Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 509: "Experiences of Breeding a Big Milk Tank" and the goat mount created a sensat

Chapter 509 "Experiences of Breeding a Big Milk Tank" and the sensation caused by the goat mount!

 Chengdu area, Manjin City, Manjin Gym.

The owner of the museum, Xiao Qian, listened to the conversation in the live broadcast, and an incredible expression suddenly appeared in her pink pupils.

Just...a cow Pokémon responsible for producing milk?

Is that what she meant?

As we all know, there are many types of Pokémon in this world.

Some Pokémon like to fight, and they will follow their trainers to reach the top of the competition.

There are also Pokémon who just want to live a leisurely and relaxed life. These Pokémon are often raised by humans and raised at home or in pastures and live with people.

Unlike Pokémon who like to fight, these Pokémon engaged in production will not receive professional training, nor will they engage in Pokémon battles.

Is it possible that the rancher will conduct targeted special training for these Pokémon that are engaged in production?

This idea came to Xiao Qian's mind.

Not only her, but Ye Sheng, the anchor of the live broadcast room at this moment, also thought of this.

He quickly asked: "Do you perform special training on big milk tanks on weekdays?"

Naoki looked into his eyes and nodded: "In the past, in order to make the big milk tanks stronger, I specially developed some rolling special training programs for them. Later, I didn't give much guidance. These are all big milk tanks." The milk cans work on their own, and I usually don’t interfere with them.”

Are these big milk jugs so talented? !

Hearing this, Ye Sheng was stunned for an instant.

Or is it that the champion trainer in front of me used a special training method?

"How did you grow the big milk tank into what it is now?" Ye Sheng asked subconsciously.

However, he soon realized that it was not polite to ask others about their cultivation methods.

That efficient and useful cultivation method is most likely a secret method created by Mr. Naoki himself and is not spread to others.

Not only Ye Sheng was curious about this matter, but at the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also became excited.

【What are your thoughts on raising big milk tanks? 】

[I really want to know what it looks like, if I can also cultivate such a powerful big milk tank...]

[Hey, wake up! That is the nurturing experience learned by the champion himself. It is very precious, how could it be easily spread out! 】

However, Zhi Shu was confused about Ye Sheng's question.

How did you grow up like this? Didn't he just answer that?

Naoki looked at the young man in front of him, and then at the big milk jug next to him. After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly understood what he meant.

The other person was asking him what kind of breeding method he used to breed the big milk tank!

It's just... he doesn't really seem to use any special breeding methods.

The reason why the big milk tanks become what they are now is entirely the result of their own efforts.

In addition, maybe some life goat milk is needed to supplement nutrition?

I don’t know about other Naoki.

He answered truthfully: "That all depends on the Pokémon's own efforts."

Ye Sheng's face was filled with surprise, he understood! His guess was indeed correct. Mr. Naoki must have understood his "Experiences of Breeding Big Milk Tanks"!

This kind of thing is too precious and involves privacy. It would be impolite to ask any more.

Ye Sheng decisively changed the topic.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a few lazily mounted goats not far away, so he moved up to the fence to watch.

The three mount goats were lying on the grass basking in the sun with leisurely expressions on their faces. They seemed to be chewing something in their mouths.

Ye Sheng turned around and asked, "Are these three mount goats also dairy goat Pokémon?"

He had seen goat milk produced by riding goats in the small shop of Zhishu Ranch.

Hearing this, Zhi Shu glanced at the goats and did not deny it:

"Yes, they are responsible for producing goat milk in the pasture. In addition, the mount goats will also help use grass energy to take care of the crops in the fields."

"Oh? Then who is more powerful compared to the big milk tank?" Ye Sheng asked.

"Mount goat." Naoki answered truthfully.

"Huh?" Ye Sheng looked at those harmless mountain goats and was a little surprised: "They look so docile!"

[Anchor, go and challenge it and give it a try! 】

[+1, I am also very curious about the strength of the three mountain goats. The strength of the Pokémon bred by the champion must not be bad, right? 】

[Although Pokémon such as Mount Goat are powerful, their attributes are too single and can easily be restrained. As far as I know, there are not many Mount Goats with championship-level strength in the world. Anchor, why not go Give it a try? 】

Ye Sheng caught a glimpse of the barrage on the screen of Rotom's phone.

