Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 334: five giant spirits

Chapter 334 Five Giant Spirits

weird stuff?

Zhi Shu stood up and followed the gopher into the salt house, followed the underground stairs all the way down, and finally came to the underground cave where the salt stone barrier lived.

 “Tick tock! Tick tock!”

At this time, the Salt Rock Barriers were all playing on the ground. There was nothing in the cave and it seemed extremely quiet. It was so quiet that the sound of water drops could be clearly heard.

 Zhi Shu walked through the cave and came to a rock wall under the leadership of the three gophers.

 He suddenly discovered that the color of an area on the rock wall was so incompatible with the surrounding area.

“Zhizhizhizhi!” The three gophers shook their heads, indicating that what they found was the strange stone.

Zhi Shu looked closely and saw traces of something chewing on the stone. In order to see it more clearly, he asked the three gophers to help dig out the stone.

The three gophers agreed with a squeak.

The Salt Stone Barriers who finally discovered the truth got "angry" and chased each other in the cave for a while. When they were tired of playing, they huddled together and fell asleep. No one cared about the rocks they had just eaten.

Zhi Shu knelt down and observed carefully. Suddenly, he felt that the stone seemed very familiar.

However, Naoki's next words made them panic again.

  Naoki sighed helplessly, "Okay, I'm not angry, it's not a big deal."

At that time, a salt rock guard discovered this stone.

 The salt stone barriers are in a panic, they are going to evolve into salt stone giants to protect Zhi Shu and the Frost Milk Fairy!

They all made an agreement with Naoki. After evolving into the salt giant, they would let Naoki sit on them and carry Naoki on their shoulders to play on the grass.

After a while, with a roaring sound, the soil around the stone was dug up by three gophers.

When King Lei Guan translated the truth to Naoki, Naoki couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Generally speaking, this kind of immutable stone veins discovered in the wild will be mined by dedicated personnel, and transported to factories to be polished into round, small, and easy-to-carry immutable stones.

 The Salt Stone Barriers were stunned for a moment, then suddenly became happy.

Immediately afterwards, the third, fourth, fifth, and all the salt and stone barriers were deceived into taking a bite.

“If you just eat this stone, you won’t be able to evolve into a salt djinn.”

 “Barrier?!” the Salt and Stone Barriers asked in shock.

These Immutable Stones will be sent to major towns and sold to Pokémon and trainers who need the Immutable Stones.


His salt stone barrier couldn't have been chewed on, right? !

Zhi Shu quickly found the salt stone barriers, took them back underground, pointed at the stones and asked, "Have you ever eaten this?"

Zhishu turned around and introduced the stone to them:

“This is the Stone of Immutability. It has the effect of preventing Pokémon from evolving. As long as a Pokémon carries it, it can no longer evolve upwards.”

   Now he knows the reason why the Salt Stone Barrier did not evolve into the Salt Stone Giant Spirit!

"You guys! Tell me, who was the first to discover this stone?" Naoki asked with a straight face, pretending to be angry.

Then a second stone-gnawing salt stone appeared.

Looking at the gnawed marks on this immutable stone, an incredible idea suddenly came to Naoki's mind.

The Salt Stone Barriers looked around the Immutable Stone, and then nodded happily: "Fortress~"

 The color and texture are a bit like the immutable stone that Baby Bear picked up and gave to him...

 Then, the three underground rats began to move and burrowed into the rock wall.

 “Bait?” A salt stone block asked in a trembling voice.

 Then, Naoki saw it use a burrow to sneak into the soil, making a small bulge in the ground.

 The big stone in front of you is obviously a vein of original immutable stone that has not been polished yet!

 Not sure, check again.

Several salt stoners saw Naoki getting angry, and became flustered for a moment. They were all at a loss, with their heads hanging down, like a row of children who had made mistakes.

  Seeing this scene, the other Salt Stone Barriers gathered around to watch and asked if it was delicious.

The Salt Stone Barriers looked at the stone in panic, then at each other, and finally turned their attention to Naoki, who knew everything.

 “Little bad guy!” Naoki poked his head with his hand.

The salt stone that tricked its companions into eating unpalatable stones said in a weak voice: "Lei..." It was its fault.

It banged a small piece off with its head and then ate it, only to find that it tasted terrible.

 That’s right! They gnawed it when they had nothing to do, but the stone was not delicious at all. They only took one bite and then stopped eating!

 Without support, the stone fell to the ground with a clang.

Zhishu returned to the living room, took out an immutable stone and compared it with the big stone.

 Soon, he got the result.

The first salt stone that gnawed on the stone was malicious and deceived them, saying it was delicious.

Yan Shilei's eyes were wandering around, not knowing where to look.

 As for the current situation...does it mean that they will no longer be able to evolve?

Although there was no translation from King Lei Guan, Naoki still understood its meaning.

 It’s asking: Can they still evolve?

Zhi Shu thought about it carefully. Salt Djinni is a rock-type Pokémon.

This Pokémon has a very special physique. Although they usually like to eat pickled meat, they occasionally eat stones and ores.

