Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 527: Doctor's Responsibilities

Chapter 527 Doctor’s Responsibilities

The appearance of Motorcycle Mask caused a "gold rush" in the Alola region, but in the end, it returned to peace with the disappearance of Motorcycle Mask.

For a time, Motorcycle Mask's true identity became even more mysterious in people's minds.

Under this environment, a new day has ushered in Zhishu Ranch.

As the first ray of dawn rose from the distant horizon, Naoki and the Pokémon opened their eyes from sleep and started a new day of life.

After finishing the nutritious breakfast made by their sister, the Eevees jumped out of the room. They crossed the grass and ran on the grass in the pasture bathing in the sunshine.

"Slow down!" Naoki followed slowly, holding a basket in his hand.

The Eevees passed by the stables, and the ghost horses and snowstorm horses living inside couldn't help but be attracted by this energetic scene. They raised their heads one after another, but only saw the backs of the Eevees.

"Here, this is your breakfast today!" Naoki, who was following behind, poured the ice radish and black radish in the basket.

The ghost horse and the snowstorm horse immediately withdrew their gaze, buried the huge horse head in the food trough, and started to eat happily.

With their appearance, it was impossible to tell that they were the legendary Pokémon that used to gallop on the crown snowfields, as if they were just two ordinary horse Pokémon.

Seeing this scene, Naoki couldn't help but smile and pat their heads.

It seems that these two horses have now completely integrated into the life of the ranch!

The Ieves ran past the sheepfold of the mount goats again. The three mount goats lay next to each other on the grass and fell asleep comfortably.

Hearing the noise made by the Eevees, they opened their eyes to take a look, and then yawned lazily.

At this moment, the scent of grass dumplings came from the distance.

The three mount goats turned their heads and saw Naoki walking towards this direction.

"Here, here are your green grass dumplings today. Are you hungry? Come over and eat!"

Naoki said without looking back as he poured the grass dumplings in the basket into the trough.

However, when he turned his head, he saw three goats standing up and crowding around him.

Naoki was startled.


The three mount goats rubbed their heads against his arms, then crowded to the trough and started eating happily.

In the morning, the pasture is full of vitality, and the grass is still stained with drops of dew. The morning wind blows, blowing on the cheeks, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Three bees flew out of the hive and went to the flower field to collect honey to brew sweetness. The Bada butterfly flapped its wings and landed on the roof, leisurely looking at the sun that had just risen in the sky.

The working dragons came to the ranch one after another and flew to various parts of the world with their goods under the guidance of Rotom's mobile phone.

Early in the morning, Green Scallion Duck began to work hard to practice his green onion skills. Suddenly, a light rain fell in the farmland next to him. It turned out that Kuailong was using the rain prayer to help water the fields.

The rain fell in a steady stream, nourishing the crops in the fields.

The three-gopher came to the ground to get some air and blinked at this scene. It could already imagine how plump fruits these crops would produce when they matured.

When the time comes, Naoki will make them into delicious dishes and give them to them.

That kind of thing makes me feel happy just thinking about it! The three gophers looked longingly and began to drool.

After feeding the Pokémon in the pasture, it was already half past seven in the morning.

When Naoki returned home, he saw Little Lucky Egg waiting for him expectantly.


"I know, I know, I will take you there today." Naoki said helplessly.

A few days ago, Little Lucky Egg wanted to become a Pokémon doctor and was going to let Naoki teach it relevant knowledge.

But at that time, Naoki was busy participating in the Royal Battle and had no time, so he postponed it until now.

It stands to reason that Naoki should have gone to the Alola region to participate in the island tour with the island tour certificate that was the championship reward.

But now there were too many people attracted by Motorcycle Mask. After some thinking, Naoki was ready to wait for the heat to subside a little before starting his tour of the islands.

In this case, he would take Little Lucky Egg to visit the Pokémon Center in town today!

Thinking of this, Naoki was ready to ride Gulton to Miss Joy's place.

However, before he could go out, he saw several trainers running in from outside in a hurry.

"Mr. Naoki!"

Naoki was a little surprised. He looked at those familiar faces and vaguely remembered that these three boys and girls had once challenged the trial in the ranch.

"Why are you here? Are you here to challenge the trial? But I have something to do today, and the trial in the ranch will not be challenged for the time being." Naoki said.

