Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 70: TheNewEnd10

Mo Bai dragged his long robe and walked on the ground, making a rhythmic soft noise.

Ke Wei seemed to hear the buzzing of machinery. The deeper the underground base, the more dry and hotter it feels.

There is no light or shadow in the dim space. Mo Bai walked fast and steadily in the invisible darkness.

His night vision ability in the dark reminded Ke Wei faintly of the enemies he encountered in the abandoned factory shortly after the reunion with Zhong Yue in this life. He still had excellent eyesight in the dark.

Ke Wei dragged him to the ground and said intermittently: " the millennium, it was you who wanted to kill me."

Mo Bai laughed: "More than that, I caught you once before the millennium."

In the darkness, a little light will become particularly eye-catching.

The direction of the light seemed to come out from a tightly closed room.

When Mo Bai passed by, halfway through speaking no matter what, he threw Ke Wei on the spot and walked over by himself.

From this side of the door, he saw the little child sleeping peacefully on the soft bed.

He is so small and sleeps innocently. Mo Bai couldn't help smiling, and walked into the room lightly. Mo Bai dimmed the light, not letting the bright light noisy his sleep, and raised the room temperature a few degrees to prevent him from catching a cold. @∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

After Mo Bai finished all this, he got rid of his rare warmth. He walked back with a cold face, and continued to drag Ke Wei into the depths: "Before the millennium, I found your whereabouts for the first time. I kidnapped you for half a month. Everything you know is by me. I asked again and again to make sure that you have nothing to hide. When I was about to kill you, Lan secretly came back and released you."

Mystery|The effect of the medicine has not faded. Ke Wei thought he had heard it wrong, and said with certainty: "Lan?"

"That idiot Lan." Mobai sneered, his voice was so low that he could not hear him: "It's the blood connection after all."

Ke Wei did not hear his words, he saw a dim red light before his eyes.

They walked for a long time, all the way to the underground magma pool.

The scorching heat of magma rushed towards the face, surging with a dark red dangerous light, and the suffocating temperature almost steamed people.

The silent white man was thin and thin, but with great strength, he picked up Ke Wei with one hand.

Ke Wei's hands and wrists were tied with strong straps, and his feet were hung on a hook when he was off the ground, very embarrassed.

Mo Bai approached him, pinched his chin, and narrowed his eyes: "Look at my eyes."

"Bishop Tans, how do you and the Pope plan to deal with General Zhong, eh?"

The power of silence increased again.

This time he shot, the power of mind control, somehow faster than last time. Ke Wei was in a daze, but he regained control more quickly than last time.

The bone-winged long snake in the divine consciousness quickly flashed, and once again ruthlessly kicked out the divine consciousness that Mo Bai had forcibly invaded.

Ke Wei's hair was messy, his face was scratched from the ground, but his eyes were very calm and unmoved.

"Interesting, I saw the murals of the Creation Sect again." Mobai smiled and did not smile: "I am curious, what did you use in the Creation Sect to become immune to my mind control? My first time. When you kidnapped you, what you said was quite obedient."

"I entered your memory." Ke Wei said slowly: "I have seen Zhong Yue's profile in your memory... You always want to kill me because of this?"

Mo Bai was irritated by his success.

"I used the most efficient way to figure out what I want to know." Mo Bai sneered: "But it seems that for you, a method that is too gentle does not seem to work?"

"Lan, what's the matter?"

Lan looked at Zhong Yue, and whispered, "Christine, is Mansa on your side?"

Kristen was puzzled: "...Mansha? Didn't she go to Abbino? What's wrong with her?"

Lan looked as usual, but his tone was serious: "If Mansha goes to find you, immediately notify me as soon as possible-this is an order."

Christine hesitated: "...Yes. she okay?"

Hoshalun's stern voice came from the command center: "Lan! What are you doing? Come here!"

Lan hurriedly hung up the communication and returned to the command post.

After Ke was not kidnapped, Hoshalen also ended his vacation early and returned to the warship.

At the same time, he was exchanging information with Xuanmian of Ai Bino.

"There is still no news about Mansha and Ke Wei." Xuan Mian said: "Yue Leisi didn't close his eyes for two nights. Both Matthew and his Yue Zhang's family used power resources, but until now, Mansha and Ke Wei have not been found. Whereabouts..."

Hosarun looked serious: "Don't talk about Ke's kidnapping first, there is movement on the border. According to the detection of the reconnaissance team, a large number of Zergs are moving towards the border, and a big battle is imminent. It's just..."

Hosarun looked worriedly at Zhong Yue in the distance, and Lan understood his unfulfilled meaning.

What will happen if the head of the army fails to concentrate on this battle?

The slightest loss is a thousand miles away.

Hosharon's worries are not unreasonable, and the distraction of Zhong Yue may greatly affect his tactical level.

Hosharon murmured: "Misfortune never comes singly, I have a very bad feeling... Lan, pay close attention to the movement of the Zerg."


Four hours later.