Like most Pokémon that eat stones and ores, their bodies can perfectly digest these stones and metal ores and break them down into energy and nutrients for use throughout the body.

 I just don’t know if the Immutable Stone is within this category...

 But looking at the appearance of the Salt Stone Barriers, it is obvious that the Unchangeable Stone in their bodies has not been digested, otherwise they would have evolved into Salt Stone Giants.

However, Naoki didn’t know that this kind of knowledge involved his knowledge blind spot.

After some thought, Naoki decided to take the Salt Barriers to the Pokémon Center to check their health.

  He remembered that there were machines there, similar to X-rays, that could see through Pokémon's bodies.

 Zhi Shu went back to the house to find the Poke Balls of the Salt Rock Barriers, and then took them in.

He spoke to Keri, and then handed over everything in the ranch to the caretaker. After explaining everything, Naoki called the nearest motorcycle lizard and rode it to Ziqin Town.

At this time, there were no other guests in the Pokémon Center except for a few trainers who stayed here overnight yesterday.

 When Naoki arrived, Miss Joy was fishing behind the counter.

 She was very surprised when she saw Naoki: "Mr. Naoki, why are you here? Are the Pokémon in the pasture sick again?"

Zhi Shu nodded and said the reason for his visit: "My salt stone barrier accidentally ate the Immutable Stone, causing them to be unable to evolve. I want to come over and check them."

"Understood!" Miss Joy didn't say much. She brought Zhi Shu to the examination room, and then asked Zhi Shu to release the salt barriers one by one and examine them with X-rays.

Following the scanning of the machine, Naoki quickly saw on the screen that there was an indigestible black shadow remaining in Yanshi Lei's body.

Miss Joy: "That should be the Stone of Immutability. The properties of this ore are very special. Even rock-type Pokémon cannot digest it."

“Some Pokémon trainers even take the initiative to let the Pokémon swallow the Immutable Stone in order to prevent it from affecting the Pokémon’s battles.”

Speaking of this, Ms. Joy looked helpless: "I have met several trainers like this before. The Pokémon that ate the Stone of Immutability had stomachaches, and in the end they had to use vomiting treatment to make them vomit the stone. come out."

Naoki: "..." Are these trainers too lazy?

 Then, Miss Joy inspected the other four Salt Rock Barriers.

As expected, it was discovered that every salt stone barrier has an immutable stone of different sizes in its body.

“In this case, the only treatment available is inducing vomiting,” said Miss Joy.

 The Salt Stone Barriers immediately became happy when they heard that the stones they had eaten could still be taken out.

Seeing this scene, Naoki was very helpless: "Don't eat randomly again in the future!"

 “Fortification!” The Salt and Stone Barriers nodded in unison.

Zhi Shu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Miss Joy: "Then I'll leave it to you, Miss Joy."

Ms. Joy smiled slightly: "It is the responsibility of every Joy to provide treatment for Pokémon. Mr. Naoki, please wait outside for a moment."

Zhishu nodded and told the five Salt Stone Barriers to listen to Miss Joy, and then took the Motorized Lizard to the hall to wait.

 After a while, Miss Joy came over from the treatment room with five pale salt stones.

Her Pokémon assistant was holding a tray with the Immutable Stone that the Salt and Stone Barriers had accidentally eaten. “Okay, it’s okay.” Miss Joy pursed her lips and smiled.

Zoki paid the consultation fee, took out the elf ball and asked the Salt Rock Barriers to go back to rest: "Sorry to trouble you, Miss Joy."

Miss Joy wrapped the Immutable Stone in a tissue and handed it to Naoki.

This is not a useless thing. The price of the Immutable Stone on the market is 3,000 alliance coins!

Zhi Shu reached out and took it, deciding to frame it after going back and commemorate it as the dark history of the salt stone barrier.

 Then, he said goodbye to Miss Joy and rode the Motorized Lizard back to the ranch.

The Frost Milk Fairy was relieved to see them return safely. It ran back and forth among the Salt Barriers, worryingly observing the condition of each Salt Barrier.

 It wasn’t until she saw that all the salt stone barriers were intact that the Frost Milk Fairy breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Naoki couldn't help but smile and asked: "What are you doing? Are you afraid that Salt and Stone Barrier and the others will be bullied by bad guys?"

 “Mama!” The Frost Milk Fairy put her hands on her hips, indicating that she is now very powerful and will drive away all the bad guys and protect the Salt Stone Barrier.

It also used its finger-waving skill yesterday to perform a move that looked super powerful!

 Zhi Shu smiled.

 The Salt Barriers were also very happy.

At this moment, a rich white light suddenly lit up on their bodies.

 In the white light, the bodies of the Salt Barriers began to change rapidly.

They slowly stood up from their four-legged state, and eventually turned into five giant Pokémon that were tall and as powerful as door gods.

 Their bodies are extremely pure, and a faint salty fragrance emanates from their bodies.

 The warm golden sun shines on the bodies of the salt stone giants, making them look so sacred and pure.

 After a brief moment of surprise, Naoki quickly came to his senses.