However, the girl shook her head vigorously: "No! We are not here to challenge the trial!"

The boy on the side was very excited: "Frost Milk Fairy! Mr. Naoki's Frost Milk Fairy is also very good at using the Finger Swinging Technique, right? Last time, the Frost Milk Fairy used the Finger Swinging Technique to use very powerful moves to defeat my treasure. Ke Meng!”

Naoki instantly became wary, but he still kept a smile on his face:

"Ah? What are you talking about? Yes, my Frost Milk Fairy is indeed very good at using the Finger Swinging Technique, but speaking of which, I was taught by a very powerful senior!"

Naoki chose to launch the move of creating something out of nothing!

"Eh?" Hearing this, the boys and girls in front of them were dumbfounded: "So Mr. Naoki, you are not Motorcycle Mask?"

"Motor Mask? Isn't that the trainer who prevented the legendary Pokémon from fighting back then?" Naoki said in shock.

The three of them carefully observed Naoki's expression and found that he seemed indeed shocked.

The girl among them was very disappointed: "Ah... I thought Mr. Naoki was Motorcycle Mask!"

"That's right. The Padia region and the Alola region are so far away, and there are so many Pokémon to take care of in Mr. Naoki's ranch. It's impossible to leave for that long."

You know, it takes a long time to get from Alola to Padiya even by plane.

"What a pity..." The young man suddenly remembered what Naoki had just said: "By the way, Mr. Naoki, you just said that a very powerful senior once guided your Frost Milk Fairy?"

Naoki nodded and said, "Yes, that happened about seven or eight years ago. At that time, I was still traveling around the world, and I met a mysterious trainer in a forest."

"That person taught me some knowledge on how to breed Pokémon, and I later used them to breed Frosty."

"Eh? If you say that, isn't that person the Motorcycle Mask?!" Naoki opened his eyes wide, pretending to suddenly realize, and used his "superb" acting skills.

"So envious!" The innocent teenagers were very envious. They didn't see anything wrong, but they said longingly: "It would be great if I could also meet Mr. Motorcycle Mask!" However, the girl among them always felt that Something's not quite right, maybe it's a woman's sixth sense?

Seeing that Mr. Naoki seemed to have something to do, she took her companion and said goodbye.

However, the three of them did not leave, but started asking around the town.

Finally, I successfully found out that there was an uncle in the town who would go to Zhishu Ranch to receive goods at around five o'clock every afternoon.

"Just ask that uncle!" the girl said.

Ask him if he can see Mr. Naoki when he goes to Naoki Ranch to collect the goods, and then they can get the answer!

The three of them soon found Zack in the market, who was moving boxes onto the truck.

Zack, who was wearing a shirt and a towel hanging around his neck, took a long drag on his cigarette after hearing the purpose of these three trainers, and said with some confusion:

"Is Naoki at the ranch at five o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Yeah!" The boys and girls nodded repeatedly.

"Of course I'm here!"

Zach clearly remembered that when he went to receive the goods in those days, Naoki personally handed the goods to him, and also directed Gu Lerton and Motorized Lizard to help carry the goat milk to his car!

"Hey, Naoki is an honest person." Zach waved his hand and grinned: "He stays in the pasture with Pokémon all day long, and at most he only goes out to participate in an agricultural exchange, but That was several years ago, there is no way he could have gone to the Alola region."

"That's it..." The girl thanked Zach seriously: "Thank you very much, uncle."

The three of them said goodbye to Zach and went to a coffee shop on the corner of the street, exchanging useful information with each other.

"It seems that our guess is completely wrong. Mr. Naoki is not the mysterious Motorcycle Mask."

"Ah, what a pity. I thought we would be the first to discover Motorcycle Mask's true identity!"

"Forget it, the reason why Motorcycle Mask wears a mask is probably because he doesn't want to reveal his identity? In that case, let's not disturb him."


Zhiqin Town, Pokémon Center.

Naoki got off Gulton with Little Lucky Egg in his arms, looked up at the Pokémon Center sign, and said to Little Lucky Egg:

"This is it!"

"Baku?" Little Lucky Egg looked up curiously at this strange-shaped building. He knew the brand. Isn't that the Poké Ball used to capture Pokémon?

