Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 285: The best day (end)

 Chapter 285 The Best Day (End)

"Happy New Year!"


Zhi Shu raised the juice from the tree and touched it with the Pokémon, then raised his head and drank tons of it into his stomach.

 Snowflakes were falling again outside, the fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, and the dining table was filled with steaming food.

 Babu, who was dressed as Santa Claus by Naoki, happily held the bowl and put the fruit into his mouth to mix with the rice.

The motorcycle lizard wearing a scarf happily held the sandwich, then opened his mouth wide and bit into the sandwich.

The Cream Fairy, who had eaten several pieces of Poffin before the meal, was not very hungry at the moment. It was lying on the sofa with a lazy look on its face, touching its bulging belly with its little hands.


Bing Eevee lowered his head and sniffed the milk-flavored cream smoothie in front of him, then happily buried his face in the Eevee's bowl, and licked the delicious smoothie on it with his little pink tongue.

Kuailong grabbed a bunch of pan-fried seabass with his claws and opened his mouth to bite it regardless of the oil on his claws.

 The seabass has been fried, and the outer skin has become golden and crispy, while the fish inside is still tender and juicy. When you take a bite, you will experience an excellent taste with distinct layers.

 Feeling the delicious food bursting out in his mouth, Kuailong's eyes suddenly lit up.

 “Ouch!” It’s delicious!

Olinniu sat quietly aside. It seemed to like this lively atmosphere, with a happy smile always on its face.

 Meng Meng and Baby Bear, two small Pokémon, sat directly on the table.

 In front of them, there was a honey dinner prepared specially for them by Naoki.

 Among them are honey pudding, honey buns, honey grilled fish, honey milk, honey biscuits, honey barbecue, and tree fruits mixed with honey.

˜Baby Bear and Meng Meng were surrounded by a feast of honey, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by happiness.

 Compared to other Pokémon that feast on food, the two siblings who eat are much more elegant.

 But judging from their expressions, the brother and sister also like this lively atmosphere.

 In fact, before coming to the ranch, both brothers and sisters were worried about their future.

At that time, they don’t know what kind of family they are going to and how their new owners will treat them.

With this uneasy feeling, the brother and sister have been working hard to learn various etiquette and do housework from their parents.

  It wasn’t until they came to the pasture and saw Zhi Shu that they felt at ease.

 The two Pokémon were very happy to meet a master like Naoki and were willing to take care of everything for him.

 What makes the brothers and sisters even more happy is the atmosphere in the ranch.

 Everyone is together, getting along happily, and will not be bullied because of their strength or weakness.

Thinking of this, the elder brother couldn't help but turn his attention to their owner.

Zhi Shu drank a glass of hot juice, feeling warm all over his body at the moment. He was looking at the various eating faces of his Pokémon, and suddenly he was keenly aware of a gaze directed at him.

 Looking around, he saw his brother Ai Guanshi watching him.

 “What’s wrong?” Naoki asked.

 Brother Ai Tuanshi quickly lowered his head and replied calmly: "Ai ugh."

 The sister Ai Guanshi on the side saw this scene and exposed her brother without hesitation: "Ai gee!"

Zhishu saw that his sister, Tuanshi, seemed to have something to say to him, so he stuffed a piece of translator melon seed cake into his mouth.

 Then, he heard his sister say, "Oh~" (My brother is embarrassed~)

The elder brother was a nosy and the servant quickly dissuaded him: "Oh!" (Don't say it!)

 But it was too late.

Sister Aiguanshi took a few steps back, away from her brother, and then said to Naoki: "Aye!" (My brother actually likes Naoki too, but he is embarrassed to say it!)

 “Love ugh!”

 Brother Ai Guanshi lowered his head and gave up struggling.

Although he had a vague feeling in his heart, Naoki was still very moved when he heard it said by Aiguanshi himself.

 “That’s it!” He looked at his brother Tuanshi and said to him with a smile: “I like you too, please take good care of you in the new year!”

Brother Ai Guanshi was dumbfounded. He looked at Naoki, then nodded heavily and said in agreement: "Aye!"

 “Eat!” Naoki said.

Sister Ai Guanshi returned to her brother with a smile. The elder brother Ai Guanshi looked at his sister and sighed helplessly like a little adult.

 Looking at the little actions of the two nosy servants, Naoki showed a smile on his face.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that Gu Ledun beside him was also in a daze.

 Zhi Shu couldn't help but turn around and look: "What's wrong? Aren't you hungry?"

The feathers on Guluton's head drooped down, and there was a little light shining in its golden eyes. The eyes looked so docile, not at all as ferocious and domineering as King Yi recorded in the Book of Scarlet Purple.

Zhi Shu tilted his head and looked at Gulton, patiently waiting for its answer.

 “Aaaah...” Gu Lerton said straightforwardly and enthusiastically: “Aahaaah!” (I also like Naoki very much!)

 “I know.” Naoki touched its head.

 Hulton thought for a while and felt that he was different from other Pokémon, and added: "Ah gah!" (I like Naoki the best!)