After a long time no news of Ke Wei, Zhong Yue's state has been very bad, his eyes have been flushed.

The vibration rang, and his personal terminal has a communication request to enter.

"Mo Bai?" Zhong Yue subconsciously wanted to block the communication of irrelevant personnel, but Mo Bai, who had not been in contact for a long time, would communicate at this time. There was something wrong with it. Zhong Yue hesitated and chose to connect.

"General Zhong."

The silent white face flickered in a dark red light, and he was smiling, but there was an indescribable horror and weird: "Give you a gift."

Zhong Yue had a bad instinct.

The silent tone was even brisk: "I helped you find a traitor..."

The next second, the main ship's security system sounded a red alarm. After three seconds, the alarm was cleared and the external signal successfully hacked into the system.

The video communication between Mo Bai and Zhong Yue on his personal terminal instantly appeared on the screens of all the warships of the Second Army.

Mo Bai turned the camera for a while, and all of them saw Ke Wei with his hands hanging on the hook. Under the hook was the magma pool.

Ke Wei was almost in a coma. His military uniform was wet with sweat and blood. The blood flowed down his body, flowed to his ankle, and then dripped into the magma. With a "poof", it turned into vapor and disappeared instantly.

Zhong Yueyi, shouted: "Mo——Bai——!!! Don’t move him! What do you want to do?"

"Although the Holy See hasn't attacked yet, it will soon become a major concern for the Legion." Mo Bai said softly: "When you don't know, your most trusted comrades-in-arms and lovers are already the deepest lurking. Undercover. Just wait for you to relax and make up for a fatal blow."

Mo Bai used a **** knife to provoke Ke Wei's chin, and asked him softly, "What do you think, Ke Wei? Tell me, is the Pope most favored by Bishop Tans?"

Ke Wei's eyes were a little loose, and he replied unconsciously: "Yeah."

"So, who is Bishop Tans, who has never shown his true face before the world?"

Ke Wei’s exposed wrist was densely covered with pinholes. He didn't know what was injected. He was extremely weak: "...It's me."

Mo Bai laughed, and the knife moved down to his chest, and a stream of blood flowed down the blade: "What are you talking about? Loud, I can't hear it."

"I... Bishop Tans."

Ten thousand sergeants of the Second Army had been watching silently until Ke Wei confessed his identity, which immediately caused an uproar.

Hoshalen was even more discolored: "He is actually the undercover agent of the Holy See?"

Zhong Yue's hand on his leg was trembling. He barely maintained his composure, and said in front of all the sergeants: "Ke Wei only came into contact with the Holy See under my instruction. He is an undercover agent sent by the Pope! Me! You can guarantee that his loyalty belongs to me!"

The sergeants' doubts weakened, and they chose to believe in the commander of the army who had always respected and respected.

Mo Bai sneered: "Loyalty belongs to you? General Zhong...Where is your confidence?"

He put away his smile, and his anger was finally overflowing: "I never thought that you were such a...Funjun, a running dog of the Holy See, can make you fascinated by ghosts."

"General Zhong, you really don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin." Mo Bai smiled coldly, with fire burning in his eyes: "Then let everyone take a look at the Bishop Tans who is loyal to you, what is it? Virtue?"

It was a set of holographic image data. The protagonist on it was not difficult to recognize. It was clearly Xiao Kewei who was less than ten years old.

It's just that in every photo and in every video, there is an interaction between the Pope and Ke Wei.

The Pope guided him to read the book. The young Ke Wei held the scriptures of Creation Church and studied carefully. The Pope stood by him watching his homework, helping him to solve his doubts, and putting him on the bishop's robe for the first time.

The materials have been screened in succession, and it is not difficult to see that the shadow of the pope is everywhere on the road of Ke Wei's growth.

It is shocking and unbelievable that the Pope would treat a young man in this way, participating in the whole process, and personally accompanying him. This fool could see that Ke Wei was of great significance to the Pope.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai played a video of him secretly filmed in the Central Church Meeting Room, and once again gave Zhong Yue a heavy blow.

In the video, Rico is not wearing a heavy bishop’s gown, and in front of him is the pope: "Zhong Yue has been a sudden rise in recent years... We actually don’t know this person, so I agree to send someone from the Holy See to explore Zhong Yue’s bottom. ..."

He smiled and respectfully asked the Pope: "I would like to recommend myself."

All the sergeants who witnessed it were persuaded by the silent evidence.

There is hard evidence, and facts are far better than eloquence. Ke Wei was a person sent by the Pope, and at this point deliberately sneaking into the Second Legion, he could no longer get rid of it.

Mo Bai deliberately provoked: "General Zhong, let everyone comment together, this Bishop Tans who is loyal to you has only 19 years of life. What method did you use to erase it in a short two years? After all his fetters with the Pope, successfully gained his loyalty?"

"Si Bai." Zhong Yue was silent for a long time before asking in a deep voice: "Don't care what his identity is, you are not qualified to judge me for his position."

"What do you want to do? What is your purpose?"

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