Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 318: The incarnation of Kuailong and the sea!

Chapter 318 The incarnation of Kuailong and the sea!

  Strange Pokémon live in strange seas.

 A pearl oyster that looks like a pearl and has a body wrapped in a hard shell.

Sakura fish is a slender fish with fine pink scales on its body. The way it swims in the water looks like cherry blossoms falling from the top of the tree.

 And the heart fish whose body is like a heart…

Kuailong has grown up in the water and is very familiar with the sea.

It quickly shuttled through the blue sea, its eyes sweeping over the fish Pokémon it didn't recognize.

 At the same time, I was constantly evaluating these fish Pokémon:

This one won’t work, this one is too small, this one looks too fierce, this one won’t work either…

 After walking around, Kuailong couldn't find any fish bigger than that tuna.

It is very unwilling in its heart, will it just give up?

 No, absolutely not!

Thinking of Naoki caressing the heads of those fast dragons in his mind, the fast dragons' whole bodies instantly burned with blazing fighting spirit.

It twisted its body and found an older-looking grouper fish among the ruins of the sunken ship on the seabed, and asked it if there were any big fish nearby.


Hearing the sound, the old hunter fish that lived in the abandoned cabin poked its head out of the porthole.

Its eyesight is very good, so even though the sea area is relatively dark, it can still clearly see the appearance of this strange Pokémon.

Hunterfish has lived here for more than sixty years and has never seen such a Pokémon.

 “Gu?” (What did you say?)

Kuailong repeated: "Ouch!"

 “Gu…” Hunter Spot Fish heard it clearly now, big fish? It has heard of some.

Therefore, it answered: "Goooo." (I once saw a very large Megalodon near here. I don't know if it is the Pokémon you are looking for.)

 Megalodon? Kuailong had never heard of this name before. His eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Aow?" (How big is it?)

 Hunterfish stretched its head, looked closely at Kuailong, and then replied: "Gu!" (Come to you!)

Kuailong looked down at his chest, and the joy that had just risen in his heart instantly disappeared.

what? It’s not as big as it is!

 That’s not the case, what it is looking for is a bigger fish!

Hunting Spot Fish doesn’t know what to say now.

It had a troubled look on its old fish face: "Gu." (In that case, I don't know.)

 “Ouch…” Kuailong was very disappointed and turned around to leave, intending to leave here and go see other places.

Just when it was about to rise, the hunter fish stopped it as if it suddenly thought of something.

 “Goo!” (Ah, yes! I remembered it!)

Kailong immediately stopped, turned around and looked over.

 Hunting Group Fish told a story to Kuailong in an old manner:

“Goo, goo.” (When I was young, I once heard from other Pokémon living here that there was a very powerful fish Pokémon living in a cave under the sea that was so dark that I couldn’t see my fingers.)

"Gu." (A young love fish once saw it. The love fish got lost and strayed into the place where the Pokémon was sleeping. After seeing the Pokémon, the poor love fish was Terrified.)

“Goo.” (It said that it was the biggest fish Pokémon it had ever seen.)


 Hearing this, Kuailong's eyes lit up again.


The hunter fish nodded and said to Kuailong: "Gu." (Legend has it that that place is in the submarine canyon in front, but it is too scary. No Pokémon goes there on weekdays. It is said that it goes down there. Pokémon will be eaten by evil Pokémon.)

●Kailong couldn't hear what he said next, because it had already swam directly in that direction.

Hunterfish looked at its back and widened its eyes, thinking that this Pokémon was too courageous!

Kailong didn't pay attention at all. It swam more than ten kilometers in one breath and soon came to the canyon that the old hunter fish said.

Looking at the bottomless trench below, Kuailong plunged into it.

I don’t know how long I swam. It was so long that even the last trace of light was swallowed up by the darkness.

With the idea of ​​"must catch the biggest fish and give it to Naoki", Kuailong fearlessly rushed into the darkness.

 It mobilizes the electrical energy in the body and uses electric light to illuminate the surrounding environment.

Soon, Kuailong arrived at the end of the trench, but still did not see the huge Pokémon that Hunter Spot Fish was talking about.

Kuailong was confused.

 It stopped and turned around to look around.

At this moment, it suddenly saw a huge hole in the canyon not far away.

Seeing this scene, Kuailong's eyes lit up instantly.

