Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 273: Men and Dragons (4000)

Chapter 273 Men and Dragons (4000)

[Tea tree: a special crop, a tree grown under the influence of the power of King Lei Guan. The leaves grown from it can be used to make delicious green tea, which cannot be eaten directly. ]

In the reverse world, Naoki looked at the empty island in front of him that was planted as a tea garden, and couldn't help but feel very satisfied.

 In this way, if he wants to drink tea in the future, he can come directly here to pick tea leaves.

"Thank you!" After plowing three pieces of land on the empty island in a row, the gopher was panting from exhaustion. Looking at the tired gopher, Naoki touched its head, and then said to Giratina : "Let's stop here for today!"

Giratina nodded his huge head, then glanced at Naoki and a few Pokémon, and then opened the exit to the reverse world.

Zoki stood in front of the exit and waved goodbye to Giratina, and then took King Lei Guan, Guluton and Gopher back to the pasture to rest.

 When their figures disappeared at the end of the reverse world, the space crack slowly disappeared.

Giratina was floating in the void, scanning from all directions with a pair of blood-red eyes.

 So far, it is still a bit unbelievable.

 In just two days, earth-shaking changes have taken place in its field.

Not only are there grass and flowers, but there is also sunshine that is unique to the world.

With inner shock, Giratina slowly landed on the apple island.

 It turned its head and saw the red apples hanging on the branches.

Giratina stepped forward, opened his mouth and pulled one off the branch, bit it gently, and the full juice burst out of its mouth, accompanied by a strong fruity aroma, Giratina suddenly felt It feels like the whole person has been given a new life.

The picture of vitality and the growth of all things in the reverse world is still before our eyes.

 After eating the apple, Giratina flew to the empty island covered with green tea trees.

It looked down at the green tea trees that were as low as bushes, and moved its huge head forward to smell the leaves.

The image of Naoki valuing these tea trees came to mind, and he thought they were something good to eat, so he took a bite out of curiosity.

 The next second, it was so bitter from the bitter leaves that its face was distorted, which made its already ferocious face even more ferocious.

Giratina vomited several times, then spread out his blood-red wings and flew back to Apple Island. He ate several red and sweet apples to feel better.


  Feeling the sweet apple juice in his mouth, Giratina couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

It looked at the empty island full of tea trees not far away, and without hesitation put everything on it into the blacklist.

After doing all this, Giratina flew to the empty island full of flowers.

It stood in the sea of ​​flowers, looking up at the dazzling but not dazzling, warm but not hot golden sun above its head.

 This is a feeling that Giratina has never experienced since coming to this ruined world.

 In a daze, the scene of Arceus and Dialga being active in the sun a long time ago seemed to appear in its mind.

At that time, it often looked at another world full of sunshine through the calm water.

Did Arceus feel the same way at that time as he does now?

Giratina stood in a daze in the sea of ​​flowers. Gradually, a warm feeling enveloped his whole body.

This made Giratina relax all over. At this moment, it no longer wanted to cause trouble to attract Arceus' attention. It just wanted to lie here quietly and bask in the sun, without going anywhere.

Giratina thought this in his heart, and then his huge body slowly lay in the sea of ​​flowers.

Its huge head rested gently on its forelimbs, while smelling the fragrance of the flowers in front of it, while basking in the warm sun.

 At this moment, Giratina felt unprecedented satisfaction in his heart.

 It closed its eyes and slowly fell asleep in the sunshine.


Speaking of resting, Naoki actually didn’t stay at home and turn into a salted fish.

 Compared to the several Pokémon that used their power, he was not very tired.

After returning to the ranch, King Lei Guan went to the glass greenhouse, where he basked in the warm winter sun while sipping the black tea served by the Weisi Pot.

The gopher happily returned to his underground lair with a bunch of snacks given by Zhi Shu.

 Huluton followed Naoki back home.

Zhi Shu took out a basket of tree fruits from the cupboard and said to Gu Lerton: "Go and play for a while first. I'm going to make today's poffins for Kuailong and the others."

 “Ah gah hiss…”

Seeing that Zhishu could no longer play with it, Luton drooped his head and looked a little wilted.

