Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 278: Snow Labyrinth Lei Guanwang's Thoughts (4000, supplement

Chapter 278 Snow Maze Lei Guanwang’s Thoughts (4000, made up for yesterday)

 In the year 198 of the Alliance Calendar, on November 14, the Padia region received its first heavy snowfall of the year.

It snowed all day and all night, and when it stopped, the whole world was enveloped in a grand snow scene.

As soon as the snow stopped, the Pokémon who were curious about the snow asked Naoki to help them wear scarves to protect them from the cold.

As the door was opened, a large group of Pokémon of all kinds swarmed out of the door.

 Suddenly, the originally flat snow was covered with all kinds of small plum blossom footprints.

Babu Woodchuck, who was running in the middle, was too excited and accidentally tripped over a stone hidden in the snow. He fell into the snow with a plop, leaving a "Babu Woodchuck" on it. trace.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding Pokémon stopped running and gathered around to check the situation.

   Babu got up from the ground with his face covered with snow, with a silly smile on his face: "Bamo..."

Zhi Shu and Pipa followed behind. Seeing this scene, they smiled helplessly and said: "Slow down."


   The Babu woodchuck responded cheerfully, and then quickly climbed up from the snow.

Seeing this, the other Pokémon also smiled and ran on the snow laughing and joking, like a group of children seeing snow for the first time.

Pipa's mastiff godfather stood by Pipa's side, looking at the lively scene over there with some envy.

 Zhi Shu noticed this scene and said: "The Mastiff Godfather can also go and play together!"

 “Woo?” The Mastiff Godfather looked up.

Pipa reached out and touched the head of the mastiff godfather and said to him: "You go and play with everyone! I'm right here, it's okay."

 “Woah!” The Mastiff Godfather became happy.

Seeing this, Zhi Shu called Frost Milk Fairy and asked her to play with the Mastiff Godfather.

Frost Milk Fairy, who has a lively and cheerful personality, happily agreed and brought the Mastiff Godfather to everyone.

Looking at the back of the mastiff godfather, Naoki thought of Pipa's situation again and asked:

 “Has Pipa always lived alone?”

Pipa answered honestly: "It's not a person. My Mastiff Godfather has always been with me. It was a gift from my father and mother. My Mastiff Godfather has been by my side since I was born."

Hearing this, Naoki nodded, thinking that it was no wonder that in the game, Pipa traveled around the Padia region in order to find a way to cure the Mastiff Godfather.

A child like Pipa must be very emotional.

“Have you always lived in Little Key Town?” Naoki asked.

Pipa said truthfully: "It's not often. My father and mother would take me to the Zero Zone Research Institute before, and I would occasionally live there for a while."

“I see!” Naoki thought for a moment and suddenly remembered something: “Speaking of which, are you going to be ten years old next year?”

Pipa looked over in surprise: "How do you know?"

"Have you forgotten? The doctor told you last time when he brought you here." Naoki said with a smile.

Pipa thought about it carefully and finally remembered.

Naoki: "What are your plans for next year? Are you going to become a trainer and travel around, or are you going to go to Padia Academy?"

"I...I'm not very good at Pokémon battles." Piper said hesitantly, "I don't know what I want to do in the future."

 Naoki: “…”

Pipa, who is not good at fighting, can bring out six Pokémon above level 60 to fight players in the game. How can he do it if he is good at it?

However, Naoki still remembers that Piper’s dream was not to become a powerful trainer, but to become a chef who could energize Pokémon.

 What is this called? A chef who is not a trainer is not a good chef?

Zhi Shu cursed in his heart, but said to Pipa: "If you don't know what to do, then go to the Padian Academy and have a look. Maybe you can find the answer there."

 “Yeah!” Pipa nodded seriously.

At this time, the Pokémon on the snow had already begun to build snowmen under the leadership of Guluton.

 However, Guluton's technique was not very good, and the snowman he built had a big head and a small body.

Seeing this, Naoki walked forward with Pipa speechlessly: "To do this, the snowball on top cannot be too big..."

As he said that, Naoki suddenly saw the figure of King Lei Guan in his mind.

