Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 320: Hell Valley Lava Bug Ghost (4000)

Chapter 320 Hell Valley Lava Insect Ghost (4000)

"This is the public hall. Let's rest here tonight!" Xuezi led Zhi Shu to a double-story building and introduced to him: "Tomorrow, the mayor will come to show you around Beishang Township. of rice fields and apple orchards.”

"Okay." After running around for a day, Zhi Shu was indeed a little tired.

Yukiko opened the door of the public hall and Naoki walked in. After showing his identity plate to the staff at the front desk, he heard the man say:

“Welcome to Beishang Township. Your room is on the second floor. If you want to eat, you can go to the restaurant on the right. The mayor has prepared a reception dinner for you.”

Zhi Shu nodded, then went upstairs to put his luggage in the room, then returned to the lobby, and was led by Yukiko to the restaurant of the public hall.

 A bald old man wearing a kimono, glasses, and a white beard was already waiting there.

Seeing Naoki coming, he immediately walked forward and stretched out his hand with a smile:

"Oh, you are Mr. Naoki who came from the Padiya area for agricultural exchanges, right? I am the mayor of Beishang Township and the mayor of this town. I am very happy that you can come here!"

"Hello, Mr. Mayor." Naoki extended his hand, and after briefly introducing himself, the group sat at the dining table.

Beishang Township prepared apple pie, apple candy, sticky cakes, mushroom soup, sushi and other dishes for him for dinner.

 Although not very rich, the types of these foods are full of local characteristics.

At the dinner table, the township head introduced him to the itinerary of this agricultural exchange:

“Tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to visit the rice fields in Beishang Township. By the way, there is no rice in the Padia area, right?”

Zhi Shu thought for a while, shook his head and said: "The main crops grown in the Padia area are wheat and corn. Rice is not seen much, at least not near Ziqin Town. It is not very clear in other places."

“So that’s it!” the township head smiled and nodded: “Last year’s grain output in Zhiqin Town reached a very exaggerated level! It was even published in the World Agriculture News!”

Zhi Shu smiled slightly: "The weather in Ziqin Town was smooth throughout last year. Both the climate and temperature were very suitable for crop growth, and the people there also believe in the great King of Fertility."

“King of Harvest?” The township chief was very surprised, with a curious expression on his face.

Zhi Shu nodded: "That is a legendary Pokémon that can fertilize the soil and have a bumper harvest. It is said that farmers who believe in it will have good weather and bumper harvests throughout the coming year."

“For this reason, the local people affectionately call Him the King of Plenty, build a shrine for Him, and hold festivals to thank Him every year.”

 “Such a thing could happen...” The mayor was shocked.

Zhi Shu nodded slightly: "Perhaps King Lei Guan saw the people who worked **** the land and lived hard, and was moved by them, so he brought abundance to everyone."

 “King Lei Guan?” The mayor was stunned for a moment.

"It is the name of the King of Plenty." Zhishu said.

"King Leiguan...the legendary King of Fertility..." the township chief murmured to himself, remembering the name in his mind: "But having said that, there are also Pokémon legends circulating here in Beishang Township!"

Is it also a legendary Pokémon? Naoki thought of what he had seen in the travel guide before, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "The legend of ghosts?"

 “Huh? You know that too?” The township head was very surprised.

 Zhi Shu: “I read the travel guide to Beishang Township on the way here.”

The township chief suddenly said: "That's it!"

A happy smile appeared on his face: "That's true. Beishang Township has also built a statue for the three companion Pokémon that died protecting the town. Many trainers and tourists have been attracted by this legend. Attracted!"

“Because of them, our remote rural town, which originally relied on farming to make a living, has caught up with the times and become more and more prosperous.”

 Naoki nodded thoughtfully.

  Relying on the name of legendary Pokémon to attract tourists and develop tourism?

“The Baoban Statue is in Baoban Square in the northwest of the town. You can also go there for a stroll after tomorrow’s work is over.” said the township head.

 Zhi Shu did have this plan: "Okay."

“That’s it.” A kind smile appeared on the mayor’s face: “Let’s take a good rest at the public hall tonight! If you can’t sleep, you can also take a walk around the town.”

 At the end of dinner time, the mayor left the public hall and went home.

 Zhi Shu, who had eaten and drank enough, also returned to the room and began to sleep.

 Early the next morning, Zhi Shu got up early. After breakfast, he met the township head and others and went to the rice fields outside the town to observe farmers planting rice.