But soon, it was attracted by the cries of Frost Milk Fairy and Ice Eevee outside, and ran out to see what they were doing.

Looking at this scene, Naoki smiled silently, and then concentrated on making poffin batter.

 When the Kuailongs finished delivering the goods and returned to the ranch, two plates of freshly baked poffins were just coming out of the oven.

 Zhi Shu put on heat-resistant gloves and carried the baking sheet to the living room.

The first batch of two fast dragons who came here are already very familiar with this process.

Although they have experienced it many times, they still feel very excited at this time every day.

The two dragons watched without blinking as Naoki put freshly baked poffins into their poffin boxes.


  The new No. 4 Kuailong couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

 Its eyes were fixed on the poffin in Naoki’s hand, it tasted like this!

smell good!

 The saliva of Dragon No. 4 flew down three thousand feet.

Kailong looked at this scene with disgust. Compared with it, these dragons on the island are so ignorant!

“Here, this is yours! You’ve worked hard today!” Zhi Shu smiled and handed the two boxes of Poffin to the two working dragons.


They screamed with joy, reached out to take the poffin box, hugged it and ran out of the room to enjoy the poffin in the pasture.

Kailong No. 4 looked at the remaining Baofen eagerly.

Under its pitiful gaze, Zhi Shu took out a new Poffin box from the cabinet, then put Poffin in it and handed it over: "This is yours, welcome to the ranch, Kuailong!" "

Hearing this, Kuailong No. 4’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Hold the poffin box full of poffins in his arms, and for the first time he was happy with the decision he had made.

 Fortunately, it sneaked over this morning!

Kuailiong No. 4 said goodbye to Naoki happily, and left the house with the Poffin Box in his arms.

Looking at its back, Zhishu and Kuailong walked out of the room, stood under the eaves and looked at the three Kuailongs sitting under the tree in the distance and eating poffins.

I saw them leaning against the big tree, taking out the poffin from the box with their paws, stuffing it into their mouths, and chewing it happily.

  "Huh..." Looking at this scene, Naoki let out a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart.

 There are really more and more dragons in the pasture!

 It feels like he can change the name of the ranch to "Kuailong Ranch".


The days passed step by step, and in the blink of an eye, time came to November 6, 198 in the alliance calendar.

 This morning, a new guest was welcomed into the ranch.

Looking at the blond lady who returned to the ranch with the four dragons, Naoki was a little confused.

He asked uncertainly: "You mean, you are a reporter from Padiya News TV and you want to come over and produce a program for me and Kuailong?"

 Until now, Alice still has not recovered from the shock.

 She looked at the four dragons wandering under the tree, her face filled with shock.

 As early as yesterday evening, she came to Ziqin Town, located in the western part of the Padia region.

Since she didn't know the specific location of the destination ranch, she stayed in the town overnight and prepared to wait until the next morning for observation to see if, as the letter said, there would be fast dragons coming every morning. Deliver milk to town.

Alice originally thought it was just a nasty guy trying to defraud them of their intelligence fees, but she didn't expect that the next morning, she actually saw Kuailong carrying a satchel and circling above the town.

What shocked her even more was that there was more than one dragon in that group!

 There are four fast dragons!

 What kind of family does this have to be to be able to raise four dragons?

So, in order to find out the truth of the matter, Alice quickly brought the camera and followed the fast dragons to the ranch.

  turned out to find that there were not only the four dragons here, but also many rare Pokémon that she had never seen before!

Although she didn’t recognize them, just by looking at those Pokémon, she could feel that they were extraordinary.

Is it a Pokémon from other regions?

At this moment, Alice looked at the young man in front of her and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

 Who is this man?

 Being able to conquer so many Pokémon that look so powerful, he must be a powerful trainer!

 The king...or the champion?

But what Alice doesn't understand is why, despite being a powerful trainer with a bright future, he would come to such a remote countryside to become a farmer?

 Seeing the reporter in front of him was in a daze, a question mark could not help but appear above Naoki's head.


 Alice then came back to her senses, nodded and replied: "That's right! I'm from Table City, where the headquarters of Padea News TV Station is established!"