 Naoki: “…”

He changed his mind and said, "It can also be bigger. You can make snowmen based on the specific Pokémon's appearance."

 “Ah squeak!” So ​​Lu immediately understood.

 Then, it dug up snow on the ground with its big paws.

Other Pokémon followed suit, and after a while, a group of strange-looking snowmen appeared on the snow.

 Naoki: “…”

 Forget it, they are just Pokémon and cannot ask for too much.

Zhi Shu turned his head and looked around. When he saw the nurturing siblings, his mind suddenly recalled the bush maze he had seen in the manor.

 At that time, he remembered that there was a group of Pokémon playing a hide-and-seek game inside.

So the question is, can he create a small ice maze here for Pokémon to play in?

Thinking of this, Naoki immediately found Hyou Eevee, who was smiling and standing quietly watching everyone play in the snow.

Compared to other Pokémon, this snow is not unusual for Ice Eevee. The Frostmoist Mountain where it used to live was filled with the same snow everywhere.

Seeing Naoki walking towards him, Bingyibu turned his head: "Buyi?"

"Do you have time? I would like to ask you to help me make something." Naoki asked with a smile, and then told it his idea.

After listening, Bingyibu first fell into deep thought, and then his eyes lit up. He nodded slightly and responded: "Buyi!"

 “Very good, let’s give it a try?” Naoki asked.

Bingyibu nodded.

So, one person and one Ibrahimovic came to an open grassland.

Naoki stood behind Ice Eevee and gave it instructions: "First use the freezing beam to create an ice wall!"


Bing Eevee opened his mouth and spit out a beam of light that exuded cold air.

  Rich ice energy swept across the snow, and an ice blue wall immediately appeared wherever it passed.

"Very good, that's it!" Seeing that the method worked, Naoki was overjoyed and continued: "Let's try it again and connect several ice walls!"


This was very easy for Ice Eevee. Following Naoki's command, it kept using freezing beams to create ice walls one after another on the snow.

 The four outermost ice walls together form a huge square area.

 There are countless small ice walls of different lengths inside the area, and these ice walls together form a huge ice maze park.

There are two exits in the maze, with roads extending in all directions, but there is only one real road leading to the exit.

When the maze was completed, the other Pokémon were attracted by this scene and looked at the building rising from the ground in shock. Naoki was also looking up at this scene. The ice wall was taller than him, and an Ice Eevee could do this.

It seems like that summer cream smoothie was not for nothing!

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Zhi Shu touched Ice Eevee's head, then called the other Pokémon and introduced them to the rules of hide and seek.

“…hide-and-seek is divided into two parties, one of which is responsible for hiding, while the other needs to find the hidden Pokémon.”

“If all the hidden Pokémon are found, then the searcher wins, and the first Pokémon found will be the searcher for the next round of the game.”

"have you understood?"

A group of Pokémon seemed to understand what they heard, but soon, the smart Babu Tubo's eyes lit up: "Bamo!"

 It understands!

Babu Tubo flew up and said to all the Pokémon: "Bamo!" In the first round, it will be the seeker!

  Naoki: "...Unfortunately, you cannot use the ability to fly or use moves during the game."

Hearing this, Babu Tubo immediately showed a surprised expression.

 In this case, how can it find other Pokémon? !

 “Rely on your eyes.” Naoki said.

 Babu Tubo was thoughtful, and then suddenly realized.

 It understands!

Seeing that the other Pokémon had no objections, Naoki said: "Well, it's time to start. You go and hide in the maze! Baboo will go and look for you after counting to fifty times. Be careful not to be discovered!" "

Hearing this, Frostmilk, Biker, and other Pokémon immediately ran into the ice maze anxiously, and each went to find a place to hide.

Even Gulledon was attracted by this game and ran into the ice maze in a panic.

  Babu Tubo closed his eyes and began to count according to Zhishu's method.

 “Bamo!” (1!)

 “Bamo!” (2!)


 “Bamo!” (35!)

 “Bamo!” (36!)

The sound of Babutu's counting is so loud that even the Pokémon in the maze can hear it.

