"Red warning! The most massive star of the Bayuyna galaxy, Bayuyna VI has exploded, which has caused gravitational collapse and a black hole has formed. Please go around and avoid it urgently!"

Sitting on the airship and heading to the eastern zone, Zhong Yue, his personal terminal beeped, and a message popped up in the air. He frowned and read ten lines at a glance. When he was about to click to close, he finally "known the victims." The list stopped suddenly.

Jin Ran's name appeared abruptly on the list.

Zhong Yue was stunned, Jin Ran had never had such an accident in his previous life, and he was still alive when Zhong Yue met Fu.

Zhong Yue looked solemn and immediately ordered his hands to verify Jin Ran's situation.

He dialed Ke Wei's personal terminal again.

"Unable to connect... Unable to connect..."

Zhong Yue's brows tightened, and at the same time he speeded up the spaceship again and rushed to B32 Street in the East District.

He blatantly violated the traffic law and was speeding in the Capital Star. It didn't take long for him to chase three air traffic police planes behind him, chasing and intercepting Zhong Yue.

In the warning of "please stop the spaceship ahead", Zhong Yue rushed all the way to 400 B32 Street. He stopped his spaceship, only to see that the air traffic police had approached him with his weapon.

Zhong Yue frowned, and was about to block these air traffic police who wanted to "apprehend himself to justice" on the grounds of military action, but saw someone waiting here long ago.

A police officer in the uniform of the Capital Star Police Department handed in his credentials to the Air Traffic Police and a special letter of assistance from the Police Department: "On the plane was Zhong Yue, the deputy commander of the Second Corps. Invited, to assist us in our work, and to act in a hurry. He has temporary immunity from air traffic laws."

Zhong Yue nodded and thanked the police officer who had rescued him, and realized that the face was familiar. A few days ago, on the night of the millennium eve, Zhong Yue was at the entrance of the Saint Sophia Church and took a mask from him to participate in a masquerade ball, and then Ke Wei reunited at the ball.

Meeting him here today is also predestined.

The police officer negotiated with the air traffic police clearly and sent the people away soon. He walked up to Zhong Yue and respectfully saluted: "Deputy head Zhong, our deputy department said that because of the leak of military secrets, you need to find someone named'Ke Wei'. I have already applied for a B32 from the court. Search orders for all buildings in this block of the street will be delivered within three minutes."

Zhong Yue looked at the factories on this street, and said solemnly: "Search the past one by one, time must be too late. B32 Street is in the factory area, do you have the brief information of all the factories?"

Zhong Yue just asked casually, and didn't expect the police officer of this police agency to answer anything. After all, the time is too short. With the deployment of intelligence personnel of the National Police Agency, it is impossible to search for concise and effective intelligence in such a short time.

Zhong Yue drove the microphone while speaking, and what he said had actually been transmitted to the other end simultaneously. His intelligence officer tacitly received the order and immediately began the work of collecting information.

Unexpectedly, the police officer of this police agency immediately replied after hearing the words: "On the way here, I did a little intelligence collection. Please have a look."

The police officer projected the information into the air, and with a stroke of his finger, it was directly transmitted to Zhong Yue's communication. When Zhong Yue scanned this summary, clear and to-the-point information, he was completely surprised.

He looked at the police officer specially and asked, "Your kid is careful and smart. What's your name?"

The police officer looked at Zhong Yue and his voice was a bit unstable: "Deputy Commander Zhong, my name is'Lan'."

Zhong Yue nodded, and pointed to the content of the information: "The factory in the camp will give priority to investigating 396, which does freight, and 389, which has business with the Holy See."

"The soldiers are divided into two teams, and the other team will follow me to check the closed No.391 and No.397."

Zhong Yue moved as soon as he spoke, and the police officer named Lan also acted very simply and neatly. In an instant, the police force was divided into two teams, each holding a freshly issued court search order, knocking on the door of the camp factory.

Zhong Yue walked towards No. 397, and when he approached the door, he suddenly said: "Lan, you lead the team to search for 397. I will go to 391 to take a look."

Lan immediately objected: "Deputy Chief Zhong, if you act alone, there will be danger..."

He didn't finish his words, Zhong Yue was already walking far away.

Lan anxiously said: "You go to No. 397 to search, I'll follow..."

He didn't finish speaking, he paused strangely, turned around, and looked in the direction of No. 391 in disbelief. Afterwards, he didn't care whether he had explained clearly or not, he chased Zhong Yue and ran over.

He walked in a hurry, but the police officers understood what he meant and continued to search for Factory 397.

At No. 391 B32 Street, Ke Wei hit the threshold at his feet in a dark space, and suddenly tripped himself, attracting the attention of the nearby "companion".

