Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 377: Disaster Pokémon Reversal Plan

Chapter 377: Disaster Pokémon Reversal Plan

 Naoki: “…”

 What a historical research!

Zhi Shu’s eyes turned to the bag of gold coins.

 The ancient gold coins are golden and exude the aroma of money.

 Have you studied to the point of taking away other people’s burial objects, right?

  Seemingly noticing his eyes, Lei He smiled slightly and said:

“In professional terms, what I do should be called archeology. To be honest, I am very interested in the things that have been passed down in the legends of the past.”

“And the reason why I took these ancient gold coins was to study the monetary system of the ancient Kingdom of Padia thousands of years ago. You know, I am a history teacher.”

Zhi Shu couldn’t complain. Although there was nothing wrong with what he said, it still sounded weird.

“…Then what are you doing now?” he asked.

Lei He spread his hands and said matter-of-factly: "I have finished researching and these gold coins have no meaning to me anymore, so I plan to give them to those in need."

 “Such as you.” Lei He smiled.

 Naoki: “…”

“How many gold coins are there in total?” Naoki asked.

Lei He understood. She thought for a moment and murmured: "So you plan to try..."

 She had heard of Pokémon like Suo Cai Ling before.

 “Saifuhao?” Leihe was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise: “Are you talking about the legendary Pokémon that evolved from the Wealth Spirit?”

Time passed minute by minute, and about three minutes passed before Naoki got the specific number of these gold coins.

Lei He smiled slightly and continued: "Besides, what I said on the forum before was not lying to you."

  142 pieces in total.

If Principal Clavell hadn't been watching her, she might have run out to solve the legendary mystery by any means necessary.

The prototype of the tag on Leihe's chest is very similar to the legendary Pokémon Freeze, and the headdress she wears is very similar to the messenger of the Phoenix King, Machado.

 Including the 31 pieces in Suo Cai Ling's treasure chest, there are 173 pieces in total.

As a history teacher, coupled with her own interest in ancient legends and history, Leihe understands these things very well.

 “No problem.” Naoki readily agreed. Now he somewhat believed that Reiha was not robbing the tomb for money.

 He nodded, turned his attention to Lei He's outfit, and then discovered something particularly interesting.

“Although I am now semi-retired, my legend is still spread among the tomb robbing community!”

Fine! Naoki didn't ask any more questions, after all, he really needed these gold coins.

 Is God in a state of semi-retirement? So Lei He still occasionally goes out to rob a tomb, right?

Zhi Shu couldn't help but curse in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

 “Come on! Let’s count them together!” Lei He poured the gold coins in her bag onto the table.

Naoki asked back: "Have you ever heard of a Pokémon named Saifuhao?"

 “It’s still not enough!” Naoki couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.

“Now do you believe that I did not rob the tomb for money?” Reiha understood Naoki’s thoughts and asked with a smile.

 Leihe calculated it with the calculator she carried with her.

Leihe thought for a while, and a smile appeared on her face:

"According to the price in the antiquities market, the price of an ancient gold coin is 50,000 alliance coins. However, since you buy so many at one time, I can give you a discount! But only if you tell me that you want to use them. do what."

 I don’t know any other ways to obtain gold coins.

 Suddenly, a golden hill appeared in front of Naoki's eyes.

"Hmm." Lei He shook her head: "I'm not sure, because I didn't get these gold coins all at once. I brought them out from more than a dozen tombs and ruins."

 So he changed the topic and got down to business.

“A total of 142 alliance coins, the original price is 7.1 million, um... after discount, it is 4.97 million.”

 “That’s right.” Naoki nodded.

Zhi Shu hummed: "Someone told me that if you want Suo Cai Ling to evolve into a Saifuhao, you need to collect a certain amount of gold coins."

And the bracelet she wears on her hand obviously has elements of Kapu Mingming.

 Because if it was for money, she could have offered a higher price.

Naoki: "...How much do you plan to sell one for?"

It is said that it was born from the explorers' passion for treasure thousands of years ago.

His first reaction was that if Suo Cailing saw such a gold coin, he would be extremely happy, right?

 Then, the two began to count the ancient gold coins in front of them.

 “I believe it.” Naoki nodded.


 Zhi Shu came to his senses and nodded. He had already taken advantage of the situation and could no longer bargain.

And judging from Leihe’s background in the game, she is very interested in those historical legends. Although she is in school, she often wants to run out and rob tombs.

