Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 522: Little Lucky Egg and Pokémon Doctor

Chapter 522 Little Lucky Egg and Pokémon Doctor

At the same time, the Pokémon Guild.

Led by Babu Groundhog and Frost Milk Fairy, Little Lucky Egg curiously visited this place.

The surrounding scenes were reflected in its eyes, and the little lucky egg couldn't help but murmured: "咘KU!" (It's so lively here!)

It’s even more lively than the ranch!

Baboo nodded: "Bamo!" (Of course, because this is Naoki's paradise specially built for Pokémon!)

The Frost Milk Fairy on the side also said happily: "Mama~" (Yes, everyone lives together, plays together, and can make delicious snacks together, so happy!)

Little Lucky Egg sometimes turned his head and looked to the left, sometimes to the right. He was dazzled by the magical facilities and the Pokémon he had never seen before.

"Buku...Buku!" it pointed at one of the buildings and asked.

Hearing this, Baboo and Frostmilk looked over there and saw many Pokémon sitting in a house with an open door.

Those Pokémon were surrounding the bar, drinking wine from cups, looking very happy.

Baboo introduced: "Bamo Bamo." (That is the Pokémon Tavern, a place where Pokémon relax and drink.)

Frost Milk Fairy: "Mama!" (The wine is delicious! If you drink a glass, you will feel dizzy. When you walk, you will feel like you are stepping on marshmallows!)

Little Lucky Egg had never felt like this before. When the Frost Milk Fairy said this, it immediately looked eager to experience it.

However, he was stopped by Babu Tubo with a serious look on his face.

"Bamo!" (Naoki also said that Pokémon that have not grown up should not drink alcohol!)

The little lucky egg immediately pointed to a petite Curly-eared one in the Pokémon tavern.

"Buku!" (That Pokémon drank too!)

Babu didn't know what to do. He could only stand there and scratch his head in embarrassment: "Bamo..."

"Mama~" Frost Milk Fairy said gently: "Mama?" (Just drink a little, it's okay, and Naoki didn't stop me last time I drank?)

However, in fact, Frosty is already a five-year-old Pokémon. Although it has been in this world for five years, Frosty often thinks of itself as a child Pokémon that has not grown up.

Only when facing Pokémon that are younger than itself, or when facing the Salt Djinn, does Frostmilk act like a big sister.

Its appearance will make those Pokémon think of it as a gentle and considerate big sister.

Sure enough, after hearing what Frost Milk Fairy said, Little Fudan's eyes immediately lit up and he looked at Frost Milk Fairy eagerly.


Frosty Milk Fairy patted her chest with her little hands like a little adult.

"Mama!" (Don't worry, it's okay!)

Then, the two Pokémon went to the Pokémon Tavern and asked the waiters Meowth and Pikachu for two glasses of fruit wine.

Babu Woodchuck looked at this scene and finally sighed helplessly.


The sweet and mellow fruit wine entered the mouth, and the face of Frost Milk Fairy showed an expression of enjoyment.

Seeing the look of the Frost Milk Fairy, Little Lucky Egg also imitated it and started drinking heavily.

After drinking a glass of fruit wine, both Pokémon felt a little dizzy in their heads.

The Cream Fairy liked the feeling of being tipsy very much, and asked: "Mama?" (Look! It's like stepping on marshmallows, am I right?)

"咘KU!" Little Fudan nodded his head repeatedly.

After the drinking experience, Babu Groundhog and Frost Milk Fairy took Little Lucky Egg to visit other places.

"Mama!" (This is a dessert shop! People usually make delicious cakes here with cream and flour!)

"Mama." (This is a sushi restaurant, opened by Mililong and the others! But the sushi is not delicious at all, and I still prefer the cakes made by Naoki.)

"Mama!" (This is the headquarters of the Adventure Team Guild, where Pokémon receive commissions. Naoki said that the more commissions you complete, the more powerful you will become!)

"Mama." (The place next to the guild is an item shop. The tree fruits and moo milk sold there can help Pokémon recover its physical strength!)

Little Lucky Egg, Frosty Milk Fairy, and Babu Groundhog stood in front of the glass cabinet at the entrance of the prop shop.

I saw a variety of tree fruits on the shelves inside, some for restoring physical strength and some for curing abnormal conditions. The varieties were very complete.

The owner of the props shop is a Overlord Flower. When he sees a customer coming, the Overlord Flower immediately comes forward enthusiastically.

"Dafu~" (These customers, do you need anything? The store has a full range of tree fruits! And in addition to tree fruits, the store has recently added a more powerful prop~)

"Bamo?" Hearing this, Babu Tubo was a little confused.

