Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 65: TheNewEnd05

On the planet Aibinuo, the two pieces of metal fragments obtained from the relics of Master Zhong Yue and Xuanmu were displayed in the underground laboratory, floating in the isolation enclosure.

Xuan Mian couldn't help but stop as he walked through the laboratory: "Why are they floating again?"

It has been half a month since the last time the metal fragments changed.

Xuan Mian and Mrs. Jasmine have jointly studied for more than a year and have come to the prerequisites for the occurrence of metal fragments-it is determined that they are related to the occurrence of ectopic positions, cracks and black holes in the universe.

It is like a detector, all abnormal spaces appear, even the tiny changes that humans haven't noticed, it will not miss a minute.

When Jin Ran came out of the black hole half a month ago, the metal fragments shook the earth and the earth moved like a haunted ghost.

Mrs. Jasmine stayed by her side and immediately checked it out: "According to the detected data, it is known that there are no spatial displacements, cracks, black holes formed in the universe..."

Xuan Mian received the instruction from his personal terminal and turned back: "Ke Wei sent Jin Ran here."

Ke Wei temporarily left the army and went around to send Jin Ran to Aibino. He will settle Jin Ran in Aibino and return to the army immediately.

Ke Wei took Jin Ran to his dormitory in Ai Bino. After setting up Jin Ran, he took him to the laboratory.

Ke Wei had just asked Jin Ran to Xuan Mian and asked Xuan Mian to take good care of him. He saw that Jin Ran had already chatted with Jasmine over there, "Sister, what's your name? Your temperament is very special. People feel beautiful."

Zhong Yue, who was talking to Jasmine, hadn't disconnected from the video communication, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Jasmine tied her veil and said to Jin Ran, "Come here."

Jin Ran followed.

They entered the elevator platform, leading to the underground laboratory, separating the people outside.

Ke Wei seemed a little uneasy: "Jin Ran, this..."

In the holographic image, Zhong Yue saw that Ke Wei didn't know how to comment, so he continued: "His personality has changed, and it feels a little too big. Hasn't he always liked you a little bit? Why did he suddenly like women?"

Ke Wei frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, he and I are family members."

Zhong Yue quickly changed the subject: "I used inappropriate words, don't be angry. Xuan Mian, what is the'storage fragment' you and Jasmine said?"

Xuan Mian took out the holographic image of the metal block fragments: "It's the two of them. Jasmine and I studied for a year and guessed that they themselves are a kind of encrypted data storage carrier. These two pieces are just fragments, only fragments of information. The technological level of things is very high, and we cannot decipher it yet..."

While they were talking, Jasmine took Jin Ran into the ground while sitting on the elevator platform, walked through the secure corridor, and approached the place where the "storage debris" was stored.

Jasmine pointed to the piece of metal and said to Jin Ran, "Here, help my sister bring it over." @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jin Ran looked at the weird debris floating in the air. When his finger was about to touch the debris, he seemed to feel something and quickly and cautiously took it back.

Jin Ran smiled: "Sister, this thing looks so strange, I still don't want to touch it with my hands."

Jasmine calmly said, "Do you know what this is?"

Jin Ran looked surprised: "What?"

Jasmine said: "You can feel its power flow, you... are not humans?"

Jin Ran's eyes widened suddenly, and he laughed shortly: "The first time I met, my elder sister would swear directly? This is not very good, right." @∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Don't play Tai Chi with me, you know what I mean." Jasmine hit the nail on the head, and she immediately took out a small interference setting, with the light on it turned on: "Don't worry, this conversation will not be recorded by the monitoring settings here. , Only you know and I know. I have a question to ask you, I hope you can tell the truth."

Jasmine was so nervous that her fingers cramped: "Have you seen... Mr. R?"

Jin Ran was dumbfounded: "What?"

"Then let me put it another way, when did you become one of them?"

Jin Ran slowly said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Xuan Mian suddenly said, "Wait, what's wrong with the monitoring equipment here?"

On his finger, it is the underground laboratory where the metal fragments are placed.

Ke Wei and Xuanmian looked at each other, and immediately went to the elevator platform and ran underground.

Zhong Yue's holographic image also followed, and went underground together. Fortunately, when they went down they saw Jasmine and Jin Ran standing well, and they breathed a sigh of relief together.

The atmosphere between Jin Ran and Jasmine was a bit wrong. When Ke Wei walked over, he immediately pulled Jin Ran and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jin Ran suddenly smiled: "It's nothing. It's just that I discussed with Sister Jasmine just now, how many pieces of this kind can there be in this world?"

Jasmine said neither salty nor indifferent: "Have you observed that the closer Jin Ran is to these metal fragments, the more obvious the movement of the fragments?"

Jin Ran kept dripping water: "I don't know how to make a few pieces of metal float in the air. It's the patterns on these pieces of metal that give me a guess."