Interest also arose in his heart: "By the way, Mr. Naoki, can I challenge the mount goat? If I remember correctly, is this called the Green Grass Trial?"

However, as soon as Ye Sheng finished speaking, he saw the man in front of him glance at him and ask, "Are you sure?"

Ye Sheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Of course, don't look at me like this now. A few years ago, I collected seven gym badges. Although I was only short of the last one to participate in the Hezhong Competition, I His strength is definitely not weak!”

Seven badges…

Naoki: "Okay..."

He wanted to say something more and introduce the rules to the young man in detail, but before he could speak, he saw the other party take out a second Poké Ball from his waist.

"The decision is yours! The dragon-headed gopher!"

With a flash of white light, a gopher Pokémon with a dark brown body, a white face, two red lines on its cheeks, and a pink nose appeared on the grass.

That's...a dragon-headed gopher?

Naoki looked at the Pokémon in front of him in surprise.

This dragon-headed gopher has a very strong body, and it can be seen that it has been well-bred.

Its forehead and both claws have several prominent, steel-sharp steel blades. These steel blades allow them to easily break through the ground and drill into holes.

"Please give me some advice! Mr. Naoki!" Ye Sheng said.

Naoki: "..."

He was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Please give me your advice."

The battle officially begins!

As his brother's caretaker blew the whistle in his hand, the dragon-headed gopher immediately rotated his claws and got into the hole at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Sheng fully absorbed the experience of the last battle with the big milk tank.

This time, he was ready to defeat his opponent in one fell swoop with an attack that was like a gust of wind! Never give the other party a chance to breathe!

"Dragon-headed gopher, use metal claws!"

The dragon-headed gopher under the ground started moving at an extremely fast speed.

Want to attack from underground? Naoki raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Green grass field."


The next second, a huge green grass energy emerged from the mount goat's body and turned into a green field, covering the entire battlefield.

Seeing this scene, everyone was slightly stunned.

[That move...what is it? ! 】

【Grass field? No, this is not the grassy field I am familiar with! 】

[What exactly is going on? 】

The dragon-headed gopher has now arrived under the mount goat.

The steel blades on its arms rotated at high speed and broke through the surrounding soil. A cold metallic light emerged from its sharp claws, and it grabbed the goat above.


The sharp metal claw instantly left a scar on the mount goat's body.

However, in the next second, something unexpected happened to everyone.

I saw a green light crazily flowing into the scars on the mount goat.

In an instant, the injury caused by the dragon-headed gopher recovered as before.


"What's going on?!" Ye Sheng muttered.

On the barrage, trainers in the Kalos area had already noticed the situation. [It is indeed a grass field! Only grassy fields will help Pokémon recover, but...did that mount goat change the shape of the grassy field? How exactly is it done? 】

[Is this also a Pokémon bred by Naoki using the secret method of champion? 】

[Mounting a goat is more than just that! Today, let you outsiders see how awesome our Mr. Naoki is! 】

After realizing something was wrong, Ye Sheng did not stop attacking.

"Dragon-headed gopher, continue to attack, don't stop!"


The dragon-headed gopher responded. It looked cautiously at the goat on the opposite side. Its body's instinct told it that it was a Pokémon with terrifying strength.

But it can't back down!

Thinking of this, the dragon-headed gopher waved his claws and rushed out again.

"Don't give it a chance, Mount Goat, Vine Whip." Naoki said calmly.

The forelimbs of the mounted goat touched the ground gently, and the next second, two python-like green vine whips flew out from both sides of its body.

The huge vine whip slammed towards the dragon-headed gopher.


Although the dragon-headed gopher was a little panicked at the first blow, he still managed to escape.

The second time, the dragon-headed gopher escaped without any danger.

On the third blow, the huge vine whip whipped it away.

The huge force caused the dragon-headed gopher to fly backwards and fall to the ground in a panic.

"Dragon-headed gopher, stand up quickly!" Ye Sheng shouted quickly.


The dragon-headed gopher had stars in his eyes at this moment, and the entire Pokémon was in a state of dizziness.

Looking at this scene, Naoki said: "Use that move to end it!"


The mount goat responded in a deep voice.

