Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 75: TheNewEnd15

Ke Wei was waiting to establish a connection with Zhong Yue, and the weak communication signal encountered an interruption.

Before Ke clicked to re-establish the connection, he heard regular knocks outside the heavy door. @∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The sound after sound was not a sound that humans can make at all.

Ke Wei turned on the camera surveillance outside the gate, and was shocked by the solid sight outside.

The sky outside was black, and the Zergs obscured the sky and the sky was endless.

On the surface of the desolate planet, I don't know how many zergs are densely entrenched here. Almost every centimeter of the land is submerged by the Zerg like the sea.

Ke Wei didn't know what happened when he was in a coma. Why are there so many Zerg in such a remote galaxy in an instant?

Without foreign aid, he has almost no possibility of going out alive, let alone holding a child in his arms.

The signal returned to a weak one, and he persevered in continuing to contact Zhong Yue.

When Zhong Yue received the communication request, he almost threw his personal terminal out. After slipping a bit, he grasped it tightly. He clicked on the phone in a panic, for fear that the communication request from "Ke Wei" was connected. It is not Ke Wei who is connected by the side.

But it was Ke Wei who took it up.

Zhong Yue yelled and jumped up from the command center: "Ke Wei!"

Everyone thought that Ke Wei was too bad, but they didn't expect that after these few hours, he was still alive, and by looking at his condition, he could be judged that he was temporarily out of trouble.

Zhong Yue excitedly said incoherently: "What about the silent white man? How did you come out? Have your wounds been treated? How are you now? Where are you? I will pick you up now!"

Ke Wei looked very bad, and said weakly: "You can track the location yourself. Come here, there are too many bugs... The gate is thick and the protection level is so high. Under such an attack, it can't stand it. ."

Zhong Yue: "Are you safe now?"

This is the issue that Zhong Yue is most concerned about at the moment. For a while, he completely forgot his identity as the head of the army who chased the Zerg. It was really unreasonable for Hoshalen to watch Zhong Yue next to him. He coughed his lungs into a gourd, which reminded him hard of his military actions.

Ke Wei comforted Zhong Yue a few words, proving that he could really support him, calmed down his emotions, and shook his head: "Jin Ran is here. After he is broken, I will run away. I don't know how they are now. The situation on the edge."

"Jin Ran?" Zhong Yue was startled: "How would he know where you are? Will he come after him after a while? I have positioned your position, I am holding on..."

Lan Surong said: "Marshal, Ke Wei's location is consistent with the direction we are heading."

They followed the movement of the Zerg and flew all the way, but never thought that Ke Wei's location was actually on the straight line of the Zerg's march.

Zhong Yue's private rescue operation, the army's overall direction of action, did not conflict?

The Zerg outside the gate slammed the door violently, and even Zhong Yue heard the huge impact.

Zhong Yue: "What sound is that?"

Ke Wei: "Zerg, the endless Zerg. I have never seen so many insects. It is even more terrifying than the one I saw in Ai Bino."

Zhong Yue frowned deeply: "I can see that this bunker has a high level of protection. Why would the Zerg detect human activities underground? Is there anything in the bunker that is attracting Zerg's things?"

As early as in Ebino, Ke Wei had doubts about the Zerg who attacked inexplicably. But to this day, he has no actual evidence to explain the group behavior of the Zerg.

Ke Wei was also thinking about the suspicious things he saw in the bunker, but sitting in his arms, the little boy who had been left out for a long time was not happy.

The little boy turned to Ke Wei. Zhong Yue saw two small arms raised in the video, and his little voice was crisp: "Hug!"

Ke Wei was taken aback, lowered his head and picked up the child in his arms, held it up in front of the video, and asked: "Zhong Yue, what's the matter with this child?"

Zhong Yue was caught off guard, his voice changed: "Why is your son in your hands?"

Ke Wei suddenly raised his head: "...son!?"

Zhong Yue was surprised and delighted: "He is our son—Zhong Han! He looks exactly like me in his previous life!"

When everyone in the command center heard the words, they were all dizzy.

Ke Wei's expression was hard to say: "...Zhong Yue! Don't you think you should explain it?"

Zhong Yue suddenly liked being a father and was overjoyed: "What else to explain, he is your and my son! It looks like he is almost three or four years old..."

Ke Wei angered: "I didn't ask you this! What I asked was whether this child came here, or did you secretly ask for it?"

Lan, who came through from another timeline, immediately testified: "He didn't come from the black hole with us! And... he was dead on another timeline."