Hearing this, Kuailong on the side stopped eating grilled sea bass and immediately came up to express his feelings.

 “Ouch!” (I am the Pokémon that likes Naoki the most!)

    Babu Tubo was also attracted: "Bamo!" (Me too!)

 The Frost Milk Fairy, who had already eaten and started to lie down on the sofa, jumped up when he heard this and said energetically:

 “Mama!” (Naoki’s favorite Pokémon is me! He even built a butter workshop just for me!)

Kailong argued: "Ooooo!" (It's me! Naoki spent a lot of effort to cultivate me and help me become the most powerful Kuailong!"

Upon hearing this, the Babu landhog also joined the discussion: "Bamo!" (Naoki also gave me a cloak and a hammer!)

  A group of Pokémon kept arguing about who was Naoki's favorite Pokémon.

However, after screaming for a long time, they couldn't come to a conclusion. Finally, they all turned their attention to Naoki.

Although the Motorized Lizard did not participate in the argument, he still quietly cast an expectant gaze towards this side.

 Naoki: “…”

 I always feel that this is not a good question!

 “You...” he said.

 The Pokémon opened their eyes wide, waiting for the answer.

Even King Lei Guan looked slightly sideways.

 Naoki: "You are all my favorite Pokémon."

 The Pokémon's eyes glowed with light.




 “Eat quickly!” Naoki began to change the topic: “After dinner, I will read you the letters sent to us by people in the town!”

 A group of Pokémon were immediately attracted and began to eat their dinner.

Seeing this scene, Naoki secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that there was a coin carrier hiding in the tavern.

Thinking of this, Zhi Shu stood up and took some poffins and tree fruits, went to the tavern, opened the door, put the plate of food in the dark, and then turned and left.

I don’t know how long it took before a small Pokémon cautiously walked out of the darkness.

It came to the fragrant poffin, looked down at the food, and then looked up at the direction the human left, not knowing what it was thinking.


 After dinner, the Pokémon were playing in the living room, and my brother, who was in charge, cleaned up the dining table and the bathroom. Naoki, on the other hand, washed the tableware together with his sister Ai Guanshi.

By the time all the work was finished, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhi Shu wiped his hands, then went to the bedroom and took out a dozen letters sent by Alvin.

 These were sent over by the townspeople and farmers from nearby farms in the past two days.

He opened two letters in the morning and looked at them, and found that they were all New Year's greetings. After thinking about them, he simply stayed until the evening to read them with the Pokémon.

  With these letters, Naoki sat in front of the fireplace, and then waved towards the living room.

 Suddenly, the Pokémon playing and playing around ran over and gathered around him.

 The flames in the fireplace swayed gently, stretching the shadows of the Pokémon and Naoki long.

 After making sure that everyone was present, Naoki opened the first letter.

 “I’m going to start reading!”

 “Ah gah!” Guluton nodded happily in reply. Naoki smiled slightly and read the contents of the letter while stroking Babu who was lying on his lap.

"Hey, Naoki, Happy New Year! Before you know it, you have been coming to this ranch for a year. If your grandfather saw that you have managed the ranch so prosperously, he would be very happy, right? This year has come At the end of the year, we must continue to work hard next year! Finally, let me say hello to the Motorized Lizard - Mayor Thomas."

Zhi Shu raised the letter in his hand and said to the Motorized Lizard: "Did you hear that? Mayor Thomas is wishing you a Happy New Year!"


Motor Lizard nodded his big head happily.

Zhi Shu said: "Let's go together tomorrow to give Mayor Thomas some New Year's gifts."

Motor Lizard readily agreed.

 Then, Naoki read the second letter.

“Happy New Year! Naoki! This is Keli’s forest workshop. You have worked hard this year! Please give me your advice next year! If you need it, you are always welcome to order furniture here - Keli.”

"Just in time, I'm going to build a greenhouse in the pasture after winter is over. By then, no matter what season it is, we can eat the freshest vegetables." Naoki shared his future plans with the Pokémon in anticipation.

The Pokémon listened carefully. Although they didn't understand, they were happy to see Naoki happy.

"Then let me take a look - this is the letter Mr. Erif sent us. Do you remember Mr. Erif? He opened a cherry orchard next door."

 Guluton and Motorized Lizard remembered it, but Aiguansi and Bingyibu were a little confused.

"In the spring, Mr. Elif will hold a cherry blossom wine party. At that time, many people and Pokémon will attend, taste the wine and share the food." Naoki explained: "You didn't come here when it was held last time. After a while, I will take you to experience it."


 Sister Ai Guanshi happily agreed.

Naoki smiled slightly and read each letter slowly. The Pokémon listened very seriously at first.

 But later on, they all started to fall asleep.

With a full belly, soft carpets, and a warm fireplace, it is indeed easy to feel sleepy in this environment.

Seeing this, Zhi Shu stopped, put the letter in his hand aside, then touched the Babu Pork next to him, and said to all the Pokémon:

"If you're sleepy, go to bed! I'm a little sleepy too! I'm going to bed after taking a shower later."