That must be the home of that big fish Pokémon!

So, it rushed straight in and kept moving along the cave. After passing through the caves extending in all directions, wisps of faint light suddenly appeared above.

Kailong swam towards that place.

 The next second, it swam out of the water and came to a wide underwater cave.

Kailong looked around. When it saw the surrounding scene clearly, the whole dragon was stunned for an instant.

There is a blue lake inside the cave.

Beams of light coming from nowhere shone in from the top of the cave, reflecting the sparkling blue lake surface like a dream.

 On the surface of the lake, a mysterious Pokémon that was huge and resembled a whale was sleeping quietly in it.

Its body is dark blue, the color is like the blue sea, revealing a majestic and boundless atmosphere.

It has two huge pectoral fins, with four white square structures on the tips of each fin, and its body is covered with mysterious and ancient red lines.

 “Ouch…” (What a big fish…)

Kuailong murmured.

The body of this fish Pokémon is far larger than that of the tuna, and Naoki likes it at first sight!

Kuailong's heart was ready to move.

But at this moment, this sleeping Pokémon, which had its eyes closed, suddenly opened its eyes as if it felt something.

An ancient breath as majestic as the sea surged toward the surroundings.

 The golden and intimidating pupils locked onto the intruder Kuailong.

 Perceive the aura. Kuailong's face changed slightly and his body froze. He immediately realized that this was a powerful Pokémon!

 The next second, an ancient and thick voice sounded from its heart:

“Intruder, why are you here?”


 Padia region, Ziqin Town, Zhishu Pasture.

 Zhishu looked worriedly at the direction where Kuailong was flying away.

 It’s been two days.

 Two days have passed since Kuailong left, and Kuailong has not returned yet...

 The Pokémon Pokédex says that it only takes sixteen hours for Dragonite to circle the earth, and now forty-eight hours have passed.

 This time is enough for Kuailong to circle the planet three times.

 But Kuailong still didn’t come back. Based on Naoki's understanding of Kuailusu, his own Kuailusu is obviously not the kind of Pokémon that would run away from home and never come back out of anger.

 And now…

Zhi Shu couldn’t help but wonder: Could it be that something had delayed him?

 Are you still in danger? Evil organizations like Pokémon Hunters, Team Rocket, and Team Galaxy.

Zhi Shu couldn’t sit still, and he was no longer interested in the upcoming trip to Beishang Township.

 In this case, even if he wanted to find Kuailong, there was nothing he could do.

 Because the world is so big, he has no idea where Kuailong has gone or where he is now.

Zhi Shu was worried and restless, and he began to reflect on whether he had done anything wrong.

He went to the town specifically to look for Ms. Joy and asked her what to do if the Pokémon got angry and ran away from home.

When Miss Joy from Zhiqin Town heard this, she couldn't help but ask: "Has any Pokémon in the pasture run away from home?"

 Zhi Shu nodded: "'s Kuailong."

He told Miss Joy in detail that Kuailong, who was working on the ranch that day, gave him some fish. Then he thought they were so cute that he couldn't help but reach out and touch their heads.

As a result, Kuailong saw this scene and directly used his move: divine speed, light speed and ran away from home.

"So that's it..." Miss Joy said with a look of surprise on her face: "If I guessed correctly, the dragon was probably jealous because he saw you touching other dragons, so he ran away from home."

Seeing Naoki’s worried look, Miss Joy explained softly:

“Pokémon, like humans, can lose their temper, because trainers are too kind to a certain Pokémon around them, which makes other Pokémon in the team jealous, and it often happens that they run away from home.”

 Naoki: “…”

He knows, but what should he do if he can't help it?

There are so many cute Pokémon in the world, and he wants to touch and hold every one of them.

"In this case, the trainer should pay more attention to the emotions of the Pokémon and try to distribute your love equally to each Pokémon." Miss Joy said.

It is for this reason that major leagues encourage trainers to carry as many as six Pokémon with them when traveling. If there are too many, one trainer simply cannot take care of them.

 This will cause Pokémon to lose their temper, and the team will be at odds with each other, which will affect the overall strength of the trainer.

 Hearing what Miss Joy said, Naoki didn't know how to react for a moment.

I always feel that trainers are like scumbags...

