Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 298: Warm Lava Bug Home (4000)

Chapter 298 Warm Lava Bug Home (4000)

After hearing about the functions of television, Lei Guanwang began to have a strong interest in this square box that can emit sound and play pictures.

Seeing this, Naoki invited him to sit on the sofa and watch TV with everyone.

 Wang Leiguan readily agreed.

 Because Zhi Shu was occupied by Babu Tubo and Gu Ledun, he could only sit on the single sofa on the other side.

 But this does not affect his watching TV.

At this moment, a documentary called "Warm Lava Bug House" is being played on TV.

 The film tells the story of Anna, the granddaughter of an elderly couple, who returns from the big city to the countryside to visit her grandparents during the winter vacation.

 The old couple lived with a group of Pokémon.

The two-axe war dragon that chops firewood with its teeth, the snow swallower that acts as a refrigerator, the electric spider that provides electricity, and the Alidos that provides its owner with spider silk to knit sweaters...

And the lava worms that live in special heating pipes to provide heating for the house and help make fires for cooking.

Anna likes lava bugs very much and wants to become good friends with them, so she keeps chasing the lava bugs in the house, but the lava bugs keep running back and forth in the heating pipes.

Grandpa told Anna that when the lava bug is happy, it will make a "bang bang bang" sound and spit out smoke from its body.

The lava bug sensed Anna's desire to be friends with it, so on the day Anna left, it made a "bang bang" sound in the house and blew smoke to say goodbye to her.

The content of this documentary is very short, but the atmosphere in it is very warm.

Although the old couple are not trainers, they are still living with Pokémon. In this era, this kind of family is not an exception.

 After thousands of years of time and development, humans and Pokémon can finally get along well and live together.

After watching the entire program, Lei Guanwang couldn't help but exclaimed: "TV is really magical!"

Zhi Shu chuckled and nodded: "Human beings have never stopped moving forward. Maybe in the near future, human beings will be able to fly to other planets in spaceships."

Lei Guanwang was very impressed: "That's something even I can't do!"

 During the commercial break, Babu Tubo was still obsessed with the documentary he just watched.

It stretched the sleeves of the tree with its paws longingly.

 Zhi Shu turned his head and said, "What's wrong?"

  Babu Tubo: "Bamo!"

King Lei Guan helped to translate at the same time: "It said [Pokémon like Lava Bug is really good!]"

Hearing this, Naoki was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "You like lava bugs very much?"

 “Bamo!” Babu Tubo nodded his little head.

It also wants to build a lava worm pipe at home and make friends with the lava worms living in it!

"That's it..." Naoki thought about it carefully and felt that this was not impossible, but Pokémon like lava bugs generally live in hot volcanic areas and are difficult to encounter in other places.

 But it’s not completely impossible.

For example, after a while, he can take time to fly to the Hoenn region and go to the famous local volcano Chimney Mountain to look for lava worms.

After thinking for a while, Naoki said: "I'll see if I can meet a Pokémon like Lava Bug later! If I do, how about I invite it to come to our house and live with us?"

 If there are lava worms, the natural gas at home can also be replaced by lava worms. After all, lava worms have a high body temperature and can be placed under the pot to help cook.

In addition, this Pokémon can also heat a house.

 The only troublesome thing is that if lava bugs come over, the fireplace, ventilation ducts, and heating ducts in the home will have to be remodeled.

 Zhi Shu was making the next plan in his mind.

After hearing Naoshu's answer, Babu Tubo immediately shouted happily: "Bamo!"

 But then, it thought of another question, so it scratched his thigh with its small paws and looked up at Naoki expectantly:

“Bamo? Bamo Bamo!” (When will Naoki’s granddaughter come to visit the ranch? Then I will become her good friend like the lava bug!)

 Naoki: “…?”

what? Zhi Shu was stunned for a moment, Babu, do you know what you are asking?

He doesn’t even have anyone he likes now, so how could a granddaughter appear out of thin air?

 And Babu Tubo has already begun to dream about his future life: "Bamo?" (Will Naoki's granddaughter live with us?)

 Affected by Babu's influence, the Frost Milk Fairy on the side also began to express his own opinion: "Mama!" (It will definitely happen!)

