Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 316: Beishang Township Agricultural Exchange Meeting (4000)

Chapter 316 Beishang Township Agricultural Exchange Meeting (4000)

Zhi Shu has never seen this antique shop before. It must have just opened in the past few days.

The door of the store is a very heavy carved wooden door. When you open the door, an ancient and rustic atmosphere hits your face.

At first glance, the store is very empty. The bar counter is facing the door, and there are rows of shelves against the wall. Various antiques are displayed on the shelves.

A well-dressed man wearing round glasses, combed hair, and was standing behind the bar using a feather duster to clean the dust next to him.

On the bar, a little lion was lying there lazily and snoring.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the uncle immediately put down the feather duster in his hand and a beam of light shot out of his eyes: "Is there a guest coming?"

 The little lion also looked up.

“Hello, boss!” Naoki greeted them with a smile.

"What do you want to buy?" The uncle put down the feather duster, walked up and asked: "Do you want to buy antique paintings for collection, or do you want to buy antique tea sets that evolve Smooth Tea and Lai Ai Tea? I have everything here. oh!"

Hearing this, Naoki was stunned. He knew what kind of Pokémon this Smoocha was.

 “Smoke tea?” Naoki couldn’t help but ask.

The boss looked surprised: "Have you never heard of this Pokémon?"

Zhi Shu nodded truthfully: "I only know how to come to Sad Tea."

"That's it!" The boss didn't care and introduced with a smile: "Smoocha and Laibei Tea are both Pokémon that live in tea sets. They also need specific tea sets to evolve."

“However, thinking about it, there is no Smoocha inhabiting the Padia area, and those Pokémon live in the remote Kitakami Township!”

Kitagami Go... Naoki instantly understood. Although he had never heard of Smoocha's name, based on the three words Kitakami Go, it can be inferred that it is also a newly added Pokémon in the Zhuzi DLC.

 Speaking of Smooth Tea, the boss seems to have a lot to say.

He let out a sigh, walked up to a shelf, pointed to the old-looking tea bowl on it, and said:

“Here, this is the tea set that Smoocha needs to use when it evolves!”

“It is said that they are Pokémon that were transformed into Matcha tea due to the regret of a tea connoisseur who failed to reach the pinnacle of the tea ceremony before his death.”

“There are terrifying rumors about Smoocha circulating in Beishang Township [If you waste food, you will be sprinkled with matcha by Smoocha, and then the essence will be drained from the body and turned into a shriveled corpse]!”

 “How is it? It’s scary, isn’t it?” the boss asked.

 Naoki: “…”

 This said, he became more and more curious about Beishang Township.

In Zhishu’s perception, it is a pastoral town with developed agriculture and tourism, rich in red apples and rice.

 What a place with outstanding people and wonderful people! How could there be something so terrifying?

“It feels like the rumors about the Lai Bei Tea and the Wei Si Pot must have been deliberately exaggerated.” Naoki thought to himself.

However, this is not what he came here for today.

Although this antique shop has just opened, the types of antiques displayed here are very diverse.

Knight armor full of medieval colors, ancient books full of ancient texts, ancient clay pots used in the past...

When Naoki's eyes stayed on it, the boss next to him would take the initiative to introduce:

“That’s the armor worn by the knights of the Kingdom of Padia during the Kingdom of Padia. It has been well preserved. It has been five hundred years and it is still not rusty.”

“These are Pokémon observation notes left by some ancient scholars during the Padian Kingdom. Although the above content is common knowledge to modern people, for that ancient era, these notes were very rare and important.”

"This? This is also a product of the Padian Kingdom. It is said that the king once used it to drink water."


Zhi Shu stared at the clay pot that looked like a urine pot and fell silent.

At this moment, he suddenly saw an ancient treasure box about 30 centimeters high at the other end of the shelf that looked to be quite old.

 Naoki was immediately attracted to his attention.

 The boss followed him to the treasure chest: "This treasure chest, like the clay pot just now, also comes from the period of the Padian Kingdom."

"More than two thousand years ago today, when the Kingdom of Padia was ruling, the explorers at that time organized a massive treasure hunt. This treasure box was something that some explorers obtained during their exploration. The contents inside The treasure has been taken away and now only an empty shell remains."

 “What about the price?” Naoki asked with interest.

 If the treasure box is given to Suo Cai Ling, Suo Cai Ling can transform from the walking form into the treasure box form, and all the gold coins collected in the future can be stored in it.

Boss: "I won't hide it from you. All the treasures in this treasure box have been taken away. Now there is only an empty shell left. If you want it, just take it with 20,000 alliance coins!"