 But in all conscience, he really just likes Pokémon! He didn’t abandon Pokémon randomly like a scumbag! Playing with their emotions…

The innocent and kind-hearted migrant workers gave him surprise gifts and other things, and they acted like they were well-behaved and docile. A normal person wouldn't be able to bear it!

 Naoki looked like he was about to cry but had no tears.

Miss Joy couldn't help but consoled her: "Don't worry, Kuailong is a very well-behaved Pokémon. It will definitely come back to you, Mr. Naoki."

She has seen the Kuailong from Zhishu Ranch. The Kuailong is very cute and has a very docile and well-behaved temperament. It often flies around the town carrying a small red bag and delivers goods to everyone.

 Many people in the town like it very much!

 “Alas.” Naoki sighed silently.

Ms. Joy added: "Some trainers have encountered this kind of thing before."

“It was a girl. She met a Pogaman who was good at swimming on her way home. From then on, they started living together.”

“Later, the girl met several more Pokémon and took care of them like Bogaman. Bogaman became jealous and ran away from home angrily.”

"It swam across the entire sea from the Sinnoh region to the Galar region. Then with the help of a few kind trainers, Bogaman returned to the girl and set a world record for chickens. , won the championship in the inter-regional swimming competition!"

There were not many trainers at the Pokémon Center in the afternoon. Ms. Joy was chatting with Naoki leisurely.

  The TV in the Pokémon Center lobby is playing yesterday’s news on a loop.

Zhishu sighed again, thanked Miss Joy, and prepared to go back to the ranch to wait for Kuailong to come home.

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, a piece of news on TV suddenly attracted his attention.

“Zijin TV station is reporting to you that at four o’clock yesterday evening, an unprecedented tsunami occurred near the waters of Liuli City.”

“It is reported that it was caused by an unknown Pokémon. Now, let us interview the witnesses at the time.”

Hearing this voice, Zhi Shu stopped and turned his head to look over.

That news was broadcast yesterday.

 Yesterday...he didn't watch much TV because he was too worried about Kuailong.

 The female reporter on the TV is handing the microphone to a blond sister with a good figure in a swimsuit.

"It's so scary! Yesterday I was surfing with my hornfish in the sea, and the big wave suddenly appeared! I was startled, and when I looked carefully, I saw a super huge blue The Pokémon is fighting a dragon!"

Then the camera moves and the microphone is handed to the second witness.

That was a young man wearing a swimsuit and holding a surfboard.

"It's true! I saw it too! That huge mysterious Pokémon was fighting that Dragonite! I thought there was a trainer catching the Pokémon! It turned out that it was a wild Dragonite ! It’s really strange, there is obviously no Pokémon like Kuailau inhabiting the Hoenn region.”

 The third person interviewed was a beachgoer wearing a floral shirt and hat, with a camera hanging around his neck.

 He contributed to reporters the precious photos he took at the risk of his life yesterday.

In the photo, a blue Pokémon with an ancient aura rode on a huge wave and rushed towards a dragon.

“Well, that’s what it looks like! It’s a pity that the distance was too far and I couldn’t find a better shooting angle!”

"The battle ended quickly. I saw the dragon was defeated by the blue Pokémon and fell into the sea. Then the huge waves disappeared, the rain stopped, and the blue Pokémon Kamuo is also missing!"

Naoki: “???”

Looking at the familiar figure in the photo on the TV screen, Naoki was completely confused.

Ms. Joy on the side also opened her eyes in disbelief, pointed at the screen and murmured:

 “Is that... Kuailong?”

  Naoki was silent.

 Because he recognized at a glance that the fast dragon fighting Kyogre was his own fast dragon.

 So...what is going on? How did Kuailong provoke Kyogre?

But then, Naoki remembered what the tourist had just said about Kuailong being knocked down and falling into the sea.

 Zhi Shu’s heart tightened.

Those interviewed did not know Kyogre, but he knew it very well!

 Kyogkar, the embodiment of the sea, the creator of the original sea.

Even if the current Kuailong is blessed by Storm Buns, it is impossible for him to be Kyogre's opponent!

The image of Kuailong being beaten by Kyogre and falling into the sea on the verge of death made Naoki feel bad all over his mind.

No, he wants to take Gulledon and King Lei Guan to the Hoenn area!

 When necessary, he has to ask his good neighbor to come out!

 (End of this chapter)

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