He smiled and said to the five salt giants in front of him: "Congratulations." It seems that the salt giants have already met the conditions for evolution!


 The salt stone giants made a series of calls. Their sounds sounded a bit similar to the collision of rocks. They were heavy and full of texture, and were filled with strong emotions of joy.

One of the salt stone giants walked forward with heavy and powerful steps. It squatted down slightly, stretched out its arms, and invited Naoki.

Zhi Shu rarely felt a little embarrassed.

The evolved Salt Stone Giant is obviously over two and a half meters tall. Although it is much taller than him, it is quite embarrassing for a 1.8 meter tall man to sit on it.

However, the Salt Stone Giant didn't think so much.

Seeing that Zhi Shu couldn't come up, it scratched its head in confusion, then stretched out its other arm, picked up Zhi Shu like a chicken, and put it on its shoulder.

 Naoki: “…”

 “Boom~” The salt stone giant roared happily.

When the Pokémon around him saw this scene, they gathered around him one after another.

Zhi Shu turned around and saw that the Frost Milk Fairy had climbed onto a salt stone giant and stood on top of it, like a captain commanding a warship giving orders for the entire army to attack.


Frost Milk Fairy waved her fingers full of fighting spirit.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light blade condensed and formed from its hand, and then flew forward.

 Indistinctly, the space around the purple light blade was torn apart by the powerful power.


With a loud noise, the light blade made a big hole in the ground.

 “Mama!” Frost Milk Fairy immediately became panicked.

  Naoki: "..." You don't use the Akon Splitting Slash like this!

Zhi Shu took a look and found that the green onion duck had not come over. It was still practicing its moves **** the wooden pile dummy.

 Fortunately, Green Onion Duck didn't see this move of Akon Split, otherwise he wouldn't know how to explain it.

 After the fun, Naoki jumped off the salt stone djinn, ready to check on Keli's progress.

However, other salt stone giants came around again, and they also wanted Zhi Shu to sit on them.


Zhi Shu had no choice but to ride over one by one.

 At last, every salt djinn was happy.

"Okay, let's play! I still have things to do." Naoki said.

Five tall salt stone giants stand in the pasture, as majestic as the door gods here.

 At noon, the renovation work on the heating pipes in the house has come to an end.

 When Naoki entered the house, Keri was working on the last work—remodeling the kitchen.

They hollowed out a cupboard, built it into a stove, and connected it to the heating pipes.

 “Okay, it’s done!” Kelly stood up and patted the dust on her hands.

Zhi Shu walked forward and looked around, and sure enough he found that there were heating pipes installed everywhere in the house.

That pipe connects all parts of the house, starting from the fireplace in the living room, to the kitchen, to the bedrooms, and to every room on the second floor, including almost all areas.

 It is almost exactly the same as the one in the cartoon called "Warm Lava Bug House".

Keli asked with a smile: "Are you satisfied?"

Zhi Shu nodded with satisfaction. In this case, the lava bugs can move around the house in the future.

"I didn't dismantle the stove over there, because if I dismantle it, if the lava bugs get sick later, you won't be able to cook."

Keri pointed to the stove below and said: "I have installed special heat-conducting material here, which can transfer the temperature of the lava worms to the top very well. As long as the lava worms are below, you can start cooking with confidence. "

“What if summer comes?” Naoki asked.

In summer, if the lava worms are still heating, they will be heated to death...

Kelly smiled and replied: "The material of the heating pipe can insulate the temperature very well. In summer, you can close the heating vent so that the heating cannot be transmitted to the room and the temperature will not rise."

 “That’s good.” Naoki breathed a sigh of relief.

 Keli: "Then if nothing happens, I will go back?"

 “Okay, thank you for your hard work!” Zhi Shu responded, paid the project fee to Keri, and then sent them away from the ranch.

When he returned to the house, he found that the lava worms that had been in the fireplace had begun to explore around the pipes without any instructions.

The lava worm crawled with a novel look on its face. Its movements were slow, and its lava-like body emitted the light of flames. The light and warmth spread to all parts of the room through the heating vent.

 Soon, the home became warm.

Naoki crossed his arms and looked at this scene with a smile.

 He watched the lava worms climb up to the second floor, into his bedroom, and back to the fireplace, getting familiar with each place.

When it climbed to the kitchen, Naoki squatted down, slapped the stove and called to the lava worm: "Lava worm, come over here!"


 Hearing the sound, the lava worm turned a corner and crawled over slowly.

Zhishu fed two berries to the lava worms and said with a smile: "Eat, eat! Let's live here in peace from now on!"


  The lava worm happily ate the tree fruit, and then, it made a "thumping" sound from its body.

 A puff of white smoke suddenly came out through the chimney of the house.

 The Babu woodpatch outside the house heard the sound and saw the white smoke, and knew that the lava worm was very happy now.

It immediately flew back to the living room, came to Zhishu's side, took out his treasured tree fruits and poffins, and handed them to the lava bug in front of him.


 The lava worm slowly began to eat.

 Seeing this scene, Babu Tubo was extremely happy.

Now they also have their own home for warm lava bugs!

 (End of this chapter)

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