“Even in the entire tomb robbing world, I am very famous because I once reached the deepest part of the well-known underwater ruins in the Hezhong area in one breath!”

"I understand." Lei He said softly: "In that case, I will give you a 30% discount, just to verify the legend of Suo Cai Ling. So, if your Suo Cai Ling evolves, You must bring it to me for a look!”

"Okay, I don't have that much money with me. I'll transfer it to you when I go to the bank," he said.

Fortunately, before he came here, he sold the goat milk and crops in the warehouse, plus his family's savings, so he barely had that much.

 “Okay.” Lei He chuckled and nodded.

 The two left the coffee shop and went directly to the bank. Naoki transferred the money to Leihe.

 Leihe also handed him the bag of gold coins: "I'll give you the bag too."

Zhi Shu took a look and saw that it was just an ordinary mountaineering bag, so he didn’t care. “Thank you very much.”

Lehe yawned. She was reading those ancient books in the library of Padia College last night and saw them very late. Now she is a little sleepy.

“Okay, I’m going back to catch up on some sleep. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly on the forum.”

 “Okay.” Naoki looked down at the bag in his hand and couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

One gold coin is fifty thousand, and one thousand gold coins is fifty million. If he only relied on money to buy it, he would have to save hard for several years to earn enough.

 He is indeed a rich man from Saifu...

 But thinking about a rare Pokémon like Saifuhao, Naoki felt that all the efforts were worth it.

Especially after Suo Cai Ling evolves into Sai Fuhao, he can make his own gold coins. Then he can take some and slowly sell them to recoup his capital.

 Gold Rush, Sai Fuhao’s exclusive move.

  It's a bit similar to Meow Meow's Treasure Gathering Skill, both are moves that can make money.

 After saying goodbye to Lei He, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhi Shu and Gu Ledun hadn’t had lunch yet, so they simply bought two sandwiches on the roadside and returned directly to the ranch after eating.

Zhi Shu pushed open the wooden door of the Pokémon Tavern with a hiking bag on his back, then opened the zipper and turned the bag upside down. “Crash!”

 A pile of gold coins fell on the bar like rain.

Hearing the sound, Suo Cailing immediately poked his head out of the treasure box.

Suo Cailing was shocked when he saw that Zhi Shu had brought so many gold coins at once.

 A burst of ecstasy followed.

 “Dingle bell!”

 “Take it!” Naoki said with a smile.

Suo Cailing's inner excitement and surprise were mixed. It was so overwhelmed by these two emotions that it completely forgot about the fear in its heart and jumped out of the treasure box.

Suo Cailing, who transformed into a walking form, jumped onto Naoki's shoulders and kissed him **** the cheek.

 “Huh? Ah!”

Zhi Shu reacted quickly, and a smile appeared on his face. Suo Cailing was really happy!

 “Are you happy?” Naoki asked.

ˆ Suo Cailing: (^o^)

“Okay, okay, let’s put these gold coins into the treasure box together.”

With that said, Naoki carried the treasure box where Suo Cai Ling usually kept to the bar, then opened the treasure box and started to put the pile of gold coins inside.

Suo Cailing watched excitedly.

 When all the gold coins were put out, Suo Cailing jumped in with a plop, and all his body parts except his head got into the pile of gold coins.

The money-seeking spirit like this looks like he is swimming in the ocean of gold coins.

Zhi Shu stood aside and watched this scene, with a smile on his lips.

 “I’m a little tired, let’s go take a rest first, see you later!”

Suo Cailing turned to look at him and said happily: "Ding bell!"

Zhi Shu put the treasure chest of the treasure hunter back to its original place, then stood up and left the Pokémon tavern.

 He returned to the house and drank a glass of water, then went to the second floor and turned on the computer to check the status of the acquisition post.

Only one-tenth of the number of ancient gold coins collected has been completed. Zhi Shu plans to keep that post hanging. Maybe other tomb robbers who are short of money will see it and contact him in the future.

 After briefly browsing through the posts on the forum, Naoki opened the private chat interface again.

Looking at the private chat column of [Ancient Explorer] on the private chat interface, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

 Lei He, the Treasure of Disaster…

Zhi Shu still remembers the legend and origin of the four treasures of disaster.

It is said that in the distant days of the Padian Kingdom, a merchant brought four treasures from the east: a tripod, a sword, a slip, and a jade, and sold these four treasures to the king.

 However, that night, the four treasures suddenly turned into Pokémon and caused a great stir, eventually destroying the entire royal city.