Seeing that the time is approaching, the Pokémon in the maze feel a very strong sense of urgency.

 In the maze, Frost Milk Fairy looked around in panic, looking for something to hide in.

 Then, it noticed the white snow on the ground, and its eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he dove into the snow and hid his body in it, not noticing the series of clear small footprints behind him.


 In the dead end of a maze.

The Motorized Lizard looked nervously at the wall in front of him, then ran to the corner and curled up facing the wall, trying to blend himself into the wall, thinking that this way Babu Woodchuck would not see it.


 “Bamo!” (50!)

When the time arrived, Babu Tubo excitedly stepped into the maze.

   Bubba is a very smart Pokémon, and it quickly noticed the footprints in the snow.

 “Bamo!” (I found you!) Babu said deliberately.

It locked onto one of the footprints, and then moved forward along the direction of the footprints. Finally, it found that the footprints extended to a dead end and stopped.

And on the snowy field ahead, there is an unknown bulge.

"Bamo..." Babu Landhog stepped forward cautiously, and then slapped the bulging snow pack with his palm.

The next second, a frightened scream came from under the snow.



“It seems that Frosty is the first Pokémon found by Baboo.”

 Outside the maze, listening to the voice of the Frost Milk Fairy, Naoki couldn't help but stretch.

  Let the Pokémon play here by themselves, while he turned around and prepared to go to the glass flower room to check the honey brewing status of the three bees.

 “Pipa, do you want to go with us?” Naoki asked.

Pipa shook his head: "If I can't meet Mr. Naoki, I want to stay here with the Mastiff Godfather."

"Okay." Naoki nodded: "If you feel cold, just go back to the living room. The fireplace is still burning, and your body will warm up soon."

 “I know!” Piper said gratefully.

 Zhishu smiled, then turned around and came to the glass flower room.

  King Lei Guan is not here, Zhi Shu guessed that he should have gone to the surrounding area of ​​​​the ranch to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment.

 He didn't pay much attention to it. After saying hello to Bada Butterfly, he came to the hive of Three Bees.

 The amount of sweetness stored in the hive is not much, and the three bees are not in good spirits.

Zhi Shu guessed that they were like some Pokémon that needed to hibernate. Once this season came, they would be as active as possible.

 This is a normal thing for a Pokémon like Tribee.

Seeing this, Zhi Shu turned around and went back to the house. He took out the honey from the cupboard that had been prepared to help the three bees survive the winter, and put it in the hive as a food reserve for them.

 After doing all this, King Lei Guan came back.

His figure appeared directly in the glass greenhouse. Seeing Naoshu, King Lei Guan asked with a majestic expression:

“I felt an aura called deathly silence from that mountain. There was no life there at all. What is this situation?”

Naoki immediately realized what King Lei Guan was talking about. He thought for a moment and replied:

“Before you came over, there was a fire on the back mountain. The fire burned all the plants on the mountain, and many Pokémon lost their lives there.”

“The Pokémon living in the tree orchard are the Pokémon that survived the fire. I took them in and promised them that when spring comes next year, I will help them plant grass, flowers and trees on the back mountain.”

 “That’s it.” King Lei Guan muttered.

 Hearing that many Pokémon had lost their lives, the loving Pokémon king suddenly felt heartache.

There was a sigh from His mouth: "If only I could have come here earlier, my power could move them to a safe place."

“Alas!” Naoki also sighed: “What we can do now is to help the surviving Pokémon rebuild their homes.”

King Lei Guan closed his eyes and mourned for the lost Pokémon. After a while, he opened his eyes again.

“In that case, let me come to help too!”

"Yeah." Zhi Shu nodded, thinking about buying saplings and grass seeds.

The Pokémon that survived the fire were not only those in the ranch, but also some were rescued by the Padia Alliance and lived in the rescue station in the town.

 At that time, the Padian Alliance will definitely send people to participate in the reconstruction of the back mountain, so as to help the forest recover as much as possible.

I went to work for a day yesterday, moving goods for people. I was so tired that my back ached. When I got home, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep. I really couldn’t write. I’m very sorry.



 (End of this chapter)

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