Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 519: Three Birds Orthodoxy in Padia

Chapter 519 The Three Divine Birds Orthodoxy in Padia

Those are...Frozen Bird and Flame Bird?

Naoki froze on the spot for a moment.

what happened? Why did the Freezing Bird and the Flame Bird suddenly come over?

At this time, Lightning Bird, Freezing Bird and Flame Bird also discovered Zhi Shu returning home.

Lightning Bird flapped its wings and said: "Chirp!"

Frozen Bird looked calm, standing there with his head raised, observing the so-called human being.

The Flame Bird narrowed its eyes and looked at it, as if judging the opponent's strength and whether the opponent was qualified to surrender.

However, the next second, the flame bird's eyes were attracted to the Pokémon next to the human.

It was a dragon Pokémon with gorgeous feathers, huge body, strong muscles, and exuding a wild aura.

As if aware of its gaze, the dragon Pokémon turned its head and looked over with its golden pupils.

The eyes of the bird and the dragon met in mid-air, and the strong pressure contained in them made the flame bird shudder uncontrollably.

What a scary smell!

"What's going on?" Naoki's eyes wandered over the Frozen Bird and the Flame Bird for a moment, and then looked at the Lightning Bird aside.

Lightning Bird: "Chirp!"

Through the power of Tokiwa, Naoki sensed the thoughts of Lightning Bird.

It's saying: Freezing birds and flamingos can donate their feathers to make steamed buns!

Hearing this, Naoki instantly understood.

I bet it was the Lightning Bird that used the steamed buns to attract the Frozen Bird and the Flame Bird!

"Okay! I understand." Naoki said as he walked into the house.

Lightning Bird followed. Frozen Bird and Flame Bird were stunned for a moment, not understanding what the human meant.

Did he agree?

Seeing that Flame Bird and Frozen Bird did not follow, Lightning Bird stopped and turned its head.



"Oh ho..."

The three bird Pokémon began to communicate.

Hearing the noise, Naoki looked back and saw Frozen Bird and Flame Bird following suit.

Naoki thought for a while and said to them: "I can help you make steamed buns, but it is not free."

Hearing this, Frozen Bird and Flame Bird instantly became vigilant.

What does this human being want to do?

Naoki smiled and said, "Don't worry, you don't need to do anything extra. You just need to give me a few more feathers on your body."

Flame Bird: "..."

Frozen Bird: "..."

That's it? What did they think it was?

Both bird Pokémon let out a sigh of relief.

Anyway, they shed some feathers every year, and even if they do, they can grow back, so it's not a big deal.

Therefore, the Flame Bird and the Frozen Bird decisively agreed.

If what Lightning Bird said is true, then their strength can definitely continue to improve...


The frozen bird turned its head and pecked its body twice with its beak, and soon pecked out several feathers exuding beautiful blue ice crystals.

It handed the feathers into Naoki's hands.

The flame bird on the side watched this scene, and then pecked out a few orange feathers according to the gourd painting.

Naoki stretched out his hand to take it. As soon as he took the feathers of the frozen bird, he clearly felt a faint chill.

The feathers of the flame bird exude a warm atmosphere and feel warm to the touch.

Naoki glanced at it, and the next second, the information about these two feathers emerged from his mind.

[Flame Bird's Feathers: Feathers that contain a lot of fire energy may be used to make food, but the effect is unknown. 】

[Feathers of the Frozen Bird: Feathers that contain a lot of ice energy may be used to make food, but the effect is unknown. 】

"Okay, I'm going to steam the steamed buns for you right away. It will take about five hours. Before that, please wait a moment." Naoki said.

Frozen Bird and Flame Bird nodded their heads, indicating that there was no problem and they could afford to wait.

Seeing this, Naoki said nothing more.

He turned around and took Gulton back to the room.

Naoki's threshold for legendary Pokémon has been stretched too high by Giratina and Rayquaza.

Now that he sees Pokémon like Freezebird and Flamebird again, he is not too surprised. Instead, he can treat them with a normal heart.

In the living room, Lei Guanwang was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

My sister's stewardess has prepared a sumptuous dinner for Naoki.

Kuailong, Babu Tubo, Egui Pun, and Zhan Yifa were already waiting here early.

Seeing that dinner was about to begin, Frost Milk Fairy and Motorcycle Lizard impromptuly ran over and joined everyone.

"You guys eat first, and I'll take care of these feathers."

Naoki reached out and touched the head of the Babu woodchuck that flew over, then put a few feathers into his storage cabinet, took out only one feather and ground it into powder, mixed it with flour, and used it to steam steamed buns.

At the same time, in the pasture.

Seeing that his work was done, Lightning Bird turned around and prepared to go to the World Tree to take a look.

Seeing its movements, the Flame Bird and Frozen Bird, who were observing the surrounding situation, immediately turned their heads.