It leaned forward slightly, green light condensed in its mouth, and turned into a huge green sword in full view of everyone.

This scene was reflected in the eyes of many viewers in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the incredible scene on the screen, almost everyone couldn't help but open their eyes wide.

【! ! 】

[What kind of move is that? 】

[The feeling of oppression is so strong! 】

[Why is that mount goat different from the mount goat I am familiar with? Hey! How exactly is it done? ! 】

Barrages flashed rapidly on the screen of Rotom's mobile phone.

Under the gaze of everyone, the mount goat's body galloped out like a sharp arrow from its string.

It held a huge sword of grass in its mouth and flew forward with lightning speed.


Green light penetrated the body of the dragon-headed gopher, and a huge explosion came from the place.

In the light of energy, the body of the dragon-headed gopher fell crookedly, unable to get up again.

The battle is over!

The mounted goat slowly walked to Naoki.

Naoki touched its head with his hand, and then the goat returned to the fence and continued to lie on the grass leisurely and bask in the sun.

Zhi Shu walked up to Ye Sheng, who had not yet recovered, and said to him: "You lose."

Ye Sheng: "!!"

He finally reacted and said with shock on his face: "That Pokémon just now..."

Naoki smiled and nodded: "That is my mount goat, the Pokémon responsible for the grass trial. Only by defeating them can you pass the grass trial."

Hearing this, an idea immediately appeared in Ye Sheng's mind.

—Who can defeat such a powerful mount goat?

Although the dragon-headed gopher was almost defeated, in the few rounds of the fight, Ye Sheng had already glimpsed some of the abilities of the mount goat.

The special green grass field can quickly restore Pokémon's physical strength.

And this grassy field seems to have been specially improved. It only works on mount goats, unlike ordinary grassy fields, which can be effective on all Pokémon on the field!

The huge vine whip whips the opponent hard like a monster. If a petite Pokémon is hit, it will be whipped out instantly.

In addition, there is the unknown mysterious move...

Recalling the image of the goat holding a huge sword blade in its mouth, Ye Sheng showed a horrified expression on his face.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why those Pardians on the Internet called a rancher the "Hidden Boss" of the Pardian region...

Big milk tank, mount goat... So what about the other Pokémon in this ranch?

Will their strength also reach championship level?

Ye Sheng turned his head and looked around with confusion.

Here, he saw a red mysterious Pokémon that was full of wildness and had bulging muscles.

I saw the majestic Babu landhog wearing a cloak and floating in mid-air.

I saw Kuailong with a naive look on his face.

I saw a mysterious Pokémon wearing a green coat that looked very much like a human girl.

I saw a deer with a huge cauldron on its head, a fish made of flames, a snow leopard with ice-blue eyes, and a huge snail...

Could it be that the strength of these Pokémon has all reached the championship level? !

At this moment, Ye Sheng even felt that this place should not be called Zhishu Ranch, but should be renamed Champion Ranch.

Chengdu region, Manjin City.

Xiao Qiantan opened her mouth slightly and looked at the scene in the live broadcast with a look of disbelief.

That trainer is so strong!

In Yanmo City, Xiao Chun, who was training in the Dragon Cave, frowned and looked at the screen of Rotom's phone with a serious face.

"The hidden boss in the Padia region? I really didn't expect that person to have conquered so many dragons..."

Xiaochun raised her head and looked at the wilderness in front of her.

This is the holy land of the Yulong family, where the dragon-type Pokémon in the family live together.

Because there are so many dragon-type Pokémon living here, people from the Yulong family also call this place the Dragon Sanctuary.

But now, Xiaochun couldn't help but have a question in his mind: Who is the real Dragon Sanctuary?

Compared with that ranch, the number of fast dragons in their Yulong family is really pitiful...

After a moment of silence, Xiao Chun took out his Rotom phone and shared the live broadcast with his cousin Adu.

At the same time, Adu, who was performing a secret mission in the Kanto area, saw the live broadcast and message Xiaochun sent to him.

[Xiao Chun:…]

[Xiao Chun: The real dragon sanctuary. 】

Du: "?"

He clicked on the live broadcast with doubts, and at first glance, Du saw a familiar figure inside.

(End of chapter)

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