It looked around at the shelves, but didn't find anything new.

Frost Milk Fairy asked: "Mama?" (What is it?)

Bawanghua replied with a smile: "Dafu~" (It's the goods given to our store by King Feng~)

After saying that, Bawanghua turned around and took out a small package from the bottom of the shelf.

It opened the package, revealing a handful of something that looked like ashes inside.

Overlord Flower introduced them: "Dafu." (This is holy ash. It can recover injured Pokémon in an instant. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you apply these holy ash on the wound, then The Pokémon will be healed immediately.)

Phoenix King occasionally leaves Yggdrasil and flies to other places.

In order to prevent the Pokémon on the World Tree from causing trouble again and being in danger, when it is no longer around, there will be no way to use the sacred flame to heal them.

So, King Ho gave his holy ashes to the prop shop and asked Pokémon in need to come and pick them up.

Of course, these holy ash occasionally run out.

But every time Phoenix King leaves World Tree, he will come specially to replenish supplies.

Because it was blessed by the World Tree, and Ho-Oh liked this place and the Pokémon living here very much, it didn't mind giving his holy ashes to them.

Hearing the description of Overlord Flower, Xiao Fu Dan had a surprised expression on his face.

"咘KU!" Wow, so awesome!

Being injured is a terrible thing. Before coming to the ranch, Little Lucky Egg had been injured in a fight with other wild Pokémon.

At that time, its wound was very painful, and it took a long time to recover. If it had been so gray at that time, would it have healed instantly? !

However, the Frost Milk Fairy and Babu Groundhog on the side did not have any particularly surprised reactions to Overlord Flower's words.

Instead, it reminded Babu of the goat milk of life in the pasture.

It said: "Bamo..." (The effect of this holy ash is exactly the same as the goat milk produced by the mounted goats...)

Overlord Flower:? !


How can it be? That is Lord Phoenix's holy ashes. There is nothing in this world that can achieve that effect!

Overlord's face was full of disbelief. It felt that this Pokémon must be lying!

In order to prove that he was not lying, Babu Woodchuck immediately flew back to the ranch and took a bottle of Life Goat Milk from the refrigerator.

In order to compare the effects of Life Goat Milk and Holy Ash, the group went to the Pokémon Hospital.

There happened to be two Pokémon here that were injured in the battle.

They are a wooden guard and a clay donkey respectively.

Babu Woodchuck and Overlord Flower used Holy Ash and Life Goat Milk on them respectively.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the scars on Mu Shou Gong and Ni Donkey Zai disappeared and they recovered to health.

Seeing this scene, Bawanghua was immediately dumbfounded. What goat milk is that? The effect is exactly the same as Lord Phoenix’s Holy Ash? !

Babu said proudly: "Bamo!" (It's the goat's milk of life from Zhishu Ranch!)

"Baku?" Xiao Fudan looked around and looked at the injured Pokémon over there, and couldn't help but ask.

Why are there so many injured Pokémon? where is this place?

Frost Milk Fairy explained: "Mama..." (This is the Pokémon hospital on the World Tree, but there is no professional Pokémon doctor here yet, and these Pokémon have no way to receive professional treatment...)

Little Fudan was a little puzzled: "咘ku?" (Why not?)

Regarding the answer to this question, Frost Milk Fairy is not very clear either.

It thought about the origins of these Pokémon, and then answered: "Mama?" (Maybe the doctor Pokémon hasn't met us yet?)

At this moment, Naoki, who had completed the creation of the Snowfield Ecological Area, took Gullton back to the top of the World Tree.

He found Baboo and the others at the Pokémon Hospital.

Zhi Shu was a little surprised to see Frost Milk Fairy and Little Lucky Egg thinking there.

"What are you thinking about?"

All the Pokémon turned their heads and saw Naoki and Gullton walking in from outside.

Little Fudan took the opportunity to ask the doubt in his heart: "Buku?" (Why is there no Pokémon doctor here?)

Um? Naoki looked at Xiao Fudan with some surprise: "Pokémon doctor?"

Little Lucky Egg nodded repeatedly: "Buku!" (If there were doctors, these injured Pokémon would be taken care of, and their injuries would recover as soon as possible!)

Naoki quickly understood what Xiao Fudan meant.

They are indeed a family of Geely Eggs with kind nature and gentle personality!

It is said that even wild auspicious eggs will give nutritious eggs to injured Pokémon to help them recover as quickly as possible.

Little Lucky Egg has a kind heart even before he evolves.