Frozen Bird asked: "咘咏咿?" (Where are you going?)

Lightning Bird looked back at them: "Chirp." (World Tree.)

world Tree? What is that place? The two bird Pokémon were slightly startled.

However, the Lightning Bird didn't say much. It spread its wings and flew directly into the lake in the pasture.

The Freezing Bird and the Flame Bird looked at each other, thinking that they had nothing to do if they stayed here, so they might as well go over and take a look.

So, the two bird Pokémon followed closely behind.

When they followed the Lightning Bird across the mirror-like lake, the next second, the surrounding scene changed drastically.

The original pasture disappeared and was replaced by a world full of silence and desolation!

There are many broken empty islands floating in the void, some of which are filled with flowers, plants and trees.

where is this place?

The Frozen Bird and the Flame Bird were a little panicked because they felt a very powerful aura here!

The owner of that breath is an existence that is far beyond their reach!

However, the Lightning Bird seemed to feel nothing and continued to fly forward.

Frozen Bird and Flame Bird quickly followed.

"咘咏咿?" (Aren't you afraid?) Frozen Bird asked.

Lightning Bird glanced at it, and then replied: "Chirp." (That's Giratina, Naoki's friend, and it won't hurt us. This is the road to the World Tree. We can shuttle at will on weekdays. .)

Hearing this, Frozen Bird wanted to say something else.

However, an exit emitting green light appeared in front.

Lightning Bird: "Chirp!" (Arrived!)

The two bird Pokémon followed Zapdos through the light.

Immediately afterwards, they came to a place full of birds and flowers.

There are dense woods, fertile green grass, heavy fruits hanging on the branches, many tender flowers blooming in the forest, and a lake as clear as a mirror is located in this beautiful forest.

The sky is reflected in the lake, and the golden sunlight shines through the mottled tree shadows into the forest, as if the entire forest is covered with a dreamy veil.

Seeing this dreamy place, the eyes of Frozen Bird and Flame Bird were filled with shock.

What a rich natural scent!

What exactly is this place? !

Lightning Bird turned to look at these two bird Pokémon that had never seen the world before, and then said: "Chirp." (This is the World Tree, the tree Naoki planted for us.)

"Boom?!" Frozen Bird was shocked. This tree was actually planted by that human?

The flame bird also opened its eyes wide: "Oh ho?" (Breed for you? He likes you so much?)

Lightning Bird: "..."

It corrected: "Chirp." (Not just me, but all the Pokémon in this tree.)

If Naoki is willing, Zapdo feels that all the Pokémon living in this tree will be willing to become his Pokémon.

However, these words were misunderstood by Frozen Bird.


That human is so good to the Pokémon he tamed...

A large tree suitable for Pokémon was planted specifically for them, allowing them to live here.

With such a strong natural atmosphere, for Pokémon, this place is simply paradise!

Frozen Bird and Flame Bird felt extremely envious.

If only they could...

At this time, the Lightning Bird continued to fly forward.

The Freezebird and the Flamebird followed and flew over the forest.

On the way, they indeed saw some Pokémon below.

There were several wood geckos, as well as Bulbasaur and Tropical Dragon. They were picking tree fruits in the orchard, and then put the tree fruits on the back of the one-horned rhinoceros and transported them to other places.

Continuing forward, Frozen Bird and Flame Bird saw a large field full of crops.

Water-type Pokémon such as Blastoise, Minus, and Water Eevee are standing in the farmland, using water gun moves to water the crops.

The flame bird, which had been in contact with humans, was very surprised.

"Oh ho?!" (These were also planted by Naoki?!)

Lightning Bird: "Chirp." (No, this is what Naoki taught us to grow. We can use our own strength to grow crops, pick fruits, and fill our stomachs.)

The flame bird was stunned: "Oh ho?" (Will Naoki come here?)

Lightning Bird: "Chirp." (Naoki said that when he gets old, he will come here to live with everyone.)

While talking, the three Pokémon passed through the farmland area and officially arrived at the Pokémon Guild.

Here, Flamebird and Frozenbird saw various Pokémon.

Pikachu, Meow Meow, Gotha Duck, Nine Tails, Fatty, Overlord Flower, Sand King, Nido King...

There are things they have seen, and there are many things they have not seen.

These Pokémon were running around leisurely below. Some were running shops in human facilities, while others were sitting on the benches next to the park fountain and resting.

"咘咏咿?!" (Where is this place?!) Frozen Bird looked at this scene in disbelief.

Lightning Bird looked at the lively scene below, and then introduced: "Chirp." (Welcome to the guild headquarters of the Hero Expedition Team.)


Zhishu Ranch, 8:00pm.

The lights in other pastures have dimmed, but the pasture is a brightly lit scene.