Several Ubo and lobster soldiers working in the fields stood on the ridges of the fields and observed the situation here.

Zhi Shu watched for a while, and then brought Gu Ledun to join in, experiencing the local rice transplanting work.

 “How is it? Are you still used to it?” the township head asked.

Zhi Shu nodded, this job was quite easy for him: "It's a pity that Zhiqin Town is not suitable for planting rice."

 The farms and pastures in Zhiqin Town are mostly based on animal husbandry, and most of the crops grown throughout the year are wheat and corn.

If you want to switch to rice cultivation, you have to build a special rice field, which is too troublesome.

"Yes!" The township head also knew something about the situation in Zhiqin Town: "But every place has crops suitable for planting. Rice can be regarded as a specialty of our Beishang Township, right?"

“Oh, by the way, we also have a special delicacy in Beishang Township, which is the sticky cake made from these rice. You can try it later!”


 Zhi Shu tasted this specialty of Beishang Township at noon.

He originally planned to go back to the public hall for dinner, but as soon as he left the rice field, he was dragged to her home by an enthusiastic aunt, who invited him to have lunch here and taste the sticky cake she made.

Zhishu was confused, thinking, are the people here so enthusiastic?

However, he soon knew why.

 Because the land he farmed with Guledun today belongs to this aunt!

 “Let’s eat here!” The aunt asked Naoki to come into the house, and then went to the kitchen to work.

Seeing this, Zhi Shu did not refuse, thinking that the people in Beishang Township were quite simple and kind-hearted.

 He came to the yard and released all the Pokémon.

 The aunt lives alone all year round. Her husband died young and her son also went to settle in other areas. Except for the New Year and holidays, he rarely comes back at other times.

 So except for the aunt, there is no one else in the family.

Zhi Shu couldn’t help feeling a little, even in the Pokémon world, there are still problems of left-behind children and left-behind elderly people!

 The yard was kept very neat and tidy, and there was a Magikarp fountain in the corner.

Kuailiong and Motorized Lizard were very curious about the stone statue of Carp King, so they all came closer to watch.

Hide in the shadow under the eaves with fluttering wings, quietly observing the surrounding situation.

 Guluton and Naoki stood on the floor tiles, looking at several Pokémon.

And Babu Tubo looked around with a curious expression.

  Suddenly, Zhi Shu heard Babu Woodchuck let out a cry of surprise.

 He ​​looked up and saw Babu Tubo flying to the window, looking excitedly at the scene inside the window.

The aunt who was cooking saw Babu Woodchuck and opened the window with a smile: "Are you hungry? But lunch will have to wait for a while, so let's eat some biscuits I made to cushion the meal!"

 “Bamo...Bamo!” The Babu woodchuck stretched out his paws to take the biscuit, screamed twice happily, then turned his head and flew to Zhishu’s side, motioning him to look over there. "What's going on?" Although Zhi Shu was a little surprised, he still got up and went to check with Babu Tubo.

 Soon, he understood what Babu Tubo was thinking.

 Because there is a lava bug in the kitchen!

The lava worm is hiding under the stove, using its own body temperature to help the aunt cook food!

“Bamo!” Babu was very happy. He had wanted to make friends with the lava bug for a long time!

The aunt also discovered Babu’s intention. She looked at the lava worm, then at Babu, and said with a smile:

“So you saw lava bugs?”

Zhi Shu was also very surprised: "Auntie, can lava bugs be caught here in Beishang Township?"

 “Yes!” The aunt smiled, just as the food in the pot had been cooked, making a slurping sound.

 While putting food and sticky cakes into the tableware, she said: "You can encounter lava worms on the ghost mountain behind the town. They live in a place called Hell Valley."

"Hell Valley?" Zhi Shu stepped forward to help the aunt put the food on the table.

The aunt nodded and said: "Yes, the ground in that place will emit terrible volcanic gas, causing the temperature nearby to be very hot, like hell, so the locals call it Hell Valley."

“Although the name is scary, Hell Valley has actually been a very famous training place since ancient times! Many trainers and travelers will go there specifically to practice.”

"That's right..." Naoki nodded. If it was such an environment, there must be a large number of fire-type Pokémon living in that place.

Decided! He will go over and take a look in the afternoon!

“Lunch is ready! It’s time to eat!” The aunt greeted outside.