 Twenty thousand alliance coins...are not very expensive to him. He can earn back his money with a bottle of goat milk.

 But there is no official alliance price for this kind of thing, it all depends on the preference of the person selling it.

Zhi Shu didn’t know whether he had lost or made a profit, so he was ready to try to bargain.

 So, Naoki began to use his little bargaining experience: "Ten thousand!"


"You are exaggerating. Even the decorations sold in the store are not that cheap!" The boss looked at the corner of his mouth: "What's more, this thing has been around for two thousand years, and it is still an antique worth collecting."

 Zhi Shu: "What about fifteen thousand? In addition to this, I can also have long-term cooperation with you."

 “Oh?” The boss suddenly became interested: “What kind of long-term cooperation?”

Zhi Shu had long since caught a glimpse of the two ancient Padian gold coins placed on the shelf. He pointed at them and said, "I want as many of these ancient coins as I want."

Hearing this, the boss turned around and saw the two ancient coins he put on the shelf.

Those ancient coins are also from the period of the Pardian Kingdom. They were minted by the kingdom and circulated in the market.

 Some modern collectors specialize in collecting these ancient coins with historical significance for collection.

 But because most of these ancient coins are scattered, they are not very expensive on the market. The general price fluctuates around 50,000 Union coins.

 Compared with other antique tea sets that easily cost 200,000 yuan, they are far behind.

 “You want that?” the boss asked.

"To be honest, I met a fortune-seeking spirit at home not long ago. Seeing that it liked this kind of coins, I wanted to see if I could build a good relationship with it by giving it coins." Naoki Tell the truth.

 “Suo Cailing?” The boss looked surprised.

 The boss was originally confused that this young man did not look like someone who likes antiques, because it could be seen from his eyes.

Those antiques worth thousands of gold just now were like cabbages on the roadside in his eyes. He just glanced at them and looked away.

Hearing these words, he finally understood the reason!

“You want to help Suo Cai Ling collect coins and help it evolve into Saifuhao?” The boss was shocked.

"Huh?" Naoki was also a little surprised: "Do you know Pokémon like Saifuhao?"

"Who in our line of work doesn't know about Saifuhao?" The boss explained: "Because Suo Cai Ling was a Pokémon born in the kingdom two thousand years ago, and their existence is closely related to these antique treasures. Inextricably linked."

"Because Suo Cai Ling was born from the explorer's greed for treasure!" "That's right..." Naoki murmured and nodded.

The boss continued: "No one knew that the Suo Cai Ling could evolve until two hundred years ago. It was said that a collector became friends with a Suo Cai Ling that was collecting coins everywhere."

“In order to make his beloved Suo Cai Ling happy, the antique collector spent a lot of money to collect a lot of ancient gold coins from all over the world.”

“Then, the money-seeking spirit merged with these gold coins and evolved into a Pokémon named Saifuhao!”

“Since then, some people who like Saifuhao have also started to learn to collect coins. However, Pokémon such as Sophia are too timid and will run away when they see humans. It is difficult for ordinary people to conquer them.”

“In addition, those coins are difficult to collect, so to this day, no second Saifuhao has been born in the Padia region.”

 “Is it so exaggerated?” Naoki was shocked when he heard these words.

 He only knew that Sai Fuhao was rare, but he did not know that Sai Fuhao was so rare.

 There has only been one in two hundred years...

"Of course!" The boss nodded: "I won't hide it from you. Some antique shops also sell ancient gold coins, and the price mostly fluctuates around 50,000 alliance coins."

“One coin costs fifty million. One thousand coins would cost fifty million alliance coins! This price is simply unaffordable to ordinary people!”

“Moreover, most of the ancient gold coins currently on the market were found by some trainers from ancient ruins and ancient tombs.”

“Those ancient ruins are very dangerous. Although they are filled with gold and silver treasures, in order to prevent others from robbing the tombs, the owners of the tombs and ancient ruins will place very dangerous mechanisms and powerful Pokémon guards in the ruins after death.”

“Once they sense an intruder, those Pokémon will pursue the person with evil intentions to protect the grave of their former owner.

Zhi Shu, who just had thoughts of tomb robbing, said: "..."

 Forget it, let’s change the method. Beating and killing is too unfriendly.

“I want these two ancient gold coins and this treasure box.” Naoki said, “If you collect ancient gold coins in the future, you can contact me directly and I can pay you an additional fee.”

 “Of course it’s no problem!” The boss agreed: “But I also have a condition.”

