside him made a confused cry.

 “Ah gah?”

 “What’s wrong?” Zhi Shu turned his head and looked at the lazy otter following Gu Ledun’s gaze.

 The next second, he finally reacted.

 The color of this lazy otter’s fur turned lavender!

 Lavender...Isn’t this the color of the Sparkling Lazy Otter?

impossible? He clearly remembered that this lazy otter was an ordinary lazy otter.

 After a brief shock, Naoki stepped forward to check on the lazy otter.

He groped around in the lazy otter's fur and soon found a spot where the fur was shorter than the rest.

 This is a place that was once burned bare by fire.

This also means that Lazy Otter is still the same Lazy Otter and has not been replaced.

 But...why did it suddenly change color?

 Could it be that the painter dyed its fur?

With doubts, Zhi Shu found Tu Biao Ke who was drawing graffiti on the trunk of the fruit tree and asked: "Tu Biao Ke, do you know what the fur of the lazy otter is about?"

“Zhizhi?” Tu Biaoke was a little confused at first, but he quickly came to his senses: “Zhizhi!”

It stopped graffiti, led Zhishu to Lazy Otter, searched the tree crown, and then stretched out his hand to point to one of the fruits.

Zhishu looked up and saw a pink fruit that he had never seen before, hanging quietly on the branch.

[Dyeing Fruit: Special food. After eating it, the color of the Pokémon will change accordingly. It can be eaten directly or after cooking. ]

Zhishu was shocked.

Is this a mutation in the fruits produced by the fruit tree?

Think about it carefully, before this orchard was fully grown, the mount goats would come over every day and use grass energy to help them grow.

 Dyeing fruits, does this mean you can create artificial shiny Pokémon? !

If eaten by Gulton, Gulton will turn into black. If eaten by Babu, Babu will turn into the ultra-rare pink Babu...

 Naoki imagined what it would be like if Babu the woodchuck turned pink.

  More cuter…

He felt a little moved in his heart and quickly and carefully searched the nearby fruit trees.

However, it is a pity that this batch of tree fruits seems to have only produced two dyed fruits.

One of them was eaten by a lazy otter as food.

 Zhishu picked the dyed fruit and kept it.

At this time, his sister Ai Guanshi had prepared breakfast and came over to call him back for dinner.

Zhi Shu responded, said goodbye to Tu Biao Ke and Lazy Otter, and turned to go home for dinner.

 At the dinner table, Naoki looked around, thinking about who to use this dyed fruit.

"Before using it, you should ask the Pokémon what it thinks." Naoki thought silently.

 Because in this world, some Pokémon of different colors will be regarded as aliens by their tribesmen and will be ostracized and discriminated against.

 “Do you want to use it for Guluton?”

If he really proposed this idea, Luton would probably not reject him, and given its strength, it probably wouldn't care about that either.

 But there is only one dyed fruit, and once it is used, it cannot be changed back. There is no telling when it will grow again on the tree next time.

 So, you must be cautious.

After some thought, Naoki decided to put away the dyed fruits first and wait until he and the Pokémon had discussed it.

 After breakfast, Naoki began to fry the translation melon seeds, and finally added syrup to make them into melon seed cakes.

 After everything was done, the time came to ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhi Shu ate a few pieces of melon seed cake, then went to the pasture to find King Lei Guan, and discussed with him about creating a special field.

“It will snow in half a month, and the weather is too cold for crops to grow, so I don’t plan to plant other crops in the ground until spring comes.”

 Wang Lei Guan realized that the young believer could understand Him again.

“Why?” He asked puzzledly: “With my power, even in the coldest snowfields, I can still make crops grow as usual.”

  Naoki: "...Well, actually, I want to give myself a holiday."

Lei Guanwang was slightly startled: "On holiday?"

Naoki said truthfully: "Yes, I have been busy in the fields from spring to autumn. If I farm in winter, I will be busy all year round. I don't want to live such an impatient life. It is still useful to take a proper rest and relax." necessary."

Lei Guanwang nodded slightly: "I see, I understand, that kind of life is indeed tiring."

Zhi Shu smiled slightly. He planned to keep the land in front of him for seasonal crops. As for the radishes for the two horses, he planned to carve out a separate field.

So he knocked on the hole dug by the gopher beside the farm field.

Soon, the gopher in the underground cave heard the noise coming from above, climbed out along the passage, stuck out his little head and looked at Zhi Shu: "Zhi Zhi?"

"I have something to ask you. Help me open up two more fields behind this land!" Zhishu said.

“Zhizhi!” The gopher said it understood. It immediately dived underground and came to the area pointed out by Zhishu, and worked hard to cultivate the land.

 After a while, two neat fields were formed due to the efforts of the gophers.

Lei Guanwang looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't help but sigh: "You are really popular with these children!"

After finishing his work, the gopher ran back excitedly. Naoki fed it the food in his hand with a smile and said:

“I provide them with food and shelter, and they stay here to help me. This is probably a mutually dependent relationship, right?”

"More than that." King Lei Guan said, "I can feel that these children like you from the bottom of their hearts."

Zhishu smiled slightly, then took the radish seeds prepared in advance from Gu Ledun and planted them in two fields.

After he completed this work, King Lei Guan rode on the snowstorm horse, used his mental power to control the ice energy on the snowstorm horse, and injected them into the field on the left.

In the blink of an eye, the edge of the field was covered with a thick layer of frost.

 The ice and snow field is completed.

 Then, King Leiguan flashed, and he directly used teleportation to transfer to the ghost horse.

 The majestic spiritual power pours the ghost attribute energy from the ghost horse into the earth.

I saw that the originally brown field was covered with a layer of faint purple at a speed visible to the naked eye. Threads of purple mist billowed in the soil, making it look like a dream.

 The ghost field is also completed.

 Looking at this scene, King Lei Guan took the final step.

The huge flower buds on his head bloomed with blue light, and then, the two fields in front of him also erupted with a strong blue light.

 When the light shrouded the radish seeds buried deep in the soil, they quickly burst out of the ground.

  When the light dissipated, the two fields were filled with black radish and ice radish.

 The gopher who was watching this scene opened his eyes wide in shock, showing a stunned expression.


The snowstorm horse snorted impatiently. When he saw the radish growing, he immediately ran forward impatiently, lowered his head and started to feast in the field.

The ghost horse glanced at the little gopher, and then slowly walked to the ghost field, chewing its favorite black radish.

Looking at this scene, Zhi Shu felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

“Okay, now you can grow radishes for them at any time!”

Lei Guanwang nodded slightly.

Taking this opportunity, He asked His little followers about the tree.

Lei Guanwang: "Actually, there is one thing that worries me more than this."

Zhi Shu was a little surprised: "What?"

 King Lei Guan turned around and cast his gaze at the mount goat in the distance and the young seedling that was being cultivated by them on the green grass field.

“Where did that seedling come from? I felt a very strong life force in it, as if the entire vitality of nature was present in front of me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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