Ke Wei was silent for a moment, and asked unpredictably: "So this is the letter of the clock on our timeline? Zhong Yue, you carried me on your back four years ago, extracted my stem cells, and had a baby?"

Zhong Yue: "I didn't know that you were the same as me, but you actually have memories of another world..."

Ke Wei was furious: "For two lifetimes, when you decided to have a child, when did you ask for my opinion? Even if you don't ask me, at least you have to let me know? I am his father anyway!"

Zhong Han noticed Ke Wei's uneasiness, slumped his mouth, and cried loudly.

When the lost son cried, even if he was so angry, he was packed back into the basket by Ke Wei. Ke Wei restrained his anger, awkwardly and cautiously to coax Zhonghan.

Zhong Yue commanded remotely from the other end: "Hold your right hand a little higher, yes, in this posture! Don't speak loudly, he won't be frightened."

Below a hundred meters, the fighting has stopped.

Mo Bai stood still. He didn't have any fighting spirit. He confronted Jin Ran several times and stopped his hand: "It turns out that when we came to this time and space, the person who looked at us in the black hole was you."

Jin Ran smiled and said, "Actually, I am not exactly one of them, and they have been arresting me."

Silently asked: "Who are they?"

"you guess?"

Mo Bai didn't have any interest. He played this naive game of "Let's Guess" with Jin Ran, turned around and walked up.

Jin Ran hurriedly stopped in front of him: "They are not Zergs, not humans, not mixed breeds like you."

This person can't be killed or thrown away. No matter how angry Mo Bai felt, he couldn't do anything about it, so he had to die for a while.

Mo Bai sighed and said, "Who love is, who is it. I am thinking about other things now, and after spending it like this, I am afraid that none of the people in this bunker will survive today."

Jin Ran was stunned: "Huh?"

"The Zerg is here, at least...send Zhonghan out." Mo Bai murmured: "He must grow up healthy."

Ke Wei has a good temper and good patience. Zhong Yue has lived with him for decades, and he hasn't seen him getting really angry.

At this time, Ke Wei was extremely angry.

He suppressed his voice, his eyes were sharp and angry, and asked in front of Zhong Yue's subordinates: "You tell me the truth! How many children are there? Do you have anything else to hide from me?"

"Only Zhonghan! Nothing else!"

Seeing Zhong Yue's anxious explanation, Hoshalen covered his face, feeling that he couldn't stand it anymore.

The pair of dog men who had lived a lifetime still hadn't made any progress, and had a fierce argument over the son's problem, and didn't look at when it was.

How dangerous is the time for the Zerg invasion! You are in a dangerous place, first think about how to get out of trouble, okay?

Unprepared, Lan was pushed into the camera range of the video with a palm of Hoshalen. Ke Wei and Zhong Yue stopped together and turned to look at him.

Lan suddenly robbed the show passively, panicked without saying anything, and directly confided the question in his heart: "Where did Zhong and Zhonghan come from?"

Zhong Yue was awakened by Lan's question: "Wait, I asked Aunt Xuan to help us personally four years ago. Aibinuo was invaded by the Zerg. Didn't it mean that Aunt Xuan's laboratory was destroyed?"

Ke Wei calmed down, already trying to understand: "Mo Bai stole it from the laboratory?"

Zhong Yue and Ke Wei looked at each other, and both felt a little absurd from each other's expressions.

This matter is highly confidential. The first time Mo Bai went to Ai Bino, how did he accurately find Zhong Han's fertilized egg in a test tube and stole it?

This terrible Mobai is on another timeline and has a close relationship with his son, but this relationship is very close, and it is not a relationship between foster father and son.

What is Mo Bai thinking? If you are not a lover, should you change to play and cultivate?

Lan was thinking, "Zhong Han? Wait..."

Everyone looked at Lan together. Lan figured out the key, and said in shock: "Ke Wei, you take the bell and hide underground! Turn on all signal shielding devices! If there are accessories that shield signals, give him immediately. Take it!"

Zhong Yue asked him in a deep voice: "Why?"

Lan was very panicked: "All the Zerg came for Zhong Han-you hide him quickly and isolate him from the Zerg signal..."

Before Lan's words were finished, Ke Wei had already rolled sideways holding Zhong Han, away from the solid metal gate just now.

The gate a few meters thick was bumped out by the Zerg, and the entire entrance was shaken.

Ke Wei, who was about to rush into the underground tunnel, immediately slowed down and stopped just a few steps after he had just started running with Zhong Han.

Mo Bai walked up from the passage, behind him, there was no figure of Jin Ran.

Silently sighed: "It's too late."

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