 Later, the surviving king investigated the merchant and the four treasures.

 In the end, it was learned that the four treasures were not real treasures. Their true identities were Pokémon, but they had been traveling around various places for a long time and absorbed many desires and curses.

Just when it was handed over to the king, those desires reached a critical point, and due to the absorption of the king's desires, the power broke through the critical point, causing the four disaster Pokémon to resurrect and destroy everything.

The king finally invited a Pokémon trainer to suppress the four disaster Pokémon and sealed them into four ancestral halls. The four ancestral halls were located in four places in the Padia region.

It is said that only those who have no distracting thoughts in their hearts can break the seal and call out the four Pokémon.

 That is, the ancient tripod deer, the ancient jade fish, the ancient slip snail, and the ancient sword leopard.

 In the game, Leihe has been investigating this matter.

She consulted a large number of ancient books, historical disaster records, personal diaries... and finally determined the authenticity of this legend.

Tell the protagonist of the game the location of the shrine and how to unlock the seal, and ask him to help liberate the four Pokémon.

Zhi Shu had some ideas about those four Pokémon a long time ago, but because they would bring disaster to the pasture, he gave up.

Now, he used the water in Giratina's house to create a series of reverse dishes, which might be able to reverse the disaster-causing characteristics of those four Pokémon.

  Inverted into an auspicious animal that can bring auspiciousness and abundance.

 Let the ancient Snail, which absorbs the energy of grass and trees, instantly dry up the surrounding forests and cause the crops in the fields to fail, become a fertile Pokémon that provides energy to the grass and forests, causing the crops in the fields to harvest abundantly.

Let the Gudingdeer, which causes earthquakes and cracks the ground, become a farming Pokémon that is good at manipulating the energy of the earth, plowing the land, and making the fields suitable for growth.

  Let the ancient jade fish, which controls 3000-degree flames, melt rocks and gravel to create a lava sea, and swim leisurely in it, become a fire Pokémon that can make fire, cook, and bring warmth to the ranch Pokémon.

Let the Ancient Sword Leopard, which can cause avalanches and control ice and snow, become a guardian Pokémon that slays evil and protects the pasture.

If you want to conquer these four Pokémon, you need to have a good relationship with Leihe.

 Because only Leihe knows the specific locations of the four shrines and how to release the seals.

Those four treasures of disaster are treasures that Leihe dreams of, and her goal is to investigate them and take them for herself.


  Deliberately attacking someone in order to conquer these Pokémon is something Naoki really can't do.

And this feeling is too false, and he will feel guilty for deceiving the other person.

After some thought, Naoki gave up this plan.

 “Forget it, just let nature take its course!”

Thinking of this, Zhi Shu was about to turn off the computer and go downstairs to take a nap.

However, at this moment, his chat bar suddenly jumped.

Zhishu was slightly startled, and then clicked with the mouse to check.

 Then, he saw several messages from Leihe.

  [Inquirer of ancient times:! ! ]

[Ancient Explorer: I just went to the library to check the information and found the ancient notebook that recorded the legend of King Wing. Based on the description above, I found out that the one who is following you today is named Guluton. Pokémon have very similar characteristics in some places! ]

  [Inquirer of the Ancients: Where did you conquer it? ]

These three messages in a row made Zhi Shu a little confused.

He thought for a moment and replied: "It broke into my pasture. I helped it treat its injuries, and it has stayed in my pasture since then." ]

  [Ancient inquirer: ...what does it mean? ]

 Zhi Shu didn’t know if he could tell the research conducted by Dr. Olin and Dr. Futu.

After a moment of silence, he replied conservatively: [I'm sorry, this matter involves some private and confidential content, and I have no way to disclose it. ]


 Teacher's dormitory, Padilla College, Table City.

  In the dim room, Lei He frowned, her eyes widened, her mouth slightly opened, and she looked at the reply on the computer screen with a shocked expression.

King Wing: But what I can tell you is that Guluton is not a Pokémon of this era. It comes from the distant past just like you think. ]

“Not a Pokémon from this era?!” Reha murmured, “What on earth does this mean?”

That Gulledon traveled through time and space?

 Or have you been sleeping in some ancient ruins and only woke up in modern times?

Or, is it an ancient Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil?

 At this moment, Lei He had a lot on his mind.

 But what made her feel even more incredible was that the content recorded in this ancient note that had been left on the second-hand market was actually true!

 (End of this chapter)

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