Zhi Shu thought calmly, then nodded and said, "You say it."

The boss looked full of admiration: "If one day you really breed a Sai Fuhao, you must bring it over and let me see it with my own eyes!"

Zhi Shu smiled: "Okay."

 He left the ranch’s phone number for his boss, paid the money, and then returned to the ranch with the treasure box and two coins in his arms.

As soon as Naoki got off the Motorized Lizard carrying the seafood he bought in the town, the Kuailong and Hackosaurs from Kuailong Island gathered around and looked at the bags containing the seafood with curious faces.


Zhi Shu opened the bag and took a look at them: "I bought them from the town..."

He wanted to let the dragons try it at noon, but looking at the looks in these guys' eyes, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had seen these things.

 For fast dragons living in the sea, these small fish, shrimps, small shells, etc. should also be on their diet.

 The fast dragons from a distance also ran over and surrounded the bag of seafood with the migrant fast dragons.

The eyes of the Hackrons were bright. They looked at the seafood, then at Naoki, and then a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

 “Woo!” Does Naoki also like to eat these things?

 In this case, they can catch more on their way back to Kuailong Island at night and bring them back to Zhishu tomorrow morning!

Zhi Shu didn’t know what the Hack Dragon and Kuail Dragon were thinking. He handed the bag of seafood to his sister Ai Guanshi to save for steaming at noon.

 He himself carried the treasure box and two coins to the tavern.

The tavern was empty during the day. A beam of sunlight shone in from the window, and the dust floating in the air could be clearly seen in the light.

It seems that my brother's busybody has just finished sweeping the floor.

Zhi Shu looked around and found no trace of the Suo Cai Ling, but he was certain that the Suo Cai Ling was still here, just hiding.

He didn’t do anything specifically. He just placed the treasure box and two ancient gold coins in the shadow under the bar, and then said to the surroundings:

"Suocai Ling, I saw a treasure box and two coins outside today, so I brought them back to you. Remember to come over later and see if you like it."

 After saying that, there was silence in the air, and there was no response.

Zhi Shu didn’t care either. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left here.

As time passed by, the footsteps became farther and farther away, until they could no longer be heard, and Suo Cailing quietly poked his head out of the darkness.

 It carefully observed the surroundings, then turned its attention to the big treasure box and the two coins placed next to it.

Suo Cailing did not run over immediately. He stared at these things blankly, then jumped onto the bar and looked in the direction of the entrance.

Suo Cailing was very confused.

That human being, why should we be so nice to it? And give it such a precious gift?

It obviously didn’t do anything…


 After leaving the tavern, Naoki began to go home and deal with the seafood.

 After he cleaned all the shells and conches, it was noon.

Zhi Shu was about to put them in a pot to steam them when he suddenly heard the voice of Mayor Thomas coming from outside.

"Is Naoki at home? Good afternoon, Motor Lizard! Ah, Guluton? Hello to you too!"

 Hearing this voice, Naoki was a little confused.

Huh? Why did Mayor Thomas come to the ranch at this time?

 He put down what he was doing, turned around and came outside: "Mayor Thomas, what can I do?"

Mayor Thomas smiled and nodded: "The town recently received an invitation."

 “Invitation?” Naoki was even more confused. He quickly called Mayor Thomas to come in and sit down.

 The two sat down on the sofa, and then Mayor Thomas told the purpose of their trip.

"It's like this. The harvest here in Zhiqin Town was very good last year, providing a lot of fresh vegetables and crops to other places in the Padiya region. For this reason, Zhiqin Town is also getting better and better in terms of agricultural planting. It’s becoming more and more famous.”

"Not long ago, the town received an invitation from Beishang Township. The other party wanted to hold an agricultural exchange meeting with us. They specially invited an experienced farmer from the town to Beishang Township to exchange planting ideas with the farmers there. experience."

“After consultation with everyone in the town, we are going to send you to attend the exchange meeting, so I came here today to ask if you have time.”

Zhi Shu understood. He had just heard the terrifying rumors about Kitakami Township from the owner of the antique shop today, and was thinking of going there when he had time.

 Didn’t you expect that the opportunity would come now?

Although he doesn’t have much experience in farming, he relies on gophers for plowing, goats for growing crops, and fast dragons for watering...

 But it doesn’t matter, he can go over there and preach to King Lei Guan!

Thinking of this, Naoki immediately asked: "When?"

Mayor Thomas replied with a smile: "It will be in three days, but Beishang Township is quite far from our place, so we will have to take a plane there by then."

 (End of this chapter)

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