The two brothers and sisters, Fufuhao and Sai Fuhao, went to the Pokémon tavern early to entertain the Pokémon in the town and the wild Pokémon passing by.

Naoki stayed at home, steaming steamed buns made from frozen bird feathers and flame bird feathers.

In the living room, Guluton and Motorized Lizard were lying on the carpet and yawning.

Lei Guanwang was sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone enthusiastically.

Naoki was on a video call with Sirona.

Naoki was very surprised to see Sirona suddenly contact him.

He pressed connect, and Sirona's face appeared on the screen.

"Miss Sirona? What's the matter with calling me at this time?" Naoki asked.

Sirona nodded, with a slightly tangled and confused look on her cold-looking face.

"Mr. Naoki, I have a question for you. Are what Giratina said true? It is very different from the history I have investigated..."

Hearing this, Naoki was slightly startled: "What?" Sirona and Giratina were in contact?

"You don't know?" Sirona was a little surprised.

Naoki shook his head. He had been busy playing games and moving up the ranks in the past two days and hadn't paid much attention to Giratina.

Seeing this, Sirona thought for a moment, and then said: "Giratina posted a post on the forum this morning. It said that Arceus, the God of Creation, is an inherently evil Pokémon. It won't be long before he becomes the It will wake up and destroy humanity when the time comes.”

Naoki: "..."

There was an indescribable expression on his face: "Are these issued by Giratina?"

Sirona nodded seriously.

Naoki was completely silent.

Is Giratina crazy? How did it start rumors about Arceus? !

Naoki quickly opened the Pokémon forum and clicked on Giratina's personal homepage.

Then, he saw the post posted by Giratina.

The likes of that post have reached 30 million, and the number of comments has reached seven figures. It has also been trending, and the popularity has exploded.

This means that at least 30 million people around the world have seen this rumor.

Giratina went crazy.

Sirona observed Naoki's expression across from her, and then asked tentatively: "Are those words Giratina said true?"

Naoki: "..."

"No, I think you who are familiar with the history of the Sinnoh region should know." Naoki shook his head: "A few hundred years ago, when the Sinnoh region was still called the Xicui region, a horrific disaster once occurred. "

Sirona was slightly startled.

"Is it related to the Xicui era?" she asked hurriedly.

"I have seen relevant records in some ancient ruins. That disaster was caused by Giratina joining forces with a human to take revenge on Arceus. They were preparing to destroy the world created by Arceus."

"Based on this incident, it is not difficult to guess that the relationship between Giratina and Arceus is not good."

Giratina and Arceus have a bad relationship?

What's the reason for this? Sirona was immediately attracted by this incident.

Then, she understood the reason why Giratina sent that false message.

This is also a way for Giratina to take revenge on Arceus!

"Mr. Naoki, does he know the reason?" Sirona asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's probably because of bias, right?" Naoki shook his head: "Arzeus created Giratina and Dialga and Palkia, who control time and space, at the same time. "

"Dialga and Palkia can freely active in this beautiful world, but Giratina was expelled to a ruined world. According to the records, it was an empty world full of death and silence. and the dimension of nothingness.”

Sirona fell into deep thought.

At this moment, a "ding" sound suddenly came from the living room.

That was the alarm clock ordered by Naoki, which meant that the steamed buns were cooked.

Naoki glanced over there, and then said: "I still have something to do, so let's stop here today! If you find any ancient books recording myths and legends, remember to bring them to me, maybe I can Help me explain."

"I understand, thank you very much for your help today." Sirona politely thanked her.

Naoki smiled, then hung up the phone nonchalantly, walked to the kitchen, and opened the lid of the pot.

A cloud of milky white steam spurted out.

In the steam, there were two rows of plump and round steamed buns.

One row is icy blue, and one row is flaming orange.

The frozen steamed buns and flame steamed buns are finished!

Naoki looked down, and the next second, their information appeared in his mind.

[Frozen buns (S+): Legendary cuisine, made from feather powder from the legendary Pokémon. It is said that after eating it, you can control the ice.

Cooking effect: God of Ice. After eating it, Pokémon can gain the power of ice and snow. It can control ice and snow at will like the owner of feathers, freeze the moisture in the air and make snowflakes fall. It is limited to ice Pokémon and can be used for one time. This Pokémon can only be eaten once.

Rating: A unique dish in the world, feed it to your ice-type Pokémon! ]

[Flame Steamed Bun (S+): A legendary dish made from the feather powder of the legendary Pokémon. It is said that after eating it, you can control the flames.

Cooking effect: The God of Fire. After eating it, Pokémon can gain the power of fire. It can control the fire at will like the owner of the feather. Use the flame to dominate everything you see and bring warmth to the earth. It is limited to fire Pokémon. , and a Pokémon can only be eaten once.

Rating: A unique dish in the world, feed it to your fire-type Pokémon! ]

(End of chapter)

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