Thinking of this, Naoki smiled and explained: "Because there is currently no Pokémon suitable to be a doctor in the World Tree, but there is a Pokémon that is quite suitable."

"Raku?" Xiao Fu Dan was indeed attracted by this sentence.

"That's the auspicious egg that evolved from the little lucky egg." Naoki said.

The auspicious egg that the Little Lucky Egg evolved into... The Little Lucky Egg was stunned for a second, and then reacted.

Eh? Isn't that what it is? !

"Raku?" Xiao Fudan quickly pointed at himself.

Naoki nodded and said, "Yes, because Gilly Eggs have a kind heart and they will take care of injured Pokémon tenderly, so they are the Pokémon most suitable to be doctors."

Hearing this, Xiao Fudan was a little hesitant.

But it hasn’t evolved into an auspicious egg yet!

However, Naoki just said this, and had no intention of forcing Little Fudan to be a doctor here. Everything depends on its own wishes.

"Don't worry, that's what I said. If you want to be a doctor, you can be a doctor. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a doctor."

Xiao Fudan actually quite likes this place.

It looked at the poisoned and paralyzed Pokémon, and the image of them lying on the ground pitifully and painfully without anyone taking care of them came to mind, and it felt a little unbearable.

If there is no doctor to take care of them, those Pokémon will be too pitiful, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Fudan made a decision in his heart.

Decided! Since there is no Pokémon doctor here, it will serve as a doctor in the hospital and take care of these Pokémon!

"咘ku!" Xiao Fudan told Naoki his decision.

Naoki was a little surprised. He reminded: "It's not that easy to become a Pokémon doctor."


“Because a Pokémon doctor needs to master a lot of knowledge, such as determining whether Pokémon are injured or poisoned based on their status, and then identifying the fruits and using the corresponding fruits to help them heal. "Zhi Shu gave Xiao Fudan a vaccination in advance.

However, Xiao Fudan didn't care at all.

"咘KU!" Now that it has decided, it will not give up!

ah? Didn't expect Little Fudan to be so determined? Naoki was a little surprised.

"Okay, I'll teach you the relevant medical knowledge later when I have time," he said.

If you want to become a Pokémon doctor, you need to undergo professional training first.

In the human world, not only Miss Joy, but also their partner Pokémon will enter the nursing school.

If Naoki remembers correctly, Musashi, one of the Rockets trio, also had such an experience.

She met an auspicious egg when she was studying in nursing school and became good friends with it.

However, because Musashi, a human, could not learn the singing moves to appease Pokémon, he was unable to graduate. In the end, he had to give up his studies and silently waited until the auspicious egg graduated before leaving the nursing school with confidence.

In addition to teaching Little Lucky Egg to identify tree fruits and injuries, maybe he can also take Little Lucky Egg to the Pokémon Center in the town for a field trip, and ask Miss Joy there to teach Little Lucky Egg how to take care of Pokémon. think.

But there is no rush in this matter, because the little lucky egg has not yet evolved into a lucky egg.


Early the next morning, after finishing his work at the ranch, Naoki passed through the reverse world as usual and came to the Alola region to continue his game.

The opponents in the [Super] segment of the Royal Dome have varying strengths. Some are very weak, while others have reached the master level. It can be said that they are a mixed bag.

Green Onion Duck and Frost Milk Fairy defeated these opponents easily, leading Zhi Shu to the [Advanced] level with a winning streak, and accumulated enough points to advance to the Master level.

The successive victories and the effective playing style attracted the attention of many viewers.

In just a few days, Naoki, who transformed into King Tsubasa, gained a lot of fans.

Some people even made his light signs and cheering sticks, as well as life-size standing signs that were 2 out of 10 and placed them on the Royal Avenue in front of the Royal Dome.

Every time he passed by there, Naoki felt very embarrassed. He silently thought to himself that he would never come here again after he got the certificate for visiting the islands.

Naoki took a deep breath, and then walked straight into the Royal Dome.

Today is his last game in the [Advanced] level. As long as he wins, he can successfully advance to the Master level and have a battle with Dr. Kukui who transforms into a royal masked man.

At the same time, in the reverse world.

Giratina looked at the screen of Rotom's phone with burning eyes, which was playing the live broadcast of Naoki's game.

Giratina, who watched the whole game and never missed a beat, knew the rules of the game in the Royal Dome very well.

It knows that as long as Naoki wins this game, he can advance to the master level.

Giratina was very excited.

Soon, soon, it’s time for it to appear!

Humans, prepare to tremble!

(End of chapter)

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