“I came to Zhiqin Town this time to investigate the truth about the [delivery dragon] recorded in the mysterious urban legend!”

 Naoki: “…”

 What an urban legend!

 It turns out that in a place he didn’t know, the matter of letting Kuailong deliver milk to guests has become a mysterious urban legend?

 Zhi Shu was complaining madly in his heart.

 At this moment, Alice's face was filled with anticipation.

Will this man named Naoki agree to her?

 Although the recording of the program has not started yet, she has already thought about the name of this program.

 It's called "The Man and the Dragon".

Why did the rare Pokémon Kuailong suddenly appear in the mysterious town? What is the purpose of Kuailong that hovers above the town every morning? What is the relationship between the mysterious man and the dragon? Please tune in to the evening news "The Secret of Padea: The Man and the Dragon"!

 Zhi Shu was deep in thought.

 Actually, he does not reject the fact that he is being made into a program.

Moreover, he is the man who will establish Kuailong Express Company in the future.

 Instead of vigorously promoting it when the time comes, it is better to prepare in advance to increase the reputation of Kuailong Express Company and use this program to advertise the ranch.

 Thinking of this, Naoki's eyebrows suddenly widened.

 A smile appeared on his face and he replied: "Of course!"

Hearing this answer, Alice's eyes lit up: "Thank you very much!"

If this program can be broadcast, the ratings of their program will definitely increase by several percentage points!

 Compared to those boring incidents caused by Pokémon, this kind of thing is inherently hot!

  After all, just having a group of fast dragons deliver goods can attract the attention of a large group of people.

However, there are some things Alice wants to know before the show starts recording.

So, Naoki invited the guests to the living room, and his sister Aiguan followed and brought the guests a cup of tea.

Alice took a sip, cleared her throat, and chatted: "When did Mr. Naoki start running this ranch?"

Naoki thought for a while and replied: "Maybe in January this year!"

“Poof!” Alice was startled and asked with some uncertainty: “January? Does this mean that you only started running this ranch this year?”

"Yes." Naoki nodded slightly: "I have been in other areas before, and I just returned to the Padia area not long ago."

 “So, the Padia region is your hometown?”

"Yes." Naoki replied: "This ranch was left by my grandfather. Since his death, the ranch has been abandoned. I have been traveling for many years and wanted to find a place to stop and rest, so I came back to this ranch." place, the ranch was re-operated.”

 It turns out to be a trainer from another region! No wonder she had never heard of such a leading figure in the Padian League before, Alice thought to herself.

 After traveling around and becoming a powerful trainer, you gradually felt that city life was boring, so you gave up your promising future and returned to the countryside to live a slow-paced farming life?

 Alice had a rough impression of the man in front of her.

  All along, everyone, whether they are teenagers or girls, has been working hard to become the most powerful Pokémon trainer in the world. Some people even have gray hair and still do not give up their dream.

Thinking of this, Alice couldn't help but sigh: "It is very rare for a young and powerful trainer like Mr. Naoki to make such a choice!"

Naoki: "..." When did he become a trainer again?

Alice was a little confused: "Huh? Isn't it?"

  Naoki: "...No, as you can see, I'm just a rancher."

"You really know how to joke." Alice shook her head and said, "Where can there be a rancher who can tame four dragons and make them willing to deliver goods for him?"

 At this point, Alice suddenly said: "Oh, I understand! You must mean that you are just a rancher now!"

 Naoki: “…”

Zhi Shu simply gave up the explanation. At the beginning, he was still a little uncomfortable with it, but now that he has experienced more, he can face this situation calmly.

  Alice: “Then let’s talk about how to shoot!”

Finally, it was time for the part she was best at. Alice introduced her shooting plan to Naoki with bright eyes.

“First of all, we need to show the power of the dragons from multiple angles, and then use this to show how incredible it is to have such powerful Pokémon deliver milk to guests.”

“When the audience feels the strong contrast, they can lead to the man standing behind Kuailong, Mr. Naoki.”

“As for the name of this program, I have already thought about it in advance.”

Zhi Shu was a little curious: "Oh? What's it called?"

 “The man and the dragon!”

 (End of this chapter)

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