The drowsy Pokémon agreed in a daze, and then obediently returned to their sleeping place.

 “Good night, everyone!” Naoki said softly.

Frosty Milk Fairy returned to her little nest in the cupboard, Kuailong turned into a red light and returned to her Poké Ball, the two brothers and sisters went upstairs, Motor Lizard stretched on the ground, and then pillowed Lying down on his arms...

Zhi Shu watched this scene, and then sent King Lei Guan to the glass greenhouse: "See you tomorrow, King Lei Guan."

Leiguan Wang nodded slightly: "See you tomorrow, Naoki."

Zhi Shu smiled slightly, feeling as clear and comfortable as a cloudless sky.

 Farewell to King Lei Guan, he turned around and hurried back.

On the way, Naoki suddenly remembered that there was another Pokémon that he had ignored.

 He slapped his head, ran back to the house quickly, took out a few boxes of Poffin and went to the lake in the center of the ranch.

  The area inside the inverted world is as large as the real world.

As the master of the reverse world, Giratina will not stay in a certain area for too long.

Just like the photographer Ho-oh who runs around the world, Giratina will also wander around in the reverse world.

 But this situation only lasted not long ago.

 After he changed the empty islands in the reverse world, Giratina didn't go anywhere and stayed in this area all day long.

When Naoki and King Lei Guan went to develop Sky Island, Giratina was either lying in the sun on the Flower Island, or opening his mouth to bite the apples on the Apple Island.

 It can be seen that this Pluto Dragon likes the transformed Sky Island very much.

 So Naoki guessed that Giratina was still here at this time.

Sure enough, just as he expected, not long after he arrived at the lake, a purple vortex appeared on the lake.

 Zhishu jumped in directly with Baofen in his arms.

  When he helped Giratina develop the sky island, he improved its favorability. Now Giratina is no longer the bad dragon who only bombards him for a few hours.

 In the reverse world, it has been completely changed after their transformation.

 In the area corresponding to the pasture, all the islands are covered with greenery, and the fragrance of flowers and fruits spreads throughout the world.

At this time, Giratina was lying lazily among the flowers and basking in the sun.

The originally good flower field was now crushed by Giratina's huge body into a clearing, and all the flowers below were crushed to death by it.

 Naoki: “…”

Giratina glanced at him, and the grumpy old dragon, who had begun his retirement life early, asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zhishu "floated" to the empty island full of flowers. The sunflowers provided sunshine and temperature, making the place filled with the fragrance of dragon flowers.

  Naoki came to Giratina, sat down cross-legged among the overwhelmed flowers in front of him, and then opened the poffin box in front of him.

“I’ll give you some snacks to relieve your boredom.” Naoki said, “Today is the human New Year. I wanted to come over and see you, so I came over.”

 Giratina has no concept of time and has never cared about human festivals.

 So it said angrily: "I don't need the food that living Pokémon eat!"

 After saying that, Giratina regretted it.

It couldn't help but think that it would be great if it could drink a cup of tea at this time that would reverse its personality.

 However, Naoki didn't really care about what Giratina said.

He knows this irascible old dragon relatively well.

Naoki smiled slightly, stood up and prepared to leave: "Happy New Year to you, Giratina, and please take good care of me in the coming year!"

 After saying that, he did not stay much longer, but got up and left the reverse world, returning to the pasture through the whirlpool in the lake.

Giratina looked at the Baofen in front of him, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

 Humanity…humanity again.

 Humans are really complex creatures!

Giratina closed his eyes, and some of the humans he had seen appeared in his mind.

The strong desire, the determination to conquer, the emotion of destruction...

 Now, it has seen someone who is completely opposite to it.

 He is so pure and sincere that even he can't help but be moved by it.

Giratina was silent for a while, then he put his huge head in front of the poffin boxes, opened his mouth and swallowed some poffins.

 After leaving the reverse world, Naoki went directly back to the living room. He took a simple shower and lay down on the bed.

 Huluton slept beside the bed, and Babu Tubo slept on his quilt.

 The air conditioning in the room is fully turned on, so there is no need to worry about getting cold.

 After his hair was dry, Naoki turned off the light and lay down.

At this time, everyone in the ranch should be asleep, right?

No matter how windy and snowy it is outside, the cute Pokémon will not be affected. They hide in their warm little nests and sleep peacefully in the snowy night.

Thinking of these contents, Naoki's heart couldn't help but soften.

 “Guluton.” Zhi Shu suddenly shouted.

Huluton responded immediately: "Ah?"

Zhi Shu grinned: "It's okay, I just wanted to call you."



   Barbu was not asleep either. Hearing Zhi Shu’s voice, he drowsily rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Seeing this, Zhi Shu took it into his arms, and then said to Gu Ledun:

 “Good night, I’m so happy.”

Huluton lay down again, closed his eyes with a peaceful expression, rested his head on his arm and responded:

 “Ah gah hiss.”

  …The title is wrong. This is the fifth volume. I am



 (End of this chapter)

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