Xuan Mian asked immediately: "What?"

Jin Ran called up the complex and gorgeous frescoes in the building of Saint Sophia Church on his personal terminal.

In the corner of a mural, there is an inconspicuous magical creature. The six-legged snake spreads its bone wings and soars.

"This is a religious mural of the Creation Church." Jin Ran pointed to one of them: "Does this part look like its feet? And the other part, don't you look like its head?"

Comparing the two compartments, it really looks more and more similar.

This is something left by Master Zhong Yue, and it is actually related to the Creation Sect, which makes Zhong Yue very hard to believe: "Jasmine, what do you think?"

Jasmine actually said, "There is such a possibility."

Zhong Yue stopped talking.

Ke Wei remembered the day when Mo Bai tried to read his memory, this six-legged snake appeared out of nowhere in his mind, blocking Mo Bai's peeping.

Mo Bai's last sentence, "Creationism has had a profound influence on him", now I think about it carefully, and the reason is here-Mobai was afraid that it was on the spot, so he recognized this animal on the mural of Creationism.

Jin Ran looked very surprised: "Ke Wei, the frescoes of the Saint Sophia Church, didn't you recognize them?"

Ke Wei: "..."

He was still very unaccustomed to exposing his connection with the Holy See in front of his colleagues. Fortunately, Xuan Mian didn't think much about it. Jin Ran looked at people's expressions very well. Seeing Ke Wei hesitated, he didn't continue to question.

"Sister Jasmine." Zhong Yue said, "I will chat with you alone."

Xuan Mian avoided consciously, and Ke Wei also took Jin Ran away.

After solving the misunderstanding, Jasmine is no longer a threat. Ke Wei is very relieved. He will return to the army soon. The time he can stay in Aibino will be one minute or one less. This difference is afraid that he will not be able to see it for a long time. He can't wait Stay with Jin Ran for a while.

Jin Ran felt the same way. Whenever he had a chance to be alone, he stopped Ke Wei.

"Ke Xiaowei, what is the origin of that Jasmine?"

Ke Wei replied: "Actually, I can't say that Zhong Yue respects her very much. Apart from the love between the two, Zhong Yue said that she is a figure of the same period as the Pope. The leaders of the T party will let her Three points, the pope may also know her, she knows many old things that we don't know."

"Hmm." I don't know what Jasmine said to Jin Ran just now. Jin Ran thoughtfully said, "This woman is a bit scary."

Ke Wei asked immediately: "Is she embarrassed for you?"

Jin Ran sighed suddenly and said, "That's not true. It's just that I can come out of the black hole and experience pain that you can't imagine. Until now, I always feel that I am in a state of anxiety."

Jin Ran's face was serious: "Ke Wei, I have a wish."

"you say."

"I hope you can trust me no matter what." Jin Ran said quietly: "I came back for you. No matter where I am, I will not harm you."

Although these words were touching, they made Ke Wei uneasy for no reason: "I know, don't worry, of course I believe in you."

At the same time, Jasmine and Zhong Yue in the underground laboratory were also having a conversation.

But Jasmine said, "I also thought about it for a long time and couldn't understand it. In fact, for your master... I can only say that you and I are the two people who accompany him to the end, but none of us know him."

"He told us that his name is Mr.R. Is this his real name? Where has he been over the years? Where has he come from?"

Zhong Yue frowned, and he was concerned about another question: "Why did the master leave the creationism?"

"I looked at the Creation Church three hundred years ago, and in the hands of the pope, it has grown bit by bit to today's scale, while the fresco animal images of the Saint Sophia Church..." Jasmine couldn't understand: "This question, The pope may know more."

She asked bluntly: "Zhong Yue, has your master confessed his identity with you?"

Zhong Yue's face was embarrassed.

"He... isn't he human?"

"You guessed it yourself, but I didn't say it." Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief: "He is an Anta civilization."

"Anta civilization?" Jasmine didn't understand: "Is it a small cultural entity on a remote planet?"

Zhong Yue said indifferently: "The existence of Anta civilization is as strange to me as it is to you."

Jasmine turned around and faced the two pieces of suspended metal fragments: "I want to know now, what's stored in it. After studying for a whole year, there is almost no clue—wait, these metal fragments light up again? "

On the other side of the universe, the pope opened his secret warehouse.

In the glass cover in the middle, three pieces of the same metal pieces were floating in the air, emitting a dazzling light.

"The darkest time has come." The pope sighed and said a word, then coughed violently, and said intermittently: "Creation God, please lead your followers to make a way through the thorns...cough cough!"

The sleeve he used to cover was blood he coughed up. The pain of his body prevented him from standing upright. He slowly supported the wall and sat on the ground. After a long time, he smiled bitterly: "Ke Wei, don't blame me."

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