Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 390: A lost country underground, mysterious fossils? It's a treasure

Chapter 390: The Lost Country Underground, Mysterious Fossils? Is it a Pokémon?

 The setting sun was setting, and on the deserted desert, Lei He was driving an off-road vehicle along, with dust rising all over the sky behind her.

 The dry and hot wind was blowing in the face with the yellow sand. Although it was already evening, the temperature had not completely dropped, and there was still a trace of heat in the air.

Nearly ten hours have passed since they entered the desert. During this period, they only stopped once to eat, and the rest of the time was spent on the road.

Along the way, Zhi Shu saw a scene in this place that was completely different from the outside world.

 The red sun on the horizon illuminated the entire desert red.

The Pokémon species that live here are mostly ground-type Pokémon, and the common bird Pokémon and grass-type Pokémon in the outside world are all missing.

The Dunjia family was walking aimlessly in the desert. The baby elephant, which had not yet grown up, was playfully running around beside its parents.

Dozens of sand hippos are crawling on the sand in groups. They are digging sand pits to hide in. Because the desert night will cool down, they plan to hide deep in the sand to sleep.

The tall boulders stood motionless on the desert, and several of them formed a natural arrangement in a circle.

If you don’t look carefully, people passing by may mistake them for desert ruins left by ancient civilizations.

“Zoroark, go explore the road ahead!” Leihe said.

Soon, an alluring fragrance wafted in the desert.

“It’s all developed slowly.” Naoki put the fried eggs and steak into the bread slices.

"found it!"

  Naoki was speechless: "I'm not here to be a professional chef for you."

 Naoki: “…”

  He released the lava worm, took out a pan from his backpack and placed it on the lava worm.

Naoki distributed several sandwiches to the Pokémon in front of him.

The picture on the screen seemed to be a radar map, and the radar on it was flashing, as if it was conducting exploration.

Lei He also took a bite and immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "Sure enough, I didn't find the wrong person this time!"

  Lehe took out a Poké Ball from her waist, and with a flash of white light, a muscular Zoroark appeared next to it.

 Leihe jumped out of the car and neatly took out a set of very professional detection equipment from his backpack.

At this time, the radar image seemed to have detected the target, and a small straight red dot began to appear on it.

“How long will it take to reach the destination?” Naoki asked.

Huluton stretched out his hand to take it and ate it happily.

“Huh? I didn’t expect your cooking skills to be quite good!” Lei He was very surprised.

Lei He in front also nodded and said: "Yes! The first time I saw such a scene, I was deeply shocked. Nature is so vast, and we are so small in it."

 Five minutes later, the off-road vehicle stopped behind a sand dune.

Looking at this vibrant and completely different ecology in the desert, Naoki couldn't help but murmur.

 Then he poured oil into the pot, and when it was almost done, Naoki put the eggs in.

Seeing this, Lei He raised the corners of her mouth and showed an expectant smile: "Very good, we will set off immediately after you finish eating!"

Zoroark nodded.

Leihe said with a smile: "I know, I know, after Zoroark comes back, you and Gulton will be needed to help."

Leihe glanced at the radar on the car and replied: "Five minutes left!"

Zhi Shu curiously went up to take a look.

This means that it has successfully explored the way forward and can set off.

 Zhi Shu nodded, had no objection, and took advantage of this time to start preparing dinner.

 In this way, the sandwich is completed.

While the two were talking, Zoroark's figure also returned to the bonfire.

 Gulden swallowed uncontrollably after a tiring day of running around outside.

Zhishu felt that Leihe was so excited that she was a little disoriented. He looked up at the darkening sky and reminded: "It's getting dark."

Therefore, Luton has a good appetite. He eats sandwiches as if he is eating something delicious, making people look like they can't help but eat their fingers.

“It’s archaeology,” Leihe corrected.

 She once witnessed a terrifying sandstorm.

“Is this the machine you use to rob tombs?” Naoki asked.

Zoroark nodded silently, turned around, and ran forward skillfully, disappearing within a few jumps.

That natural disaster suddenly came, connecting the sky and the earth, as if the entire desert was plunged into rage.

Lei He said in an excited tone: "It's okay, my Puff Pig can use the flashing technique, and it can illuminate no matter how dark the environment is. And don't you think it would be nice to explore the ruins at night?"

“Next, let’s wait here for Zoroark to come back!” Leihe said.

 “How spectacular!”

  Leha handed the sandwich to it and asked: "How is it?"