"Justin, what's the matter with you." The man walked over suspiciously, Ke Wei lowered his head and muttered. When the man walked in, he raised his head suddenly.

The man changed color and said, "You are not Jas..."

The electromagnetic gun that Ke Wei snatched was steaming white, and the man's bones were shattered, and he twitched and fell to the ground.

"Justin, Jack, I heard you shoot. Did you find someone?"

Ke Wei grabbed the gun of the dead "Jack" and quickly hid in the room behind him, using the wall of the room as a cover. He looked at the pitch blackness of the wall on the right. With his naked eyes, he could hardly recognize the flow of light and shadow in the dark. He saw a little flicker of electromagnetic light at the corner and fired a shot without hesitation.

The visitor yelled and fell to the ground with a thud. Ke Wei did not go to check whether the person was dead-an electromagnetic gun hit the person, and the bones of the whole body were immediately shattered, and no one would survive.

There was no way behind Ke Wei, and he resolutely ran out of the place where he had just hidden, and ran to the right.

There is no escape window in this factory. The other party came here prepared, in order to catch turtles in the urn, and actually nailed all the windows, just to kill Ke Wei here.

Ke Wei stayed in the factory for a long time, and he already understood the other party's calculation. If he wants to escape, he must return to the exit and wait for an opportunity to escape.

Four hundred meters away, Zhong Yue burst open the factory gate with one shot and forcibly broke in.

As soon as he entered, he received a "warm welcome" from the enemy. The electromagnetic cannon almost rubbed his body and hit the wall, and the gate collapsed.

Lan was a step late, was blocked outside the door, and said loudly through the ruins: "General Zhong!"

Zhong Yue said solemnly: "I'm fine, you immediately ask for reinforcements!"

Lan shouted loudly: "General Zhong, Deputy Commander Zhong-don't move! I'll find another way to go in and turn with you!"

do not move?

Zhong Yue gritted his teeth and thought, Lao Tzu’s eight achievements are in it, can I stay here without moving?

He leaned out, shot a row of bullets in the direction where the enemy had just fired, and slipped in quickly and swiftly.

Ke Wei heard the gunshots in the distance, not only was he shocked.

someone is coming!

Before he could feel happy, he didn't take a few steps, and suddenly felt wrong-it was instinct, his body made a decision earlier than his mind.

He swooped forward suddenly.

In the silence and darkness, the fear wandering on the edge of life and death came silently.

Ke Wei's calf was pierced throughout, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably. He was lying on the ground before he could escape. Then he felt that his ribs were severely frustrated and some sharp weapon was inserted into his chest.

When he entered the meat, Ke Wei screamed out of control.

Zhong Yue heard his voice, his pupils tightened, and shouted in a panic: "Ke Wei!"

A tsunami of severe pain swept through his nerves, Ke Wei lost consciousness for a short time, and was awakened by the pain-the sharp object that pierced his leg, hooked his injured leg, and dragged him in the opposite direction.

He didn't seem to feel his legs anymore, and he was dragged and staggered, trying to grasp the things around him and stabilize his body.

It was in vain.

He stopped struggling and was dragged away obediently, maintaining a posture lying on the ground, shaking his backhand and raising his gun, and fired three shots in the direction of the unknown enemy.

In that one-sixth of a second, this corner engulfed by darkness was lit by three electromagnetic cannons bursting out of the gun.

Ke Wei shuddered and saw the reflection of an insect arthropod 20 meters long on the wall in front of him.

He almost thought he had hallucinations. Something fell heavily on the ground not far behind him. Then, the force dragging Ke Wei's body finally stopped.

In the darkness, Zhong Yue had a limited visual distance. In order to find Ke Wei, he turned on the light and became a self-illuminated target in the darkness.

He ventured out several times, but was blocked by the tightly connected artillery net on the opposite side, unable to advance or retreat, and thinking about the unknown situation inside Ke Wei made Zhong Yue anxious.

It was not until the police officers of the National Police Agency cleared the barriers at the door and joined the battle that Zhong Yue rushed into the factory under the cover of his backup.

At the moment Zhong Yue rushed in, the other party seemed to have been surrounded by an unintentional love fight, and they all retreated together. Realizing the intention of the other party, Zhong Yue boldly gave up on the defensive and moved forward at full speed to find Ke Wei.

In the chaos of artillery fire, Ke Wei faintly heard Zhong Yue's voice calling him, but his body was getting colder and more sleepy, and he had no strength to answer.

The light finally appeared, and Ke Wei held up his final consciousness to recognize it, and saw Zhong Yue's face.

So he smiled slightly and went to sleep in peace.

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