"This is the Pokémon Center, a place dedicated to treating injured Pokémon." Naoki introduced Xiao Futan as he walked into the Pokémon Center.

In the morning, there were not many trainers bringing Pokémon for treatment in the Pokémon Center. Only some trainers who stayed here overnight last night were having breakfast leisurely with their Pokémon.

Ms. Joy and her little doll were standing behind the counter, sorting out the cases of injured Pokémon.

Seeing Naoki coming over, the little doll wearing a nurse's cap looked up, with a friendly smile on his face.


After hearing the voice, Miss Joy immediately raised her head and was very surprised to see Naoki:

"Eh? Naoki, why did you come here suddenly today? Is a Pokémon injured?"

"No, no Pokémon is injured." Naoki lowered his head and looked at the little lucky egg in his arms: "My little lucky egg wants to be a Pokémon doctor and treat Pokémon in the pasture, so I want to take him with me Come here for a visit and see real doctors and nurses at work.”

Miss Joy's face was full of surprise: "That's it!"

She also looked at Little Lucky Egg and said softly: "What a kind Pokémon! In that case, leave it to me and the baby!"

"Tabunai~" The same gentle smile appeared on the almost doll's face.

"Raku?" Xiao Fudan looked over curiously.

"Go on, let the little doll and Miss Joy introduce you to the doctor's work!" Naoki put down the little lucky egg.

The baby stepped forward, took the little lucky egg with him, and then took it to visit the Pokémon Center.

Miss Joy followed: "Mr. Naoki, will you come too?"

"Then excuse me." Naoki followed Gu Ledun.

The Pokémon Center in reality is almost exactly the same as the Pokémon Center in the anime. It is not only a hospital for Pokémon treatment, but also a comprehensive facility integrating inpatient departments, restaurants, guest rooms, and lounges.

Just like in the anime, passing trainers can enjoy free services here to treat Pokémon, eat and stay.

Some seriously injured Pokémon will also be placed in the ward for infusions and their condition will be monitored until they fully recover.

In the current ward, there were several sleeping Pokémon lying there receiving intravenous fluids.

Little Fudan opened the window and looked inside.

Ms. Joy introduced it: "Those are Pokémon that need treatment. They were seriously injured, but then again, why do you want to be a doctor, little Lucky Egg?"

"Tabnai?" The almost doll helped Miss Joy transfer this sentence to the little lucky egg.

"Buku..." Little Lucky Egg's idea was simple: "Buku!" Because those Pokémon need help!

"Tabunai~" Almost the baby agreed with Xiao Fudan's answer.

Ms. Joy also saw what Little Lucky Egg meant, and she continued: "But it's very hard to become a real Pokémon doctor!"

She gave examples one after another: "In addition to taking care of injured Pokémon, you also need to learn a lot of knowledge, such as identifying the types of medicines, observing the status of injured Pokémon to confirm their condition, so as to prescribe the right medicine."

"This is a very important matter. If the wrong medicine is used, not only will it not heal, but it will aggravate the injury and put the patient in crisis."

"In addition, as a doctor, you must also work hard to train yourself, use singing to make painful Pokémon fall asleep, and use healing waves to heal their injuries."

"咘ku!" Because Zhi Shu had told it in advance about these things on the way here, the little lucky egg didn't find it troublesome at all, but was full of fighting spirit.

It doesn't matter! Yesterday, Babu Groundhog told him not to worry. If he encounters an injury that cannot be treated, he will go to the prop shop to get some holy ash.

That way, no matter how badly injured the Pokémon is, it can recover immediately!

"Okay, you are very perseverant!" Miss Joy admired the little lucky egg for working so hard.

She took the little lucky egg around, and then took out a few books from her room and gave them to Naoki.

"These are the notes and experiences I made during my previous training at the nursing school. Naoki, you can tell them to Little Fudan. In addition, my almost-doll can also help."

"If you have time, you can bring Little Lucky Egg to the Pokémon Center after five o'clock every afternoon. The doll will teach it some experience as a Pokémon nurse."

"Then I'll trouble you." Naoki reached out and took the notebooks from Miss Joy.

He decided to go back and give Miss Joy a few bags of watermelons and other crops as a favor to thank Miss Joy for her help.

(End of chapter)

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