Naoki: "...Okay."

   Anyway, he was just a temporary thug hired here, and his purpose was only to find the ancient Padian gold coins scattered in the ruins. He could just leave all other matters to Leihe.

 After dinner, the sky had completely darkened.

 The temperature in the desert dropped at night, and both Zhi Shu and Lei He put on a layer of warm clothes.

Zhishu was afraid that Luton was afraid of the cold, so he even brought a warm vest for him when he came here.

He bought the vest and cut it himself. He cut off the cuffs and removed the excess buttons, so that Gu Lerton could put it on and it fit perfectly.

While Naoki was putting on warm clothes for Guluton, Reha also released her Puff Pig from the Poké Ball.

 “Puff-puff pig, use flash!”

With a command, a dazzling light emerged from Pupu Pig, as if a strong flashlight was suddenly turned on, illuminating everything around him.

Lei He clapped her hands with satisfaction: "Now you can set off with confidence!"

 Zhi Shu felt helpless in his heart to complain.

Though Leihe looks elegant and like a scholar.

However, in fact, this woman is a real fierce woman.

 She is a powerful person who can dive into the deepest part of the underwater ruins in one breath.

 Zoroa led the way in front, Puff Pig served as lighting, and Reha and Naoki followed behind with Gullton.

 After walking on the sand for about fifteen minutes, Zoroark stopped.

 The surrounding environment is very empty, there is nothing.

Lei He looked around with a puzzled expression: "Strange...Isn't there an entrance to the underground?"

Zoroark's eyes turned to the depression in front of him.

Lei He took a closer look and immediately discovered something different: "It turns out to be a quicksand terrain! Could it be that the entrance is down here?!"

Zoroark nodded firmly.

Leihe immediately became excited: "Very good, put on your goggles and dust mask, let's go down!"

Zhi Shu’s eyes widened. Is Lei He going to jump into the quicksand?

 Hah, is it really possible to reach the underground ruins directly from here? Isn't there any danger?

"Believe me!" Leihe had already put on the equipment. She took Zoroark and Puff Pig back into the elf ball, "I'll jump first, you can follow me!"

After saying that, she took the initiative to jump into the quicksand terrain.

 Leihe's body was quickly swallowed up by the quicksand, and it looked as if she had been eaten by a desert monster. Zhi Shu looked horrified.

Leihe won’t die, right? After all, in the game's plot, there is no indication that Leihe has ever explored such a place.

 Now, because of his joining, Lei He boldly ran over...

Just when Naoki was worried, he suddenly heard a shout from underground.

 Listen carefully, it’s Lei He.

 “Hey! Come down quickly!”

Zhishu breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Leihe was fine, he no longer hesitated, helped Guluton cover his mouth and nose, and jumped down with it.

The quicksand slowly swallowed them up. Soon, Zhi Shu felt a light weight under his body, and a falling feeling came. He and Gu Ledun fell onto a pile of soft sand.

When Naoki opened his eyes, he saw Reha, Zoroark and the glowing Puff Pig standing in front of him with a smile.

"Puff puff!"

Zhi Shu just ate a lot of sand and quickly spit it out.

“It’s the same for the first time.” Lei He said with a smile, “You’ll get used to it later.”

Zhi Shu’s head was covered with black lines. After he was sure to spit out all the sand in his mouth, he spoke:

“This is the first and last time. After collecting Suo Cailing’s gold coins, I will never rob tombs again!”

Hearing this, Lei He stared into his eyes with interest: "Oh? Really?"

Zhi Shu stood up from the ground and helped Gu Ledun pat the sand on his body: "Of course."

“Even if you rob a tomb once, you can get a pile of priceless gold and silver treasures?”

 “I’m not short of money, and it’s useless to ask for it.”

At most, he can just buy a few more villas, but looking at the current situation, it is probably impossible for him to leave the Pokémon in the ranch and go to the villa for vacation, unless he brings everyone there.

"I understand." Lei He smiled and stopped asking, then turned her head and looked forward: "Keep going!"

There is a cave under the quicksand, and the scene here is completely different.

 Ancient buildings buried under the sand, ruins of dilapidated watchtowers…

Zhi Shu took a few more glances, but Reiha didn’t seem interested in them.

She walked all the way down the passage. After advancing for an unknown amount of time, only the light from the Puff Pig was left around her, and the air around her began to become thinner.

 This means that they have reached a very, very deep place.

 Suddenly, Lei He, who was walking in front, stopped.