 Three minutes later, Guluton and other Pokémon all ran over and gathered around the dining table to start enjoying lunch.

The lava worm also ran out, and the aunt fed it a tree fruit, which the lava worm happily ate.

"I also met this lava bug on Ghost Mountain. It fell from Hell Valley and was injured on the mountain path. I fed it a tree fruit. From then on, it started to stay with me. Live together.”

 “That’s great.” Naoki said softly.

"That's right!" The aunt suddenly remembered something, and her face suddenly became serious: "If you want to go to Ghost Mountain, don't wander around there!"

Zhi Shu was slightly startled: "What do you mean?"

Aunt: "Because it is said that the ghost driven away by the three companion Pokémon is still wandering there. Once you encounter it, your life will be taken away by the ghost!"


If he guessed correctly, this ghost should be referring to a certain Pokémon, right?

 Could it be some kind of ghost-type legendary Pokémon?

 Hearing these words, Naoki hesitated slightly.

He turned his head and looked at the Pokémon around him. As long as they were around, even if the ghost was a legendary Pokémon, there wouldn't be any danger, right?

The aunt murmured: "You must pay attention to the shadows approaching at dusk outside the village.

Put the mask on your head quickly, covering your face and not showing it.

 It doesn’t matter whether the shadow is a person or a ghost. You can pass by covering your face and nodding your head.

If you come without a mask, I hope the shadow is human.

If the shadow is your life, don't forget to wear a mask again.

If the shadow is dead as a ghost, it will lead to tragedy if the true appearance is glimpsed.

  Once a ghost takes away your soul, you will never return to the village again. "

"This is a song that has been circulated in the village since ancient times. It is said that someone once encountered a ghost on the ghost mountain and never returned to the village." The aunt said seriously.

 Naoki nodded thoughtfully.

 He found that people in the village seemed to be afraid of the ghost.

 Is it because that ghost killed three companion Pokémon?

 After lunch, Naoki said goodbye to his aunt.

 There was not much else to do in the afternoon, so he could wander around the town as he pleased.

Hence, Naoki immediately rode Gulton to Ghost Mountain, preparing to go to the place called Hell Valley to see if he could encounter lava worms.

Because he once watched the animated short film "Warm Lava Bug House", Babu Woodchuck liked the lava bugs that made a "puff, puff, puff" sound.

 After hearing Naoki say that you can encounter lava bugs in this place, it didn’t even want to go back to the Poké Ball.

 Instead, he stayed outside and went into the mountains with Naoki to look for lava worms, make friends with them, and invite them to play in the pasture.

 The scope of Ghost Mountain is huge, and there is no specific map, so Naoki doesn’t know the specific location of Hell Valley.

In order to facilitate the search, he directly rode Guluton to a high altitude, overlooking the entire ghost mountain from top to bottom.

Babu Woodchuck also flew up, looking around curiously.

Before coming here, his aunt told him that Hell Valley is halfway up the mountain to the west of Ghost Mountain.

 However, Zhi Shu searched for a long time but could not find the specific location.

In desperation, he could only let Guluton randomly land on the ghost mountain, and prepare to determine the location of Hell Valley based on the types of Pokémon living nearby and the surrounding temperature.

 Looking around, most of the people living in this area are bronze mirror monsters and pot monsters.

 Pencaiguai is very timid. After seeing them, he immediately turned around and ran away in a panic.

The Bronze Mirror Monsters are much more courageous. They float in the air and make a tinkling sound, not paying any attention to the sudden visit of Guledun and Babu.

"Without fire-type Pokémon, the temperature nearby is no different from that at the bottom of the mountain..." After thinking for a while, Zhishu lifted up and saw a waterfall falling from above, so he said to Guluton: "Go and take a look at the waterfall."

 “Ah gah!”

Huluton responded, his strong legs suddenly exerted force, and then he fell steadily to the cliff.

 There are no traces of wild Pokémon here.

Looking at the empty and quiet environment around him, Zhi Shu felt a little confused.

At this moment, Babu Tubo, who was floating in the air, seemed to have suddenly discovered something, and he let out a confused cry: "Bamo?"

"What's wrong?" Zhi Shu turned his head and followed Babu's gaze, and saw a green figure peering over at the corner of the cliff.

As if realizing that he had been discovered, the man turned around and ran, quickly disappearing into the cliff.

Zhi Shu was slightly startled. Are those... townspeople living nearby?

 (End of this chapter)

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