King Lei Guan looked at this scene with a smile, and at the same time conveyed these Pokémon's whispers to Naoki telepathically.

Hearing this, Zhi Shu’s head was full of black threads. He scooped Babu into his arms and stopped their random thoughts:

“…I don’t have granddaughters yet, so no one will suddenly come back from the big city to visit me, and even if they do, they probably won’t live with us.”

ˆ Babu Tubo was so disappointed: "Bamo...?" (Why?)

 According to Naoki's understanding of the world, children will move out of home and live with their wives after they get married.

 Like Mayor Thomas’s son.

Zhi Shu heard from Mayor Thomas that his son moved to Niangguang City after getting married and worked there with his wife. Only during holidays would he take his wife and children back to his hometown to visit Mayor Thomas.

Zhi Shu organized the language in his mind, glanced at the curious Pokémon in front of him, and explained to them:

"Because children will eventually have their own lives, and they will meet their own Pokémon partners, just like you left your parents, met me, and lived together."

 The Pokémon seemed to understand.

  Only Guluton was lying next to Zhishu’s legs with a calm expression, because there was a secret that only he knew.

 After Naoshu said this, Babu Woodchuck missed his parents a little.

It is different from Ice Eevee. It did not leave its parents on its own initiative. It was brought here by a Pokémon named Shitiao.

 I wonder if they were worried about it after it left...

Seeing Babu Tubo, whose mood suddenly became depressed, Zhishu immediately guessed what he was thinking.

 “Let me think of a way…”

Pokémon like the Stonebird mainly inhabits the mountainous areas in the southwest of Padea.

They will use the down on their chests and fallen feathers to make bags, then fly to low places, pick up stones, branches and other things, put them in, and then drop them from high places to play.

Thinking of this, Zhi Shu returned to the room and took out the topographic map of the Padia region from the desk.

 He placed the map on the table, and a group of Pokémon immediately gathered around him.

Zhi Shu found the location of the pasture on the map, then found a nearby mountain ridge where the stonebirds inhabited, and connected it with the pasture to form a straight line.

In addition, the location where Pokémon such as Stonebirds pick up things will not be too far from their nests.

 “So…probably this area.”

Zhi Shu used a pen to circle the wilderness in the south of Ziqin Town.

But he couldn't guarantee it. After thinking for a moment, Naoki asked: "Babu Tubo, do you still remember what the place where you lived before was like?" Babu Tubo recalled it carefully, and then replied : "Bamo!" (It's in a forest with many trees. There is a very big tree in the forest!)

 Otherwise, it remembers nothing.

 Forest area?

There are so many places that meet the requirements!

 Zhi Shu was in trouble for a while.

 At this time, it would be great if Chaomeng was here.

Mewtwo's ability can check the memories of humans and Pokémon. Maybe it can find more information from the depths of Baboo's memory.

 It's a pity that Mewtwo left before...

What about the Pokémon who come to the Pokémon Tavern to drink?

Since this time, more and more Pokémon customers have been attracted to the tavern.

 There are some wild Pokémon among them.

Like the Angry Parrot who migrated from other places, passed by and heard rumors about the tavern from other Pokémon, so he came over to rest for a while, and then continued on his way.

Thinking of this, Naoki decided to post a missing person notice in the tavern, asking the passing wild Pokémon to help and see if they could meet the Baboo couple who had lost their child during the journey.

So, Naoki immediately told his sister Aiguanshi about the incident, and asked him to tell everyone about the incident when he was running the tavern tomorrow.

 Sister Ai Guanshi happily agreed.

With a gentle and kind heart, it looked at Babu and comforted him softly: "Oh~" (Don't worry, I will ask everyone to help~)

 “Bamo…” Babu Tubo was very moved: “Bamo!” (Thank you!)

The younger sister likes to control her lips and chuckles.

 The next night, the Pokémon Tavern was open for business as usual.

Sister Ai Guanshi took advantage of the situation and conveyed the "Missing Person Notice" verbally to the group of Pokémon guests who came to the tavern, asking them to come and tell them if they found anything.

Zhi Shu did not go over, but he still learned the follow-up from his sister Ai Guansi.

The Pokémon guests all agreed, saying that they would pay attention later.