Zhi Shu was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"

 “Come and take a look.” Lei He waved.

Zhi Shu walked forward and saw that the originally narrow and messy tunnel in front of him suddenly came to an end.

 Ahead, there is a vast space with no end in sight, occupied by darkness.

 “This is...” Naoki was slightly startled.

Leihe explained: "If I guessed correctly, this should be a large underground cavity formed by the movement of the earth's crust two million years ago."

"I have seen relevant information in the library of Padia College. There was an unprecedented earthquake in this land a long time ago. This big hole was born at that time. It is said that Padia There is more than one area.”

 “Big Hollow…” Naoki muttered and repeated.

Leihe looked thoughtful: "And during the Padian Empire, a disaster Pokémon named Gudingdeer caused a major earthquake in the royal city, and a hole opened in the ground, causing the prosperous royal city at that time to fall into ruins. Got this place.”

 And Naoki thought of another thing.

Could it be that the crustal movement two million years ago was caused by the Regichicas dragging the continental plates?

Naoki remembered that it was described in the illustrated book of Regichkas like this: Regichkas is a giant Pokémon. Legend has it that it once dragged a huge landmass with a rope, which formed today's major... area.

It’s just that the time when Regichicas dragged the continental plate is not yet clear, and Naoki is not sure that the major earthquake in the Padia area at that time was affected by Regichicas.

"It's down there!" Lei He suddenly said: "Now we have to find a way to get down to the bottom."

 After thinking for a moment, she took out another elf ball from her waist.

 White light flashed, and a warrior eagle with sharp eyes appeared in the pit.

 Lehe put Zoroark back into the elf ball and rode up with Puff Pig.

 Zhi Shu also rode on Gu Ledun.

The two of them walked all the way down the large dark hollow. The terrain in the large hollow was extremely complex, with various cliffs, caves, and bottomless ravines.

I don’t know how long it took before Luton and the Warrior Eagle landed at the deepest point.

 Here, the flash of the Puff Pig alone could no longer allow the two of them to see the whole surroundings clearly.

Just when Naoki was thinking about how to find the ruins of the royal city, he saw Leihe taking out two special helmets from his backpack.

“Wearing a helmet equipped with night vision goggles will allow you to see the surrounding environment clearly!”

Zhi Shu reached out and took it. The moment he put the helmet on, everything around him was instantly clearly presented in front of them.

 Their current location is at the top of a raised mountain cliff.

I saw an ancient and dilapidated royal city sitting quietly under the cliff, nestled in the endless darkness.

Perhaps it was damaged when it fell. The originally majestic royal city is now only a piece of ruins, full of traces of erosion by time.

“Found it!” Looking at the ruins of the ancient royal city in the distance, Lei He’s eyes lit up: “It’s right there!”

 She mounted the warrior eagle and flew over there.

Zhi Shu was forced to catch up with Guluton. He was not as excited as Lei He. Zhi Shu was not very interested in the ruins of the ancient royal city. His eyes were focused on the surrounding terrain full of ancient atmosphere.

This large void appears to have collapsed more than once.

  Rainwater and groundwater eroded the soil and rocks, causing many collapses in this place.

At this moment, Naoki suddenly saw several strange-shaped stones on the ground.

 He stopped Gullton, landed there and went to investigate.

Huluton landed obediently, Zhishu jumped down from it, stretched out his hand and pulled out the stones from the ground.

Erasing the thick layer of mud and dust covering it, Naoki was able to see the whole thing clearly.

This is...a fossil? !

There’s more than one piece!

Zhi Shu’s eyes wandered over these rocks with a hint of surprise. Soon, he noticed one thing.

Except for the first one he dug out, these mysterious fossils are not complete!

Either it was broken in half or only one corner remained.

 What puzzled Naoki even more was that these stones were shaped like gemstones.

 “Strange, is this a Pokémon fossil?”

 But Naoki had never seen such fossils before.

 In his impression, neither the ammonite nor the fossil pterosaur fossils looked like this.

“Or is it a gem that fell out of the ruins of the royal city?” Naoki guessed wildly.

But having said that, can gems also be turned into fossils?

Gulton on the side looked at the stone in front of him, also looking puzzled.

At this time, Lei He in front saw that Naoki was not following, so he stopped and called him: "Naoki!"


Zhi Shu responded, threw away the other incomplete fossils, only took a relatively complete stone and put it in his pocket, then rode on Guluton and caught up with Lei He.

 (End of this chapter)

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