In this way, the missing persons notice for Babu Tubo’s parents has been posted.

 The next thing they have to do is wait patiently for a response.

 While I was waiting, something interesting happened.

 This morning, Naoki was weeding in the farmland. Mrs. Dantès, who lived in the town and ordered a bottle of fresh goat milk from the pasture every day, came over.

 Seeing her, Naoki was a little surprised: "Mrs. Dantès? What's the matter?"

At this moment, a smile appeared on the face of this kind old woman: "Zhi Shu, has the quality of the goat milk sold to us recently become better? I see that Ziqin Market is also selling a life product. Goat milk... I don’t know if they purchased it from you.”

“It’s true.” Naoki nodded.

 Because Mrs. Dantès was his old customer and she had helped him a lot in the past, the bottle of goat milk sold to her was still the original price.

Hearing this, Mrs. Dantès hesitated and asked: "Is there any ordinary quality goat milk in the pasture?"

Naoki was stunned for a moment, and noticed a strange aura in Mrs. Dantès's tone. He couldn't help but ask, "Did something happen?"

Mrs. Dantès was very surprised and said: "Ever since he drank the goat's milk delivered by Kuailong that day, my old man has been jumping up and down all day long. His strength is endless! He also has many nosebleeds every day!"

“We went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor said it was caused by overnutrition. I thought we hadn’t taken any supplements recently! Only later did we realize that it was caused by goat’s milk.”

Zhi Shu was confused: "Is there such a thing?"

He usually drinks milk from large milk cans. At first he only tasted a sip of Life Goat Milk because the taste of Goat Milk is more appealing and the taste of Moo Milk is more popular.

Mrs. Dantès nodded: "So, I would like to ask if there is any ordinary goat milk in the pasture. The effect of that goat milk is really exaggerated!"

“There is no more ordinary goat milk.” Naoki shook his head, unless he tamed a few more mount lambs and fed them dishes that improved the quality of goat milk.

After thinking for a while, Naoki asked: "How about trying fresh milk from a big milk tank?"

The big milk tanks in his farm have also eaten food that improves the quality of milk, so the quality of the moo milk they produce is also very high.

Hearing this, Mrs. Dantès nodded: "Then change it to milk!"

 “Okay.” Naoki smiled and replaced the goat milk with cow’s milk.

Mrs. Dantès couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She handed the paper bag in her hand to Naoki, with a kind smile on her face and said to him:

 “This is the baked biscuit I made, try it!”

"Thank you very much." Naoki did not refuse. He politely reached out to take the biscuits, then said goodbye to Mrs. Dantès and watched her turn and leave the pasture.

Naoki thought this was just a special case, but he never thought that in the next few days, he would receive calls from customers who ordered milk.

 They all said that goat milk was too nutritious. Drinking it would not only cause nosebleeds, but also make them unable to sleep at night, and they would even gain a lot of weight.

They didn’t want to become fat, so they replaced goat milk with milk from large milk jugs.

Zhi Shu was speechless. After hanging up the phone, he took out a bottle of goat's milk from the refrigerator. Looking at it, he couldn't help but wonder, is it really that exaggerated?

With this thought in mind, Naoki raised his head and drank it.

  Immediately afterwards, he felt a force welling up from deep within his body.

 The fatigue from working in the fields before was swept away, and his whole body became full of energy, as if he had endless strength.

This feeling made him want to run in circles like a Pokémon evolving! pouring out continuously!

 “It’s really an exaggeration!”

Zhi Shu was very surprised.

 The next second, two warm currents surged out of his nose.

Zhi Shu touched his hand and saw a lot of blood on his hand.

 Fuck! He has a nosebleed!

Brother Ai Guanshi was shocked when he saw this scene and quickly brought tissues over to help Zhi Shu stop the bleeding.

"Thank you!" Naoki reached out and took it, and started wiping the blood hurriedly.

 “Ai ugh…” Brother Ai Tuanshi was very worried.

 After a while, the nosebleed finally stopped.

 But Naoki felt that his whole body was full of strength, and there was no way he could stay idle.

So under the worried eyes of his nosy brother, he rushed out of the room, picked up the axe, and started chopping firewood.

 (End of this chapter)

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